

为了提高自己的主动词汇量(active vocabulary),我计划每两月读完一本英文书(主要是英文社科类的书籍)。这一段时间断断续续地在读Stephen R. Covey的The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,在里面摘录总结了一些词汇用法。个人认为在阅读过程中阅读方法是很重要的,另外为了让自己充分吸收和学到东西,必要的复盘手段也是必须要做的。

1. Labor

"We could spend weeks, months, even years laboring with the Personality Ethic trying to change our attitudes and behaviors and not even begin to approach the phenomenon of change that occurs spontaneously when we see things differently."


Labor: strive and make an effort to reach a goal

2. Merit

"We need to consider two things in our Circle of Concern that merit deeper thought."


Merit: to be worthy of; deserve

例如他理应得到升职可以翻成He merits promotion. 

3. 除了superficial,我们还可以用cosmetic(dealing with the outside appearance rather than the important part of something)来表示表面的。

例如想要表达这个措施只是表面文章,长期来说对实际情况起不来什么作用,可以这样说This is only a cosmetic measure which has no actual help in the long run.


"We all know how challenging it is to juggle the responsibilities of work and family but a new study is highlighting just how much time parents spend thinking about and planning all the details of family life."-fox news

如果要形容职场女性如何处理工作和家庭可以用juggle the responsibilities of work and family.

"The study used data from the 500 Family Study, a U.S. study which includes dual-incomeparents in professional occupations, who tended to work longer hours and report higher earnings than middle class families."-fox news


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