


Option Description
value 必须值,圆环的百分比从0到1. 默认值: 0
size 圆环大小 Default: 100
startAngle 初始角度 Default: -Math.PI
reverse 是否逆时针 Default: false
thickness 圆环的宽度,默认为1/4的大小 Default: "auto"
lineCap Arc line cap: "butt""round" or "square" - read more Default: "butt"
fill 圆环的填充颜色 - { color: "#ff1e41" } - { color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .3)' } - { gradient: ["red", "green", "blue"] } - { gradient: [["red", .2], ["green", .3], ["blue", .8]] } - { gradient: [ ... ], gradientAngle: Math.PI / 4 } - { gradient: [ ... ], gradientDirection: [x0, y0, x1, y1] } - { image: "" } - { image: imageInstance } - { color: "lime", image: "" } Default: { gradient: ["#3aeabb", "#fdd250"] }
emptyFill 空白的圆环 Default: "rgba(0, 0, 0, .1)"
animation 动画设置 See jQuery animations. You may also set it to false Default: { duration: 1200, easing: "circleProgressEase" } "circleProgressEase" is just a ease-in-out-cubic easing
animationStartValue 动画默认开始从那个值开始运动。 Default: 0.0


Event Handler
circle-animation-start function(event): - event - jQuery event
circle-animation-progress function(event, animationProgress, stepValue): - event - jQuery event - animationProgress - from 0.0 to 1.0 - stepValue - current step value: from 0.0 to value
circle-animation-end function(event): - event - jQuery event


You can get the  (but only if the widget is already inited):

$('#circle').circleProgress({ value: 0.5 });
var canvas = $('#circle').circleProgress('widget');

You can get the CircleProgress instance:

var instance = $('#circle').data('circle-progress');

You can redraw existing circle (but only if the widget is already inited):

$('#circle').circleProgress({ value: 0.5, fill: { color: 'orange' }});
$('#circle').circleProgress('redraw'); // use current configuration and redraw
$('#circle').circleProgress(); // alias for 'redraw'
$('#circle').circleProgress({ size: 150 }); // set new size and redraw
