uniapp 运行到 app 报错 Cannot read property ‘nodeName‘ of null

uniapp 运行到某一个页面,报错,h5没有问题

 Unhandled error during execution of scheduler flush. This is likely a Vue internals bug. Please open an issue at https://new-issue.vuejs.org/?repo=vuejs/core
 at <GuiPagecustomHeader=truecustomFooter=trueisLoading=false ...>
 at <AxPagestatusbar=falsefixBar={"backTop":1}>
 at <FarmHome__pageId=2__pagePath="pages/home/farmHome"__pageQuery={"id":"1"} ...>
10:08:38.028 TypeError: Cannot read property 'nodeName' of null

uniapp 运行到 app 报错 Cannot read property ‘nodeName‘ of null_第1张图片

uniapp 运行到 app 报错 Cannot read property ‘nodeName‘ of null_第2张图片
