

Absolutely shocking to all parents, Stanford study: There is a huge difference between "praising your child" and "encouraging your child"!



Handbook of cherub breeding

2021-12-26 11:13 The 2021-12-26"



Carol Dweck, a prominent developmental psychologist at Stanford University, and her team have been studying the effects of praise on children for the past 10 years. Their long-term study of 400 fifth graders in 20 New York schools stunned the academic community.

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1、孩子对表扬或鼓励有多敏感? 1. How sensitive are children to praise or encouragement?


First, the children were asked to complete a series of puzzles on their own. The researchers took the first round of IQ tests one child at a time from the classroom. The test was a very simple jigsaw puzzle, and almost all the children did it fairly well.


When each child completed the test, the researchers told him his score, along with a word of encouragement or praise. The researchers randomly divided the children into two groups. One group received an IQ compliment, a compliment, such as, "You have a gift with puzzles, you are smart." The other group received a compliment about their effort, an encouragement, such as, "You must have worked really hard to do that."

2、被夸奖与被鼓励,接下来的行为大不同 Be praised and encouraged, the next behavior is very different


The children then took a second puzzle test, which they were free to choose which to take. One is harder, but you learn something new during the test. The other is a simple test similar to the last one.


It found that 90 percent of the kids who were praised for their effort in the first round chose the harder task. Those praised for their intelligence, on the other hand, mostly chose the easy task.


Why is that? "When we tell our children they are smart, we are telling them not to risk making mistakes in order to stay smart," Dweck wrote in the study. That's what the "smart" kids in the experiment did: avoid the risk of making a fool of themselves in order to keep looking smart.

3、测试继续进行,差别越来越大 As the test went on, the differences grew


A third round of tests followed. This time, all the children took the same test and had no choice. This test is very difficult. It's grade one level. Predictably, the children failed. Children who had previously received different compliments had vastly different reactions to failure.


Children who had previously been praised for trying hard thought they had failed because they had not tried hard enough.


Those who were praised for being smart thought they had failed because they were not smart enough.


Next, they gave the children a fourth round of tests. This time the questions are as simple as the first round. The kids who were told they were hard-working scored about 30 percent better on the test than they did the first time, while the kids who were told they were smart scored about 20 percent worse.


Dweck had always suspected that praise might not be good for children, but the results of this experiment came as a surprise to her.

4、多鼓励,少表扬 Encourage more, praise less


Dweck's experiment was repeated many times. She found that children of all backgrounds could not bear the feeling of failure after being told they were smart. Boys and girls alike, especially those with good grades, are hit the hardest. Even preschoolers can be hurt by such praise.


Encouragement is usually about process and attitude, "Dad sees your efforts this semester and is proud of you!" Praise is usually results-oriented and results-oriented, "Dad is so happy that you're getting better grades!"


Encourage more, praise less; By describing more than judging, you can prevent your child from being praised for "kidnapping" or being a sore loser and doing whatever it takes to get what you want.


Encouraging praise is the basic principle and method of education, we should stick to this method.

承认孩子的每一份努力和进步,对他们会取得最终胜利表现出信心,关注孩子在朝着目标迈进的过程中取得的进步,而非失误,这就是鼓励的本质所在! Acknowledge your child's every effort and progress, show confidence that they will succeed in the end, and focus on your child's progress toward goals, not mistakes. This is the essence of encouragement!

而表扬孩子时,怎么做才可以达到鼓励的效果?我们总结了这些小技巧: And when praising children, what can be done to achieve the effect of encouragement? We've rounded up these tips:


1. Objective description of children's encouraging behavior and achievements;


2. Don't compare your child to others;


3. Notice and speak about your child's feelings;


4. Point out your child's small progress.


For example, when a child develops an interest in painting, many parents may simply compliment their child after completing a painting by saying, "HMM, nice baby, that's a great drawing!"


In fact, such praise, and can not fully mobilize the enthusiasm of children.


Praise should be given the power of encouragement, such as praising a child's drawing by saying, "HMM, that's a great drawing! I especially like this big tree, you see, how well the leaves are painted ah, I can feel their swaying in the wind! I like your colours too..."

这样的表扬价值不仅表现在认知和行为上,也表现在儿童道德观的形成上。 Such praise value is not only reflected in cognition and behavior, but also in the formation of children's moral outlook.


Therefore, every time we praise a child, we must try to give the details of his commendable, but also as much as possible to describe their own happiness and pride because of these advantages. This kind of encouraging praise can make a child feel sincere and confident, so that the child knows what their parents value and what they expect from him.


As for the benefits brought to children by this kind of praise, I believe that I do not need to repeat, when the intention of practice, must be able to understand.


Every child seeks parental approval more or less throughout his or her life, and this desire for parental approval is particularly evident when children are five or six years old, so try to satisfy them at this time.

对孩子最大的鼓励,是父母直接给予的肯定,这样的表扬是属于彼此之间最强韧而私密的联系,一个眼神、一个手势都能深深地烙印在孩子的心底;因为在他羽翼尚未丰满前,这个世界是父母帮他撑起的,等他翱翔的那一天,他也只会并且最在乎父母是否为他感到骄傲。 The greatest encouragement to children is the affirmation given directly by parents. Such praise is the strongest and private connection between each other. A look or gesture can be deeply imprinted on the child's heart. Because before he was fully fledged, the world was held up by his parents, and when he flew that day, he would only and most care about whether his parents were proud of him.

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