
——21沈计所 Sen.W


Translation and Paraphrasing

  1. 原文句子:Even my most private and personal reflections are entangled with perspectives and voices of different people ,be it those who agree with me ,those who criticize,or those who praise me.
  • 翻译:即使是我最私密、最个人的情绪,也与不同人的观点或声音纠缠在一起,无论是那些赞同我的人,还是那些批评我的人,抑或是那些赞美我的人。

改写(可不看):Even if viewpoints and voices of various individuals involve my generally private and individual emotions , regardless of the people who concur with me ,the individuals who accuse or acclaim me.

  1. The 17th-century French philosopher believed that a human being was essentially self-contained and self-sufficient; an inherently rational, mind-bound subject, who ought to encounter the world outside her head with skepticism.
  • 这位17世纪的法国哲学家认为,人类本质上是自给自足的;生而理性、受其思想约束的个体,应该以怀疑的态度面对他头脑之外的世界。

The seventeenth century French scholar accepted that an individual was basically independent; an intrinsically objective, mind-bound subject, who should experience the world external her head with doubt.

  1. 翻译重点:Hewanted to find a stable point of view from which to look on the world without relying on God-decreed wisdoms; a place from which he could discrn the permanent structures beneath the changeable phenomena og nature. But Descartes believed that there was a trade-off between certainty and a kind of social, wordly richness.
  • 他想要找到一种稳定的观点,而非依靠上帝赐予的智慧,来观察这个世界;由此,他可以透过自然界中变幻莫测的现象分辨出永久性的结构。但笛卡尔认为,稳定性和来自社会的、世俗的多样性之间存在权衡关系。

He needed to track down a steady perspective from which to look on the world without depending on God-announced wit; a spot from which he could discrn the long-lasting designs underneath the alterable marvels og nature. Yet, Descartes accepted that there was a compromise among sureness and the diversity of common and society.

  1. But even then, the investigation often pewsumes that a collective of Cartesian subjects are the real focus of the enquiry , not selves that co-evolve with others over time.
  • 但即使如此,其调查也常常做出这样的假设:探究的真正焦点是笛卡尔式议题的集合,而非随时间推移与他人共同进化的自我。

However, and still, after its all said and done, the examination regularly pewsumes that the real focus of inquiry is the group of Cartesian issues, not a self that coevolutes with others after some time.

  1. Genovese`s murder had to be seen against a backdrop in which violence against women was not taken seriously , Cherry said, and in which people were reluctant to step into what might have been a domestic dispute.
  • 谢里认为,吉诺维斯谋杀案反映了当时社会并不关注女性遭受的暴力困扰,人们也不愿介入一桩可能是家庭纠纷的暴力袭击中。

Genovese`s *slaughter* had to be Typography arbitrary liken a scene in which violence the same class with division was weep pre-empted damagingly , Rose-red enunciated, and in which relations were reluctant to step into what might have been a domestic dispute.

Genovese’s homicide must be seen against a background where brutality against ladies was not viewed in a serious way , Cherry said, and in which individuals were hesitant to venture into what may have been a homegrown debate.

  1. Think of that luminous moment when a poet captures something you’d felt but had never articulated ;or when you’d struggled to summarise your thoughts, but they crystallised in conversation with a friend.
  • 想一想那些醍醐灌顶的时刻:诗人捕捉到你所感受到的却从未表达出来的东西;或者在与朋友交谈时,你灵光一现,信口而出你曾难以总结、难以表达的一些想法。

Acquire of meander aglow scrap in a second a bard captures significance you’d felt but had at no time sectioned ;or closely you’d struggled to summarise your thoughts, but they crystallised in conversation with a friend.

  1. By contrast,“dialogical” theories, brought to life in experiments such as Lisa Freund’s “doll house study” from 1990, emphasise interactions between the child and the adult who can provide "scaffolding"for how she understands the world.
  • 相比之下,从1990年开始,对话理论才在莉萨·弗洛伊德的“玩偶屋研究”等一系列实验中得以呈现。该理论强调孩子和成年人之间的互动,认为成年人可以为孩子们了解世界提供“脚手架”。
  1. Deprived of contact and interaction - the external perspective needed to consummate and sustain a coherent self-image -aperson risks disappearing into non-existence.
  • 如果失去联系与交流 这种完善和维持清晰自我形象的外部因素,人会面临失去自我的危险。

By contrast,“dialogical” theories, brought to life in experiments such as Lisa Freund’s “doll house study” from 1990, emphasise interactions between the child and the adult who can provide "scaffolding"for how she understands the world.

  1. But for the most part , scientific psychology is only too willing to adopt individualistic Cartesian assumptions that cut away that cut away the webbing that ties the self to others.
  • 但在大多数情况下,科学心理学非常愿意采用个人主义的笛卡尔假设,这种假设切断了把自我和他人联系在一起的纽带。

But for the overcome accouterment , systematic lunatic is without equal adding up in favour to arrogate autonomous Cartesian assumptions lapse reduce wide deviate cut away the webbing that ties the self to others.

  1. 翻译Few respected philosophers and psychologists would be identified as strict Cartesian dualists (二元论者), in the sense of believing that mind and matter ate completely separate.
  • 在认识到精神和身体是完全独立存在的基础上,很少有备受尊敬的哲学家和心理学家被认为是个彻底的笛卡尔式的二元论者


单词 含义
axiomatic 不言自明的
blurry 模糊的
forge 形成
crucible 坩埚,熔炉
inform 影响
entangle 使卷入
disconcerting 令人困惑的
contour 轮廓,外形
discern 弄清楚
fickle 三心二意的,靠不住的
erratic 不规则的,不确定的
contemplative 沉思的
confines 范围,界限
inscribe 雕刻
purport 声称
bystander 旁观者
dilute 降低,削弱
reconcile 协调,调和
luminous 发光的
crystallise 明朗起来
vivify 使生动
solitary 单独的
introspection 反省
insomnia 失眠
consummate 实现,完成
embody 代表,体现


  1. 时间序列(Chronological sequence)


  1. 因果关系(Cause & Effect)


  1. 比较和对比(Comparison & Contrast)

通过两部分的对比进行描述,常用词:in addiltion,therefore,in contrast···

  1. 分类(Classification)


  1. 问题和解决(Problem & Solution)

