Rect Objects


  1.   左上角的X坐标。
  2.   左上角的Y坐标。
  3.   矩形的宽度(以像素为单位)。
  4.   然后是矩形的高度(以像素为单位)。

作为pygame.Rect 对象,我们将简称为Rect对象。例如,下面的代码创建一个Rect对象,其左上角位于(10,20),宽200像素,高300像素:

>>> import pygame
>>> spamRect = pygame.Rect(10, 20, 200, 300)
>>> spamRect == (10, 20, 200, 300)

关于这一点的一个方便之处是Rect对象自动计算矩形的其他特征的坐标。例如,如果您需要知道我们存储在spamRect 变量中的pygame.Rect对象右边缘的X坐标,您只需访问Rect对象的right 属性:

>>> spamRect.right


>>> spamRect.right = 350
>>> spamRect.left


属性名称 描述
myRect.left The int value of the X-coordinate of the left side of the rectangle.(矩形左侧X坐标的int值)
myRect.right The int value of the X-coordinate of the right side of the rectangle.(矩形右侧X坐标的int值) The int value of the Y-coordinate of the top side of the rectangle.(矩形顶边的Y坐标的int值)
myRect.bottom The int value of the Y-coordinate of the bottom side.(底边的Y坐标的int值)
myRect.centerx The int value of the X-coordinate of the center of the rectangle.(矩形中心的X坐标的int值)
myRect.centery The int value of the Y-coordinate of the center of the rectangle.(矩形中心的Y坐标的int值)
myRect.width The int value of the width of the rectangle.(矩形宽度的int值)
myRect.height The int value of the height of the rectangle.(矩形高度的int值)
myRect.size A tuple of two ints: (width, height)(两个整数的元组:(宽度,高度))
myRect.topleft A tuple of two ints: (left, top)(两个整数的元组:(左,上))
myRect.topright A tuple of two ints: (right, top)(两个整数的元组:(右,顶部))
myRect.bottomleft A tuple of two ints: (left, bottom)(两个整数的元组:(左,下))
myRect.bottomright A tuple of two ints: (right, bottom)(两个整数的元组:(右,底))
myRect.midleft A tuple of two ints: (left, centery)(两个整数的元组:(左,中心))
myRect.midright A tuple of two ints: (right, centery)(两个整数的元组:(右,居中))
myRect.midtop A tuple of two ints: (centerx, top)(两个整数的元组:( centerx,top))
myRect.midbottom A tuple of two ints: (centerx, bottom)(两个整数的元组:( centerx,bottom))

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