.net mysql 特殊字符转义字符,使用C#和ASP.Net转义特殊字符在MySQL中

I have a ASP.Net web page with a MySQL back end. The blog content on this site is populated from the MySQL database. When ever I wanted to write a blog entry, I would open MySQL Workbench, right click on the table and select "edit data" and then proceed to type my entry. Well, now I'm working on a C# application that will allow me to write a blog entry so that I don't have to open workbench everytime. Everything so far is working great except for one minor issue: special characters.


In textBox1 I will write the following,

I can tell you that this won't work because of the apostrophe

My code looks like this (may be a little off as I'm writing this from memory, but it does work):

MySQLCommand cmd = new MySQLCommand("",conn);

cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO blogEntry (entryText) VALUE (" + textBox1.text + ");";


This works and the text is inserted into my table. But when I pull it back out and bind it to a DataGridView I see this:

I can tell you that this won

and that's it (or I see some wierd formatting or something).


I know it has something to do with the apostrophe not being escaped. So my questions are:

1) In C#, is there a way to go through the entire text in textBox1 and replace all special characters (') with escapes (\') so that they show correctly when pulled from the database?

2) I read about some people using stored procedures or parameters in the INSERT statements. Would that work for me and how exactly would I do that (I'm having some trouble finding examples of my specific case)?

Thanks for any help, ideas, links, etc.


If you are using Mysql client library, You can use this functions

MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlHelper.EscapeString("YOUR SQL STRING")
