Option Explicit
Public MyIPAddressIndex(5) As IPAddrIndex
Public ArrCount(5) As Integer
Public MyIPSpecialIP() As SpecialIP
Type IPAddressRangInfo
unit As String '单位名称
StartAddr As Integer '起始地址
EndAddr As Integer '结束地址
End Type
Type SpecialIP
unit As String '单位名称
IPAddr As String 'IP地址
MacAddr As String 'MAC地址
HostName As String '主机名称
Memo As String '备注
End Type
Type IPAddrIndex
Prefix As String '网络地址前三位
MyIPAddrRange() As IPAddressRangInfo 'IP地址范围信息
End Type
Sub ReadyNetworkData()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim PrefixCol As Range
Dim UnitCol As Range
Dim StartAddrCol As Range
Dim EndAddrCol As Range
Dim MaxRows As Integer
Dim iFor As Integer
Dim StrPrefix As String
Dim StrCurrent As String
Dim ICount As Integer
Dim ISubCount As Integer
Dim ArrIndex As Integer
Dim StrAddrStart As String
Dim StrAddrEnd As String
Dim StrUnit As String
Dim StrTemp As String
Dim ITemp As Integer
Dim UnitCol_B As Range
Dim IPAddrCol As Range
Dim MacAddrCol As Range
Dim HontNameCol As Range
Dim MemoCol As Range
Set ws = Worksheets("VlanMarkings")
MaxRows = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Set PrefixCol = ws.Range("H2:H" & Trim(str(MaxRows)))
Set UnitCol = ws.Range("B2:B" & Trim(str(MaxRows)))
Set StartAddrCol = ws.Range("I2:I" & Trim(str(MaxRows)))
Set EndAddrCol = ws.Range("J2:J" & Trim(str(MaxRows)))
StrPrefix = ""
ICount = 0
For iFor = 1 To MaxRows - 1
StrCurrent = UCase(Trim(PrefixCol(iFor).Value))
If StrPrefix <> StrCurrent Then
MyIPAddressIndex(ICount).Prefix = StrCurrent
StrPrefix = StrCurrent
ICount = ICount + 1
End If
For iFor = 0 To UBound(MyIPAddressIndex)
StrTemp = MyIPAddressIndex(iFor).Prefix
ITemp = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(ws.Range("H2:H" & Trim(str(MaxRows))), "=" + StrTemp)
ArrIndex = GetArrIndex(StrTemp)
ReDim MyIPAddressIndex(ArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange(0 To ITemp)
'GoTo L123
For iFor = 0 To 5
ArrCount(iFor) = 0
For iFor = 1 To MaxRows - 1
StrPrefix = UCase(Trim(PrefixCol(iFor).Value))
ArrIndex = GetArrIndex(StrPrefix)
StrAddrStart = UCase(Trim(StartAddrCol(iFor).Value))
StrAddrEnd = UCase(Trim(EndAddrCol(iFor).Value))
StrUnit = UCase(Trim(UnitCol(iFor).Value))
MyIPAddressIndex(ArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange(ArrCount(ArrIndex)).StartAddr = StrAddrStart
MyIPAddressIndex(ArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange(ArrCount(ArrIndex)).EndAddr = StrAddrEnd
MyIPAddressIndex(ArrIndex).MyIPAddrRange(ArrCount(ArrIndex)).unit = StrUnit
ArrCount(ArrIndex) = ArrCount(ArrIndex) + 1
Set ws = Worksheets("SpecialMarkingsRes")
MaxRows = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
ReDim MyIPSpecialIP(0 To MaxRows - 1)
Set UnitCol_B = ws.Range("B2:B" & Trim(str(MaxRows)))
Set IPAddrCol = ws.Range("C2:C" & Trim(str(MaxRows)))
Set MacAddrCol = ws.Range("D2:D" & Trim(str(MaxRows)))
Set HontNameCol = ws.Range("E2:E" & Trim(str(MaxRows)))
Set MemoCol = ws.Range("F2:F" & Trim(str(MaxRows)))
For iFor = 1 To MaxRows - 1
MyIPSpecialIP(iFor - 1).HostName = UCase(Trim(HontNameCol(iFor).Value))
MyIPSpecialIP(iFor - 1).IPAddr = UCase(Trim(IPAddrCol(iFor).Value))
MyIPSpecialIP(iFor - 1).MacAddr = UCase(Trim(MacAddrCol(iFor).Value))
MyIPSpecialIP(iFor - 1).Memo = UCase(Trim(MemoCol(iFor).Value))
MyIPSpecialIP(iFor - 1).unit = UCase(Trim(UnitCol_B(iFor).Value))
ICount = ICount + 1
'Dim Jfor As Integer
'For iFor = 0 To 5
'For Jfor = LBound(MyIPAddressIndex(iFor).MyIPAddrRange) To UBound(MyIPAddressIndex(iFor).MyIPAddrRange)
'Debug.Print Str(MyIPAddressIndex(iFor).MyIPAddrRange(Jfor).StartAddr) + "|" + Str(MyIPAddressIndex(iFor).MyIPAddrRange(Jfor).EndAddr) + "|" + MyIPAddressIndex(iFor).MyIPAddrRange(Jfor).Unit
'Debug.Print MaxRows - 1
'For iFor = 0 To UBound(MyIPSpecialIP) - 1
' Debug.Print MyIPSpecialIP(iFor).HostName + "|" + MyIPSpecialIP(iFor).IPAddr + "|" + MyIPSpecialIP(iFor).MacAddr + "|" + MyIPSpecialIP(iFor).Memo + "|" + MyIPSpecialIP(iFor).unit
Debug.Print "完成"
End Sub
Function GetArrIndex(str As String) As Integer
Dim iFor As Integer
For iFor = 0 To 5
If MyIPAddressIndex(iFor).Prefix = str Then
GetArrIndex = iFor
Exit For
End If
End Function
Sub JudgeData()
Dim XmlFile As String
Dim CurrentFilePath As String
CurrentFilePath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path
Dim XmlDoc As DOMDocument60
Dim hostNodes As Object
Dim iFor As Integer
Dim hostnode As Object
Dim addressNode As Object
Dim StrIpAddr As String
Dim Unit As String
Dim HostName As String
Dim IRecord As Integer
IRecord = 234
Set XmlDoc = New DOMDocument60
XmlFile = CurrentFilePath + "\20231010-B.xml"
If XmlDoc.Load(XmlFile) = True Then
Set hostNodes = XmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("host")
' 遍历host节点集合,获取IP地址
For iFor = 0 To hostNodes.Length - 1
Set hostnode = hostNodes(iFor)
Set addressNode = hostnode.getElementsByTagName("address")(0)
If addressNode.getAttribute("addrtype") = "ipv4" Then
StrIpAddr = addressNode.getAttribute("addr")
Unit = GetUserUnit(StrIpAddr)
HostName = GetHostName(StrIpAddr)
IRecord = IRecord + 1
Range("B" & Trim(str(IRecord))).Select
Selection.FormulaR1C1 = StrIpAddr
Range("C" & Trim(str(IRecord))).Select
Selection.FormulaR1C1 = Unit
Range("D" & Trim(str(IRecord))).Select
Selection.FormulaR1C1 = HostName
End If
Next iFor
MsgBox "完成!"
MsgBox "检查XML文件内容!"
End If
End Sub