uva 658 It's not a Bug, it's a Feature!

Tinyware’s problem is a simple one. Given the original version of their software, which contains all
the bugs in B, it is possible to apply a sequence of patches to the software which results in a bug- free version of the software? And if so, assuming that every patch takes a certain time to apply, how long does the fastest sequence take?
The input contains several product descriptions. Each description starts with a line containing two
integers n and m, the number of bugs and patches, respectively. These values satisfy 1 ≤ n ≤ 20 and 1 ≤ m ≤ 100. This is followed by m lines describing the m patches in order. Each line contains an integer, the time in seconds it takes to apply the patch, and two strings of n characters each.
The first of these strings describes the bugs that have to be present or absent before the patch can
be applied. The i-th position of that string is a ‘+’ if bug b i has to be present, a ‘-’ if bug b i has to be absent, and a ‘0’ if it doesn’t matter whether the bug is present or not.The second string describes which bugs are fixed and introduced by the patch. The i-th position of that string is a ‘+’ if bug b i is introduced by the patch, a ‘-’ if bug b i is removed by the patch (if it was
present), and a ‘0’ if bug b i is not affected by the patch (if it was present before, it still is, if it wasn’t,is still isn’t).
The input is terminated by a description starting with n = m = 0. This test case should not be
For each product description first output the number of the product. Then output whether there is
a sequence of patches that removes all bugs from a product that has all n bugs. Note that in such a
sequence a patch may be used multiple times. If there is such a sequence, output the time taken by the fastest sequence in the format shown in the sample output. If there is no such sequence, output ‘Bugs cannot be fixed.’.Print a blank line after each test case.
Sample Input
3 3
1 000 00-
1 00- 0-+
2 0– -++
4 1
7 0-0+ —-
0 0
Sample Output
Product 1
Fastest sequence takes 8 seconds.
Product 2
Bugs cannot be fixed.
就是有一个软件公司,做了一个软件。现在要给这个软件打补丁,不过打补丁的过程有点说头。因为有的补丁要依赖于以前的bug,有的补丁会造成新的bug。现在给你两个数n和m,表示有n个固定的 bug,和m个补丁,接下来有m行,告诉给你补丁修复所需要的时间和两个字符串。第一个字符串是要想使用这个补丁你的状态必须是这个模样(减号代表此处没有bug,0代表无所谓,+号代码此处必须有bug),第二个字符串是你修复后的模样(0代码以前是什么现在就是什么样,-号代表此处bug已经修复,+代表此处bug又被搞出来了=_=)。最后问你能不能把bug全修好,如果能最少用多少时间?

using namespace std;
const int STATE=1048577;
struct patch
    int cost;
    int before_m,before_a,after_m,after_a;
int n,m;
patch ps[101];
typedef pair<int,int> P;
int d[STATE];//2^20次幂个状态
bool used[STATE];

int dijkstra(int s,int t)


> que; memset(used,false,sizeof(used)); fill(d ,d+t+1,INT_MAX); d[s]=0; que.push(P(0,s)); while(!que.empty()) { P p=que.top(); que.pop(); int v=p.second; if(d[v]continue; used[v]=true; for(int i=1;i<=m;i++) { patch pa=ps[i]; if(((v&ps[i].before_m)==ps[i].before_m)&&(((~v)&ps[i].before_a)==ps[i].before_a))//判断能不能打补丁 { int nv=v; nv|=(ps[i].after_m);//打上补丁 nv&=(~ps[i].after_a); int cost=ps[i].cost; if(d[nv]>d[v]+cost) { d[nv]=d[v]+cost; que.push(P(d[nv],nv)); } } } } return d[t]; } int main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(false); int k=0; while(cin>>n>>m,n+m) { int fin=(int)pow(2,n)-1;//1表示修复 for(int i=1;i<=m;i++) { string before,after; cin>>ps[i].cost>>before>>after; ps[i].after_a=ps[i].after_m=ps[i].before_a=ps[i].before_m=0; for(int j=0;jif(before[j]=='-')//把减号和加号分开保存 ps[i].before_m|=(1<if(before[j]=='+') ps[i].before_a|=(1<if(after[j]=='-') ps[i].after_m|=(1<if(after[j]=='+') ps[i].after_a|=(1<int ans=dijkstra(0,fin);//0表示bug cout<<"Product "<<++k<if(ans==INT_MAX) cout<<"Bugs cannot be fixed."<else cout<<"Fastest sequence takes "<" seconds."<cout<return 0; }


using namespace std;
const int STATE=1048577;
struct patch
    int cost;
    string before,after;
int n,m;
patch ps[101];
typedef pair<int,int> P;
int d[STATE];//2^20次幂个状态
bool used[STATE];
int apply(int sta,patch pa,int &new_v)
    bitset<20> bit=bitset<20>(sta);//bit的状态时反着的
    bitset<20> tmp(0);
    for(int i=0;iif(pa.before[i]=='-'&&bit[i]==0)
            return -1;
            return -1;
    return pa.cost;
int dijkstra(int s,int t)


> que; memset(used,false,sizeof(used)); fill(d ,d+t+1,INT_MAX); d[s]=0; que.push(P(0,s)); while(!que.empty()) { P p=que.top(); que.pop(); int v=p.second; if(d[v]continue; used[v]=true; for(int i=1;i<=m;i++) { patch pa=ps[i]; int nv=0; int cost=apply(v,pa,nv);//nv表示打补丁以后的状态,返回值为花销 if(cost==-1)//返回-1表示不能用该补丁 continue; if(d[nv]>d[v]+cost) { d[nv]=d[v]+cost; que.push(P(d[nv],nv)); } } } return d[t]; } int main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(false); int k=0; while(cin>>n>>m,n+m) { int fin=(int)pow(2,n)-1;//1表示修复 for(int i=1;i<=m;i++) cin>>ps[i].cost>>ps[i].before>>ps[i].after; int ans=dijkstra(0,fin);//0表示bug cout<<"Product "<<++k<if(ans==INT_MAX) cout<<"Bugs cannot be fixed."<else cout<<"Fastest sequence takes "<" seconds."<cout<return 0; }

uva 658 It's not a Bug, it's a Feature!_第1张图片
