
It has frequently been argued that freeing schools from the rigid rules, regulations, and statutes that have traditionally fettered them would have a revolutionary effect on academic achievement. For instance, it has been suggested that schools embodying this idea could develop more effective teaching methods that could then be replicated in other schools. Charter schools-public schools that operate under a contract, or "charter"-were given just such an opportunity beginning in 1991, when Minnesota passed the first charter school law. At that time, many critics warned of deleterious rather than beneficial effects that such freewheeling schools could have on the academic achievement of students. Thus, while public opinion differed concerning the social desirability of charter schools, most agreed that there would be a pronounced effect.

Surprisingly, educators who study educational reform now seriously question the degree to which charter schools have made an impact. They conclude that freedom from many of the policies and regulations affecting traditional public schools and the concomitant control over decisions that guide the day-to-day affairs of the school have not resulted in equally dramatic changes in students' academic performance. In some states, charter schools are less likely to meet state performance standards than tradi-tional public schools. It is, however, impossible to know whether this difference is due to the performance of the schools, the prior achievement of the students, or some other factor.

Metrics for educational accountability have changed considerably in the past decade, moving increasingly to performance as measured by state mandated tests of individual student achievement. Fundamentally, however, the challenging conditions under which schools operate, be they traditional or charter, have changed little: the struggle for resources, low pay for teachers, accountability to multiple stakeholders, and the difficulty of meeting the educational requirements of children with special needs all persist.

It has frequently been argued that freeing schools from the rigid rules, regulations, and statutes that have traditionally fettered them would have a revolutionary effect on academic achievement.

For instance, it has been suggested that schools embodying this idea could develop more effective teaching methods that could then be replicated in other schools.

rigid 法律制度或体系严格的,刻板的,不可改变的


fetter  n.脚铐,束缚v.束缚,羁绊,

embody  v.代表(思想或品质),嵌入

replicate  v.复制,重做

argue 认为



Charter schools —— public schools that operate under a contract, or "charter" were given just such an opportunity beginning in 1991, when Minnesota passed the first charter school law.

At that time, many critics warned of deleterious rather than beneficial effects that such freewheeling schools could have on the academic achievement of students.

charter  n.章程,许可证,包租v.发给特许执照

contract  n.合同,v.收缩

deleterious  有害的

freewheeling  随心所欲的,靠惯性滑行的



Thus, while public opinion differed concerning the social desirability of charter schools, most agreed that there would be a pronounced effect.

Surprisingly, educators who study educational reform now seriously question the degree to which charter schools have made an impact.

differ  v.不同,有分歧

desirability  吸引人之处,称心的东西

pronounced  明显的,显著地

reform 改革,改良



They conclude that freedom from many of the policies and regulations affecting traditional public schools and the concomitant control over decisions that guide the day-to-day affairs of the school have not resulted in equally dramatic changes in students' academic performance.

conclude  v.推断出,总结,终止

affect  v.影响,使悲伤,假装

concomitant  adj.伴随的n.伴随物


In some states, charter schools are less likely to meet state performance standards than traditional public schools. It is, however, impossible to know whether this difference is due to the performance of the schools, the prior achievement of the students, or some other factor.

prior 先前的,更重要的


Metrics for educational accountability have changed considerably in the past decade, moving increasingly to performance as measured by state mandated tests of individual student achievement.

metric  米制的,公制的,指标

accountability  有责任的,应作解释的,效果

considerably  相当多的,相当大的

mandated  授权,委托,颁布,强制执行


Fundamentally, however, the challenging conditions under which schools operate, be they traditional or charter, have changed little: the struggle for resources, low pay for teachers, accountability to multiple stakeholders, and the difficulty of meeting the educational requirements of children with special needs all persist.

stakeholder  利益相关者,股东

persist  v.继续存在(尤指不喜欢的事物),顽强坚持


Which of the following statements best summarizes the main point of the passage?

A:Charter schools, despite their merits(优点,价值), fail to overcome the long-standing problems in public education.

B:Recent studies have shown that charter schools have had a revolutionary effect on student achievement.

C:Freeing schools from some of the restrictions that govern them has caused a change in education since 1991.

D:Charter schools have created a whole new way of educating children that did not previously exist.

E:Assessments of charter schools` performance have reinforced(加强) the position that rigid rules and regulations are stifling(令人窒息的) academic achievement.

