

  • Pub和Sub
  • NDT算法流程
    • 1. 将参考点云(reference scan)所占的空间划分成指定大小(CellSize)的网格或体素(Voxel)
    • 2. 初始化变换参数
    • 3. 对于要配准的点云(second scan),通过变换 T T T 将其转换到参考点云的网格中 x i ′ = T ( x i , p ) x^′_i=T(x_i,p) xi=T(xi,p)
    • 4. 根据正态分布参数计算每个转换点的概率密度
    • 5. NDT配准得分(score)通过对每个网格计算出的概率密度相加得到
    • 6. 根据牛顿优化算法对目标函数 − s c o r e −score score 进行优化
    • 7. 跳转到第3步继续执行,直到达到收敛条件为止
  • 实际ndt_mapping中的参数
    • Resolution
    • 无约束优化中的牛顿法
      • StepSize
      • TransformationEpsilon
      • MaximumIterations
    • Leaf Size
    • Min&Max Scan Range
    • Minimum Add Scan Shift
  • 室内室外参数及建图效果

一开始在notion上写的 所以后续如果有些许修改请点击此处跳转notion的外链 如果有转载请直接注明出处

  1. NDT(Normal Distributions Transform)算法原理与公式推导
  2. autoware.ai/core_perception/lidar_localizer/ndt_mapping
  3. 2009年Martin Magnusson 的博士论文[Magnusson 2009]

20220919:为重构的录了一个教程,非常简单 感觉应该能随时部署在自己的机器人上,https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV18e4y1k7cA
20220916:重构了一下slam,更为轻便型,完全从autoware处剥离开了,无需其依赖;不过还有挺多todo待做,现在仅使用LiDAR 就能有odom信息,详情见:https://github.com/Kin-Zhang/simple_ndt_slam 同时gitee也同步更新
20220420:添加单独抽取出来mapping代码到repo,更轻量化 详情见repo:https://gitee.com/kin_zhang/mapping_ws

NDT算法的基本思想是先根据参考数据(reference scan)来构建多维变量的正态分布,如果变换参数能使得两幅激光数据匹配的很好,那么变换点在参考系中的概率密度将会很大。



  map.header.frame_id = "map";

  ndt_map_pub = nh.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>("/ndt_map", 1000);
  current_pose_pub = nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>("/current_pose", 1000);

  ros::Subscriber param_sub = nh.subscribe("config/ndt_mapping", 10, param_callback);
  ros::Subscriber output_sub = nh.subscribe("config/ndt_mapping_output", 10, output_callback);
  ros::Subscriber points_sub = nh.subscribe("points_raw", 100000, points_callback);
  ros::Subscriber odom_sub = nh.subscribe("/vehicle/odom", 100000, odom_callback);
  ros::Subscriber imu_sub = nh.subscribe(_imu_topic, 100000, imu_callback);

可以注意到这里的三个消息的输入,points_raw /vehicle/odom _imu_topic 在实际使用中,可以只有points_raw,也就是说只有激光雷达的数据,注意如果要收odom数据记得提前检查odom数据是否正确,另外是/vehicle/odomframe_id


NDT算法的基本思想是先根据参考数据(reference scan)来构建多维变量的正态分布,如果变换参数能使得两幅激光数据匹配的很好,那么变换点在参考系中的概率密度将会很大。因此,可以考虑用优化的方法求出使得概率密度之和最大的变换参数,此时两幅激光点云数据将匹配的最好


if (_method_type == MethodType::PCL_GENERIC)
    ndt.align(*output_cloud, init_guess); // 初始变换参数
    fitness_score = ndt.getFitnessScore();//
    t_localizer = ndt.getFinalTransformation();
    has_converged = ndt.hasConverged();
    final_num_iteration = ndt.getFinalNumIteration();
    transformation_probability = ndt.getTransformationProbability();


1. 将参考点云(reference scan)所占的空间划分成指定大小(CellSize)的网格或体素(Voxel)


  • 均值 μ ⃗ = 1 m ∑ k = 1 m y ⃗ k \vec{\mu} =\frac{1}{m} \sum_{k=1}^{m} \vec{y}_{k} μ =m1k=1my k
  • 协方差矩阵 Σ = 1 m − 1 ∑ k = 1 m ( y ⃗ k − μ ⃗ ) ( y ⃗ k − μ ⃗ ) T \boldsymbol{\Sigma} =\frac{1}{m-1} \sum_{k=1}^{m}\left(\vec{y}_{k}-\vec{\mu}\right)\left(\vec{y}_{k}-\vec{\mu}\right)^{\mathrm{T}} Σ=m11k=1m(y kμ )(y kμ )T

其中 y ⃗ k = 1 , … , m \vec{y}_{k}=1,\dots,m y k=1,,m参考点云在网格内的位置

//Input are supposed to be in device memory
template <typename PointSourceType>
void VoxelGrid<PointSourceType>::setInput(typename pcl::PointCloud<PointSourceType>::Ptr input_cloud)
  if (input_cloud->points.size() > 0) {
    /* If no voxel grid was created, then
     * build the initial voxel grid and octree
    source_cloud_ = input_cloud;


    std::vector<Eigen::Vector3i> voxel_ids(input_cloud->points.size());

    for (int i = 0; i < input_cloud->points.size(); i++) {
      Eigen::Vector3i &vid = voxel_ids[i];
      PointSourceType p = input_cloud->points[i];

      vid(0) = static_cast<int>(floor(p.x / voxel_x_));
      vid(1) = static_cast<int>(floor(p.y / voxel_y_));
      vid(2) = static_cast<int>(floor(p.z / voxel_z_));

    octree_.setInput(voxel_ids, input_cloud);





/* Put points into voxels */
template <typename PointSourceType>
void VoxelGrid<PointSourceType>::scatterPointsToVoxelGrid()

  for (int pid = 0; pid < source_cloud_->points.size(); pid++) {
    int vid = voxelId(source_cloud_->points[pid]);
    PointSourceType p = source_cloud_->points[pid];

    Eigen::Vector3d p3d(p.x, p.y, p.z);

    if ((*points_id_)[vid].size() == 0) {
      (*points_per_voxel_)[vid] = 0;

    (*tmp_centroid_)[vid] += p3d;
    (*tmp_cov_)[vid] += p3d * p3d.transpose();

/* Compute centroids and covariances of voxels. */
template <typename PointSourceType>
void VoxelGrid<PointSourceType>::computeCentroidAndCovariance()
  for (int idx = real_min_bx_; idx <= real_max_bx_; idx++)
    for (int idy = real_min_by_; idy <= real_max_by_; idy++)
      for (int idz = real_min_bz_; idz <= real_max_bz_; idz++) {
        int i = voxelId(idx, idy, idz, min_b_x_, min_b_y_, min_b_z_, vgrid_x_, vgrid_y_, vgrid_z_);
        int ipoint_num = (*points_id_)[i].size();
        double point_num = static_cast<double>(ipoint_num);
        Eigen::Vector3d pt_sum = (*tmp_centroid_)[i];

        if (ipoint_num > 0) {
          (*centroid_)[i] = pt_sum / point_num;

        Eigen::Matrix3d covariance;

        if (ipoint_num >= min_points_per_voxel_) {
          covariance = ((*tmp_cov_)[i] - 2.0 * (pt_sum * (*centroid_)[i].transpose())) / point_num + (*centroid_)[i] * (*centroid_)[i].transpose();
          covariance *= (point_num - 1.0) / point_num;

          SymmetricEigensolver3x3 sv(covariance);

          Eigen::Matrix3d evecs = sv.eigenvectors();
          Eigen::Matrix3d evals = sv.eigenvalues().asDiagonal();

          if (evals(0, 0) < 0 || evals(1, 1) < 0 || evals(2, 2) <= 0) {
            (*points_per_voxel_)[i] = -1;

          double min_cov_eigvalue = evals(2, 2) * 0.01;

          if (evals(0, 0) < min_cov_eigvalue) {
            evals(0, 0) = min_cov_eigvalue;

            if (evals(1, 1) < min_cov_eigvalue) {
              evals(1, 1) = min_cov_eigvalue;

            covariance = evecs * evals * evecs.inverse();

          (*icovariance_)[i] = covariance.inverse();

2. 初始化变换参数

p = ( t x , t y , ϕ ) T p=(t_x,t_y,ϕ)^T p=(tx,ty,ϕ)T(赋予零值或者使用里程计数据赋值)

3. 对于要配准的点云(second scan),通过变换 T T T 将其转换到参考点云的网格中 x i ′ = T ( x i , p ) x^′_i=T(x_i,p) xi=T(xi,p)


T : ( x ′ y ′ ) = ( c o s ϕ − s i n ϕ s i n ϕ c o s ϕ ) ( x y ) + ( t x t y ) T:\left(\begin{array}{l} x^′\\ y^′ \end{array} \right)=\left(\begin{array}{l} cosϕ&-sinϕ\\ sinϕ&cosϕ \end{array} \right)\left(\begin{array}{l} x\\ y \end{array} \right)+\left(\begin{array}{l} t_x\\ t_y \end{array} \right) T:(xy)=(cosϕsinϕsinϕcosϕ)(xy)+(txty)

Eigen::Matrix4f init_guess =
      (init_translation * init_rotation_z * init_rotation_y * init_rotation_x).matrix() * tf_btol;

Eigen::Translation3f tl_btol(_tf_x, _tf_y, _tf_z);                 // tl: translation
  Eigen::AngleAxisf rot_x_btol(_tf_roll, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX());  // rot: rotation
  Eigen::AngleAxisf rot_y_btol(_tf_pitch, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitY());
  Eigen::AngleAxisf rot_z_btol(_tf_yaw, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitZ());
  tf_btol = (tl_btol * rot_z_btol * rot_y_btol * rot_x_btol).matrix();
  tf_ltob = tf_btol.inverse();

最佳的变换参数 p ⃗ \vec{p} p 应该是选取最大化此似然函数:

Ψ = ∏ k = 1 n p ( T ( p ⃗ , x ⃗ k ) ) \Psi=\prod_{k=1}^{n} p\left(T\left(\vec{p}, \vec{x}_{k}\right)\right) Ψ=k=1np(T(p ,x k))

然后从阶乘到求和,对两边取log,然后两边加负号也就是取最小的negative log-likelihood:

− log ⁡ Ψ = − ∑ k = 1 n log ⁡ ( p ( T ( p ⃗ , x ⃗ k ) ) ) ( 6.6 ) p ˉ ( x ⃗ ) = c 1 exp ⁡ ( − ( x ⃗ − μ ⃗ ) T Σ − 1 ( x ⃗ − μ ⃗ ) 2 ) + c 2 p o ( 6.7 ) -\log \Psi =-\sum_{k=1}^{n} \log \left(p\left(T\left(\vec{p}, \vec{x}_{k}\right)\right)\right)\qquad(6.6)\\\\\bar{p}(\vec{x})=c_{1} \exp \left(-\frac{(\vec{x}-\vec{\mu})^{\mathrm{T}} \Sigma^{-1}(\vec{x}-\vec{\mu})}{2}\right)+c_{2} p_{o}\qquad(6.7) logΨ=k=1nlog(p(T(p ,x k)))(6.6)pˉ(x )=c1exp(2(x μ )TΣ1(x μ ))+c2po(6.7)

在Biber, Fleck和StraBer的文章里使用了混合正态分布和均匀分布,其中的 p ˉ ( x ⃗ ) \bar{p}(\vec{x}) pˉ(x )用了 c 1 , c 2 c_1,c_2 c1,c2 两个参数表示,其中 p 0 p_0 p0是outliers的期望比率,参数 c 1 , c 2 c_1,c_2 c1,c2由一个网格的扩张来决定(看代码里的gauss_c1,gauss_c2

d 3 = − log ⁡ ( c 2 ) d 1 = − log ⁡ ( c 1 + c 2 ) − d 3 d 2 = − 2 log ⁡ ( ( − log ⁡ ( c 1 exp ⁡ ( − 1 / 2 ) + c 2 ) − d 3 ) / d 1 ) ( 6.8 ) \begin{array}{l}d_{3}=-\log \left(c_{2}\right) \\d_{1}=-\log \left(c_{1}+c_{2}\right)-d_{3} \\d_{2}=-2 \log \left(\left(-\log \left(c_{1} \exp (-1 / 2)+c_{2}\right)-d_{3}\right) / d_{1}\right)\end{array}\qquad(6.8) d3=log(c2)d1=log(c1+c2)d3d2=2log((log(c1exp(1/2)+c2)d3)/d1)(6.8)

template <typename PointSourceType, typename PointTargetType>
void NormalDistributionsTransform<PointSourceType, PointTargetType>::computeTransformation(const Eigen::Matrix<float, 4, 4> &guess)
  nr_iterations_ = 0;
  converged_ = fals

  double gauss_c1, gauss_c2, gauss_d3;

  gauss_c1 = 10 * ( 1 - outlier_ratio_);
  gauss_c2 = outlier_ratio_ / pow(resolution_, 3);

  gauss_d3 = - log(gauss_c2);
  gauss_d1_ = -log(gauss_c1 + gauss_c2) - gauss_d3;
  gauss_d2_ = -2 * log((-log(gauss_c1 * exp(-0.5) + gauss_c2) - gauss_d3) / gauss_d1_);

  if (guess != Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity()) {
    final_transformation_ = guess;

    pcl::transformPointCloud(*source_cloud_, trans_cloud_, guess);

  Eigen::Transform<float, 3, Eigen::Affine, Eigen::ColMajor> eig_transformation;
  eig_transformation.matrix() = final_transformation_;

  Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> p, delta_p, score_gradient;
  Eigen::Vector3f init_translation = eig_transformation.translation();
  Eigen::Vector3f init_rotation = eig_transformation.rotation().eulerAngles(0, 1, 2);

  p << init_translation(0), init_translation(1), init_translation(2), init_rotation(0), init_rotation(1), init_rotation(2);

  Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6> hessian;

  double score = 0;
  double delta_p_norm;

  score = computeDerivatives(score_gradient, hessian, trans_cloud_, p);

  int points_number = source_cloud_->points.size();

  while (!converged_) {
    previous_transformation_ = transformation_;

    Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6> > sv(hessian, Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV);

    delta_p = sv.solve(-score_gradient);

    delta_p_norm = delta_p.norm();

    if (delta_p_norm == 0 || delta_p_norm != delta_p_norm) {
      trans_probability_ = score / static_cast<double>(points_number);
      converged_ = delta_p_norm == delta_p_norm;

    delta_p_norm = computeStepLengthMT(p, delta_p, delta_p_norm, step_size_, transformation_epsilon_ / 2, score, score_gradient, hessian, trans_cloud_);//无约束优化中的牛顿方法
    delta_p *= delta_p_norm;

    transformation_ = (Eigen::Translation<float, 3>(static_cast<float>(delta_p(0)), static_cast<float>(delta_p(1)), static_cast<float>(delta_p(2))) *
              Eigen::AngleAxis<float>(static_cast<float>(delta_p(3)), Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX()) *
              Eigen::AngleAxis<float>(static_cast<float>(delta_p(4)), Eigen::Vector3f::UnitY()) *
              Eigen::AngleAxis<float>(static_cast<float>(delta_p(5)), Eigen::Vector3f::UnitZ())).matrix();

    p = p + delta_p;

    //Not update visualizer
    if (nr_iterations_ > max_iterations_ || (nr_iterations_ && (std::fabs(delta_p_norm) < transformation_epsilon_))) {
      converged_ = true;


  if (source_cloud_->points.size() > 0) {
    trans_probability_ = score / static_cast<double>(source_cloud_->points.size());

4. 根据正态分布参数计算每个转换点的概率密度

在下面这段代码中用到了上面给出的gauss_d1_ ,gauss_d2_ 来计算现在这一帧的扫描的NDT分数函数:

p ~ ( x ⃗ k ) = − d 1 exp ⁡ ( − d 2 2 ( x ⃗ k − μ ⃗ k ) T Σ k − 1 ( x ⃗ k − μ ⃗ k ) ) ( 6.9 ) \tilde{p}\left(\vec{x}_{k}\right)=-d_{1} \exp \left(-\frac{d_{2}}{2}\left(\vec{x}_{k}-\vec{\mu}_{k}\right)^{\mathrm{T}} \Sigma_{k}^{-1}\left(\vec{x}_{k}-\vec{\mu}_{k}\right)\right) \qquad(6.9) p~(x k)=d1exp(2d2(x kμ k)TΣk1(x kμ k))(6.9)

5. NDT配准得分(score)通过对每个网格计算出的概率密度相加得到

s ( p ⃗ ) = − ∑ k = 1 n p ~ ( T ( p ⃗ , x ⃗ k ) ) ( 6.10 ) s(\vec{p})=-\sum_{k=1}^{n} \tilde{p}\left(T\left(\vec{p}, \vec{x}_{k}\right)\right)\qquad(6.10) s(p )=k=1np~(T(p ,x k))(6.10)

template <typename PointSourceType, typename PointTargetType>
double NormalDistributionsTransform<PointSourceType, PointTargetType>::computeDerivatives(Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> &score_gradient, Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6> &hessian,
                                              typename pcl::PointCloud<PointSourceType> &trans_cloud,
                                              Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> pose, bool compute_hessian)
  PointSourceType x_pt, x_trans_pt;
  Eigen::Vector3d x, x_trans;
  Eigen::Matrix3d c_inv;

  score_gradient.setZero ();
  hessian.setZero ();

  //Compute Angle Derivatives

  std::vector<int> neighbor_ids;
  Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 6> point_gradient;
  Eigen::Matrix<double, 18, 6> point_hessian;
  double score = 0;

  point_gradient.block<3, 3>(0, 0).setIdentity();

  for (int idx = 0; idx < source_cloud_->points.size(); idx++) {
    x_trans_pt = trans_cloud.points[idx];

    voxel_grid_.radiusSearch(x_trans_pt, resolution_, neighbor_ids);

    for (int i = 0; i < neighbor_ids.size(); i++) {
      int vid = neighbor_ids[i];

      x_pt = source_cloud_->points[idx];
      x = Eigen::Vector3d(x_pt.x, x_pt.y, x_pt.z);

      x_trans = Eigen::Vector3d(x_trans_pt.x, x_trans_pt.y, x_trans_pt.z);

      x_trans -= voxel_grid_.getCentroid(vid);
      c_inv = voxel_grid_.getInverseCovariance(vid);

      computePointDerivatives(x, point_gradient, point_hessian, compute_hessian);//对应到公式6.20的hessian矩阵计算

      score += updateDerivatives(score_gradient, hessian, point_gradient, point_hessian, x_trans, c_inv, compute_hessian);//return值是公式6.10,但是里面包含了更新梯度的操作

  return score;

6. 根据牛顿优化算法对目标函数 − s c o r e −score score 进行优化

即寻找变换参数 p \mathbf{p} p 使得score的值最大。优化的关键步骤是要计算目标函数的梯度和Hessian矩阵

根据链式求导法则以及向量、矩阵求导的公式, s s s 梯度方向为

g i = δ s δ p i = ∑ k = 1 n d 1 d 2 x ⃗ k ′ T Σ k − 1 δ x ⃗ k ′ δ p i exp ⁡ ( − d 2 2 x ⃗ k ′ T Σ k − 1 x ⃗ k ′ ) ( 6.12 ) g_{i}=\frac{\delta s}{\delta p_{i}}=\sum_{k=1}^{n} d_{1} d_{2} \vec{x}_{k}^{\prime}{ }^{\mathrm{T}} \Sigma_{k}^{-1} \frac{\delta \vec{x}_{k}^{\prime}}{\delta p_{i}} \exp \left(\frac{-d_{2}}{2} \vec{x}_{k}^{\prime}{ }^{\mathrm{T}} \Sigma_{k}^{-1} \vec{x}_{k}^{\prime}\right)\qquad(6.12) gi=δpiδs=k=1nd1d2x kTΣk1δpiδx kexp(2d2x kTΣk1x k)(6.12)

template <typename PointSourceType, typename PointTargetType>
double NormalDistributionsTransform<PointSourceType, PointTargetType>::updateDerivatives(Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> &score_gradient, Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6> &hessian,
                                              Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 6> point_gradient, Eigen::Matrix<double, 18, 6> point_hessian,
                                              Eigen::Vector3d &x_trans, Eigen::Matrix3d &c_inv, bool compute_hessian)
  Eigen::Vector3d cov_dxd_pi;
  double e_x_cov_x = exp(-gauss_d2_ * x_trans.dot(c_inv * x_trans) / 2);//对应公式6.9
  double score_inc = -gauss_d1_ * e_x_cov_x;//对应公式6.9

  e_x_cov_x = gauss_d2_ * e_x_cov_x;

  if (e_x_cov_x > 1 || e_x_cov_x < 0 || e_x_cov_x != e_x_cov_x) {
    return 0.0;

  e_x_cov_x *= gauss_d1_;

  for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
    cov_dxd_pi = c_inv * point_gradient.col(i);

    score_gradient(i) += x_trans.dot(cov_dxd_pi) * e_x_cov_x;//对应公式6.12 从右往左看简单点...

    if (compute_hessian) {
      for (int j = 0; j < hessian.cols(); j++) {
        hessian(i, j) += e_x_cov_x * (-gauss_d2_ * x_trans.dot(cov_dxd_pi) * x_trans.dot(c_inv * point_gradient.col(j)) +
                  x_trans.dot(c_inv * point_hessian.block<3, 1>(3 * i, j)) +

  return score_inc;//直接return的是score 也就是上一步:5 NDT配准得分(score)通过对每个网格计算出的概率密度相加得到

其中 x x x对变换参数 p i p_i pi的偏导数即为变换 T T T的雅克比矩阵:

J E = [ 1 0 0 0 c f 0 1 0 a d g 0 0 1 b e h ] ( 6.15 ) \mathbf{J}_{E}=\left[\begin{array}{llllll} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & c & f \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & a & d & g \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & b & e & h \end{array}\right]\qquad(6.15) JE= 1000100010abcdefgh (6.15)

a = x 1 ( − s x s z + c x s y c z ) + x 2 ( − s x c z − c x s y s z ) + x 3 ( − c x c y ) b = x 1 ( c x s z + s x s y c z ) + x 2 ( − s x s y s z + c x c z ) + x 3 ( − s x c y ) c = x 1 ( − s y c z ) + x 2 ( s y s z ) + x 3 ( c y ) d = x 1 ( s x c y c z ) + x 2 ( − s x c y s z ) + x 3 ( s x s y ) e = x 1 ( − c x c y c z ) + x 2 ( c x c y s z ) + x 3 ( − c x s y ) f = x 1 ( − c y s z ) + x 2 ( − c y c z ) g = x 1 ( c x c z − s x s y s z ) + x 2 ( − c x s z − s x s y c z ) h = x 1 ( s x c z + c x s y s z ) + x 2 ( c x s y c z − s x s z ) ( 6.19 ) \begin{array}{l}a=x_{1}\left(-s_{x} s_{z}+c_{x} s_{y} c_{z}\right)+x_{2}\left(-s_{x} c_{z}-c_{x} s_{y} s_{z}\right)+x_{3}\left(-c_{x} c_{y}\right) \\b=x_{1}\left(c_{x} s_{z}+s_{x} s_{y} c_{z}\right)+x_{2}\left(-s_{x} s_{y} s_{z}+c_{x} c_{z}\right)+x_{3}\left(-s_{x} c_{y}\right) \\c=x_{1}\left(-s_{y} c_{z}\right)+x_{2}\left(s_{y} s_{z}\right)+x_{3}\left(c_{y}\right) \\d=x_{1}\left(s_{x} c_{y} c_{z}\right)+x_{2}\left(-s_{x} c_{y} s_{z}\right)+x_{3}\left(s_{x} s_{y}\right) \\e=x_{1}\left(-c_{x} c_{y} c_{z}\right)+x_{2}\left(c_{x} c_{y} s_{z}\right)+x_{3}\left(-c_{x} s_{y}\right) \\f=x_{1}\left(-c_{y} s_{z}\right)+x_{2}\left(-c_{y} c_{z}\right) \\g=x_{1}\left(c_{x} c_{z}-s_{x} s_{y} s_{z}\right)+x_{2}\left(-c_{x} s_{z}-s_{x} s_{y} c_{z}\right) \\h=x_{1}\left(s_{x} c_{z}+c_{x} s_{y} s_{z}\right)+x_{2}\left(c_{x} s_{y} c_{z}-s_{x} s_{z}\right)\end{array}\qquad(6.19) a=x1(sxsz+cxsycz)+x2(sxczcxsysz)+x3(cxcy)b=x1(cxsz+sxsycz)+x2(sxsysz+cxcz)+x3(sxcy)c=x1(sycz)+x2(sysz)+x3(cy)d=x1(sxcycz)+x2(sxcysz)+x3(sxsy)e=x1(cxcycz)+x2(cxcysz)+x3(cxsy)f=x1(cysz)+x2(cycz)g=x1(cxczsxsysz)+x2(cxszsxsycz)h=x1(sxcz+cxsysz)+x2(cxsyczsxsz)(6.19)

根据上面梯度的计算结果,继续求s关于变量 p i p_i pi p j p_j pj的二阶偏导:

H i j = δ 2 s δ p i δ p j = ∑ k = 1 n d 1 d 2 exp ⁡ ( − d 2 2 x ⃗ k ′ T Σ k − 1 x ⃗ k ′ ) ( − d 2 ( x ⃗ k ′ T Σ k − 1 δ x ⃗ k ′ δ p i ) ( x ⃗ k ′ T Σ k − 1 δ x ⃗ k ′ δ p j ) + x ⃗ k ′ T Σ k − 1 δ 2 x ⃗ k ′ δ p i δ p j + δ x ⃗ k ′ δ p j T Σ k − 1 δ x ⃗ k ′ δ p i ) ( 6.13 ) H_{i j}=\frac{\delta^{2} s}{\delta p_{i} \delta p_{j}}= \sum_{k=1}^{n} d_{1} d_{2} \exp \left(\frac{-d_{2}}{2} \vec{x}_{k}^{\prime}{ }^{\mathrm{T}} \boldsymbol{\Sigma}_{k}^{-1} \vec{x}_{k}^{\prime}\right)\left(-d_{2}\left(\vec{x}_{k}^{\prime}{ }^{\mathrm{T}} \boldsymbol{\Sigma}_{k}^{-1} \frac{\delta \vec{x}_{k}^{\prime}}{\delta p_{i}}\right)\left(\vec{x}_{k}^{\prime}{ }^{\mathrm{T}} \boldsymbol{\Sigma}_{k}^{-1} \frac{\delta \vec{x}_{k}^{\prime}}{\delta p_{j}}\right)+\vec{x}_{k}^{\prime}{ }^{\mathrm{T}} \boldsymbol{\Sigma}_{k}^{-1} \frac{\delta^{2} \vec{x}_{k}^{\prime}}{\delta p_{i} \delta p_{j}}+\frac{\delta \vec{x}_{k}^{\prime}}{\delta p_{j}}{ }^{T} \boldsymbol{\Sigma}_{k}^{-1} \frac{\delta \vec{x}_{k}^{\prime}}{\delta p_{i}}\right)\qquad(6.13) Hij=δpiδpjδ2s=k=1nd1d2exp(2d2x kTΣk1x k)(d2(x kTΣk1δpiδx k)(x kTΣk1δpjδx k)+x kTΣk1δpiδpjδ2x k+δpjδx kTΣk1δpiδx k)(6.13)

H E = [ H ⃗ 11 ⋯ H ⃗ 16 ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ H ⃗ 61 ⋯ H ⃗ 66 ] = [ 0 → 0 → 0 → 0 → 0 → 0 → 0 → 0 → 0 → 0 → 0 → 0 → 0 → 0 → 0 → 0 → 0 → 0 → 0 → 0 → 0 → a ⃗ b ⃗ c ⃗ 0 → 0 → 0 → b ⃗ d ⃗ e ⃗ 0 → 0 → 0 → c ⃗ e ⃗ f ⃗ ] ( 6.20 ) \mathbf{H}_{E}=\left[\begin{array}{ccc}\vec{H}_{11} & \cdots & \vec{H}_{16} \\\vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\\vec{H}_{61} & \cdots & \vec{H}_{66}\end{array}\right]=\left[\begin{array}{cccccc}\overrightarrow{0} & \overrightarrow{0} & \overrightarrow{0} & \overrightarrow{0} & \overrightarrow{0} & \overrightarrow{0} \\\overrightarrow{0} & \overrightarrow{0} & \overrightarrow{0} & \overrightarrow{0} & \overrightarrow{0} & \overrightarrow{0} \\\overrightarrow{0} & \overrightarrow{0} & \overrightarrow{0} & \overrightarrow{0} & \overrightarrow{0} & \overrightarrow{0} \\\overrightarrow{0} & \overrightarrow{0} & \overrightarrow{0} & \vec{a} & \vec{b} & \vec{c} \\\overrightarrow{0} & \overrightarrow{0} & \overrightarrow{0} & \vec{b} & \vec{d} & \vec{e} \\\overrightarrow{0} & \overrightarrow{0} & \overrightarrow{0} & \vec{c} & \vec{e} & \vec{f}\end{array}\right]\qquad(6.20) HE= H 11H 61H 16H 66 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a b c 0 0 0 b d e 0 0 0 c e f (6.20)

template <typename PointSourceType, typename PointTargetType>
void NormalDistributionsTransform<PointSourceType, PointTargetType>::computePointDerivatives(Eigen::Vector3d &x, Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 6> &point_gradient, Eigen::Matrix<double, 18, 6> &point_hessian, bool compute_hessian)
  point_gradient(1, 3) = x.dot(j_ang_a_);
  point_gradient(2, 3) = x.dot(j_ang_b_);
  point_gradient(0, 4) = x.dot(j_ang_c_);
  point_gradient(1, 4) = x.dot(j_ang_d_);
  point_gradient(2, 4) = x.dot(j_ang_e_);
  point_gradient(0, 5) = x.dot(j_ang_f_);
  point_gradient(1, 5) = x.dot(j_ang_g_);
  point_gradient(2, 5) = x.dot(j_ang_h_);

  if (compute_hessian) {
    Eigen::Vector3d a, b, c, d, e, f;

    a << 0, x.dot(h_ang_a2_), x.dot(h_ang_a3_);
    b << 0, x.dot(h_ang_b2_), x.dot(h_ang_b3_);
    c << 0, x.dot(h_ang_c2_), x.dot(h_ang_c3_);
    d << x.dot(h_ang_d1_), x.dot(h_ang_d2_), x.dot(h_ang_d3_);
    e << x.dot(h_ang_e1_), x.dot(h_ang_e2_), x.dot(h_ang_e3_);
    f << x.dot(h_ang_f1_), x.dot(h_ang_f2_), x.dot(h_ang_f3_);

    point_hessian.block<3, 1>(9, 3) = a;
    point_hessian.block<3, 1>(12, 3) = b;
    point_hessian.block<3, 1>(15, 3) = c;
    point_hessian.block<3, 1>(9, 4) = b;
    point_hessian.block<3, 1>(12, 4) = d;
    point_hessian.block<3, 1>(15, 4) = e;
    point_hessian.block<3, 1>(9, 5) = c;
    point_hessian.block<3, 1>(12, 5) = e;
    point_hessian.block<3, 1>(15, 5) = f;

a ⃗ = [ 0 x 1 ( − c x s z − s x s y c z ) + x 2 ( − c x c z + s x s y s z ) + x 3 ( s x c y ) x 1 ( − s x s z + c x s y c z ) + x 2 ( − c x s y s z − s x c z ) + x 3 ( − c x c y ) ] b ⃗ = [ 0 x 1 ( c x c y c z ) + x 2 ( − c x c y s z ) + x 3 ( c x s y ) x 1 ( s x c y c z ) + x 2 ( − s x c y s z ) + x 3 ( s x s y ) ] c ⃗ = [ 0 x 1 ( − s x c z − c x s y s z ) + x 2 ( − s x s z − c x s y c z ) x 1 ( c x c z − s x s y s z ) + x 2 ( − s x s y c z − c x s z ) ] d ⃗ = [ x 1 ( − c y c z ) + x 2 ( c y s z ) + x 3 ( − s y ) x 1 ( − s x s y c z ) + x 2 ( s x s y s z ) + x 3 ( s x c y ) x 1 ( c x s y c z ) + x 2 ( − c x s y s z ) + x 3 ( − c x c y ) ] e ⃗ = [ x 1 ( s y s z ) + x 2 ( s y c z ) x 1 ( − s x c y s z ) + x 2 ( − s x c y c z ) x 1 ( c x c y s z ) + x 2 ( c x c y c z ) ] e ⃗ = [ x 1 ( − c y c z ) + x 2 ( c y s z ) x 1 ( − c x s z − s x s y c z ) + x 2 ( − c x c z + s x s y s z ) x 1 ( − s x s z + c x s y c z ) + x 2 ( − c x s y s z − s x c z ) ] ( 6.21 ) \begin{array}{ll}\vec{a} =&\left[\begin{array}{c}0 \\x_{1}\left(-c_{x} s_{z}-s_{x} s_{y} c_{z}\right)+x_{2}\left(-c_{x} c_{z}+s_{x} s_{y} s_{z}\right)+x_{3}\left(s_{x} c_{y}\right) \\x_{1}\left(-s_{x} s_{z}+c_{x} s_{y} c_{z}\right)+x_{2}\left(-c_{x} s_{y} s_{z}-s_{x} c_{z}\right)+x_{3}\left(-c_{x} c_{y}\right)\end{array}\right] \\\vec{b}= & {\left[\begin{array}{c}0 \\x_{1}\left(c_{x} c_{y} c_{z}\right)+x_{2}\left(-c_{x} c_{y} s_{z}\right)+x_{3}\left(c_{x} s_{y}\right) \\x_{1}\left(s_{x} c_{y} c_{z}\right)+x_{2}\left(-s_{x} c_{y} s_{z}\right)+x_{3}\left(s_{x} s_{y}\right)\end{array}\right]} \\\vec{c}= & {\left[\begin{array}{c}0 \\x_{1}\left(-s_{x} c_{z}-c_{x} s_{y} s_{z}\right)+x_{2}\left(-s_{x} s_{z}-c_{x} s_{y} c_{z}\right) \\x_{1}\left(c_{x} c_{z}-s_{x} s_{y} s_{z}\right)+x_{2}\left(-s_{x} s_{y} c_{z}-c_{x} s_{z}\right)\end{array}\right]} \\\vec{d}= & {\left[\begin{array}{c}x_{1}\left(-c_{y} c_{z}\right)+x_{2}\left(c_{y} s_{z}\right)+x_{3}\left(-s_{y}\right) \\x_{1}\left(-s_{x} s_{y} c_{z}\right)+x_{2}\left(s_{x} s_{y} s_{z}\right)+x_{3}\left(s_{x} c_{y}\right) \\x_{1}\left(c_{x} s_{y} c_{z}\right)+x_{2}\left(-c_{x} s_{y} s_{z}\right)+x_{3}\left(-c_{x} c_{y}\right)\end{array}\right]} \\\vec{e}= & {\left[\begin{array}{c}x_{1}\left(s_{y} s_{z}\right)+x_{2}\left(s_{y} c_{z}\right) \\x_{1}\left(-s_{x} c_{y} s_{z}\right)+x_{2}\left(-s_{x} c_{y} c_{z}\right) \\x_{1}\left(c_{x} c_{y} s_{z}\right)+x_{2}\left(c_{x} c_{y} c_{z}\right)\end{array}\right]} \\\vec{e}= & {\left[\begin{array}{c}x_{1}\left(-c_{y} c_{z}\right)+x_{2}\left(c_{y} s_{z}\right) \\x_{1}\left(-c_{x} s_{z}-s_{x} s_{y} c_{z}\right)+x_{2}\left(-c_{x} c_{z}+s_{x} s_{y} s_{z}\right) \\x_{1}\left(-s_{x} s_{z}+c_{x} s_{y} c_{z}\right)+x_{2}\left(-c_{x} s_{y} s_{z}-s_{x} c_{z}\right)\end{array}\right]}\end{array}\qquad(6.21) a =b =c =d =e =e = 0x1(cxszsxsycz)+x2(cxcz+sxsysz)+x3(sxcy)x1(sxsz+cxsycz)+x2(cxsyszsxcz)+x3(cxcy) 0x1(cxcycz)+x2(cxcysz)+x3(cxsy)x1(sxcycz)+x2(sxcysz)+x3(sxsy) 0x1(sxczcxsysz)+x2(sxszcxsycz)x1(cxczsxsysz)+x2(sxsyczcxsz) x1(cycz)+x2(cysz)+x3(sy)x1(sxsycz)+x2(sxsysz)+x3(sxcy)x1(cxsycz)+x2(cxsysz)+x3(cxcy) x1(sysz)+x2(sycz)x1(sxcysz)+x2(sxcycz)x1(cxcysz)+x2(cxcycz) x1(cycz)+x2(cysz)x1(cxszsxsycz)+x2(cxcz+sxsysz)x1(sxsz+cxsycz)+x2(cxsyszsxcz) (6.21)

template <typename PointSourceType, typename PointTargetType>
void NormalDistributionsTransform<PointSourceType, PointTargetType>::computeAngleDerivatives(Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> pose, bool compute_hessian)
  double cx, cy, cz, sx, sy, sz;

  if (fabs(pose(3)) < 10e-5) {
    cx = 1.0;
    sx = 0.0;
  } else {
    cx = cos(pose(3));
    sx = sin(pose(3));

  if (fabs(pose(4)) < 10e-5) {
    cy = 1.0;
    sy = 0.0;
  } else {
    cy = cos(pose(4));
    sy = sin(pose(4));

  if (fabs(pose(5)) < 10e-5) {
    cz = 1.0;
    sz = 0.0;
  } else {
    cz = cos(pose(5));
    sz = sin(pose(5));

  j_ang_a_(0) = -sx * sz + cx * sy * cz;
  j_ang_a_(1) = -sx * cz - cx * sy * sz;
  j_ang_a_(2) = -cx * cy;

  j_ang_b_(0) = cx * sz + sx * sy * cz;
  j_ang_b_(1) = cx * cz - sx * sy * sz;
  j_ang_b_(2) = -sx * cy;

  j_ang_c_(0) = -sy * cz;
  j_ang_c_(1) = sy * sz;
  j_ang_c_(2) = cy;

  j_ang_d_(0) = sx * cy * cz;
  j_ang_d_(1) = -sx * cy * sz;
  j_ang_d_(2) = sx * sy;

  j_ang_e_(0) = -cx * cy * cz;
  j_ang_e_(1) = cx * cy * sz;
  j_ang_e_(2) = -cx * sy;

  j_ang_f_(0) = -cy * sz;
  j_ang_f_(1) = -cy * cz;
  j_ang_f_(2) = 0;

  j_ang_g_(0) = cx * cz - sx * sy * sz;
  j_ang_g_(1) = -cx * sz - sx * sy * cz;
  j_ang_g_(2) = 0;

  j_ang_h_(0) = sx * cz + cx * sy * sz;
  j_ang_h_(1) = cx * sy * cz - sx * sz;
  j_ang_h_(2) = 0;

  if (compute_hessian) {
    h_ang_a2_(0) = -cx * sz - sx * sy * cz;
    h_ang_a2_(1) = -cx * cz + sx * sy * sz;
    h_ang_a2_(2) = sx * cy;

    h_ang_a3_(0) = -sx * sz + cx * sy * cz;
    h_ang_a3_(1) = -cx * sy * sz - sx * cz;
    h_ang_a3_(2) = -cx * cy;

    h_ang_b2_(0) = cx * cy * cz;
    h_ang_b2_(1) = -cx * cy * sz;
    h_ang_b2_(2) = cx * sy;

    h_ang_b3_(0) = sx * cy * cz;
    h_ang_b3_(1) = -sx * cy * sz;
    h_ang_b3_(2) = sx * sy;

    h_ang_c2_(0) = -sx * cz - cx * sy * sz;
    h_ang_c2_(1) = sx * sz - cx * sy * cz;
    h_ang_c2_(2) = 0;

    h_ang_c3_(0) = cx * cz - sx * sy * sz;
    h_ang_c3_(1) = -sx * sy * cz - cx * sz;
    h_ang_c3_(2) = 0;

    h_ang_d1_(0) = -cy * cz;
    h_ang_d1_(1) = cy * sz;
    h_ang_d1_(2) = sy;

    h_ang_d2_(0) = -sx * sy * cz;
    h_ang_d2_(1) = sx * sy * sz;
    h_ang_d2_(2) = sx * cy;

    h_ang_d3_(0) = cx * sy * cz;
    h_ang_d3_(1) = -cx * sy * sz;
    h_ang_d3_(2) = -cx * cy;

    h_ang_e1_(0) = sy * sz;
    h_ang_e1_(1) = sy * cz;
    h_ang_e1_(2) = 0;

    h_ang_e2_(0) = -sx * cy * sz;
    h_ang_e2_(1) = -sx * cy * cz;
    h_ang_e2_(2) = 0;

    h_ang_e3_(0) = cx * cy * sz;
    h_ang_e3_(1) = cx * cy * cz;
    h_ang_e3_(2) = 0;

    h_ang_f1_(0) = -cy * cz;
    h_ang_f1_(1) = cy * sz;
    h_ang_f1_(2) = 0;

    h_ang_f2_(0) = -cx * sz - sx * sy * cz;
    h_ang_f2_(1) = -cx * cz + sx * sy * sz;
    h_ang_f2_(2) = 0;

    h_ang_f3_(0) = -sx * sz + cx * sy * cz;
    h_ang_f3_(1) = -cx * sy * sz - sx * cz;
    h_ang_f3_(2) = 0;


根据变换方程,向量 x ⃗ \mathbf{\vec{x}} x 对变换参数p的二阶导数的向量为:【二维状态下】

δ 2 x ⃗ ′ δ p i δ p j = { [ − x 1 cos ⁡ ϕ + x 2 cos ⁡ ϕ − x 1 sin ⁡ ϕ − x 2 cos ⁡ ϕ ]  if  i = j = 3 [ 0 0 ]  otherwise  ( 6.16 ) \frac{\delta^{2} \vec{x}^{\prime}}{\delta p_{i} \delta p_{j}}=\left\{\begin{array}{cl}{\left[\begin{array}{l}-x_{1} \cos \phi+x_{2} \cos \phi \\-x_{1} \sin \phi-x_{2} \cos \phi\end{array}\right]} & \text { if } i=j=3 \\{\left[\begin{array}{l}0 \\0\end{array}\right]} & \text { otherwise }\end{array}\right.\qquad(6.16) δpiδpjδ2x = [x1cosϕ+x2cosϕx1sinϕx2cosϕ][00] if i=j=3 otherwise (6.16)

7. 跳转到第3步继续执行,直到达到收敛条件为止


sin ⁡ ϕ ≈ ϕ cos ⁡ ϕ ≈ 1 ϕ 2 ≈ 0 \begin{aligned}\sin \phi & \approx \phi \\\cos \phi & \approx 1 \\\phi^{2} & \approx 0\end{aligned} sinϕcosϕϕ2ϕ10



/** \brief Set/change the voxel grid resolution.

  • \param[in] resolution side length of voxels


voxel_grid_.setLeafSize(resolution_, resolution_, resolution_);
// Build the voxel grid
  if (input->points.size() > 0) {
    voxel_grid_.setLeafSize(resolution_, resolution_, resolution_);



这一步也就是ndt算法步骤中的第六步 计算一些系列的偏导矩阵(Hessian, Jacobian)



/** \brief Set/change the newton line search maximum step length.

  • \param[in] step_size maximum step length


delta_p_norm = computeStepLengthMT(p, delta_p, delta_p_norm, step_size_, transformation_epsilon_ / 2, score, score_gradient, hessian, trans_cloud_)

对于这个computeStepLengthMT 详细的介绍是

/** \brief Compute line search step length and update transform and probability derivatives using More-Thuente method.
  * \note Search Algorithm [More, Thuente 1994]
  * \param[in] x initial transformation vector, \f$ x \f$ in Equation 1.3 (Moore, Thuente 1994) and \f$ \vec{p} \f$ in Algorithm 2 [Magnusson 2009]
  * \param[in] step_dir descent direction, \f$ p \f$ in Equation 1.3 (Moore, Thuente 1994) and \f$ \delta \vec{p} \f$ normalized in Algorithm 2 [Magnusson 2009]
  * \param[in] step_init initial step length estimate, \f$ \alpha_0 \f$ in Moore-Thuente (1994) and the noramal of \f$ \delta \vec{p} \f$ in Algorithm 2 [Magnusson 2009]
  * \param[in] step_max maximum step length, \f$ \alpha_max \f$ in Moore-Thuente (1994)
  * \param[in] step_min minimum step length, \f$ \alpha_min \f$ in Moore-Thuente (1994)
  * \param[out] score final score function value, \f$ f(x + \alpha p) \f$ in Equation 1.3 (Moore, Thuente 1994) and \f$ score \f$ in Algorithm 2 [Magnusson 2009]
  * \param[in,out] score_gradient gradient of score function w.r.t. transformation vector, \f$ f'(x + \alpha p) \f$ in Moore-Thuente (1994) and \f$ \vec{g} \f$ in Algorithm 2 [Magnusson 2009]
  * \param[out] hessian hessian of score function w.r.t. transformation vector, \f$ f''(x + \alpha p) \f$ in Moore-Thuente (1994) and \f$ H \f$ in Algorithm 2 [Magnusson 2009]
  * \param[in,out] trans_cloud transformed point cloud, \f$ X \f$ transformed by \f$ T(\vec{p},\vec{x}) \f$ in Algorithm 2 [Magnusson 2009]
  * \return final step length
computeStepLengthMT (const Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> &x,
                      Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> &step_dir,
                      double step_init,
                      double step_max, double step_min,
                      double &score,
                      Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> &score_gradient,
                      Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6> &hessian,
                      PointCloudSource &trans_cloud);


/** \brief Set the transformation epsilon (maximum allowable difference between two consecutive
* transformations) in order for an optimization to be considered as having converged to the final
* solution.
* \param[in] epsilon the transformation epsilon in order for an optimization to be considered as having
* converged to the final solution.


/** \brief Set the maximum number of iterations the internal optimization should run for.
* \param[in] nr_iterations the maximum number of iterations the internal optimization should run for

所以其实这三个参数不改应该也可以的吧… 是进行无约束的优化

Leaf Size


// Apply voxelgrid filter
  pcl::VoxelGrid<pcl::PointXYZI> voxel_grid_filter;
  voxel_grid_filter.setLeafSize(voxel_leaf_size, voxel_leaf_size, voxel_leaf_size);

Min&Max Scan Range

最大最小扫描范围(用来过滤距离车辆较近以及较远的点云数据) 这个也是主要要调整的参数,5-200m距离之间的点云才算数


    r = sqrt(pow(p.x, 2.0) + pow(p.y, 2.0));
    if (min_scan_range < r && r < max_scan_range)

Minimum Add Scan Shift


// Calculate the shift between added_pos and current_pos
  double shift = sqrt(pow(current_pose.x - added_pose.x, 2.0) + pow(current_pose.y - added_pose.y, 2.0));
  if (shift >= min_add_scan_shift)
    submap_size += shift;
    map += *transformed_scan_ptr;
    submap += *transformed_scan_ptr;
    added_pose.x = current_pose.x;
    added_pose.y = current_pose.y;
    added_pose.z = current_pose.z;
    added_pose.roll = current_pose.roll;
    added_pose.pitch = current_pose.pitch;
    added_pose.yaw = current_pose.yaw;
    isMapUpdate = true;


第一幅照片是原始默认的参数,也就是autoware的Bag包在日本道路上跑着的时候建的图的参数;第二幅是在A420 一个平方米小于20平方米的空间内的建图参数;两个建图均在都是仅有激光雷达数据的情况下,point_raw
Attention! v1.14中有点BAG详情见: ndt_mapping 无法建图 [GO TO Autoware: ndt_mapping doesn’t compute transformation matrix] 修改代码并编译后就OK了
最后的Filter Resolution是指要Filter到多少个点比如0.5 滤掉一半,0.2滤掉20%保留80%
最后保存的时候,对于大马路上0.2挺好,但是室内本来点就不多,所以0.01 或者完全不去都可以的

