In this tutorial, we’ll be discussing at length, Functions in Kotlin. We’ll discuss everything you need to know about kotlin functions right from the syntax to the various implementations.
在本教程中,我们将详细讨论Kotlin中的功能。 我们将从语法到各种实现,讨论您需要了解的有关kotlin函数的所有信息。
In Kotlin, functions can be used at the top level. By top level, we mean they can be defined without the need to be enclosed in a class or anywhere. This is one of the primary reasons that in Kotlin, we use the term functions instead of methods.
在Kotlin中,可以在顶层使用功能。 在顶层,我们的意思是可以定义它们而无需将其包含在类中或任何地方。 这是在Kotlin中我们使用术语函数而不是方法的主要原因之一。
Functions can be defined into various types depending on the various categories. At a very high level, we define the function in the following two categories.
可以根据各种类别将功能定义为各种类型。 在很高的层次上,我们在以下两类中定义函数。
, println()
etc. defined in the standard library Kotlin标准函数 :Kotlin在标准库中定义了自己的一组函数,例如main()
, println()
等。 Functions in Kotlin are fun! No doubt a function is defined using the keyword fun
. It is followed by the function name. The parameters along with their types go inside the brackets. The return type is set outside the brackets as shown below.
Kotlin中的功能很有趣! 无疑,功能是使用关键字fun
定义的。 其后是函数名称。 参数及其类型放在方括号内。 返回类型设置在括号之外,如下所示。
fun function_name(param1: Type1, param2: Type2,.....) : SetReturnTypeHere{
//function body goes here.
Note: To override a function in subclasses we need to append the modifier override
Let us define a function that calculates the sum of two numbers. We’ll do this in each of the types defined by scope.
让我们定义一个计算两个数字之和的函数。 我们将在范围定义的每种类型中执行此操作。
fun main(args: Array) {
sumOfTwo(2,3) //returns 5
fun sumOfTwo(a: Int, b: Int): Int{
return a + b
To call the function we just need to pass the parameters as the arguments.
fun main(args: Array) {
var a = A()
class A {
fun sumOfTwo(a: Int, b: Int): Int{
return a + b
会员职能 fun main(args: Array) {
sumOfDoubleOfTwo(2,3) //returns 5
print(sumOfDoubleOfTwo(2,3)) //prints 10. This is a triple nested function.
fun sumOfDoubleOfTwo(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
fun letMeDoubleAndAdd(): Int {
return a * 2 + b * 2
return letMeDoubleAndAdd()
does the execution part and returns the result to the first function.
Note: The print
function in the above code implicitly encloses the sumOfDoubleOfTwo()
function. Hence the sumOfDoubleOfTwo()
acts as a nested function in the second statement.
注意 :上面代码中的print
函数。 因此, sumOfDoubleOfTwo()
If there’s no return type, we can leave the return type space empty.
fun main(args: Array) {
helloWorld() //prints Fun says hello world
print(helloWorld()) //prints Fun says hello world\nkotlin.Unit
fun helloWorld() {
println("Fun says hello world")
What’s kotlin.Unit?
is the Kotlin equivalent of void
in Java.
So the above function can also be written as :
fun helloWorld() :Unit {
println("Fun says hello world")
We can stay away from the above definition though since setting the Unit
return type is not compulsory.
Kotlin allows setting default values in the function definition. This way, if you don’t pass an argument in the function call, the default value would be used as shown below.
Kotlin允许在函数定义中设置默认值。 这样,如果您未在函数调用中传递参数,则将使用默认值,如下所示。
fun main(args: Array) {
print(appendAllParams("Hi", message = "How are you doing?")) //prints Hi Jay, How are you doing?
fun appendAllParams(greet: String, name: String = "Jay", message: String): String {
return greet + name + ", " + message
Named Arguments lets us set the name of the parameter to the respective argument in in the function call.
This way instead of always sticking to the defined order of parameters, we can set our own order.
It enhances the readability of the function too as shown below.
fun main(args: Array) {
returnBooleans(a = true, b = true, c = true, d = false)
fun returnBooleans(a: Boolean, b: Boolean, c: Boolean, d: Boolean): Boolean {
return a && b || c && d
In the above code, we’re able to keep a track of each parameter name and value in the function unlike the following code where we can forget which argument is set for which parameter.
returnBooleans(true, true, true, false)
Functions in Kotlin that consist of a single expression only can be made much simpler and concise using the following syntax:
fun main(args: Array) {
print(sumOfTwo(2, 3))
fun sumOfTwo(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b
As shown above, single expressions can be written on the Right hand side of =
Single expression functions do not require setting the return type or the curly braces. Kotlin automatically infers it for you.
单表达式函数不需要设置返回类型或花括号。 Kotlin会自动为您推断。
We can define functions in Kotlin with a variable number of arguments using the vararg
modifier in the parameter declaration as shown below.
fun main(args: Array) {
print(concatenate("Hello\n", "How are you doing?\n", "Add more words in here\n"))
fun concatenate(vararg word: String): String {
var result = ""
for (s in word) {
result += s
return result
Only one vararg
parameter is allowed her function.
In Kotlin we can use functions as types and assign it to properties, pass them as arguments in other functions or use them as return values(High Order Functions).
fun main(args: Array) {
val str = concatenate("Hello\n", "How are you doing?\n", "Add more words in here\n")
//str is of type String
fun concatenate(vararg word: String): String {
var result = ""
for (s in word) {
result += s
return result
Function types is a powerful concept and we’ll look at it in detail in High Order Functions.
A spread operator is denoted by * and is decomposes an array into individual elements which we’ll eventually pass into the vararg
parameter as shown below.
fun main(args: Array) {
val a = intArrayOf(1, 2, 3)
fun sumOfNumbers(vararg numbers: Int): Int {
var sum = 0
for (number in numbers) {
sum += number
return sum
creates an array out of the elements which is passed into the sumOfNumbers
function that’ll eventually spread the array into a vararg
Extension Functions are used to extend some functionality to a class .
fun main(args: Array) {
var x = 5
print(x.multiplyByTwo()) //10
fun Int.multiplyByTwo() : Int
return this*2
In classes
We can always extend a function from a class as shown below:
fun main(args: Array) {
val b = Book()
b.printFunction("Hey") //member function
b.printFunction() //extension function
fun Book.printFunction()
class Book {
fun printFunction(str: String) {
//Following is printed on the console
In the above code, the extension function overloads the member function from the class.
Infix notations are added on a function to make the function calling more cleaner and closer to the english language since we don’t need to call the function using a dot notation as we’ll be seeing shortly.
An example below demonstrates the same.
fun main(args: Array) {
val b = Numbers()
b addNumber 5
print(b.x) //prints 15
class Numbers {
var x = 10
infix fun addNumber(num: Int) {
this.x = this.x + num
From the above code, we can decipher that bitwise operator and
, or
etc are infix functions in kotlin.
Also, infix notation function is used in downTo, until etc in loops in Kotlin too
Tail Recursive Functions is a template that Kotlin uses to get rid of the loops in recursive functions.
Adding the tailrec
modifier to a function would write the function as a recursive one without for/while loops hence decreasing the risk of stack overflow.
Typically we can write recursive functions like this:
修饰符会将函数写为递归函数,而无需for / while循环,从而降低了堆栈溢出的风险。
fun findFixPoint(): Double {
var x = 1.0
while (true) {
val y = Math.cos(x)
if (x == y) return x
x = y
Using tailrec
the above function should look like this:
tailrec fun findFixPoint(x: Double = 1.0): Double
= if (x == Math.cos(x)) x else findFixPoint(Math.cos(x))
Note: tailrec is only valid when there is no code after the recursive call.
Typically a factorial function is written like this:
fun factorial(n: Long, accum: Long = 1): Long {
val soFar = n * accum
return if (n <= 1) {
} else {
factorial(n - 1, soFar)
The tail recursive function would look like:
fun main(args: Array) {
var x =calculateFact(1,5)
tailrec fun calculateFact(acc: Long, n: Long): Long {
if (n == 1L) {
return acc
return calculateFact(n * acc, n - 1)
We’ve covered the basics of Functions in Kotlin in this tutorial. We’ll be looking at High Order Functions, Anonymous Functions, Inline Functions and many more things in the upcoming tutorials.
在本教程中,我们已经介绍了Kotlin中的Functions基础。 在即将到来的教程中,我们将研究高阶函数,匿名函数,内联函数以及更多内容。
References : Kotlin Docs
参考文献: Kotlin Docs
翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/18771/kotlin-functions