签名证书无效”-在vCenter Server Appliance 6.5 / 6.7上使用Shell脚本重新生成和替换已过期的STS证书(76719)

“签名证书无效”-在vCenter Server Appliance 6.5 / 6.7上使用Shell脚本重新生成和替换已过期的STS证书(76719)

上次更新时间:2020/7/8分类:故障排除 24语言:                 日本英语                          订阅
  • 由于证书过期并显示以下错误,因此vCenter / PSC服务无法启动:

错误com.vmware.vim.sso.client.impl.SecurityTokenServiceImpl $ RequestResponseProcessor opId =]服务器拒绝了所提供的时间范围。原因:ns0:InvalidTimeRange:令牌颁发机构拒绝了TimePeriod的发布请求[startTime = Thu Jan 02 09:22:13 EST 2020,endTime = Fri Jan 03 09:22:13 EST 2020] ::签名证书在2020年EST 1月2日星期四09:22:13,证书有效期:TimePeriod [

  • 登录到Web客户端时,观察到以下错误:
HTTP状态400 –错误的请求消息BadRequest,签名证书无效
  • 如果由于证书过期而导致vmware-vpxd服务未运行,则访问WebClient或UI Client将显示以下错误消息

  • 如果可访问WebClient,则可能会抛出错误消息“签名证书无效”-在vCenter Server Appliance 6.5 / 6.7上使用Shell脚本重新生成和替换已过期的STS证书(76719)_第1张图片
  • 无法替换PSC或VC上的任何证书,因为它无法在注册服务上重新注册服务
  • 无法使用lstool从查找服务中手动添加/修改/删除注册
  • 无法部署新的PSC并进行跨域重定向
  • 无法将新的PSC部署为现有SSO域上的复制伙伴


  • 在以下情况下,STS签名证书的使用寿命预计为2年左右。
  • 并非所有6.5 U2或更高版本,但仅在6.5版本中仅6.5 U2或更高版本。
  • 从U2或更高版本(仅6.5行)开始全新安装PSC / vCenter Server 6.5。
  • 新安装的PSC / vCenter Server 6.5 U2或任何更高版本的6.5,并已升级到更高版本,包括6.7和7.0。
  • 在PSC或vCenter Server安装后,使用certool替换了STS签名证书。
  • STS签名证书已替换为自定义证书(内部/外部CA签名)。
在运行脚本之前,请同时为SSO域中的所有vCenter Server和Platform Service Controller制作脱机快照。
要解决Windows上vCenter Server的问题,请参阅“签名证书无效”-在Windows上安装的vCenter Server 6.5 / 6.7上使用PowerShell脚本重新生成和替换过期的STS证书
  1. 下载此kb随附的“ fixsts.sh”脚本,然后将其上载到/ tmp文件夹中的受影响的PSC或具有嵌入式PSC的VC,或者使用vi将其内容复制到设备上的文本文件中
  2. cd到/ tmp文件夹
  3. 运行chmod + x fixsts.sh以使文件可执行
  4. 运行./fixsts.sh
  5. 通过使用以下命令在SSO域中的所有vCenter和/或PSC上重新启动服务:

    service-control --stop --all
    service-control --start --all

    注意:  如果还有其他已过期的证书(例如,机器SSL或解决方案用户。继续进行下一步,以识别和替换那些过期的证书。
  6. 检查到期和替换,你可能有其他任何过期的证书,使用证书管理器,如图如何使用vSphere证书管理器,以取代SSL证书  或按照选项8所示,  如何使用自签名VMCA再生的vSphere 6.x的证书  ,如果计算机SSL和解决方案用户证书均已过期
    • 以下单行代码可以确定vCenter Server Appliance的其他过期证书:     
为我在$(/ usr / lib / vmware-vmafd / bin / vecs-cli存储列表)中; 回显存储区$ i; / usr / lib / vmware-vmafd / bin / vecs-cli条目列表--store $ i --text | egrep“别名|不之后”; 完成

如果替换了计算机SSL或VMCA根证书,则需要重新注册第二方解决方案,例如NSX,SRM和vSphere Replication。 

注意:  如果您使用的是不带网关的HLM(混合链接模式),则需要按照以下步骤



1:VC / PSC的脱机快照
===================== =============
重设vcsa1.gsslabs.org的STS证书于5月22日星期五14:39:40 UTC 2020

检测到DN:cn = vcsa1.gsslabs.org,ou =域控制器,dc = vsphere,dc = local
域名CN:DC = vSphere中,DC =本地
====== ============================

====== =============================



输入[email protected]的密码:
租户和trustedcertchain 1 导出到/ tmp / vmware-fixsts

删除租户和trustedcertchain 1

添加新条目“ cn = TenantCredential-1,cn = vsphere.local,cn = Tenants,cn = IdentityManager,cn = Services,dc = vsphere,dc = local”

添加新条目“ cn = TrustedCertChain-1,cn = TrustedCertificateChains, cn = vsphere.local,cn =租户,cn = IdentityManager,cn =服务,dc = vsphere,dc = local“

========== ===============================================================================================================)
==== =============================

注意:   尝试运行脚本时,您可能会收到错误消息:
bash:./recreate_machine.sh:/ bin / bash ^ M:错误的解释器:没有这样的文件或目录

sed -i -e's / \ r $ //'fixsts.sh

有关查看STS证书并确定到期日期的更多信息,请参见在vCenter Server上检查STS证书的到期。


"Signing certificate is not valid" - Regenerating and replacing expired STS certificate using shell script on vCenter Server Appliance 6.5/6.7 (76719)

Last Updated: 2020/7/8Categories: Troubleshooting 24Language:                 JapaneseEnglish                          subscribe
  • vCenter/PSC Services do not start due to expired certificate showing the following errors:
     Path: /var/log/vmware/vpxd-svcs/vpxd-svcs.log

ERROR com.vmware.vim.sso.client.impl.SecurityTokenServiceImpl$RequestResponseProcessor  opId=] Server rejected the provided time range. Cause:ns0:InvalidTimeRange: The token authority rejected an issue request for TimePeriod [startTime=Thu Jan 02 09:22:13 EST 2020, endTime=Fri Jan 03 09:22:13 EST 2020] :: Signing certificate is not valid at Thu Jan 02 09:22:13 EST 2020, cert validity: TimePeriod [

  • The following error is observed when logging into the Web Client:
HTTP Status 400 – Bad Request Message BadRequest, Signing certificate is  not valid
  • Accessing WebClient or UI Client will show below error message if vmware-vpxd service is not running due to expired certificate
503 Service Unavailable

  • If WebClient is accessible, it might throw error message 签名证书无效”-在vCenter Server Appliance 6.5 / 6.7上使用Shell脚本重新生成和替换已过期的STS证书(76719)_第2张图片
  • Unable to replace any certificate on either PSC or VC because it fails to re-register services on lookup service
  • Unable to add/modify/delete registrations from lookup service manually using lstool
  • Cannot deploy a new PSC and do a cross domain repoint
  • Cannot deploy a new PSC as a replication partner on the existing SSO domain
Regenerate and replace STS certificate in a streamlined way.
These issues happen when the STS (Security Token Service) certificate is expired. The internal services and solution users cannot acquire valid tokens and they cannot work as expected.

When the STS certificate expires, it does so without warning. On some systems, this expiry may occur as soon as two years from initial deployment.

  • Here are the scenarios where STS signing certificate is expected to have life time around 2 years.
  • Not all 6.5 U2 or later but only 6.5 U2 or later on 6.5 release lines only.
  • Fresh installation of PSC/vCenter Server 6.5 starting with U2 or later (6.5 lines only).
  • Freshly installed PSC/vCenter Server 6.5 U2 or any later 6.5 releases and upgraded to a later version including 6.7 and 7.0.
  • STS signing certificate has been replaced using certool post installation of PSC or vCenter Server.
  • STS signing certificate has been replaced with custom certificate (Internal/External CA Signed).
 Impact / Risks
Warning: This script will interact with VMDIR's database.
Take offline snapshots concurrently for all vCenter Servers and Platform Service Controllers in the SSO domain before running the script.
This script should only be run once per SSO domain.
To resolve the issue on for vCenter Server on Windows see "Signing certificate is not valid" - Regenerating and replacing expired STS certificate using PowerShell script on vCenter Server 6.5/6.7 installed on Windows
  1. Download the "fixsts.sh" script attached to this kb and upload to the impacted PSC or VC with embedded PSC in the /tmp folder, or copy its contents to a text file on the appliance using vi
  2. cd to /tmp folder
  3. Run chmod +x fixsts.sh to make the file executable
  4. Run ./fixsts.sh
  5. Restart services on all vCenters and/or PSCs in your SSO domain by using below commands:

    service-control --stop --all
    service-control --start --all

    Note: Restart of services will fail if there are other expired certificates like Machine SSL or Solution User. Proceed with next step to identify and replace those expired certificates.
  6. Check for expiration and replace any other expired certificates you might have, using certificate manager as shown in How to use vSphere Certificate Manager to Replace SSL Certificates or follow Option 8 as shown in How to regenerate vSphere 6.x certificates using self-signed VMCA if both Machine SSL and Solution User certificates are expired
    • The following one-liner can determine other expired certificates for the vCenter Server Appliance:     
for i in $(/usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vecs-cli store list); do echo STORE $i; /usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vecs-cli entry list --store $i --text | egrep "Alias|Not After"; done

If you replaced Machine SSL or VMCA Root certificates, you will need to re-register 2nd party solutions such as NSX, SRM, and vSphere Replication. 

Note: In case you're using HLM (Hybrid Linked Mode) without a gateway, you would need to re-sync the certs from Cloud to On-Prem after following this procedure

The script will ask for the SSO administrator password and then proceed to regenerate and replace STS certificate.

This is an example of a successful output

NOTE: This works on external and embedded PSCs
This script will do the following
1: Regenerate STS certificate
What is needed?
1: Offline snapshots of VCs/PSCs
2: SSO Admin Password
IMPORTANT: This script should only be run on a single PSC per SSO domain
Resetting STS certificate for vcsa1.gsslabs.org started on Fri May 22 14:39:40 UTC 2020

Detected DN: cn=vcsa1.gsslabs.org,ou=Domain Controllers,dc=vsphere,dc=local
Detected PNID: vcsa1.gsslabs.org
Detected PSC: vcsa1.gsslabs.org
Detected SSO domain name: vsphere.local
Detected Machine ID: ce510c87-35e6-444e-82f0-60a7527608a3
Detected IP Address:
Domain CN: dc=vsphere,dc=local

Detected Root's certificate expiration date: 2030 May 16
Detected today's date: 2020 May 22

Exporting and generating STS certificate

Status : Success
Using config file : /tmp/vmware-fixsts/certool.cfg
Status : Success

Enter password for [email protected]:
Amount of tenant credentials: 1
Exporting tenant and trustedcertchain 1 to /tmp/vmware-fixsts

Deleting tenant and trustedcertchain 1

Applying newly generated STS certificate to SSO domain
adding new entry "cn=TenantCredential-1,cn=vsphere.local,cn=Tenants,cn=IdentityManager,cn=Services,dc=vsphere,dc=local"

adding new entry "cn=TrustedCertChain-1,cn=TrustedCertificateChains,cn=vsphere.local,cn=Tenants,cn=IdentityManager,cn=Services,dc=vsphere,dc=local"

Replacement finished - Please restart services on all vCenters and PSCs in your SSO domain
IMPORTANT: In case you're using HLM (Hybrid Linked Mode) without a gateway, you would need to re-sync the certs from Cloud to On-Prem after following this procedure

Note:  You may receive an error when you try to run the script:
bash:  ./recreate_machine.sh: /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
This error is caused by DOS carriage returns added to the script when copying from a Windows based text editor.  To resolve this problem, run the following command and rerun the script:

sed -i -e 's/\r$//' fixsts.sh

 Related Information
For more information on viewing the STS certificate and determining the expiry date please see Checking Expiration of STS Certificate on vCenter Server.
