{@code TestContextManager} is the main entry point into the <em>Spring
* TestContext Framework</em>.
* <p>Specifically, a {@code TestContextManager} is responsible for managing a
* single {@link TestContext} and signaling events to all registered
* {@link TestExecutionListener TestExecutionListeners} at the following test
<p>具体来说,{@code TestContextManager} 负责管理单个 {@link TestContext} 并在以下测试中向所有注册的 {@link TestExecutionListener TestExecutionListeners} 发送信号事件
根据上面的Java doc,我们便知道了两个重要的概念
TestContext 和 TestExecutionListener
{@code TestContext} encapsulates the context in which a test is executed,
* agnostic of the actual testing framework in use.
{@code TestContext} 封装了执行测试的上下文,与使用的实际测试框架无关。
public class DefaultTestContext implements TestContext {
private final Map<String, Object> attributes = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(4);
private final CacheAwareContextLoaderDelegate cacheAwareContextLoaderDelegate;
private final MergedContextConfiguration mergedContextConfiguration;
private final Class<?> testClass;
private volatile Object testInstance;
private volatile Method testMethod;
private volatile Throwable testException;
* Pre-processes a test class before execution of all tests within
* the class.
* This method should be called immediately before framework-specific
* before class lifecycle callbacks.
The default implementation is empty. Can be overridden by
* concrete classes as necessary.
* @param testContext the test context for the test; never {@code null}
* @throws Exception allows any exception to propagate
* @since 3.0
default void beforeTestClass(TestContext testContext) throws Exception {
/* no-op */
* Prepares the {@link Object test instance} of the supplied
* {@link TestContext test context}, for example by injecting dependencies.
* This method should be called immediately after instantiation of the test
* instance but prior to any framework-specific lifecycle callbacks.
The default implementation is empty. Can be overridden by
* concrete classes as necessary.
* @param testContext the test context for the test; never {@code null}
* @throws Exception allows any exception to propagate
default void prepareTestInstance(TestContext testContext) throws Exception {
/* no-op */
* Pre-processes a test before execution of before
* lifecycle callbacks of the underlying test framework — for example,
* by setting up test fixtures.
* This method must be called immediately prior to
* framework-specific before lifecycle callbacks. For historical
* reasons, this method is named {@code beforeTestMethod}. Since the
* introduction of {@link #beforeTestExecution}, a more suitable name for
* this method might be something like {@code beforeTestSetUp} or
* {@code beforeEach}; however, it is unfortunately impossible to rename
* this method due to backward compatibility concerns.
The default implementation is empty. Can be overridden by
* concrete classes as necessary.
* @param testContext the test context in which the test method will be
* executed; never {@code null}
* @throws Exception allows any exception to propagate
* @see #afterTestMethod
* @see #beforeTestExecution
* @see #afterTestExecution
default void beforeTestMethod(TestContext testContext) throws Exception {
/* no-op */
* Pre-processes a test immediately before execution of the
* {@link java.lang.reflect.Method test method} in the supplied
* {@link TestContext test context} — for example, for timing
* or logging purposes.
* This method must be called after framework-specific
* before lifecycle callbacks.
The default implementation is empty. Can be overridden by
* concrete classes as necessary.
* @param testContext the test context in which the test method will be
* executed; never {@code null}
* @throws Exception allows any exception to propagate
* @since 5.0
* @see #beforeTestMethod
* @see #afterTestMethod
* @see #afterTestExecution
default void beforeTestExecution(TestContext testContext) throws Exception {
/* no-op */
* Post-processes a test immediately after execution of the
* {@link java.lang.reflect.Method test method} in the supplied
* {@link TestContext test context} — for example, for timing
* or logging purposes.
* This method must be called before framework-specific
* after lifecycle callbacks.
The default implementation is empty. Can be overridden by
* concrete classes as necessary.
* @param testContext the test context in which the test method will be
* executed; never {@code null}
* @throws Exception allows any exception to propagate
* @since 5.0
* @see #beforeTestMethod
* @see #afterTestMethod
* @see #beforeTestExecution
default void afterTestExecution(TestContext testContext) throws Exception {
/* no-op */
* Post-processes a test after execution of after
* lifecycle callbacks of the underlying test framework — for example,
* by tearing down test fixtures.
* This method must be called immediately after
* framework-specific after lifecycle callbacks. For historical
* reasons, this method is named {@code afterTestMethod}. Since the
* introduction of {@link #afterTestExecution}, a more suitable name for
* this method might be something like {@code afterTestTearDown} or
* {@code afterEach}; however, it is unfortunately impossible to rename
* this method due to backward compatibility concerns.
The default implementation is empty. Can be overridden by
* concrete classes as necessary.
* @param testContext the test context in which the test method was
* executed; never {@code null}
* @throws Exception allows any exception to propagate
* @see #beforeTestMethod
* @see #beforeTestExecution
* @see #afterTestExecution
default void afterTestMethod(TestContext testContext) throws Exception {
/* no-op */
* Post-processes a test class after execution of all tests within
* the class.
* This method should be called immediately after framework-specific
* after class lifecycle callbacks.
The default implementation is empty. Can be overridden by
* concrete classes as necessary.
* @param testContext the test context for the test; never {@code null}
* @throws Exception allows any exception to propagate
* @since 3.0
default void afterTestClass(TestContext testContext) throws Exception {
/* no-op */
public void beforeTestMethod(final TestContext testContext) throws Exception {
Method testMethod = testContext.getTestMethod();
Class<?> testClass = testContext.getTestClass();
Assert.notNull(testMethod, "Test method of supplied TestContext must not be null");
TransactionContext txContext = TransactionContextHolder.removeCurrentTransactionContext();
Assert.state(txContext == null, "Cannot start new transaction without ending existing transaction");
PlatformTransactionManager tm = null;
// 获取方法或者类上的@Transactional注解信息
TransactionAttribute transactionAttribute = this.attributeSource.getTransactionAttribute(testMethod, testClass);
// 如果加了@Transactional注解
if (transactionAttribute != null) {
transactionAttribute = TestContextTransactionUtils.createDelegatingTransactionAttribute(testContext,
if (transactionAttribute.getPropagationBehavior() == TransactionDefinition.PROPAGATION_NOT_SUPPORTED) {
// transactionManager默认情况下会获取容器里的PlatformTransactionManager
tm = getTransactionManager(testContext, transactionAttribute.getQualifier());
Assert.state(tm != null,
() -> "Failed to retrieve PlatformTransactionManager for @Transactional test: " + testContext);
if (tm != null) {
// 需要重点关注isRollback方法,新建了一个事务上下文txContext
txContext = new TransactionContext(testContext, tm, transactionAttribute, isRollback(testContext));
// 这里面通过TransactionManager的getTransaction获取了对应的transactionStatus,然后设置到了transactionContext上了
// 将transactionContext放到了ThreadLocal上
protected final boolean isRollback(TestContext testContext) throws Exception {
// 如果类上面没有加@Rollback注解,那么此处rollback = true;只有@Rollback(value=false),此处才是false
boolean rollback = isDefaultRollback(testContext);
// 获取方法上的@Rollback注解
Rollback rollbackAnnotation =
AnnotatedElementUtils.findMergedAnnotation(testContext.getTestMethod(), Rollback.class);
if (rollbackAnnotation != null) {
// 返回方法上的@Rollback注解的value
boolean rollbackOverride = rollbackAnnotation.value();
rollback = rollbackOverride;
else {
// 所以此处默认是true
return rollback;
protected final boolean isDefaultRollback(TestContext testContext) throws Exception {
Class<?> testClass = testContext.getTestClass();
Rollback rollback = AnnotatedElementUtils.findMergedAnnotation(testClass, Rollback.class);
boolean rollbackPresent = (rollback != null);
if (rollbackPresent) {
boolean defaultRollback = rollback.value();
return defaultRollback;
// else
return true;
TransactionContext(TestContext testContext, PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager,
TransactionDefinition transactionDefinition, boolean defaultRollback) {
this.testContext = testContext;
this.transactionManager = transactionManager;
this.transactionDefinition = transactionDefinition;
this.defaultRollback = defaultRollback;
// 因此此处的flaggedForRollback被设置成了true
this.flaggedForRollback = defaultRollback;
综上,可以发现,在beforeTestMethod中,会读取方法的@Transactional注解,如果类或者方法上没有@Rollback,那么默认的会设置一个 TransactionContext,并将其flaggedForRollback设置为true
public void afterTestMethod(TestContext testContext) throws Exception {
Method testMethod = testContext.getTestMethod();
Assert.notNull(testMethod, "The test method of the supplied TestContext must not be null");
// 从ThreadLocal上拿到了事务上下文txContext
TransactionContext txContext = TransactionContextHolder.removeCurrentTransactionContext();
// If there was (or perhaps still is) a transaction...
if (txContext != null) {
TransactionStatus transactionStatus = txContext.getTransactionStatus();
try {
// If the transaction is still active...
// 获取事务状态transactionStatus,
if (transactionStatus != null && !transactionStatus.isCompleted()) {
// 在该方法里进行回滚
finally {
void endTransaction() {
Assert.state(this.transactionStatus != null,
() -> "Failed to end transaction - transaction does not exist: " + this.testContext);
try {
if (this.flaggedForRollback) {
// 进入此处,调用了transactionManager的rollback方法
else {
finally {
this.transactionStatus = null;
1. 执行beforeTestMethod,封装了一个TransactionContext,并把其中的flaggedForRollback设置成true,并把TransactionContext放到ThreadLocal里
2. 然后执行我们的单测方法
3. 执行afterTestMethod,从ThreadLocal里取出TransactionContext,判断里面的flaggedForRollback,如果为true,就rollback,否则就commit