unity 获取选中的目录_Unity遍历所选文件夹中包含某后缀名的文件路径

[1. BusyBox httpd CGI scriptsThe http daemon expects that CGI script is in subdirectory cgi-bin under main web d]

//遍历所选文件夹,[官方详细介绍官方文档里有个bug追查代码才发现的isVirtualWebappRelative - Should \"virtual\" SSI directivepaths be interpreted as relative to th]查找该文件夹以及子文件夹中 后缀为 .prefab的文件路径

using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using UnityEditor;

using System.IO;

public class CameraMove : MonoBehaviour {

// 在菜单来创建 选项 , 点击该选项执行搜索代码


static void CheckSceneSetting()


List dirs = new List();

GetDirs(Application.dataPath, ref dirs);


//参数1 为要查找的总路径, 参数2 保存路径

private static void GetDirs(string dirPath, ref List dirs)


foreach (string path in Directory.GetFiles(dirPath))


//获取所有文件夹中包含后缀为 .prefab 的路径

if (System.IO.Path.GetExtension(path) == ".prefab")






if (Directory.GetDirectories(dirPath).Length > 0) //遍历所有文件夹


foreach (string path in Directory.GetDirectories(dirPath))


GetDirs(path, ref dirs);





[本文转http://googledave.javaeye.com/blog/438474ssi直译server side include ,服务器端包括关键字: tomcat ssi shtm]
