



线程一共有6个状态,对应如下 State enum

public enum State {
	 * 对应 new Thread(Runnable target) 但是还没有调用start()方法
	 * 对应 new Thread(Runnable target).start() 后的状态
	 * 包括通常我们所说的 就绪 与 运行 状态
	 * Thread state for a thread blocked waiting for a monitor lock.
	 * A thread in the blocked state is waiting for a monitor lock
	 * to enter a synchronized block/method or
	 * reenter a synchronized block/method after calling
	 * {@link Object#wait() Object.wait}.
	 * Thread state for a waiting thread.
	 * A thread is in the waiting state due to calling one of the
	 * following methods:
  • {@link Object#wait() Object.wait} with no timeout
  • *
  • {@link #join() Thread.join} with no timeout
  • *
  • {@link LockSupport#park() LockSupport.park}
  • *
* *

A thread in the waiting state is waiting for another thread to * perform a particular action. * * For example, a thread that has called Object.wait() * on an object is waiting for another thread to call * Object.notify() or Object.notifyAll() on * that object. A thread that has called Thread.join() * is waiting for a specified thread to terminate. */ WAITING, /** * Thread state for a waiting thread with a specified waiting time. * A thread is in the timed waiting state due to calling one of * the following methods with a specified positive waiting time: *

  • {@link #sleep Thread.sleep}
  • *
  • {@link Object#wait(long) Object.wait} with timeout
  • *
  • {@link #join(long) Thread.join} with timeout
  • *
  • {@link LockSupport#parkNanos LockSupport.parkNanos}
  • *
  • {@link LockSupport#parkUntil LockSupport.parkUntil}
  • *
TIMED_WAITING, /** * Thread state for a terminated thread. * The thread has completed execution. */ TERMINATED; }

Thread 类


 * A thread is a thread of execution in a program. The Java
 * Virtual Machine allows an application to have multiple threads of
 * execution running concurrently.

* Every thread has a priority. Threads with higher priority are * executed in preference to threads with lower priority. Each thread * may or may not also be marked as a daemon. When code running in * some thread creates a new Thread object, the new * thread has its priority initially set equal to the priority of the * creating thread, and is a daemon thread if and only if the * creating thread is a daemon. *

* When a Java Virtual Machine starts up, there is usually a single * non-daemon thread (which typically calls the method named * main of some designated class). The Java Virtual * Machine continues to execute threads until either of the following * occurs: *

  • The exit method of class Runtime has been * called and the security manager has permitted the exit operation * to take place. *
  • All threads that are not daemon threads have died, either by * returning from the call to the run method or by * throwing an exception that propagates beyond the run * method. *
* Every thread has a name for identification purposes. More than * one thread may have the same name. If a name is not specified when * a thread is created, a new name is generated for it. *

*/ public class Thread implements Runnable { private volatile String name; private int priority; /* Whether or not the thread is a daemon thread. */ private boolean daemon = false; /* What will be run. */ private Runnable target; /* The group of this thread */ private ThreadGroup group; /* * Thread ID */ private long tid; /* For generating thread ID */ private static long threadSeqNumber; private volatile int threadStatus = 0; private static synchronized long nextThreadID() { return ++threadSeqNumber; } /** * The minimum priority that a thread can have. */ public final static int MIN_PRIORITY = 1; /** * The default priority that is assigned to a thread. */ public final static int NORM_PRIORITY = 5; /** * The maximum priority that a thread can have. */ public final static int MAX_PRIORITY = 10; /** * Returns a reference to the currently executing thread object. * * @return the currently executing thread. */ public static native Thread currentThread(); /** * A hint to the scheduler that the current thread is willing to yield * its current use of a processor. The scheduler is free to ignore this * hint. * *

Yield is a heuristic attempt to improve relative progression * between threads that would otherwise over-utilise a CPU. Its use * should be combined with detailed profiling and benchmarking to * ensure that it actually has the desired effect. * *

It is rarely appropriate to use this method. It may be useful * for debugging or testing purposes, where it may help to reproduce * bugs due to race conditions. It may also be useful when designing * concurrency control constructs such as the ones in the * {@link java.util.concurrent.locks} package. */ public static native void yield(); /** * Causes the currently executing thread to sleep (temporarily cease * execution) for the specified number of milliseconds, subject to * the precision and accuracy of system timers and schedulers. The thread * does not lose ownership of any monitors. * * @param millis * the length of time to sleep in milliseconds * * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the value of {@code millis} is negative * * @throws InterruptedException * if any thread has interrupted the current thread. The * interrupted status of the current thread is * cleared when this exception is thrown. */ public static native void sleep(long millis) throws InterruptedException; /** * Causes the currently executing thread to sleep (temporarily cease * execution) for the specified number of milliseconds plus the specified * number of nanoseconds, subject to the precision and accuracy of system * timers and schedulers. The thread does not lose ownership of any * monitors. * * @param millis * the length of time to sleep in milliseconds * * @param nanos * {@code 0-999999} additional nanoseconds to sleep * * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the value of {@code millis} is negative, or the value of * {@code nanos} is not in the range {@code 0-999999} * * @throws InterruptedException * if any thread has interrupted the current thread. The * interrupted status of the current thread is * cleared when this exception is thrown. */ public static void sleep(long millis, int nanos) throws InterruptedException {...} /** * Throws CloneNotSupportedException as a Thread can not be meaningfully * cloned. Construct a new Thread instead. * * @throws CloneNotSupportedException * always */ @Override protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { throw new CloneNotSupportedException(); } /** * Allocates a new {@code Thread} object. This constructor has the same * effect as {@linkplain #Thread(ThreadGroup,Runnable,String) Thread} * {@code (null, null, gname)}, where {@code gname} is a newly generated * name. Automatically generated names are of the form * {@code "Thread-"+}n, where n is an integer. */ public Thread() { init(null, null, "Thread-" + nextThreadNum(), 0); } /** * Allocates a new {@code Thread} object. This constructor has the same * effect as {@linkplain #Thread(ThreadGroup,Runnable,String) Thread} * {@code (null, target, gname)}, where {@code gname} is a newly generated * name. Automatically generated names are of the form * {@code "Thread-"+}n, where n is an integer. * * @param target * the object whose {@code run} method is invoked when this thread * is started. If {@code null}, this classes {@code run} method does * nothing. */ public Thread(Runnable target) { init(null, target, "Thread-" + nextThreadNum(), 0); } /** * Creates a new Thread that inherits the given AccessControlContext. * This is not a public constructor. */ Thread(Runnable target, AccessControlContext acc) { init(null, target, "Thread-" + nextThreadNum(), 0, acc, false); } /** * Allocates a new {@code Thread} object. This constructor has the same * effect as {@linkplain #Thread(ThreadGroup,Runnable,String) Thread} * {@code (group, target, gname)} ,where {@code gname} is a newly generated * name. Automatically generated names are of the form * {@code "Thread-"+}n, where n is an integer. * * @param group * the thread group. If {@code null} and there is a security * manager, the group is determined by {@linkplain * SecurityManager#getThreadGroup SecurityManager.getThreadGroup()}. * If there is not a security manager or {@code * SecurityManager.getThreadGroup()} returns {@code null}, the group * is set to the current thread's thread group. * * @param target * the object whose {@code run} method is invoked when this thread * is started. If {@code null}, this thread's run method is invoked. * * @throws SecurityException * if the current thread cannot create a thread in the specified * thread group */ public Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target) { init(group, target, "Thread-" + nextThreadNum(), 0); } /** * Allocates a new {@code Thread} object. This constructor has the same * effect as {@linkplain #Thread(ThreadGroup,Runnable,String) Thread} * {@code (null, null, name)}. * * @param name * the name of the new thread */ public Thread(String name) { init(null, null, name, 0); } /** * Allocates a new {@code Thread} object. This constructor has the same * effect as {@linkplain #Thread(ThreadGroup,Runnable,String) Thread} * {@code (group, null, name)}. * * @param group * the thread group. If {@code null} and there is a security * manager, the group is determined by {@linkplain * SecurityManager#getThreadGroup SecurityManager.getThreadGroup()}. * If there is not a security manager or {@code * SecurityManager.getThreadGroup()} returns {@code null}, the group * is set to the current thread's thread group. * * @param name * the name of the new thread * * @throws SecurityException * if the current thread cannot create a thread in the specified * thread group */ public Thread(ThreadGroup group, String name) { init(group, null, name, 0); } /** * Allocates a new {@code Thread} object. This constructor has the same * effect as {@linkplain #Thread(ThreadGroup,Runnable,String) Thread} * {@code (null, target, name)}. * * @param target * the object whose {@code run} method is invoked when this thread * is started. If {@code null}, this thread's run method is invoked. * * @param name * the name of the new thread */ public Thread(Runnable target, String name) { init(null, target, name, 0); } /** * Allocates a new {@code Thread} object so that it has {@code target} * as its run object, has the specified {@code name} as its name, * and belongs to the thread group referred to by {@code group}. * *

If there is a security manager, its * {@link SecurityManager#checkAccess(ThreadGroup) checkAccess} * method is invoked with the ThreadGroup as its argument. * *

In addition, its {@code checkPermission} method is invoked with * the {@code RuntimePermission("enableContextClassLoaderOverride")} * permission when invoked directly or indirectly by the constructor * of a subclass which overrides the {@code getContextClassLoader} * or {@code setContextClassLoader} methods. * *

The priority of the newly created thread is set equal to the * priority of the thread creating it, that is, the currently running * thread. The method {@linkplain #setPriority setPriority} may be * used to change the priority to a new value. * *

The newly created thread is initially marked as being a daemon * thread if and only if the thread creating it is currently marked * as a daemon thread. The method {@linkplain #setDaemon setDaemon} * may be used to change whether or not a thread is a daemon. * * @param group * the thread group. If {@code null} and there is a security * manager, the group is determined by {@linkplain * SecurityManager#getThreadGroup SecurityManager.getThreadGroup()}. * If there is not a security manager or {@code * SecurityManager.getThreadGroup()} returns {@code null}, the group * is set to the current thread's thread group. * * @param target * the object whose {@code run} method is invoked when this thread * is started. If {@code null}, this thread's run method is invoked. * * @param name * the name of the new thread * * @throws SecurityException * if the current thread cannot create a thread in the specified * thread group or cannot override the context class loader methods. */ public Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target, String name) { init(group, target, name, 0); } /** * Allocates a new {@code Thread} object so that it has {@code target} * as its run object, has the specified {@code name} as its name, * and belongs to the thread group referred to by {@code group}, and has * the specified stack size. * *

This constructor is identical to {@link * #Thread(ThreadGroup,Runnable,String)} with the exception of the fact * that it allows the thread stack size to be specified. The stack size * is the approximate number of bytes of address space that the virtual * machine is to allocate for this thread's stack. The effect of the * {@code stackSize} parameter, if any, is highly platform dependent. * *

On some platforms, specifying a higher value for the * {@code stackSize} parameter may allow a thread to achieve greater * recursion depth before throwing a {@link StackOverflowError}. * Similarly, specifying a lower value may allow a greater number of * threads to exist concurrently without throwing an {@link * OutOfMemoryError} (or other internal error). The details of * the relationship between the value of the stackSize parameter * and the maximum recursion depth and concurrency level are * platform-dependent. On some platforms, the value of the * {@code stackSize} parameter may have no effect whatsoever. * *

The virtual machine is free to treat the {@code stackSize} * parameter as a suggestion. If the specified value is unreasonably low * for the platform, the virtual machine may instead use some * platform-specific minimum value; if the specified value is unreasonably * high, the virtual machine may instead use some platform-specific * maximum. Likewise, the virtual machine is free to round the specified * value up or down as it sees fit (or to ignore it completely). * *

Specifying a value of zero for the {@code stackSize} parameter will * cause this constructor to behave exactly like the * {@code Thread(ThreadGroup, Runnable, String)} constructor. * *

Due to the platform-dependent nature of the behavior of this * constructor, extreme care should be exercised in its use. * The thread stack size necessary to perform a given computation will * likely vary from one JRE implementation to another. In light of this * variation, careful tuning of the stack size parameter may be required, * and the tuning may need to be repeated for each JRE implementation on * which an application is to run. * *

Implementation note: Java platform implementers are encouraged to * document their implementation's behavior with respect to the * {@code stackSize} parameter. * * * @param group * the thread group. If {@code null} and there is a security * manager, the group is determined by {@linkplain * SecurityManager#getThreadGroup SecurityManager.getThreadGroup()}. * If there is not a security manager or {@code * SecurityManager.getThreadGroup()} returns {@code null}, the group * is set to the current thread's thread group. * * @param target * the object whose {@code run} method is invoked when this thread * is started. If {@code null}, this thread's run method is invoked. * * @param name * the name of the new thread * * @param stackSize * the desired stack size for the new thread, or zero to indicate * that this parameter is to be ignored. * * @throws SecurityException * if the current thread cannot create a thread in the specified * thread group * * @since 1.4 */ public Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target, String name, long stackSize) { init(group, target, name, stackSize); } /** * Causes this thread to begin execution; the Java Virtual Machine * calls the run method of this thread. *

* The result is that two threads are running concurrently: the * current thread (which returns from the call to the * start method) and the other thread (which executes its * run method). *

* It is never legal to start a thread more than once. * In particular, a thread may not be restarted once it has completed * execution. * * @exception IllegalThreadStateException if the thread was already * started. * @see #run() * @see #stop() */ public synchronized void start() {...} /** * If this thread was constructed using a separate * Runnable run object, then that * Runnable object's run method is called; * otherwise, this method does nothing and returns. *

* Subclasses of Thread should override this method. * * @see #start() * @see #stop() * @see #Thread(ThreadGroup, Runnable, String) */ @Override public void run() { if (target != null) {; } } /** * This method is called by the system to give a Thread * a chance to clean up before it actually exits. */ private void exit() { if (group != null) { group.threadTerminated(this); group = null; } /* Aggressively null out all reference fields: see bug 4006245 */ target = null; /* Speed the release of some of these resources */ threadLocals = null; inheritableThreadLocals = null; inheritedAccessControlContext = null; blocker = null; uncaughtExceptionHandler = null; } /** * Forces the thread to stop executing. *

* If there is a security manager installed, its checkAccess * method is called with this * as its argument. This may result in a * SecurityException being raised (in the current thread). *

* If this thread is different from the current thread (that is, the current * thread is trying to stop a thread other than itself), the * security manager's checkPermission method (with a * RuntimePermission("stopThread") argument) is called in * addition. * Again, this may result in throwing a * SecurityException (in the current thread). *

* The thread represented by this thread is forced to stop whatever * it is doing abnormally and to throw a newly created * ThreadDeath object as an exception. *

* It is permitted to stop a thread that has not yet been started. * If the thread is eventually started, it immediately terminates. *

* An application should not normally try to catch * ThreadDeath unless it must do some extraordinary * cleanup operation (note that the throwing of * ThreadDeath causes finally clauses of * try statements to be executed before the thread * officially dies). If a catch clause catches a * ThreadDeath object, it is important to rethrow the * object so that the thread actually dies. *

* The top-level error handler that reacts to otherwise uncaught * exceptions does not print out a message or otherwise notify the * application if the uncaught exception is an instance of * ThreadDeath. * * @exception SecurityException if the current thread cannot * modify this thread. * @see #interrupt() * @see #checkAccess() * @see #run() * @see #start() * @see ThreadDeath * @see ThreadGroup#uncaughtException(Thread,Throwable) * @see SecurityManager#checkAccess(Thread) * @see SecurityManager#checkPermission * @deprecated This method is inherently unsafe. Stopping a thread with * Thread.stop causes it to unlock all of the monitors that it * has locked (as a natural consequence of the unchecked * ThreadDeath exception propagating up the stack). If * any of the objects previously protected by these monitors were in * an inconsistent state, the damaged objects become visible to * other threads, potentially resulting in arbitrary behavior. Many * uses of stop should be replaced by code that simply * modifies some variable to indicate that the target thread should * stop running. The target thread should check this variable * regularly, and return from its run method in an orderly fashion * if the variable indicates that it is to stop running. If the * target thread waits for long periods (on a condition variable, * for example), the interrupt method should be used to * interrupt the wait. * For more information, see * Why * are Thread.stop, Thread.suspend and Thread.resume Deprecated?. */ @Deprecated public final void stop() { SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager(); if (security != null) { checkAccess(); if (this != Thread.currentThread()) { security.checkPermission(SecurityConstants.STOP_THREAD_PERMISSION); } } // A zero status value corresponds to "NEW", it can't change to // not-NEW because we hold the lock. if (threadStatus != 0) { resume(); // Wake up thread if it was suspended; no-op otherwise } // The VM can handle all thread states stop0(new ThreadDeath()); } /** * Throws {@code UnsupportedOperationException}. * * @param obj ignored * * @deprecated This method was originally designed to force a thread to stop * and throw a given {@code Throwable} as an exception. It was * inherently unsafe (see {@link #stop()} for details), and furthermore * could be used to generate exceptions that the target thread was * not prepared to handle. * For more information, see * Why * are Thread.stop, Thread.suspend and Thread.resume Deprecated?. */ @Deprecated public final synchronized void stop(Throwable obj) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** * Interrupts this thread. * *

Unless the current thread is interrupting itself, which is * always permitted, the {@link #checkAccess() checkAccess} method * of this thread is invoked, which may cause a {@link * SecurityException} to be thrown. * *

If this thread is blocked in an invocation of the {@link * Object#wait() wait()}, {@link Object#wait(long) wait(long)}, or {@link * Object#wait(long, int) wait(long, int)} methods of the {@link Object} * class, or of the {@link #join()}, {@link #join(long)}, {@link * #join(long, int)}, {@link #sleep(long)}, or {@link #sleep(long, int)}, * methods of this class, then its interrupt status will be cleared and it * will receive an {@link InterruptedException}. * *

If this thread is blocked in an I/O operation upon an {@link * java.nio.channels.InterruptibleChannel InterruptibleChannel} * then the channel will be closed, the thread's interrupt * status will be set, and the thread will receive a {@link * java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException}. * *

If this thread is blocked in a {@link java.nio.channels.Selector} * then the thread's interrupt status will be set and it will return * immediately from the selection operation, possibly with a non-zero * value, just as if the selector's {@link * java.nio.channels.Selector#wakeup wakeup} method were invoked. * *

If none of the previous conditions hold then this thread's interrupt * status will be set.

* *

Interrupting a thread that is not alive need not have any effect. * * @throws SecurityException * if the current thread cannot modify this thread * * @revised 6.0 * @spec JSR-51 */ public void interrupt() { if (this != Thread.currentThread()) checkAccess(); synchronized (blockerLock) { Interruptible b = blocker; if (b != null) { interrupt0(); // Just to set the interrupt flag b.interrupt(this); return; } } interrupt0(); } /** * Tests whether the current thread has been interrupted. The * interrupted status of the thread is cleared by this method. In * other words, if this method were to be called twice in succession, the * second call would return false (unless the current thread were * interrupted again, after the first call had cleared its interrupted * status and before the second call had examined it). * *

A thread interruption ignored because a thread was not alive * at the time of the interrupt will be reflected by this method * returning false. * * @return true if the current thread has been interrupted; * false otherwise. * @see #isInterrupted() * @revised 6.0 */ public static boolean interrupted() { return currentThread().isInterrupted(true); } /** * Tests whether this thread has been interrupted. The interrupted * status of the thread is unaffected by this method. * *

A thread interruption ignored because a thread was not alive * at the time of the interrupt will be reflected by this method * returning false. * * @return true if this thread has been interrupted; * false otherwise. * @see #interrupted() * @revised 6.0 */ public boolean isInterrupted() { return isInterrupted(false); } /** * Tests if some Thread has been interrupted. The interrupted state * is reset or not based on the value of ClearInterrupted that is * passed. */ private native boolean isInterrupted(boolean ClearInterrupted); /** * Throws {@link NoSuchMethodError}. * * @deprecated This method was originally designed to destroy this * thread without any cleanup. Any monitors it held would have * remained locked. However, the method was never implemented. * If if were to be implemented, it would be deadlock-prone in * much the manner of {@link #suspend}. If the target thread held * a lock protecting a critical system resource when it was * destroyed, no thread could ever access this resource again. * If another thread ever attempted to lock this resource, deadlock * would result. Such deadlocks typically manifest themselves as * "frozen" processes. For more information, see * * Why are Thread.stop, Thread.suspend and Thread.resume Deprecated?. * @throws NoSuchMethodError always */ @Deprecated public void destroy() { throw new NoSuchMethodError(); } /** * Tests if this thread is alive. A thread is alive if it has * been started and has not yet died. * * @return true if this thread is alive; * false otherwise. */ public final native boolean isAlive(); /** * Suspends this thread. *

* First, the checkAccess method of this thread is called * with no arguments. This may result in throwing a * SecurityException (in the current thread). *

* If the thread is alive, it is suspended and makes no further * progress unless and until it is resumed. * * @exception SecurityException if the current thread cannot modify * this thread. * @see #checkAccess * @deprecated This method has been deprecated, as it is * inherently deadlock-prone. If the target thread holds a lock on the * monitor protecting a critical system resource when it is suspended, no * thread can access this resource until the target thread is resumed. If * the thread that would resume the target thread attempts to lock this * monitor prior to calling resume, deadlock results. Such * deadlocks typically manifest themselves as "frozen" processes. * For more information, see * Why * are Thread.stop, Thread.suspend and Thread.resume Deprecated?. */ @Deprecated public final void suspend() { checkAccess(); suspend0(); } /** * Resumes a suspended thread. *

* First, the checkAccess method of this thread is called * with no arguments. This may result in throwing a * SecurityException (in the current thread). *

* If the thread is alive but suspended, it is resumed and is * permitted to make progress in its execution. * * @exception SecurityException if the current thread cannot modify this * thread. * @see #checkAccess * @see #suspend() * @deprecated This method exists solely for use with {@link #suspend}, * which has been deprecated because it is deadlock-prone. * For more information, see * Why * are Thread.stop, Thread.suspend and Thread.resume Deprecated?. */ @Deprecated public final void resume() { checkAccess(); resume0(); } /** * Changes the priority of this thread. *

* First the checkAccess method of this thread is called * with no arguments. This may result in throwing a * SecurityException. *

* Otherwise, the priority of this thread is set to the smaller of * the specified newPriority and the maximum permitted * priority of the thread's thread group. * * @param newPriority priority to set this thread to * @exception IllegalArgumentException If the priority is not in the * range MIN_PRIORITY to * MAX_PRIORITY. * @exception SecurityException if the current thread cannot modify * this thread. * @see #getPriority * @see #checkAccess() * @see #getThreadGroup() * @see #MAX_PRIORITY * @see #MIN_PRIORITY * @see ThreadGroup#getMaxPriority() */ public final void setPriority(int newPriority) { ThreadGroup g; checkAccess(); if (newPriority > MAX_PRIORITY || newPriority < MIN_PRIORITY) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if((g = getThreadGroup()) != null) { if (newPriority > g.getMaxPriority()) { newPriority = g.getMaxPriority(); } setPriority0(priority = newPriority); } } /** * Returns this thread's priority. * * @return this thread's priority. * @see #setPriority */ public final int getPriority() { return priority; } /** * Changes the name of this thread to be equal to the argument * name. *

* First the checkAccess method of this thread is called * with no arguments. This may result in throwing a * SecurityException. * * @param name the new name for this thread. * @exception SecurityException if the current thread cannot modify this * thread. * @see #getName * @see #checkAccess() */ public final synchronized void setName(String name) { checkAccess(); if (name == null) { throw new NullPointerException("name cannot be null"); } = name; if (threadStatus != 0) { setNativeName(name); } } /** * Returns this thread's name. * * @return this thread's name. * @see #setName(String) */ public final String getName() { return name; } /** * Counts the number of stack frames in this thread. The thread must * be suspended. * * @return the number of stack frames in this thread. * @exception IllegalThreadStateException if this thread is not * suspended. * @deprecated The definition of this call depends on {@link #suspend}, * which is deprecated. Further, the results of this call * were never well-defined. */ @Deprecated public native int countStackFrames(); /** * Waits at most {@code millis} milliseconds for this thread to * die. A timeout of {@code 0} means to wait forever. * *

This implementation uses a loop of {@code this.wait} calls * conditioned on {@code this.isAlive}. As a thread terminates the * {@code this.notifyAll} method is invoked. It is recommended that * applications not use {@code wait}, {@code notify}, or * {@code notifyAll} on {@code Thread} instances. * * @param millis * the time to wait in milliseconds * * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the value of {@code millis} is negative * * @throws InterruptedException * if any thread has interrupted the current thread. The * interrupted status of the current thread is * cleared when this exception is thrown. */ public final synchronized void join(long millis) throws InterruptedException { long base = System.currentTimeMillis(); long now = 0; if (millis < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("timeout value is negative"); } if (millis == 0) { while (isAlive()) { wait(0); } } else { while (isAlive()) { long delay = millis - now; if (delay <= 0) { break; } wait(delay); now = System.currentTimeMillis() - base; } } } /** * Waits at most {@code millis} milliseconds plus * {@code nanos} nanoseconds for this thread to die. * *

This implementation uses a loop of {@code this.wait} calls * conditioned on {@code this.isAlive}. As a thread terminates the * {@code this.notifyAll} method is invoked. It is recommended that * applications not use {@code wait}, {@code notify}, or * {@code notifyAll} on {@code Thread} instances. * * @param millis * the time to wait in milliseconds * * @param nanos * {@code 0-999999} additional nanoseconds to wait * * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the value of {@code millis} is negative, or the value * of {@code nanos} is not in the range {@code 0-999999} * * @throws InterruptedException * if any thread has interrupted the current thread. The * interrupted status of the current thread is * cleared when this exception is thrown. */ public final synchronized void join(long millis, int nanos) throws InterruptedException { if (millis < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("timeout value is negative"); } if (nanos < 0 || nanos > 999999) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "nanosecond timeout value out of range"); } if (nanos >= 500000 || (nanos != 0 && millis == 0)) { millis++; } join(millis); } /** * Waits for this thread to die. * *

An invocation of this method behaves in exactly the same * way as the invocation * *

* {@linkplain #join(long) join}{@code (0)} *
* * @throws InterruptedException * if any thread has interrupted the current thread. The * interrupted status of the current thread is * cleared when this exception is thrown. */
public final void join() throws InterruptedException { join(0); } /** * Prints a stack trace of the current thread to the standard error stream. * This method is used only for debugging. * * @see Throwable#printStackTrace() */ public static void dumpStack() { new Exception("Stack trace").printStackTrace(); } /** * Marks this thread as either a {@linkplain #isDaemon daemon} thread * or a user thread. The Java Virtual Machine exits when the only * threads running are all daemon threads. * *

This method must be invoked before the thread is started. * * @param on * if {@code true}, marks this thread as a daemon thread * * @throws IllegalThreadStateException * if this thread is {@linkplain #isAlive alive} * * @throws SecurityException * if {@link #checkAccess} determines that the current * thread cannot modify this thread */ public final void setDaemon(boolean on) { checkAccess(); if (isAlive()) { throw new IllegalThreadStateException(); } daemon = on; } /** * Tests if this thread is a daemon thread. * * @return true if this thread is a daemon thread; * false otherwise. * @see #setDaemon(boolean) */ public final boolean isDaemon() { return daemon; } /** * Determines if the currently running thread has permission to * modify this thread. *

* If there is a security manager, its checkAccess method * is called with this thread as its argument. This may result in * throwing a SecurityException. * * @exception SecurityException if the current thread is not allowed to * access this thread. * @see SecurityManager#checkAccess(Thread) */ public final void checkAccess() { SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager(); if (security != null) { security.checkAccess(this); } } /** * Returns a string representation of this thread, including the * thread's name, priority, and thread group. * * @return a string representation of this thread. */ public String toString() { ThreadGroup group = getThreadGroup(); if (group != null) { return "Thread[" + getName() + "," + getPriority() + "," + group.getName() + "]"; } else { return "Thread[" + getName() + "," + getPriority() + "," + "" + "]"; } } /** * Returns true if and only if the current thread holds the * monitor lock on the specified object. * *

This method is designed to allow a program to assert that * the current thread already holds a specified lock: *

     *     assert Thread.holdsLock(obj);
* * @param obj the object on which to test lock ownership * @throws NullPointerException if obj is null * @return true if the current thread holds the monitor lock on * the specified object. * @since 1.4 */
public static native boolean holdsLock(Object obj) /** * Returns an array of stack trace elements representing the stack dump * of this thread. This method will return a zero-length array if * this thread has not started, has started but has not yet been * scheduled to run by the system, or has terminated. * If the returned array is of non-zero length then the first element of * the array represents the top of the stack, which is the most recent * method invocation in the sequence. The last element of the array * represents the bottom of the stack, which is the least recent method * invocation in the sequence. * *

If there is a security manager, and this thread is not * the current thread, then the security manager's * checkPermission method is called with a * RuntimePermission("getStackTrace") permission * to see if it's ok to get the stack trace. * *

Some virtual machines may, under some circumstances, omit one * or more stack frames from the stack trace. In the extreme case, * a virtual machine that has no stack trace information concerning * this thread is permitted to return a zero-length array from this * method. * * @return an array of StackTraceElement, * each represents one stack frame. * * @throws SecurityException * if a security manager exists and its * checkPermission method doesn't allow * getting the stack trace of thread. * @see SecurityManager#checkPermission * @see RuntimePermission * @see Throwable#getStackTrace * * @since 1.5 */ public StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace() {...} /** * Returns a map of stack traces for all live threads. * The map keys are threads and each map value is an array of * StackTraceElement that represents the stack dump * of the corresponding Thread. * The returned stack traces are in the format specified for * the {@link #getStackTrace getStackTrace} method. * *

The threads may be executing while this method is called. * The stack trace of each thread only represents a snapshot and * each stack trace may be obtained at different time. A zero-length * array will be returned in the map value if the virtual machine has * no stack trace information about a thread. * *

If there is a security manager, then the security manager's * checkPermission method is called with a * RuntimePermission("getStackTrace") permission as well as * RuntimePermission("modifyThreadGroup") permission * to see if it is ok to get the stack trace of all threads. * * @return a Map from Thread to an array of * StackTraceElement that represents the stack trace of * the corresponding thread. * * @throws SecurityException * if a security manager exists and its * checkPermission method doesn't allow * getting the stack trace of thread. * @see #getStackTrace * @see SecurityManager#checkPermission * @see RuntimePermission * @see Throwable#getStackTrace * * @since 1.5 */ public static Map<Thread, StackTraceElement[]> getAllStackTraces() {...} /** * Returns the identifier of this Thread. The thread ID is a positive * long number generated when this thread was created. * The thread ID is unique and remains unchanged during its lifetime. * When a thread is terminated, this thread ID may be reused. * * @return this thread's ID. * @since 1.5 */ public long getId() { return tid; } /** * A thread state. A thread can be in one of the following states: *

  • {@link #NEW}
    * A thread that has not yet started is in this state. *
  • *
  • {@link #RUNNABLE}
    * A thread executing in the Java virtual machine is in this state. *
  • *
  • {@link #BLOCKED}
    * A thread that is blocked waiting for a monitor lock * is in this state. *
  • *
  • {@link #WAITING}
    * A thread that is waiting indefinitely for another thread to * perform a particular action is in this state. *
  • *
  • {@link #TIMED_WAITING}
    * A thread that is waiting for another thread to perform an action * for up to a specified waiting time is in this state. *
  • *
  • {@link #TERMINATED}
    * A thread that has exited is in this state. *
  • *
* *

* A thread can be in only one state at a given point in time. * These states are virtual machine states which do not reflect * any operating system thread states. * * @since 1.5 * @see #getState */ public enum State { /** * Thread state for a thread which has not yet started. */ NEW, /** * Thread state for a runnable thread. A thread in the runnable * state is executing in the Java virtual machine but it may * be waiting for other resources from the operating system * such as processor. */ RUNNABLE, /** * Thread state for a thread blocked waiting for a monitor lock. * A thread in the blocked state is waiting for a monitor lock * to enter a synchronized block/method or * reenter a synchronized block/method after calling * {@link Object#wait() Object.wait}. */ BLOCKED, /** * Thread state for a waiting thread. * A thread is in the waiting state due to calling one of the * following methods: *

  • {@link Object#wait() Object.wait} with no timeout
  • *
  • {@link #join() Thread.join} with no timeout
  • *
  • {@link LockSupport#park() LockSupport.park}
  • *
* *

A thread in the waiting state is waiting for another thread to * perform a particular action. * * For example, a thread that has called Object.wait() * on an object is waiting for another thread to call * Object.notify() or Object.notifyAll() on * that object. A thread that has called Thread.join() * is waiting for a specified thread to terminate. */ WAITING, /** * Thread state for a waiting thread with a specified waiting time. * A thread is in the timed waiting state due to calling one of * the following methods with a specified positive waiting time: *

  • {@link #sleep Thread.sleep}
  • *
  • {@link Object#wait(long) Object.wait} with timeout
  • *
  • {@link #join(long) Thread.join} with timeout
  • *
  • {@link LockSupport#parkNanos LockSupport.parkNanos}
  • *
  • {@link LockSupport#parkUntil LockSupport.parkUntil}
  • *
TIMED_WAITING, /** * Thread state for a terminated thread. * The thread has completed execution. */ TERMINATED; } /** * 获取线程当前的状态 */ public State getState() { // get current thread state return sun.misc.VM.toThreadState(threadStatus); } }
