FTP protocol commands

IF you have to use FTP protocol commands. Here is a non exhaustive list of the command you can use with the FTP adapter in BizTalk (I pulled it from the RFC at http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc959.html). The striked lines are commands that you do nto want to use (see below).
APPE – append to a remote file
CDUP – CWD to the parent of the current directory
CWD  – change working directory
DELE – delete a remote file
LIST – list remote files
MDTM – return the modification time of a file
MKD  – make a remote directory
MODE – set the transfer mode
PASS – send password
PASV – enter passive mode
PORT – open a data port
PWD  – print working directory
QUIT – terminate the connection
RETR – retrieve a remote file
RMD  – remove a remote directory
RNFR – rename from
RNTO – rename to
SITE – site-specific commands
SIZE – return the size of a file
STOR – store a file on the remote host
TYPE – set the transfer type
USER – send username

Remember:  QUIT can not used while you are using the before get/put.
       STOR will not run if you use it in the features which should be done by the primary put/get adapter function.
