uniapp封装请求,使用的是DCloud插件市场的插件:《干脆清晰的request请求库 支持各种拦截与回调 上传下载》,感谢作者!
export async function requestConfig(ins, options) {
// JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(options.header || ins.header))
// 注意: header默认采用了整体取代的方式,options设置了header,ins中的header会整个丢弃
const header = Object.assign({}, (options.header || ins.header))//options.header=null才会使用ins.header,两者都需要是{}或null
const baseUrl = options.baseUrl || ins.baseUrl //options.baseUrl=''或0,才会使用ins.baseUrl
// config
let config = {
url: baseUrl + options.url,
header: header
let _cg = null
if (ins.requestInterceptor) {//请求拦截器
const _options = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(Object.assign({}, (options||{}), config)))//JSON.parse(JSON.stringify())目的是实现深度拷贝
// _cg is tha same object of _options
_cg = await ins.requestInterceptor(_options)
return {mypReqToCancel: true, error: e}
// no need to reqeust
if (_cg.mypReqToCancel) {
return _cg
// we could also change the url and header in interceptors
config.url = _cg.url
config.header = _cg.header
const type = options.type || "request"
// config detail, remove unneeded props
if (type === "request") {
config["data"] = _cg.data || {}
config["method"] = _cg.method || "GET"
config["dataType"] = _cg.dataType || "json"
config["responseType"] = _cg.responseType || "text"
} else if (type === "upload") {
config['files'] = _cg.files //为实现批量上传图片,增加了这句话
config['filePath'] = _cg.filePath
config['name'] = _cg.name
config["method"] = _cg.method || "POST"
config['formData'] = _cg.formData || {}
// fileType for alipay
config["fileType"] = _cg.fileType || "image"
// config.header['content-type'] = 'multipart/form-data;charset=UTF-8'
delete config.header['Content-Type']
delete config.header['content-type']
} // download need nothing else to config
return config
// 引入 Request
import Request from './myp-request/index.js'
// 设置 通用的 baseUrl 以及 header
const baseUrl = 'http://xxx.xx.x.xx/WebAPI'; //本机
const config = {
baseUrl: baseUrl,
header: {
"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// 设置自己的请求拦截器,必须加上 `async`
// 请求前的拦截,比如是否登录/过期/刷新token/...
const reqInterceptor = async (options) => {
// 必须返回一个 Object
// 拦截请求:return {mypReqToCancel: true, ...}
// TODO: 添加任意拦截逻辑
if (options.authToken) {
let token = uni.getStorageSync('token');
options.header.Authorization = 'Bearer ' + token;
return options;
return options
// 设置自己的响应拦截器
// 统一对返回的数据进行整理,方便接口统一使用
// conf是您api的options信息,一般情况下您只需要用到您自定义的标记字段
const resInterceptor = (response, conf = {}) => {
// 必须返回你需要处理的数据,将会进入resolve(then中处理)
// 如果需要reject,需要设置mypReqToReject:true,还可以携带自己定义的任何提示内容(catch中处理)
// uni.request进入fail也会进入该拦截器(为了统一处理逻辑),这个时候的response参数为{mypFail: true, response: fail info}。fail时不管返回啥,都进入reject(catch)
if (response.statusCode == 401 || response.data.code == 402) {
let response = doRequest(conf)
return response
if (response.mypFail) {
return response.response
// 请求被拦截时也会进入该回掉(为了统一处理逻辑),这个时候的response参数为{mypCancel: true, response: cancel info}。cancel时不管返回啥,都进入reject(catch)
if (response.mypCancel) {
return response.response
return response
// 实例化请求器
// 您可以根据需要实例化多个请求器
const req = new Request(config, reqInterceptor, resInterceptor)
async function doRequest(config) {
const value = uni.getStorageSync('uerInfo');
const res = await req.request({
url: '/api/token',
method: 'POST',
data: {
username: value.USERNAME,
password: value.PASSWORD,
grant_type: 'password'
authToken: false
uni.setStorageSync('token', res.data.access_token);
let url = config.url.replace(baseUrl, '');
var postData = {
url: url,
method: config.method,
data: config.data,
authToken: true
return await req.request(postData)
export default req
import request from './request.js'
* 用户登录
* @param {Object} data
* authToken:是否需要token
export function userLogin(data) {
return request.request({
url: '/api/Login',
method: 'POST',
data: data,
authToken: false
* 获取token
* @param {Object} data
export function getToken(data) {
return request.request({
url: '/api/token',
method: 'POST',
data: data,
authToken: false
* 上传图片及文字信息
* @param {Object} files 图片信息
* @param {Object} data 随图片一同上传的文字信息
export function uploadInfo(files, data) {
return request.request({
url: '/api/uploadInfo',
files: files,
formData: data,
type: 'upload',
authToken: true
sourceType: ['camera'],//album,camera
sizeType: ['compressed'],
count: 6 - this.imageList.length,
success: res => {
this.imageList = this.imageList.concat(res.tempFilePaths);
let imgs= this.imageList.map((value, index) => {
return {
name: 'image' + index,
uri: value
let formData={
uploadInfo(imgs,formData).then(res =>
if (res.statusCode === 200) {
}).catch(err => {
content: err,
showCancel: false