
1.微信获取头像和昵称最新需要用户上传头像和手动输入昵称,否则昵称默认是微信用户,头像是灰色头像 ps(会提示使用微信头像和微信昵称)

		<view class="cx_content_bill">
			<view class="cx_pile_status">
				<image :src="currentPile.filePath" class="lottery-cover-img"></image>
			<view class="cx_pileType">{{currentPile.pileName}}</view>
			<view class="cx_pile_pay">
			<view class="cx_pile_titleA">百万成就百万交付</view>
			<view class="cx_nick_img">
				<image :src="avatar" style="width: 100%;height: 100%;"></image>
			<view class="cx_pile_titleB">
				<view>如果您的充电桩铭牌上也有 </view>
			<view class="cx_pile_logo"></view>
			<view class="cx_pile_share" @click="showTips">
				<view class="cx_pile_shareIma"></view>
			<!-- 活动隐私协议 -->
			<tui-bottom-popup :zIndex="1002" :maskZIndex="1001" :show="popupShow" @close="popup" disabled shadow>
				<view class="cx_popup">
					<view class="cx_popup_title">
					<view class="cx_popup_content">
					<view class="cx_popup_content">
					<view class="cx_popup_content">
					<view class="cx_popup_content">
					<view class="cx_popup_content" style="display: flex;justify-content: flex-start;width: 100%;">
						<text style="color: #237FFF;" @click="callPhone">400580</text>联系我们
					<!-- <view class="cx_popup_btn" @click="agree">已阅读并同意</view> -->
					<button open-type="getPhoneNumber" @getphonenumber="getPhoneNumber" class="cx_popup_btn"
					<button @click="getUserInfo" class="cx_popup_btn" v-if="nickFlag">用户授权</button>
			<!-- 获取用户头像昵称 -->
			<tui-bottom-popup :zIndex="1002" :maskZIndex="1001" :show="popupShows" @close="popup" disabled shadow>
				<view class="getnickbox">
					<view class="flex_align_center">
						<image src="https://img.cdn.wxzhida.cn/zd-ali-app/zdlogo.png" class="logoimg" mode="aspectFit">
						<view class="name">
					<view class="m1 mt30">获取你的头像、昵称</view>
					<view class="m2">展示个人信息</view>
					<view class="xin1">
						<button type="default" class="flex_spacebetween buttoncss" open-type="chooseAvatar"
							<view class="flex_align_center toubox">
								<view class="t1">头像</view>
								<view v-if="avatar == ''" class="avatarbox">
								<image v-else :src="avatar" class="avatarimg"></image>
							<tui-icon name="arrowright"></tui-icon>
					<view class="nick">
						<view class="n1">昵称:</view>
						<input type="nickname" v-model="nickname" placeholder="请输入昵称" maxlength="8">
					<view class="fixedBtn wan">
						<view class="user-info" @click="refuse">拒绝</view>
						<view class="user-priamy" @click="getUserInfo">允许</view>
			<!-- 分享朋友圈和朋友列表 -->
			<tui-bottom-popup :zIndex="1002" :maskZIndex="1001" :show="popupShowes" @close="popup">
				<view class="cx_popupss">
					<view class="wechatB_A">
						<view class="wechatA" @click="shareFriend">
							<button open-type="share" style="border-color: transparent;" class="wechatA"></button>
					<view class="wechatB_A">
						<view class="wechatB" @click="goShareFri"></view>
				<view class="cx_popup_cancle" @click="popupShowes = false">取消</view>

	export default {
		data() {
			return {
				popupShow: false,
				nickFlag: false,
				jsCode: '',
				backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)',
				modal: false,
				canvasdata: {}, //canvas数据
				imagedata: {}, //头像数据
				codeimage: "", //最后生成图片地址
				posterCover: '',
				popupShows: false,
				avatar: '',
				nickname: '',
				mobile: '',
				currentPile: {},
				popupShowes: false,
		onShareAppMessage(res) {
			return {
				title: '百万好礼派送中',
				path: '/pages/selectPile/index',
				imageUrl: 'https://img.cdn.wxzhida.cn/zd-lottery/xxcc.jpg'
		async onShow() {

			if (uni.getStorageSync('userInfo') != '') {
				if (this.showFlags) { //进了webview分享页面就自动跳到抽奖页面
					let res = await this.getLottery()
					if (res.data.data == null) {
							url: '/pages/return-visit/index'
					} else {
						if (res.data.data.isLottery == '01' || res.data.data.isLottery == '' || res.data.data
							.isLottery ==
							undefined || res.data.data.isLottery == null) { //未抽奖
								url: '/pages/return-visit/index'
						} else {
							// uni.showToast({
							// 	title: "您已经参与过抽奖!",
							// 	icon: "none",
							// 	duration: 3000
							// });

				let user = uni.getStorageSync('userInfo')
				console.log('user=' + JSON.stringify(user))
				this.popupShow = false;
				this.avatar = user.avatar
				this.nickname = user.nickname
			} else {
				this.popupShow = true;
		mounted() {

		watch: {},
		computed: {
			showFlags() {
				return this.$store.state.showFlag
		created() {

		methods: {
			getLottery() {
				let that = this;
				return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
						url: this.$A.lottery.find,
						method: "POST",
						data: {
							userPhone: uni.getStorageSync("userPhone")
						success: (res) => {
						fail: (err) => {

							// console.log(err.data)
						complete: (end) => {
							// console.log(end)



			refuse() {
				this.popupShows = false;
				this.popupShow = true;
			getPileDetail() {
					url: this.$A.picture.getPicture,
					method: "POST",
					data: {
						erpCode: this.$store.state.currentSelectPile.erpCode
					success: (res) => {
						this.$store.commit('setCurrentPile', res.data.data)
						this.currentPile = res.data.data
					fail: (err) => {

						// console.log(err.data)
					complete: (end) => {
						// console.log(end)

			showTips() {
				this.popupShowes = true;
				// uni.navigateTo({ //encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(item))
				// 	url: `/pages/bill/web-view?pileName=${this.currentPile.pileName}&pileUrl=${this.currentPile.filePath}&avatar=${this.avatar}&nickname=${this.nickname}`,
				// });
			popup() {

			callPhone() {
					phoneNumber: '4006596580' //仅为示例
			agree() {
				this.popupShow = false;
			// 获取用户手机号
			getPhoneNumber(e, type) { // 参数encryptedData
				this.pageType = type;
				if (e.detail.errMsg == "getPhoneNumber:ok") { // 用户允许或去手机号
						title: '授权中...',
						mask: true,
			login(data) {
					url: this.$A.getPhone.main,
					method: "POST",
					data: {
						encryptedData: data.encryptedData,
						iv: data.iv,
						code: this.jsCode
					success: (res) => {
						let phoneNum = JSON.parse(res.data.data.userPhone).phoneNumber
						uni.setStorageSync('userPhone', phoneNum)
						this.mobile = JSON.parse(res.data.data.userPhone).phoneNumber
						this.nickFlag = true;
					fail: (err) => {
							title: "登录失败!",
							icon: "error"
						// console.log(err.data)
					complete: (end) => {
						// console.log(end)
			wxLogin() {
				let _this = this
				// 获取登录用户code
					provider: 'weixin',
					success: function(res) {
						if (res.code) {
							_this.jsCode = res.code;
							console.log('jsCode=' + res.code)
						} else {
							// uni.showToast({
							// 	title: '获取logon_code失败',
							// 	duration: 2000
							// })
					fail: (res) => {
						// uni.showToast({
						// 	title: '获取logon_code失败',
						// 	duration: 2000
						// })
			chooseavatar(e) {
				let that = this;
					url: this.$A.picture.uploadFile, //
					filePath: e.detail.avatarUrl,
					name: 'file',
					formData: {
						mobile: that.mobile
					success: r => {
						let imgData = JSON.parse(r.data)
						this.avatar = imgData.data.headImg;
			getUserInfo() {
				let that = this;
				this.popupShow = false;
				this.popupShows = true;
				if (this.avatar == "") {
						title: '请选择头像',
						icon: 'none'
				// 坑,,,点击昵称后,开发者工具上 一直提示 昵称是空,但是 真机上 是正常的
				if (this.nickname == "") {
						title: '请编辑用户昵称',
						icon: 'none'
				uni.setStorageSync("userInfo", {
					avatar: this.avatar,
					nickname: this.nickname
				this.popupShow = false;
				this.popupShows = false;
			goShareFri() {
				this.$store.commit("setShowFlag", true)
				this.popupShowes = false;
				uni.navigateTo({ //encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(item))
					url: `/pages/bill/web-view?pileName=${this.currentPile.pileName}&pileUrl=${this.currentPile.filePath}&avatar=${this.avatar}&nickname=${this.nickname}`,
			shareFriend() {
				this.$store.commit("setShowFlag", true)
				this.popupShowes = false;

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