翻译练习 2

我国食品种类繁多,节日食俗也丰富多彩。春节(the Spring Festival)是我国的传统节日,人们通常从它的前夜—除夕就开始张罗了。除夕那天,家家户户都要吃很v。因为“鱼”和“有余”的“余”读者相同,为了预示新年节庆有余,有些民族初一有吃鱼的习俗。

There is a wide variety of food as well as festival food cultures in China(China has a wide variety of food, and eating customs on festivals are also colorful). In the Spring Festival, one of China's traditional festival, people usually start to make arrangements for the festival on New Year's Eve, the evening before the Spring Festival. On that day/on the eve of the festival, each and every family will enjoy the hearty family reunion dinner. Wishing for a surplus for the coming year, some Chinese ethnic groups eat fish in the first day of lunar January, because the sound of Chinese character "fish" is the same with that of "surplus"(some ethnic groups have adopted the custom of eating fish). 

开始张罗:1.have already commenced planning for the celebration. commence(动词) 着手,开始 2.begin to bustle 开始忙碌 3.is gearing up for a big night. 准备

丰盛的年夜饭: 1.the whole family gets together for a big dinner. 2.have a hearty reunion dinner

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