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翻译 reading passage 1
段落 | 句子 语法 |
翻译 |
A | L1 | 蝙蝠存在一个问题:它们如何在黑暗中识路呢? |
around应该是修饰find | ||
A | L2 | 它们在夜晚捕食,不能使用光来辅助它们寻找猎物和躲避障碍物。 |
A | L3 | 你可能会说:它们的所作所为正是问题所在:它们可以改变它们的习惯,并且在白天捕猎就可以避开这些。 |
A | L4 | 但是白天的 |
A | L5 | 考虑到在晚上 |
A | L6 | 可能夜间捕食可以追溯到所有哺乳动物的祖先时期。 |
A | L7 | 在恐龙控制了白天的资源的时候,我们哺乳动物的祖先可能只能够艰难地生存,因为它们找到了在夜间和其它生物搏斗的办法。 |
A | L8 | 仅当6.5亿年前的恐龙大量神秘灭绝之后,任意数目的我们的祖先才能够出现在白天 |
B | L1 | 蝙蝠存在一个 |
L2 | 今天,蝙蝠并不是唯一一个要面对这项困难的生物 | |
L3 | 明显的,那些被蝙蝠捕食的夜间飞行的昆虫肯定(must)能通过一些方式识别道路. |
L4 | 在白天或黑夜,深海鱼和鲸鱼只有少量的光线或者干脆没有。 |
L5 | 生活在极度浑浊的泥水的鱼和海豚看不见。因为尽管这里有光,但是它被尘埃阻挡和分散在水里。 |
L6 | 其它大量现代生物生活在很难看见或看不见的环境中 | |
C | L1 | 考虑到如何在黑暗中移动的问题,什么解决方案工程师可能会考虑 |
C | L2 | 他首先可能想到的是产生光,用灯笼或探照灯 |
C | L3 | 萤火虫和一些鱼能使用能源自己产生光,这些鱼通常依靠细菌的帮助。但是这个过程可能需要消耗巨大的能量。 |
C | L4 | 萤火虫用它们的光来吸引 |
C | L5 | 这并不要求多少能量:在晚上,雄性发出的极小光束在一段距离内,能够被雌性捕捉到。因为它们的眼睛直接暴露在光源上。 |
C | L6 | 然而使用光来寻找他们自己的路需要大量的能量,因此眼睛必须能检测 从场景每个角落反射回来的光线的极小的一部分 |
C | L7 | 因此,如果它作为头灯(headlight)被用来 |
C | L8 | 在任何事件(event)中,不管怎样原因都是能量太贵了。 这似乎是个事实:除了一些奇怪的深海鱼这个例外,没有哪一个动物能像人类一样生产光源看路 |
D | L1 | 工程师还想到了什么? |
D | L2 | 有时候盲人似乎对路上的障碍物有一个奇怪的感觉 |
D | L3 | 被称为“面部视觉”,因为据报道,盲人的这种感觉像是 |
D | L4 | 有一个报道说,一个完全看不见的男孩能够在他家周围的大道上(block)用“facial“面部 视觉”,以一个较快(good speed)的速度骑自行车(tricycle) |
D | L5 | 实验表明,事实上面部视觉与触觉或面部没有任何关系,尽管感觉可能和面部联系起来,像是幻肢的疼痛 |
D | L6 | “面部视觉”的感觉(sensation)被证明是通过耳朵传递的 |
D | L7 | 盲人,没有意识到事实,用他们脚步或者其它声音的回声来感知障碍物的存在 |
D | L8 | 在这个被发现之前,工程师早就发明了一些工具应用(exploit)这些原理,例如在船上测量海的深度 |
D | L9 | 在这项技术被发明之后,武器制造着将其应用于检测潜水艇只是时间问题。 |
D | L10 | 二战中敌我双方都非常依赖这些工具,并使用下一名称代指:声呐、雷达。这些工具使用无线电回声多于声音的回声 |
E | L1 | sonar,radar的发明者(pioneer)当时并不知道这个,但是现在全世界人都知道蝙蝠或确切的说(rather)自然选择作用在蝙蝠上,在好几千万年前就有一个完美的系统。 |
E | L2 | 我们使用蝙蝠雷达描述这项技术并不正确,因为蝙蝠并没有使用无线电波 |
E | L3 | 它是sonar声呐 |
E | L4 | 但是雷达和声呐隐含的的数学原理是非常类似的,我们很多的科学家在理解蝙蝠做了生的的细节的时候参考自在它们身上应用雷达理论 |
E | L5 | 美国动物学家(zoologist) Donald griffin 对蝙蝠上发现sonar做了很大贡献,并且发明(coined)了一个词“回声系统”(echolocation) 表示sonar,radar,不管它是引用到动物身上还是人的发明上。 |
题目翻译 | ||
1 | 一些(examples)野生动物,不包括蝙蝠,可以不依靠视觉进行navigate | |
2 | 多早以前,mammals避免dying out | |
3 | 蝙蝠为什么要在夜间捕食 | |
4 | 多么特殊的一项发现帮助我们理解蝙蝠 | |
5 | 早期军队使用回声系统 | |
Qusstion 6-9 | ||
L1 | 据报道,盲人被称为面部视觉和脸被触摸的感觉类似。 | |
L2 | 事实上,这种触觉和从胳膊或腿上感知到的痛觉非常类似。 | |
L3 | 这项能力是来自于通过耳朵接受回声 | |
L4 | 然而,甚至在这个被理解之前,该原理就已经应用在计算海底深度的设备设计上了 | |
L5 | 随后(this was followed by)它被应用于wartime应用设备上,用来查找submarine | |
10 | 在雷达被发明的很久之前,xx是蝙蝠sophisiticated类似雷达系统的原因(resulted in) | |
11 | 对于(refer to)蝙蝠来说,雷达并不是一个准确的词,因为它们的navigation 系统并没有应用雷达波 | |
12 | 雷达和sonar都是基于相似的数学理论 | |
13 | 词语"echolocation"在某人的检测工作第一次被使用 |
出处 | 单词 | 意思 例句 |
A1 | around | searching, looking, or trying to find something |
used for saying that someone looks in different places because they want to find something. She walked in, glanced around the hall, and went out. |
used for saying that someone asks many people in order to find something. I’ll ask around and see if anyone has his address. |
A2 | prey | n. an animal, a bird, etc. that is hunted, killed and eaten by another. The lion will often stalk its prey for hours. |
[preɪ] | n. a person who is harmed or tricked by sb, especially for dishonest purposes. Elderly people are easy prey for dishonest salesmen. |
B1 | v. if an animal or bird preys on another animal or bird, it hunts and eats it Cats prey on birds and mice. |
A3 | making | n.be of your own making problems: that are of your own making have been caused by you and no one else: |
A4 | economy | the relationship between production, trade and the supply of money in a particular country or region. |
A4 | exploit | to use sth well in order to gain as much from it as possible She fully exploits the humour of her role in the play. |
ɪkˈsplɔɪt | They were quick to exploit the economic possibilities of the situation. | |
A5 | living noun. |
money to buy the things that you need in life She earns her living as a freelance journalist. to make a good/decent/meagre living |
A5 | trade | the activity of buying and selling or of exchanging goods or services between people or countries Trade between the two countries has increased |
A5 | thoroughly | completely and with great attention to detail |
[ˈθʌrəli] | Wash the fruit thoroughly before use. | |
A5 | favour [ˈfeɪvə(r)] |
to provide suitable conditions for a particular person, group, etc The warm climate favours many types of tropical plants. |
A5 | go | an attempt at doing sth It took three goes to get it right. |
make a go of something :to make something succeed, especially a business or marriage Many businesses are struggling hard to make a go of it. |
A6 | nocturnal [nɒkˈtɜːnl] |
an animal that is nocturnal is active at night: When there is a full moon, this nocturnal rodent is careful to stay in its burrow. 月圆之夜,这种夜间活动的啮齿类动物会小心地呆在地洞里不出来。 |
A6 | ancestry [ˈænsestri] |
your ancestors who lived a long time ago, or the origin of your family His wife was of royal ancestry.他的妻子有皇室血统。 |
A6 | mammal [ˈmæml] |
any animal of which the female gives birth to babies, not eggs, and feeds them on milk from her own body 哺乳动物 |
A7 | dinosaur | an animal that lived millions of years ago but is now extinct. There were many types of dinosaur, some of which were very large.恐龙 |
[ˈdaɪnəsɔː(r)] | a person or thing that is old-fashioned and cannot change in the changing conditions of modern life This typewriter's a bit of a dinosaur, isn't it? |
A7 | dominate [ˈdɒmɪneɪt] |
to control or have a lot of influence over sb/sth, especially in an unpleasant way As a child he was dominated by his father. |
A7 | mammalian | .ADJ 形容词哺乳类的;哺乳动物的 In zoology, mammalian means relating to mammals |
A7 | scrap [skræp] |
to fight with sb |
A8 | mysterious [mɪˈstɪəriəs] |
difficult to understand or explain; strange A mysterious illness is affecting all the animals |
mass [mæs] |
adj:affecting or involving a large number of people or things Their latest product is aimed at the mass market. |
extinction [ɪkˈstɪŋkʃn] |
noun:a situation in which a plant, an animal, a way of life, etc. stops existing The mountain gorilla is on the verge of extinction.居住在山区的大猩猩已濒临灭绝。 |
emerge [iˈmɜːdʒ] |
verb. : to come out of a dark, confined or hidden place We emerged into bright sunlight. 我们来到明媚的阳光下。 |
substantial [səbˈstænʃl] |
adj. large in amount, value or importance Substantial numbers of people support the reforms. |
B1 | absence [ˈæbsəns] |
n. the fact of sb/sth not existing or not being available; a lack of sth The case was dismissed in the absence of any definite proof. |
engineering [ˌendʒɪˈnɪərɪŋ] |
n. the activity of applying scientific knowledge to the design, building and control of machines, roads, bridges, electrical equipment, etc The bridge is a triumph of modern engineering. 这座桥是现代工程的一大成就。 |
B3 | somehow [ˈsʌmhaʊ] |
adverb. in a way that is not known or certain We must stop him from seeing her somehow. |
B4 | whale | [weɪl] 鲸鱼 |
B5 | muddy [ˈmʌdi] |
containing mud; not clear a muddy pond |
obstruct [əbˈstrʌkt] |
v. to block a road, an entrance, a passage, etc. so that sb/sth cannot get through, see past, etc An accident is obstructing traffic on the M11.一场事故堵塞了11号高速公路上的交通。 |
scatter [ˈskætə(r)] |
to throw or drop things in different directions so that they cover an area of ground Scatter the grass seed over the lawn. |
C1 | manoeuvre [məˈnuːvə(r)] |
to move or turn skilfully or carefully; to move or turn sth skilfully or carefully She managed to manoeuvre expertly into the parking space. |
C2 | searchlight [ˈsɜːtʃlaɪt] |
a light with a very bright beam that can be turned in any direction, used especially to guard prisons or to see the movements of enemy aircraft in the sky 探照灯 |
oc'cur | occur to sb (of an idea or a thought 观念或想法) to come into your mind 被想到;出现在头脑中: | |
C3 | firefly | an insect which is active during the night and whose tail shines on and off in the dark 萤火虫 |
bacteria [bækˈtɪəriə] |
the simplest and smallest forms of life. Bacteria exist in large numbers in air, water and soil, and also in living and dead creatures and plants, and are often a cause of disease细菌 | |
help n. |
[uncountable] the act of helping sb to do sth | |
She stopped smoking with the help of her family and friends.她在家人和朋友的帮助下戒了烟 | ||
C4 | mate | either of a pair of birds or animals A male bird sings to attract a mate. |
C5 | prohibitive | so high that it prevents people from buying sth or doing sth |
tiny | very small in size or amount | |
pinprick [ˈpɪnprɪk] |
a very small area of sth, especially light His eyes narrowed to two small pinpricks. 他把眼睛眯成了两条黑色的细缝 |
C6 | fraction [ˈfrækʃn] |
a small part or amount of sth She hesitated for the merest fraction of a second. 她略微犹豫了一下。 |
bounce [baʊns] |
if sth bounces or you bounce it, it moves quickly away from a surface it has just hit or you make it do this | |
V. | Short sound waves bounce off even small objects 短声波即使遇到小物体都会产生回音。 |
C7 | immensely /ɪˈmensli/ |
extremely; very much |
headlight [ˈhedlaɪt] |
a large light, usually one of two, at the front of a vehicle; the beam from this light | |
illuminate [ɪˈluːmɪneɪt] |
to light something and make it brighter 为…照明,照亮 The streets were illuminated with strings of coloured lights.这些街道被一串串彩灯照亮了 |
c8 | weird [wɪəd] |
very strange and unusual, and difficult to understand or explain |
D2 | uncanny [ʌnˈkæni] |
strange and difficult to explain I had an uncanny feeling I was being watched. |
D3 | facial [ˈfeɪʃl] |
connected with a person's face; on a person's face |
obstacle [ˈɒbstəkl] |
an object that is in your way and that makes it difficult for you to move forward | |
D4 | block [blɒk] |
a group of buildings with streets on all sides |
tricycle [ˈtraɪsɪkl] |
a cycle with two wheels at the back and one at the front, used especially by young children (尤指儿童骑的)三轮脚踏车 | |
D5 | phantom [ˈfæntəm] |
a thing that exists only in your imagination |
limb [lɪm] | an arm or a leg; a similar part of an animal, such as a wing | |
phantom limb | the feeling that an arm or a leg that has had to be removed is still there幻肢(截肢者觉得肢体犹存的感觉) | |
D8 | exploit [ɪkˈsplɔɪt] |
to use sth well in order to gain as much from it as possible |
D9 | weapon [ˈwepən] |
an object such as a knife, gun, bomb, etc. that is used for fighting or attacking sb |
submarine [ˌsʌbməˈriːn] |
a ship which can travel under water 潜艇 | |
D10 | rely [rɪ'laɪ] |
to need a particular thing or the help and support of someone or something in order to continue, to work correctly, or to succeed [+ -ing verb] The success of this project relies on everyone making an effort.这个专案计划的成功要靠每个人的努力。 |
side [saɪd] |
one of the two or more people or groups taking part in an argument, war, etc | |
code name | a name used for a person or thing in order to keep the real name secret代号 | |
radio | N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词无线电;无线电通讯 Radio is a system of sending sound over a distance by transmitting electrical signals | |
sonar | equipment or a system for finding objects underwater using sound waves声纳(利用声波探测水下物体的装置或系统) | |
under | using a particular name化名,以什么命名 She also writes under the pseudonym of Barbara Vine |
E1 | feat [fiːt] |
an action or a piece of work that needs skill, strength or courage技艺;功绩;业绩;英勇事迹 |
navigation [ˌnævɪˈɡeɪʃn] |
the skill or the process of planning a route for a ship or other vehicle and taking it there 导航;领航 | |
strike | be struck dumb to suddenly be unable to talk, usually because you are very surprised or shocked We were struck dumb when she announced she was pregnant.她宣布怀孕的消息时,我们都吓得目瞪口呆。 |
dumb [dʌm] |
unable to speak | |
E5 | zoologist [zəʊˈɒlədʒɪst] |
a person who scientifically studies animals 动物学家 |
E4 | underlying | important in a situation but not always easily noticed or stated clearlz 根本的;潜在的;隐含的: The underlying assumption is that the amount of money available is limited. 隐含的假定是可用的资金有限 |
E5 | responsible [rɪˈspɒnsəbl] |
having the job or duty of doing sth or taking care of sb/sth, so that you may be blamed if sth goes wrong |
coin [kɔɪn] to invent a new word or phrase that other people then begin to use |
A1 | ||
黑暗、晚上 | in the dark at night |
白天 | all day | The sun was shining all day. |
all day long | I could sit and watch the river all day long. | |
during the day | He works at night and sleeps during the day. | |
by day | Nocturnal animals sleep by day and hunt by night. | |
daytime | The park is open during (the) daytime. | |
trade | economy | 在这篇文章中应该是指资源的意思 |
A6 | go back | to have been made, built, or started at some time in the past: It’s a tradition that goes back at least 100 years. |
if people go back a particular length of time, they have known each other for that length of time We go back a long way (=we have been friends for a long time). |
living | ||
B2 | sb be not only creatures to do sth | |
C8 | With the possible exception of | With the possible exception of the Beatles, no other band has become so successful so quickly. 可能除了披头士乐队这个例外,还没有哪个乐队如此转瞬走红的 |
D8 | it’s only a matter/question/of time | used for saying that something will definitely happen, but you are not sure when If you carry on driving like that, it'll only be a matter of time before you have an accident.如果你老是那样开车,迟早会出事的。 |
- You might say that this is a problem of their own making, one that they could avoid simply by changing their habits and hunting by day.(A L3)
- A L5
- A L8 倒装
-C7 对比 - C8
- E1
You might say that this is a problem of their own making, one that they could avoid simply by changing their habits and hunting by day.
Given that there is a living to be made at night, and given that alternative daytime trades are thoroughly occupied, natural selection has favoured bats that make a go of the night-hunting trade.
In the time when the dinosaurs dominated the daytime economy, our mammalian ancestors probably only managed to survive at all because they found ways of scraping a living at night.
Plenty of other modern animals make their living in conditions where seeing is difficult or impossible.
The first one that might occur to him is to manufacture light, to use a lantern or a searchlight.
The light source must therefore be immensely brighter if it is to be used as a headlight to illuminate the path, than if it is to be used as a signal to others.
In any event, whether or not the reason is the energy expense, it seems to be the case that, with the possible exception of some weird deep-sea fish, no animal apart from man uses manufactured light to find its way about.
paragraph struct | line | mean | relations of sentences |
A | L1 |