




A poor first impression, it is widely acknowledgedcounts for more than a good one. Memories that resurfacesuddenly tend to be unpleasant. Professional fearmongers draw a larger, more receptive audience than purveyors of restrained analysis. It is normal for people to dwell on a word of criticism for much longer than theyluxuriate in a shower of praise.

it is widely acknowledged人们普遍认为,也可以把这句话提前:it is widely acknowledged that a poor first impression……【句式积累】

counts for more thanA counts for more than B,A比B更重要。count作动词有“重要”的意思,例如you do count你确实重要,sth/sb count for much非常重要。在《哈利波特与密室》中,因为传言要建立一部新的麻瓜保护法,因此店员戏谑对马尔福说道:pure wizard blood is counting for less everywhere恐怕纯血统巫师越来越没有地位了【词组积累】


tend to be往往是,趋向于【词组积累】

fear mongersmonger表示贩子,fear monger即恐惧贩子,贩卖恐惧,传播恐惧的人。相对的反义词为purveyors of restrained analysis,purveyor表示提供者,供应者,restrained表示克制的,朴素的,restrained analysis,即质朴的分析。职业的恐惧散播者比提供朴素分析的人能吸引更多的观众,他们的话也更容易被接受。【词汇积累】

dwell on a word of criticism长时间思考,老是想着,dwell on sth表示一直思考着某件事情。a word of 表示一句批评【词组积累】

luxuriate in a shower of praiseluxuriate in sth表示尽情享受,例如luxuriate in the warm sunshine尽情享受温暖的日光,a shower of 表示一批,一连串的,a shower of praise即一阵表扬【词组积累】



For Roy Baumeister, a social psychologist, and John Tierney, a journalist, these are symptoms of “the power of bad”. Their provocative book explores what they characterize as the universal tendency for negative events and emotions to affect us more strongly than positive ones”. Their examples make for uncomfortable reading. “One moment of parental neglect can lead to decades of angst and therapy,” they write chasteningly, “but no one spends adulthood fixated on that wonderful day at the zoo.” Other claims are dispiriting: “Successful marriages are defined not by improvement but by avoiding decline.”

provocative book富有争议的书,provocative是provoke的形容词,provoke表示挑衅,或者激起、引发某种影响,所以provocative表示引起或激起某种争论的【词汇积累】

explore本意有探索,探求,这里是另一种意思表示阐明、解释,a book explore a question阐释,探究一个问题的书,所以explore也可以和一本书搭配,表示一本书解释了某些问题,如文中the book explores what they ……【熟词僻义】

characterize as描述为,定义为

the universal tendency普遍倾向,全体倾向

Their examples make for uncomfortable reading他们的例子令人有不适的阅读感,make for表示有利于,有……的倾向。

parental neglect家长的忽视

angst and therapy焦虑和治疗

chasteninglychasten表示磨炼,精炼,write chasteningly表示精炼地写



对于社会心理学家Roy Baumeister和记者John Tierney来说,这些症状都是“负面的力量”。他们富有争议的书籍解释了他们所说 “负面事件和情绪普遍对人们的影响比正面的要大。”他们所举的例子令人阅读不适。他们精炼地写到,“短暂的父母忽视可以导致数十年的焦虑和治疗,但没有人会把整个成年生活聚焦在公园美妙的一天。”其他主张也令人沮丧。“成功的婚姻并不是由提高来定义的,而是由避免婚姻质量下降定义。”


Yet the authors are shrewd about the ways in which negativity can pollute both intimate relationships and large groups. They also show that bad experiences can be instructive, using stories to humanize a subject that could otherwise be dry. One concerns Felix Baumgartner, a skydiver who spent years masking his anxieties,which multiplied as he stubbornly projected an air of confidence. They only burst forth when he was in final rehearsals for an attempt to leap from a balloon 24 miles (39km) above Earth.

be shrewd about对……判断准确,高明【词组积累】


intimate relationships亲密关系


humanize ~ sth使更适合人to make sth more pleasant or suitable for people,文中是使一个主题更适合人理解,文中与其对应的词是a dry subject,一个枯燥的主题【词汇积累】

One concerns Felix Baumgartner, a skydiver who spent years masking his anxieties, which multiplied as he stubbornly projected an air of confidence.concern在这里表示涉及,与……有关。例如the book is primarily concerned with the prince’s efforts to rescue her,这本书主要讲述了王子努力拯救她的故事。所以一本书主要讲述了某件事也可以用concern,文中指的是其中的一个故事讲的是……。mask ones anxieties中mask表示掩饰,multiple是one’s anxieties的谓语动词,表示焦虑成倍增长,project an air of confidence表示散发出自信的气场。【句式】

burst forth爆发出来                                                                                                            

然而,作者们对消极毁坏亲密关系和大群体利益的判断很明确,他们也表示不好的经历可以是富有教育意义的,运用故事使一个本来很枯燥的主题听起来适合人理解。其中一个讲的是一个跳伞员Felix Baumgartner,多年来将自己的焦虑掩盖起来,这些焦虑在他向外散发自信气场时不断地积累增加,他们只在进行最后一次练习从地球上空30英里跳伞时才爆发出来。


As they examine how Mr Baumgartner and others reverse morbid patterns of thought, the authors set out a rule of thumb: “It takes four good things to overcome one bad thing.” Accordingly, they are less keen onaccentuating life’s positives than on trying to muffle its negatives. In part that means reframing adversity, like wounded soldiers who view injury “not as something that shattered their plans but as something that started them on a new path”. On a more parochial note, they advise that people who have to deal with rude customersfinish every encounter, no matter how bruisingwith a positive gesture— and that if you are likely to be on the receiving end of reviews, you should get a friend to summarize them, to avoid direct exposure to indelibly hurtful phrases.

morbid patterns of thought病态的思维模式,morbid 表示致病的【词汇积累】

a rule of thumb实际经验,as a rule of thumb表示“根据实际经验”【词组积累】

It takes four good things to overcome one bad thingit takes …… to overcome ……克服一些事情,需要抵上……【句式】


reframe adversity重新界定不幸

view sth as把某事视作……

On a more parochial noteon a …… note可以表示以……的口吻,语调

finish every encounter with a positive gestureencounter表示遭遇,邂逅,finish every encounter with sth,以……结束每次见面,如finish every encounter with quarrel以争吵结束每次会面【词组积累】


on the receiving end of reviewson the receiving end of表示在……的接受方,reviews表示评价,即在评价的接受方【词组积累】

indelibly hurtful phrasesindelible表示不可磨灭的,词组即无法忘记的伤人的话【词汇积累】




fear mongersmonger表示贩子,fear monger即恐惧贩子,贩卖恐惧,传播恐惧的人。相对的反义词为purveyors of restrained analysis,purveyor表示提供者,供应者,restrained表示克制的,朴素的,restrained analysis,即质朴的分析。职业的恐惧散播者比提供朴素分析的人能吸引更多的观众,他们的话也更容易被接受。【词汇积累】

provocative book富有争议的书,provocative是provoke的形容词,provoke表示挑衅,或者激起、引发某种影响,所以provocative表示引起或激起某种争论的【词汇积累】


humanize ~ sth使更适合人to make sth more pleasant or suitable for people,文中是使一个主题更适合人理解,文中与其对应的词是a dry subject,一个枯燥的主题【词汇积累】

morbid patterns of thought病态的思维模式,morbid 表示致病的【词汇积累】


indelibly hurtful phrasesindelible表示不可磨灭的,词组即无法忘记的伤人的话【词汇积累】

counts for more thanA counts for more than B,A比B更重要。count作动词有“重要”的意思,例如you do count你确实重要,sth/sb count for much非常重要。在《哈利波特与密室》中,因为传言要建立一部新的麻瓜保护法,因此店员戏谑对马尔福说道:pure wizard blood is counting for less everywhere恐怕纯血统巫师越来越没有地位了【词组积累】

tend to be往往是,趋向于【词组积累】

dwell on a word of criticism长时间思考,老是想着,dwell on sth表示一直思考着某件事情。a word of 表示一句批评【词组积累】

luxuriate in a shower of praiseluxuriate in sth表示尽情享受,例如luxuriate in the warm sunshine尽情享受温暖的日光,a shower of 表示一批,一连串的,a shower of praise即一阵表扬【词组积累】

be shrewd about对……判断准确,高明【词组积累】

a rule of thumb实际经验,as a rule of thumb表示“根据实际经验”【词组积累】

finish every encounter with a positive gestureencounter表示遭遇,邂逅,finish every encounter with sth,以……结束每次见面,如finish every encounter with quarrel以争吵结束每次会面【词组积累】

on the receiving end of reviewson the receiving end of表示在……的接受方,reviews表示评价,即在评价的接受方【词组积累】

explore本意有探索,探求,这里是另一种意思表示阐明、解释,a book explore a question阐释,探究一个问题的书,所以explore也可以和一本书搭配,表示一本书解释了某些问题,如文中the book explores what they ……






it is widely acknowledged人们普遍认为,也可以把这句话提前:it is widely acknowledged that a poor first impression……【句式积累】

One concerns Felix Baumgartner, a skydiver who spent years masking his anxieties, which multiplied as he stubbornly projected an air of confidence.concern在这里表示涉及,与……有关。例如the book is primarily concerned with the prince’s efforts to rescue her,这本书主要讲述了王子努力拯救她的故事。所以一本书主要讲述了某件事也可以用concern,文中指的是其中的一个故事讲的是……。mask ones anxieties中mask表示掩饰,multiple是one’s anxieties的谓语动词,表示焦虑成倍增长,project an air of confidence表示散发出自信的气场。【句式积累】

It takes four good things to overcome one bad thingit takes …… to overcome ……克服一些事情,需要抵上……【句式积累】
