root@kali:~# msfconsole ______________________________________________________________________________ | | | 3Kom SuperHack II Logon | |______________________________________________________________________________| | | | | | | | User Name: [ security ] | | | | Password: [ ] | | | | | | | | [ OK ] | |______________________________________________________________________________| | | | | |______________________________________________________________________________| Tired of typing 'set RHOSTS'? Click & pwn with Metasploit Pro Learn more on =[ metasploit v4.12.41-dev ] + -- --=[ 1597 exploits - 912 auxiliary - 274 post ] + -- --=[ 458 payloads - 39 encoders - 8 nops ] + -- --=[ Free Metasploit Pro trial: ] msf > show auxiliary Auxiliary ========= Name Disclosure Date Rank Description ---- --------------- ---- ----------- admin/2wire/xslt_password_reset 2007-08-15 normal 2Wire Cross-Site Request Forgery Password Reset Vulnerability admin/android/google_play_store_uxss_xframe_rce normal Android Browser RCE Through Google Play Store XFO admin/appletv/appletv_display_image normal Apple TV Image Remote Control admin/appletv/appletv_display_video normal Apple TV Video Remote Control admin/atg/atg_client normal Veeder-Root Automatic Tank Gauge (ATG) Administrative Client admin/backupexec/dump normal Veritas Backup Exec Windows Remote File Access admin/backupexec/registry normal Veritas Backup Exec Server Registry Access admin/chromecast/chromecast_reset normal Chromecast Factory Reset DoS admin/chromecast/chromecast_youtube normal Chromecast YouTube Remote Control admin/cisco/cisco_asa_extrabacon normal Cisco ASA Authentication Bypass (EXTRABACON) admin/cisco/cisco_secure_acs_bypass normal Cisco Secure ACS Unauthorized Password Change admin/cisco/_3000_ftp_bypass 2006-08-23 normal Cisco VPN Concentrator 3000 FTP Unauthorized Administrative Access admin/db2/db2rcmd 2004-03-04 normal IBM DB2 db2rcmd.exe Command Execution Vulnerability admin/edirectory/edirectory_dhost_cookie normal Novell eDirectory DHOST Predictable Session Cookie admin/edirectory/edirectory_edirutil normal Novell eDirectory eMBox Unauthenticated File Access admin/emc/alphastor_devicemanager_exec 2008-05-27 normal EMC AlphaStor Device Manager Arbitrary Command Execution admin/emc/alphastor_librarymanager_exec 2008-05-27 normal EMC AlphaStor Library Manager Arbitrary Command Execution admin/firetv/firetv_youtube normal Amazon Fire TV YouTube Remote Control admin/hp/hp_data_protector_cmd 2011-02-07 normal HP Data Protector 6.1 EXEC_CMD Command Execution admin/hp/hp_imc_som_create_account 2013-10-08 normal HP Intelligent Management SOM Account Creation admin/http/arris_motorola_surfboard_backdoor_xss 2015-04-08 normal Arris / Motorola Surfboard SBG6580 Web Interface Takeover admin/http/axigen_file_access 2012-10-31 normal Axigen Arbitrary File Read and Delete admin/http/cfme_manageiq_evm_pass_reset 2013-11-12 normal Red Hat CloudForms Management Engine 5.1 miq_policy/explorer SQL Injection admin/http/contentkeeper_fileaccess normal ContentKeeper Web Appliance mimencode File Access admin/http/dlink_dir_300_600_exec_noauth 2013-02-04 normal D-Link DIR-600 / DIR-300 Unauthenticated Remote Command Execution admin/http/dlink_dir_645_password_extractor normal D-Link DIR 645 Password Extractor admin/http/dlink_dsl320b_password_extractor normal D-Link DSL 320B Password Extractor admin/http/foreman_openstack_satellite_priv_esc 2013-06-06 normal Foreman (Red Hat OpenStack/Satellite) users/create Mass Assignment admin/http/hp_web_jetadmin_exec 2004-04-27 normal HP Web JetAdmin 6.5 Server Arbitrary Command Execution admin/http/iis_auth_bypass 2010-07-02 normal MS10-065 Microsoft IIS 5 NTFS Stream Authentication Bypass admin/http/intersil_pass_reset 2007-09-10 normal Intersil (Boa) HTTPd Basic Authentication Password Reset admin/http/iomega_storcenterpro_sessionid normal Iomega StorCenter Pro NAS Web Authentication Bypass admin/http/jboss_bshdeployer normal JBoss JMX Console Beanshell Deployer WAR Upload and Deployment admin/http/jboss_deploymentfilerepository normal JBoss JMX Console DeploymentFileRepository WAR Upload and Deployment admin/http/jboss_seam_exec 2010-07-19 normal JBoss Seam 2 Remote Command Execution admin/http/joomla_registration_privesc 2016-10-25 normal Joomla Account Creation and Privilege Escalation admin/http/kaseya_master_admin 2015-09-23 normal Kaseya VSA Master Administrator Account Creation admin/http/katello_satellite_priv_esc 2014-03-24 normal Katello (Red Hat Satellite) users/update_roles Missing Authorization admin/http/limesurvey_file_download 2015-10-12 normal Limesurvey Unauthenticated File Download admin/http/linksys_e1500_e2500_exec 2013-02-05 normal Linksys E1500/E2500 Remote Command Execution admin/http/linksys_tmunblock_admin_reset_bof 2014-02-19 normal Linksys WRT120N tmUnblock Stack Buffer Overflow admin/http/linksys_wrt54gl_exec 2013-01-18 normal Linksys WRT54GL Remote Command Execution admin/http/manage_engine_dc_create_admin 2014-12-31 normal ManageEngine Desktop Central Administrator Account Creation admin/http/manageengine_dir_listing 2015-01-28 normal ManageEngine Multiple Products Arbitrary Directory Listing admin/http/manageengine_file_download 2015-01-28 normal ManageEngine Multiple Products Arbitrary File Download admin/http/manageengine_pmp_privesc 2014-11-08 normal ManageEngine Password Manager Pro SQL Injection admin/http/mutiny_frontend_read_delete 2013-05-15 normal Mutiny 5 Arbitrary File Read and Delete admin/http/netflow_file_download 2014-11-30 normal ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer Arbitrary File Download admin/http/netgear_auth_download 2016-02-04 normal NETGEAR ProSafe Network Management System 300 Authenticated File Download admin/http/netgear_soap_password_extractor 2015-02-11 normal Netgear Unauthenticated SOAP Password Extractor admin/http/nexpose_xxe_file_read normal Nexpose XXE Arbitrary File Read admin/http/novell_file_reporter_filedelete normal Novell File Reporter Agent Arbitrary File Delete admin/http/nuuo_nvrmini_reset 2016-08-04 normal NUUO NVRmini 2 / NETGEAR ReadyNAS Surveillance Default Configuration Load and Administrator Password Reset admin/http/openbravo_xxe 2013-10-30 normal Openbravo ERP XXE Arbitrary File Read admin/http/rails_devise_pass_reset 2013-01-28 normal Ruby on Rails Devise Authentication Password Reset admin/http/scrutinizer_add_user 2012-07-27 normal Plixer Scrutinizer NetFlow and sFlow Analyzer HTTP Authentication Bypass admin/http/sophos_wpa_traversal 2013-04-03 normal Sophos Web Protection Appliance patience.cgi Directory Traversal admin/http/sysaid_admin_acct 2015-06-03 normal SysAid Help Desk Administrator Account Creation admin/http/sysaid_file_download 2015-06-03 normal SysAid Help Desk Arbitrary File Download admin/http/sysaid_sql_creds 2015-06-03 normal SysAid Help Desk Database Credentials Disclosure admin/http/telpho10_credential_dump 2016-09-02 normal Telpho10 Backup Credentials Dumper admin/http/tomcat_administration normal Tomcat Administration Tool Default Access admin/http/tomcat_utf8_traversal 2009-01-09 normal Tomcat UTF-8 Directory Traversal Vulnerability admin/http/trendmicro_dlp_traversal 2009-01-09 normal TrendMicro Data Loss Prevention 5.5 Directory Traversal admin/http/typo3_sa_2009_001 2009-01-20 normal TYPO3 sa-2009-001 Weak Encryption Key File Disclosure admin/http/typo3_sa_2009_002 2009-02-10 normal Typo3 sa-2009-002 File Disclosure admin/http/typo3_sa_2010_020 normal TYPO3 sa-2010-020 Remote File Disclosure admin/http/typo3_winstaller_default_enc_keys normal TYPO3 Winstaller Default Encryption Keys admin/http/vbulletin_upgrade_admin 2013-10-09 normal vBulletin Administrator Account Creation admin/http/webnms_cred_disclosure 2016-07-04 normal WebNMS Framework Server Credential Disclosure admin/http/webnms_file_download 2016-07-04 normal WebNMS Framework Server Arbitrary Text File Download admin/http/wp_custom_contact_forms 2014-08-07 normal WordPress custom-contact-forms Plugin SQL Upload admin/http/wp_easycart_privilege_escalation 2015-02-25 normal WordPress WP EasyCart Plugin Privilege Escalation admin/http/wp_wplms_privilege_escalation 2015-02-09 normal WordPress WPLMS Theme Privilege Escalation admin/http/zyxel_admin_password_extractor normal ZyXEL GS1510-16 Password Extractor admin/kerberos/ms14_068_kerberos_checksum 2014-11-18 normal MS14-068 Microsoft Kerberos Checksum Validation Vulnerability admin/maxdb/maxdb_cons_exec 2008-01-09 normal SAP MaxDB cons.exe Remote Command Injection admin/misc/sercomm_dump_config 2013-12-31 normal SerComm Device Configuration Dump admin/misc/wol normal UDP Wake-On-Lan (WOL) admin/motorola/wr850g_cred 2004-09-24 normal Motorola WR850G v4.03 Credentials admin/ms/ms08_059_his2006 2008-10-14 normal Microsoft Host Integration Server 2006 Command Execution Vulnerability admin/mssql/mssql_enum normal Microsoft SQL Server Configuration Enumerator admin/mssql/mssql_enum_domain_accounts normal Microsoft SQL Server SUSER_SNAME Windows Domain Account Enumeration admin/mssql/mssql_enum_domain_accounts_sqli normal Microsoft SQL Server SQLi SUSER_SNAME Windows Domain Account Enumeration admin/mssql/mssql_enum_sql_logins normal Microsoft SQL Server SUSER_SNAME SQL Logins Enumeration admin/mssql/mssql_escalate_dbowner normal Microsoft SQL Server Escalate Db_Owner admin/mssql/mssql_escalate_dbowner_sqli normal Microsoft SQL Server SQLi Escalate Db_Owner admin/mssql/mssql_escalate_execute_as normal Microsoft SQL Server Escalate EXECUTE AS admin/mssql/mssql_escalate_execute_as_sqli normal Microsoft SQL Server SQLi Escalate Execute AS admin/mssql/mssql_exec normal Microsoft SQL Server xp_cmdshell Command Execution admin/mssql/mssql_findandsampledata normal Microsoft SQL Server Find and Sample Data admin/mssql/mssql_idf normal Microsoft SQL Server Interesting Data Finder admin/mssql/mssql_ntlm_stealer normal Microsoft SQL Server NTLM Stealer admin/mssql/mssql_ntlm_stealer_sqli normal Microsoft SQL Server SQLi NTLM Stealer admin/mssql/mssql_sql normal Microsoft SQL Server Generic Query admin/mssql/mssql_sql_file normal Microsoft SQL Server Generic Query from File admin/mysql/mysql_enum normal MySQL Enumeration Module admin/mysql/mysql_sql normal MySQL SQL Generic Query admin/natpmp/natpmp_map normal NAT-PMP Port Mapper admin/netbios/netbios_spoof normal NetBIOS Response Brute Force Spoof (Direct) admin/officescan/tmlisten_traversal normal TrendMicro OfficeScanNT Listener Traversal Arbitrary File Access admin/oracle/ora_ntlm_stealer 2009-04-07 normal Oracle SMB Relay Code Execution admin/oracle/oracle_login 2008-11-20 normal Oracle Account Discovery admin/oracle/oracle_sql 2007-12-07 normal Oracle SQL Generic Query admin/oracle/oraenum normal Oracle Database Enumeration admin/oracle/osb_execqr 2009-01-14 normal Oracle Secure Backup exec_qr() Command Injection Vulnerability admin/oracle/osb_execqr2 2009-08-18 normal Oracle Secure Backup Authentication Bypass/Command Injection Vulnerability admin/oracle/osb_execqr3 2010-07-13 normal Oracle Secure Backup Authentication Bypass/Command Injection Vulnerability admin/oracle/post_exploitation/win32exec 2007-12-07 normal Oracle Java execCommand (Win32) admin/oracle/post_exploitation/win32upload 2005-02-10 normal Oracle URL Download admin/oracle/sid_brute 2009-01-07 normal Oracle TNS Listener SID Brute Forcer admin/oracle/tnscmd 2009-02-01 normal Oracle TNS Listener Command Issuer admin/pop2/uw_fileretrieval 2000-07-14 normal UoW pop2d Remote File Retrieval Vulnerability admin/postgres/postgres_readfile normal PostgreSQL Server Generic Query admin/postgres/postgres_sql normal PostgreSQL Server Generic Query admin/sap/sap_configservlet_exec_noauth 2012-11-01 normal SAP ConfigServlet OS Command Execution admin/sap/sap_mgmt_con_osexec normal SAP Management Console OSExecute admin/scada/advantech_webaccess_dbvisitor_sqli 2014-04-08 normal Advantech WebAccess SQL Injection admin/scada/ge_proficy_substitute_traversal 2013-01-22 normal GE Proficy Cimplicity WebView substitute.bcl Directory Traversal admin/scada/modicon_command 2012-04-05 normal Schneider Modicon Remote START/STOP Command admin/scada/modicon_password_recovery 2012-01-19 normal Schneider Modicon Quantum Password Recovery admin/scada/modicon_stux_transfer 2012-04-05 normal Schneider Modicon Ladder Logic Upload/Download admin/scada/multi_cip_command 2012-01-19 normal Allen-Bradley/Rockwell Automation EtherNet/IP CIP Commands admin/scada/phoenix_command 2015-05-20 normal PhoenixContact PLC Remote START/STOP Command admin/scada/yokogawa_bkbcopyd_client 2014-08-09 normal Yokogawa BKBCopyD.exe Client admin/serverprotect/file normal TrendMicro ServerProtect File Access admin/smb/check_dir_file normal SMB Scanner Check File/Directory Utility admin/smb/delete_file normal SMB File Delete Utility admin/smb/download_file normal SMB File Download Utility admin/smb/list_directory normal SMB Directory Listing Utility admin/smb/psexec_command normal Microsoft Windows Authenticated Administration Utility admin/smb/psexec_ntdsgrab normal PsExec NTDS.dit And SYSTEM Hive Download Utility admin/smb/samba_symlink_traversal normal Samba Symlink Directory Traversal admin/smb/upload_file normal SMB File Upload Utility admin/sunrpc/solaris_kcms_readfile 2003-01-22 normal Solaris KCMS + TTDB Arbitrary File Read admin/tftp/tftp_transfer_util normal TFTP File Transfer Utility admin/tikiwiki/tikidblib 2006-11-01 normal TikiWiki Information Disclosure admin/upnp/soap_portmapping normal UPnP IGD SOAP Port Mapping Utility admin/vmware/poweroff_vm normal VMWare Power Off Virtual Machine admin/vmware/poweron_vm normal VMWare Power On Virtual Machine admin/vmware/tag_vm normal VMWare Tag Virtual Machine admin/vmware/terminate_esx_sessions normal VMWare Terminate ESX Login Sessions admin/vnc/realvnc_41_bypass 2006-05-15 normal RealVNC NULL Authentication Mode Bypass admin/vxworks/apple_airport_extreme_password normal Apple Airport Extreme Password Extraction (WDBRPC) admin/vxworks/dlink_i2eye_autoanswer normal D-Link i2eye Video Conference AutoAnswer (WDBRPC) admin/vxworks/wdbrpc_memory_dump normal VxWorks WDB Agent Remote Memory Dump admin/vxworks/wdbrpc_reboot normal VxWorks WDB Agent Remote Reboot admin/webmin/edit_html_fileaccess 2012-09-06 normal Webmin edit_html.cgi file Parameter Traversal Arbitrary File Access admin/webmin/file_disclosure 2006-06-30 normal Webmin File Disclosure admin/zend/java_bridge 2011-03-28 normal Zend Server Java Bridge Design Flaw Remote Code Execution analyze/jtr_aix normal John the Ripper AIX Password Cracker analyze/jtr_crack_fast normal John the Ripper Password Cracker (Fast Mode) analyze/jtr_linux normal John the Ripper Linux Password Cracker analyze/jtr_mssql_fast normal John the Ripper MS SQL Password Cracker (Fast Mode) analyze/jtr_mysql_fast normal John the Ripper MySQL Password Cracker (Fast Mode) analyze/jtr_oracle_fast normal John the Ripper Oracle Password Cracker (Fast Mode) analyze/jtr_postgres_fast normal John the Ripper Postgres SQL Password Cracker bnat/bnat_router normal BNAT Router bnat/bnat_scan normal BNAT Scanner client/smtp/emailer normal Generic Emailer (SMTP) crawler/msfcrawler normal Metasploit Web Crawler docx/word_unc_injector normal Microsoft Word UNC Path Injector dos/android/android_stock_browser_iframe 2012-12-01 normal Android Stock Browser Iframe DOS dos/cisco/ios_http_percentpercent 2000-04-26 normal Cisco IOS HTTP GET /%% Request Denial of Service dos/dhcp/isc_dhcpd_clientid normal ISC DHCP Zero Length ClientID Denial of Service Module dos/dns/bind_tkey 2015-07-28 normal BIND TKEY Query Denial of Service dos/freebsd/nfsd/nfsd_mount normal FreeBSD Remote NFS RPC Request Denial of Service dos/hp/data_protector_rds 2011-01-08 normal HP Data Protector Manager RDS DOS dos/http/3com_superstack_switch 2004-06-24 normal 3Com SuperStack Switch Denial of Service dos/http/apache_commons_fileupload_dos 2014-02-06 normal Apache Commons FileUpload and Apache Tomcat DoS dos/http/apache_mod_isapi 2010-03-05 normal Apache mod_isapi Dangling Pointer dos/http/apache_range_dos 2011-08-19 normal Apache Range Header DoS (Apache Killer) dos/http/apache_tomcat_transfer_encoding 2010-07-09 normal Apache Tomcat Transfer-Encoding Information Disclosure and DoS dos/http/canon_wireless_printer 2013-06-18 normal Canon Wireless Printer Denial Of Service dos/http/dell_openmanage_post 2004-02-26 normal Dell OpenManage POST Request Heap Overflow (win32) dos/http/f5_bigip_apm_max_sessions normal F5 BigIP Access Policy Manager Session Exhaustion Denial of Service dos/http/gzip_bomb_dos 2004-01-01 normal Gzip Memory Bomb Denial Of Service dos/http/hashcollision_dos 2011-12-28 normal Hashtable Collisions dos/http/monkey_headers 2013-05-30 normal Monkey HTTPD Header Parsing Denial of Service (DoS) dos/http/ms15_034_ulonglongadd normal MS15-034 HTTP Protocol Stack Request Handling Denial-of-Service dos/http/nodejs_pipelining 2013-10-18 normal Node.js HTTP Pipelining Denial of Service dos/http/novell_file_reporter_heap_bof 2012-11-16 normal NFR Agent Heap Overflow Vulnerability dos/http/rails_action_view 2013-12-04 normal Ruby on Rails Action View MIME Memory Exhaustion dos/http/rails_json_float_dos 2013-11-22 normal Ruby on Rails JSON Processor Floating Point Heap Overflow DoS dos/http/sonicwall_ssl_format 2009-05-29 normal SonicWALL SSL-VPN Format String Vulnerability dos/http/webrick_regex 2008-08-08 normal Ruby WEBrick::HTTP::DefaultFileHandler DoS dos/http/wordpress_long_password_dos 2014-11-20 normal WordPress Long Password DoS dos/http/wordpress_xmlrpc_dos 2014-08-06 normal Wordpress XMLRPC DoS dos/mdns/avahi_portzero 2008-11-14 normal Avahi Source Port 0 DoS dos/misc/dopewars 2009-10-05 normal Dopewars Denial of Service dos/misc/ibm_sametime_webplayer_dos 2013-11-07 normal IBM Lotus Sametime WebPlayer DoS dos/misc/ibm_tsm_dos 2015-12-15 normal IBM Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack Server Opcode 0x534 Denial of Service dos/misc/memcached normal Memcached Remote Denial of Service dos/ntp/ntpd_reserved_dos 2009-10-04 normal ntpd Reserved Mode Denial of Service dos/pptp/ms02_063_pptp_dos 2002-09-26 normal MS02-063 PPTP Malformed Control Data Kernel Denial of Service dos/samba/lsa_addprivs_heap normal Samba lsa_io_privilege_set Heap Overflow dos/samba/lsa_transnames_heap normal Samba lsa_io_trans_names Heap Overflow dos/samba/read_nttrans_ea_list normal Samba read_nttrans_ea_list Integer Overflow dos/sap/sap_soap_rfc_eps_delete_file normal SAP SOAP EPS_DELETE_FILE File Deletion dos/scada/beckhoff_twincat 2011-09-13 normal Beckhoff TwinCAT SCADA PLC DoS dos/scada/d20_tftp_overflow 2012-01-19 normal General Electric D20ME TFTP Server Buffer Overflow DoS dos/scada/igss9_dataserver 2011-12-20 normal 7-Technologies IGSS 9 IGSSdataServer.exe DoS dos/scada/yokogawa_logsvr 2014-03-10 normal Yokogawa CENTUM CS 3000 BKCLogSvr.exe Heap Buffer Overflow dos/smtp/sendmail_prescan 2003-09-17 normal Sendmail SMTP Address prescan Memory Corruption dos/solaris/lpd/cascade_delete normal Solaris LPD Arbitrary File Delete dos/ssl/dtls_changecipherspec 2000-04-26 normal OpenSSL DTLS ChangeCipherSpec Remote DoS dos/ssl/dtls_fragment_overflow 2014-06-05 normal OpenSSL DTLS Fragment Buffer Overflow DoS dos/ssl/openssl_aesni 2013-02-05 normal OpenSSL TLS 1.1 and 1.2 AES-NI DoS dos/syslog/rsyslog_long_tag 2011-09-01 normal rsyslog Long Tag Off-By-Two DoS dos/tcp/junos_tcp_opt normal Juniper JunOS Malformed TCP Option dos/tcp/synflood normal TCP SYN Flooder dos/upnp/miniupnpd_dos 2013-03-27 normal MiniUPnPd 1.4 Denial of Service (DoS) Exploit dos/windows/appian/appian_bpm 2007-12-17 normal Appian Enterprise Business Suite 5.6 SP1 DoS dos/windows/browser/ms09_065_eot_integer 2009-11-10 normal Microsoft Windows EOT Font Table Directory Integer Overflow dos/windows/ftp/filezilla_admin_user 2005-11-07 normal FileZilla FTP Server Admin Interface Denial of Service dos/windows/ftp/filezilla_server_port 2006-12-11 normal FileZilla FTP Server Malformed PORT Denial of Service dos/windows/ftp/guildftp_cwdlist 2008-10-12 normal Guild FTPd 0.999.8.11/0.999.14 Heap Corruption dos/windows/ftp/iis75_ftpd_iac_bof 2010-12-21 normal Microsoft IIS FTP Server Encoded Response Overflow Trigger dos/windows/ftp/iis_list_exhaustion 2009-09-03 normal Microsoft IIS FTP Server LIST Stack Exhaustion dos/windows/ftp/solarftp_user 2011-02-22 normal Solar FTP Server Malformed USER Denial of Service dos/windows/ftp/titan626_site 2008-10-14 normal Titan FTP Server 6.26.630 SITE WHO DoS dos/windows/ftp/vicftps50_list 2008-10-24 normal Victory FTP Server 5.0 LIST DoS dos/windows/ftp/winftp230_nlst 2008-09-26 normal WinFTP 2.3.0 NLST Denial of Service dos/windows/ftp/xmeasy560_nlst 2008-10-13 normal XM Easy Personal FTP Server 5.6.0 NLST DoS dos/windows/ftp/xmeasy570_nlst 2009-03-27 normal XM Easy Personal FTP Server 5.7.0 NLST DoS dos/windows/games/kaillera 2011-07-02 normal Kaillera 0.86 Server Denial of Service dos/windows/http/ms10_065_ii6_asp_dos 2010-09-14 normal Microsoft IIS 6.0 ASP Stack Exhaustion Denial of Service dos/windows/http/pi3web_isapi 2008-11-13 normal Pi3Web ISAPI DoS dos/windows/llmnr/ms11_030_dnsapi 2011-04-12 normal Microsoft Windows DNSAPI.dll LLMNR Buffer Underrun DoS dos/windows/nat/nat_helper 2006-10-26 normal Microsoft Windows NAT Helper Denial of Service dos/windows/rdp/ms12_020_maxchannelids 2012-03-16 normal MS12-020 Microsoft Remote Desktop Use-After-Free DoS dos/windows/smb/ms05_047_pnp normal Microsoft Plug and Play Service Registry Overflow dos/windows/smb/ms06_035_mailslot 2006-07-11 normal Microsoft SRV.SYS Mailslot Write Corruption dos/windows/smb/ms06_063_trans normal Microsoft SRV.SYS Pipe Transaction No Null dos/windows/smb/ms09_001_write normal Microsoft SRV.SYS WriteAndX Invalid DataOffset dos/windows/smb/ms09_050_smb2_negotiate_pidhigh normal Microsoft SRV2.SYS SMB Negotiate ProcessID Function Table Dereference dos/windows/smb/ms09_050_smb2_session_logoff normal Microsoft SRV2.SYS SMB2 Logoff Remote Kernel NULL Pointer Dereference dos/windows/smb/ms10_006_negotiate_response_loop normal Microsoft Windows 7 / Server 2008 R2 SMB Client Infinite Loop dos/windows/smb/ms10_054_queryfs_pool_overflow normal Microsoft Windows SRV.SYS SrvSmbQueryFsInformation Pool Overflow DoS dos/windows/smb/ms11_019_electbowser normal Microsoft Windows Browser Pool DoS dos/windows/smb/rras_vls_null_deref 2006-06-14 normal Microsoft RRAS InterfaceAdjustVLSPointers NULL Dereference dos/windows/smb/vista_negotiate_stop normal Microsoft Vista SP0 SMB Negotiate Protocol DoS dos/windows/smtp/ms06_019_exchange 2004-11-12 normal MS06-019 Exchange MODPROP Heap Overflow dos/windows/ssh/sysax_sshd_kexchange 2013-03-17 normal Sysax Multi-Server 6.10 SSHD Key Exchange Denial of Service dos/windows/tftp/pt360_write 2008-10-29 normal PacketTrap TFTP Server 2.2.5459.0 DoS dos/windows/tftp/solarwinds 2010-05-21 normal SolarWinds TFTP Server Denial of Service dos/wireshark/capwap 2014-04-28 normal Wireshark CAPWAP Dissector DoS dos/wireshark/chunked 2007-02-22 normal Wireshark chunked_encoding_dissector Function DOS dos/wireshark/cldap 2011-03-01 normal Wireshark CLDAP Dissector DOS dos/wireshark/ldap 2008-03-28 normal Wireshark LDAP Dissector DOS fuzzers/dns/dns_fuzzer normal DNS and DNSSEC Fuzzer fuzzers/ftp/client_ftp normal Simple FTP Client Fuzzer fuzzers/ftp/ftp_pre_post normal Simple FTP Fuzzer fuzzers/http/http_form_field normal HTTP Form Field Fuzzer fuzzers/http/http_get_uri_long normal HTTP GET Request URI Fuzzer (Incrementing Lengths) fuzzers/http/http_get_uri_strings normal HTTP GET Request URI Fuzzer (Fuzzer Strings) fuzzers/ntp/ntp_protocol_fuzzer normal NTP Protocol Fuzzer fuzzers/smb/smb2_negotiate_corrupt normal SMB Negotiate SMB2 Dialect Corruption fuzzers/smb/smb_create_pipe normal SMB Create Pipe Request Fuzzer fuzzers/smb/smb_create_pipe_corrupt normal SMB Create Pipe Request Corruption fuzzers/smb/smb_negotiate_corrupt normal SMB Negotiate Dialect Corruption fuzzers/smb/smb_ntlm1_login_corrupt normal SMB NTLMv1 Login Request Corruption fuzzers/smb/smb_tree_connect normal SMB Tree Connect Request Fuzzer fuzzers/smb/smb_tree_connect_corrupt normal SMB Tree Connect Request Corruption fuzzers/smtp/smtp_fuzzer normal SMTP Simple Fuzzer fuzzers/ssh/ssh_kexinit_corrupt normal SSH Key Exchange Init Corruption fuzzers/ssh/ssh_version_15 normal SSH 1.5 Version Fuzzer fuzzers/ssh/ssh_version_2 normal SSH 2.0 Version Fuzzer fuzzers/ssh/ssh_version_corrupt normal SSH Version Corruption fuzzers/tds/tds_login_corrupt normal TDS Protocol Login Request Corruption Fuzzer fuzzers/tds/tds_login_username normal TDS Protocol Login Request Username Fuzzer gather/alienvault_iso27001_sqli 2014-03-30 normal AlienVault Authenticated SQL Injection Arbitrary File Read gather/alienvault_newpolicyform_sqli 2014-05-09 normal AlienVault Authenticated SQL Injection Arbitrary File Read gather/android_browser_file_theft normal Android Browser File Theft gather/android_browser_new_tab_cookie_theft normal Android Browser "Open in New Tab" Cookie Theft gather/android_htmlfileprovider normal Android Content Provider File Disclosure gather/android_object_tag_webview_uxss 2014-10-04 normal Android Open Source Platform (AOSP) Browser UXSS gather/android_stock_browser_uxss normal Android Open Source Platform (AOSP) Browser UXSS gather/apache_rave_creds normal Apache Rave User Information Disclosure gather/apple_safari_ftp_url_cookie_theft 2015-04-08 normal Apple OSX/iOS/Windows Safari Non-HTTPOnly Cookie Theft gather/apple_safari_webarchive_uxss 2013-02-22 normal Mac OS X Safari .webarchive File Format UXSS gather/avtech744_dvr_accounts normal AVTECH 744 DVR Account Information Retrieval gather/browser_info 2016-03-22 normal HTTP Client Information Gather gather/checkpoint_hostname 2011-12-14 normal CheckPoint Firewall-1 SecuRemote Topology Service Hostname Disclosure gather/chromecast_wifi normal Chromecast Wifi Enumeration gather/citrix_published_applications normal Citrix MetaFrame ICA Published Applications Scanner gather/citrix_published_bruteforce normal Citrix MetaFrame ICA Published Applications Bruteforcer gather/coldfusion_pwd_props 2013-05-07 normal ColdFusion '' Hash Extraction gather/corpwatch_lookup_id normal CorpWatch Company ID Information Search gather/corpwatch_lookup_name normal CorpWatch Company Name Information Search gather/d20pass 2012-01-19 normal General Electric D20 Password Recovery gather/darkcomet_filedownloader 2012-10-08 normal DarkComet Server Remote File Download Exploit gather/doliwamp_traversal_creds 2014-01-12 normal DoliWamp 'jqueryFileTree.php' Traversal Gather Credentials gather/drupal_openid_xxe 2012-10-17 normal Drupal OpenID External Entity Injection gather/eaton_nsm_creds 2012-06-26 normal Network Shutdown Module sort_values Credential Dumper gather/emc_cta_xxe 2014-03-31 normal EMC CTA v10.0 Unauthenticated XXE Arbitrary File Read gather/enum_dns normal DNS Record Scanner and Enumerator gather/eventlog_cred_disclosure 2014-11-05 normal ManageEngine Eventlog Analyzer Managed Hosts Administrator Credential Disclosure gather/external_ip normal Discover External IP via gather/f5_bigip_cookie_disclosure normal F5 BigIP Backend Cookie Disclosure gather/firefox_pdfjs_file_theft normal Firefox PDF.js Browser File Theft gather/flash_rosetta_jsonp_url_disclosure 2014-07-08 normal Flash "Rosetta" JSONP GET/POST Response Disclosure gather/hp_enum_perfd normal HP Operations Manager Perfd Environment Scanner gather/hp_snac_domain_creds 2013-09-09 normal HP ProCurve SNAC Domain Controller Credential Dumper gather/huawei_wifi_info 2013-11-11 normal Huawei Datacard Information Disclosure Vulnerability gather/ibm_sametime_enumerate_users 2013-12-27 normal IBM Lotus Notes Sametime User Enumeration gather/ibm_sametime_room_brute 2013-12-27 normal IBM Lotus Notes Sametime Room Name Bruteforce gather/ibm_sametime_version 2013-12-27 normal IBM Lotus Sametime Version Enumeration gather/ie_sandbox_findfiles 2016-08-09 normal Internet Explorer Iframe Sandbox File Name Disclosure Vulnerability gather/ie_uxss_injection 2015-02-01 normal MS15-018 Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 and 11 Cross-Domain JavaScript Injection gather/impersonate_ssl normal HTTP SSL Certificate Impersonation gather/java_rmi_registry normal Java RMI Registry Interfaces Enumeration gather/jenkins_cred_recovery normal Jenkins Domain Credential Recovery gather/joomla_com_realestatemanager_sqli 2015-10-22 normal Joomla Real Estate Manager Component Error-Based SQL Injection gather/joomla_contenthistory_sqli 2015-10-22 normal Joomla com_contenthistory Error-Based SQL Injection gather/joomla_weblinks_sqli 2014-03-02 normal Joomla weblinks-categories Unauthenticated SQL Injection Arbitrary File Read gather/kerberos_enumusers normal Kerberos Domain User Enumeration gather/konica_minolta_pwd_extract normal Konica Minolta Password Extractor gather/lansweeper_collector normal Lansweeper Credential Collector gather/mantisbt_admin_sqli 2014-02-28 normal MantisBT Admin SQL Injection Arbitrary File Read gather/mcafee_epo_xxe 2015-01-06 normal McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator Authenticated XXE Credentials Exposure gather/memcached_extractor normal Memcached Extractor gather/mongodb_js_inject_collection_enum 2014-06-07 normal MongoDB NoSQL Collection Enumeration Via Injection gather/ms14_052_xmldom 2014-09-09 normal MS14-052 Microsoft Internet Explorer XMLDOM Filename Disclosure gather/mybb_db_fingerprint 2014-02-13 normal MyBB Database Fingerprint gather/natpmp_external_address normal NAT-PMP External Address Scanner gather/opennms_xxe 2015-01-08 normal OpenNMS Authenticated XXE gather/safari_file_url_navigation 2014-01-16 normal Mac OS X Safari file:// Redirection Sandbox Escape gather/search_email_collector normal Search Engine Domain Email Address Collector gather/searchengine_subdomains_collector normal Search Engine Subdomains Collector gather/shodan_search normal Shodan Search gather/snare_registry normal Snare Lite for Windows Registry Access gather/solarwinds_orion_sqli 2015-02-24 normal Solarwinds Orion AccountManagement.asmx GetAccounts Admin Creation gather/ssllabs_scan normal SSL Labs API Client gather/trackit_sql_domain_creds 2014-10-07 normal BMC / Numara Track-It! Domain Administrator and SQL Server User Password Disclosure gather/vbulletin_vote_sqli 2013-03-24 normal vBulletin Password Collector via nodeid SQL Injection gather/windows_deployment_services_shares normal Microsoft Windows Deployment Services Unattend Gatherer gather/wp_all_in_one_migration_export 2015-03-19 normal WordPress All-in-One Migration Export gather/wp_ultimate_csv_importer_user_extract 2015-02-02 normal WordPress Ultimate CSV Importer User Table Extract gather/wp_w3_total_cache_hash_extract normal WordPress W3-Total-Cache Plugin (or before) Username and Hash Extract gather/xbmc_traversal 2012-11-04 normal XBMC Web Server Directory Traversal gather/xerox_pwd_extract normal Xerox Administrator Console Password Extractor gather/xerox_workcentre_5xxx_ldap normal Xerox Workcentre 5735 LDAP Service Redential Extractor gather/zabbix_toggleids_sqli 2016-08-11 normal Zabbix toggle_ids SQL Injection gather/zoomeye_search normal ZoomEye Search parser/unattend normal Auxilliary Parser Windows Unattend Passwords pdf/foxit/authbypass 2009-03-09 normal Foxit Reader Authorization Bypass scanner/acpp/login normal Apple Airport ACPP Authentication Scanner scanner/afp/afp_login normal Apple Filing Protocol Login Utility scanner/afp/afp_server_info normal Apple Filing Protocol Info Enumerator scanner/backdoor/energizer_duo_detect normal Energizer DUO Trojan Scanner scanner/chargen/chargen_probe 1996-02-08 normal Chargen Probe Utility scanner/couchdb/couchdb_enum normal CouchDB Enum Utility scanner/couchdb/couchdb_login normal CouchDB Login Utility scanner/db2/db2_auth normal DB2 Authentication Brute Force Utility scanner/db2/db2_version normal DB2 Probe Utility scanner/db2/discovery normal DB2 Discovery Service Detection scanner/dcerpc/endpoint_mapper normal Endpoint Mapper Service Discovery scanner/dcerpc/hidden normal Hidden DCERPC Service Discovery scanner/dcerpc/management normal Remote Management Interface Discovery scanner/dcerpc/tcp_dcerpc_auditor normal DCERPC TCP Service Auditor scanner/dcerpc/windows_deployment_services normal Microsoft Windows Deployment Services Unattend Retrieval scanner/dect/call_scanner normal DECT Call Scanner scanner/dect/station_scanner normal DECT Base Station Scanner scanner/discovery/arp_sweep normal ARP Sweep Local Network Discovery scanner/discovery/empty_udp normal UDP Empty Prober scanner/discovery/ipv6_multicast_ping normal IPv6 Link Local/Node Local Ping Discovery scanner/discovery/ipv6_neighbor normal IPv6 Local Neighbor Discovery scanner/discovery/ipv6_neighbor_router_advertisement normal IPv6 Local Neighbor Discovery Using Router Advertisement scanner/discovery/udp_probe normal UDP Service Prober scanner/discovery/udp_sweep normal UDP Service Sweeper scanner/dlsw/dlsw_leak_capture 2014-11-17 normal Cisco DLSw Information Disclosure Scanner scanner/dns/dns_amp normal DNS Amplification Scanner scanner/elasticsearch/indices_enum normal ElasticSearch Indices Enumeration Utility scanner/emc/alphastor_devicemanager normal EMC AlphaStor Device Manager Service scanner/emc/alphastor_librarymanager normal EMC AlphaStor Library Manager Service scanner/finger/finger_users normal Finger Service User Enumerator scanner/ftp/anonymous normal Anonymous FTP Access Detection scanner/ftp/bison_ftp_traversal 2015-09-28 normal BisonWare BisonFTP Server 3.5 Directory Traversal Information Disclosure scanner/ftp/colorado_ftp_traversal 2016-08-11 normal ColoradoFTP Server 1.3 Build 8 Directory Traversal Information Disclosure scanner/ftp/ftp_login normal FTP Authentication Scanner scanner/ftp/ftp_version normal FTP Version Scanner scanner/ftp/konica_ftp_traversal 2015-09-22 normal Konica Minolta FTP Utility 1.00 Directory Traversal Information Disclosure scanner/ftp/pcman_ftp_traversal 2015-09-28 normal PCMan FTP Server 2.0.7 Directory Traversal Information Disclosure scanner/ftp/titanftp_xcrc_traversal 2010-06-15 normal Titan FTP XCRC Directory Traversal Information Disclosure scanner/h323/h323_version normal H.323 Version Scanner scanner/http/a10networks_ax_directory_traversal 2014-01-28 normal A10 Networks AX Loadbalancer Directory Traversal scanner/http/accellion_fta_statecode_file_read 2015-07-10 normal Accellion FTA 'statecode' Cookie Arbitrary File Read scanner/http/adobe_xml_inject normal Adobe XML External Entity Injection scanner/http/allegro_rompager_misfortune_cookie 2014-12-17 normal Allegro Software RomPager 'Misfortune Cookie' (CVE-2014-9222) Scanner scanner/http/apache_activemq_source_disclosure normal Apache ActiveMQ JSP Files Source Disclosure scanner/http/apache_activemq_traversal normal Apache ActiveMQ Directory Traversal scanner/http/apache_mod_cgi_bash_env 2014-09-24 normal Apache mod_cgi Bash Environment Variable Injection (Shellshock) Scanner scanner/http/apache_userdir_enum normal Apache "mod_userdir" User Enumeration scanner/http/appletv_login normal AppleTV AirPlay Login Utility scanner/http/atlassian_crowd_fileaccess normal Atlassian Crowd XML Entity Expansion Remote File Access scanner/http/axis_local_file_include normal Apache Axis2 v1.4.1 Local File Inclusion scanner/http/axis_login normal Apache Axis2 Brute Force Utility scanner/http/backup_file normal HTTP Backup File Scanner scanner/http/barracuda_directory_traversal 2010-10-08 normal Barracuda Multiple Product "locale" Directory Traversal scanner/http/bitweaver_overlay_type_traversal 2012-10-23 normal Bitweaver overlay_type Directory Traversal scanner/http/blind_sql_query normal HTTP Blind SQL Injection Scanner scanner/http/bmc_trackit_passwd_reset 2014-12-09 normal BMC TrackIt! Unauthenticated Arbitrary User Password Change scanner/http/brute_dirs normal HTTP Directory Brute Force Scanner scanner/http/buffalo_login normal Buffalo NAS Login Utility scanner/http/caidao_bruteforce_login normal Chinese Caidao Backdoor Bruteforce scanner/http/canon_wireless 2013-06-18 normal Canon Printer Wireless Configuration Disclosure scanner/http/cert normal HTTP SSL Certificate Checker scanner/http/chef_webui_login normal Chef Web UI Brute Force Utility scanner/http/chromecast_webserver normal Chromecast Web Server Scanner scanner/http/cisco_asa_asdm normal Cisco ASA ASDM Bruteforce Login Utility scanner/http/cisco_device_manager 2000-10-26 normal Cisco Device HTTP Device Manager Access scanner/http/cisco_ios_auth_bypass 2001-06-27 normal Cisco IOS HTTP Unauthorized Administrative Access scanner/http/cisco_ironport_enum normal Cisco Ironport Bruteforce Login Utility scanner/http/cisco_nac_manager_traversal normal Cisco Network Access Manager Directory Traversal Vulnerability scanner/http/cisco_ssl_ normal Cisco SSL VPN Bruteforce Login Utility scanner/http/cisco_ssl__priv_esc 2014-04-09 normal Cisco ASA SSL VPN Privilege Escalation Vulnerability scanner/http/clansphere_traversal 2012-10-23 normal ClanSphere 2011.3 Local File Inclusion Vulnerability scanner/http/coldfusion_locale_traversal normal ColdFusion Server Check scanner/http/coldfusion_version normal ColdFusion Version Scanner scanner/http/concrete5_member_list normal Concrete5 Member List Enumeration scanner/http/copy_of_file normal HTTP Copy File Scanner scanner/http/crawler normal Web Site Crawler scanner/http/dell_idrac normal Dell iDRAC Default Login scanner/http/dir_listing normal HTTP Directory Listing Scanner scanner/http/dir_scanner normal HTTP Directory Scanner scanner/http/dir_webdav_unicode_bypass normal MS09-020 IIS6 WebDAV Unicode Auth Bypass Directory Scanner scanner/http/dlink_dir_300_615_http_login normal D-Link DIR-300A / DIR-320 / DIR-615D HTTP Login Utility scanner/http/dlink_dir_615h_http_login normal D-Link DIR-615H HTTP Login Utility scanner/http/dlink_dir_session_cgi_http_login normal D-Link DIR-300B / DIR-600B / DIR-815 / DIR-645 HTTP Login Utility scanner/http/dlink_user_agent_backdoor 2013-10-12 normal D-Link User-Agent Backdoor Scanner scanner/http/dolibarr_login normal Dolibarr ERP/CRM Login Utility scanner/http/drupal_views_user_enum 2010-07-02 normal Drupal Views Module Users Enumeration scanner/http/ektron_cms400net normal Ektron CMS400.NET Default Password Scanner scanner/http/elasticsearch_traversal normal ElasticSearch Snapshot API Directory Traversal scanner/http/enum_wayback normal Stored Domain URLs scanner/http/error_sql_injection normal HTTP Error Based SQL Injection Scanner scanner/http/etherpad_duo_login normal EtherPAD Duo Login Bruteforce Utility scanner/http/f5_bigip_virtual_server normal F5 BigIP HTTP Virtual Server Scanner scanner/http/f5_mgmt_scanner normal F5 Networks Devices Management Interface Scanner scanner/http/file_same_name_dir normal HTTP File Same Name Directory Scanner scanner/http/files_dir normal HTTP Interesting File Scanner scanner/http/frontpage_login normal FrontPage Server Extensions Anonymous Login Scanner scanner/http/git_scanner normal HTTP Git Scanner scanner/http/gitlab_login normal GitLab Login Utility scanner/http/gitlab_user_enum 2014-11-21 normal GitLab User Enumeration scanner/http/glassfish_login normal GlassFish Brute Force Utility scanner/http/goahead_traversal normal Embedthis GoAhead Embedded Web Server Directory Traversal scanner/http/groupwise_agents_http_traversal normal Novell Groupwise Agents HTTP Directory Traversal scanner/http/host_header_injection normal HTTP Host Header Injection Detection scanner/http/hp_imc_bims_downloadservlet_traversal normal HP Intelligent Management BIMS DownloadServlet Directory Traversal scanner/http/hp_imc_faultdownloadservlet_traversal normal HP Intelligent Management FaultDownloadServlet Directory Traversal scanner/http/hp_imc_ictdownloadservlet_traversal normal HP Intelligent Management IctDownloadServlet Directory Traversal scanner/http/hp_imc_reportimgservlt_traversal normal HP Intelligent Management ReportImgServlt Directory Traversal scanner/http/hp_imc_som_file_download normal HP Intelligent Management SOM FileDownloadServlet Arbitrary Download scanner/http/hp_sitescope_getfileinternal_fileaccess normal HP SiteScope SOAP Call getFileInternal Remote File Access scanner/http/hp_sitescope_getsitescopeconfiguration normal HP SiteScope SOAP Call getSiteScopeConfiguration Configuration Access scanner/http/hp_sitescope_loadfilecontent_fileaccess normal HP SiteScope SOAP Call loadFileContent Remote File Access scanner/http/hp_sys_mgmt_login normal HP System Management Homepage Login Utility scanner/http/http_header normal HTTP Header Detection scanner/http/http_hsts normal HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) Detection scanner/http/http_login normal HTTP Login Utility scanner/http/http_put normal HTTP Writable Path PUT/DELETE File Access scanner/http/http_traversal normal Generic HTTP Directory Traversal Utility scanner/http/http_version normal HTTP Version Detection scanner/http/httpbl_lookup normal Http:BL Lookup scanner/http/iis_internal_ip normal Microsoft IIS HTTP Internal IP Disclosure scanner/http/influxdb_enum normal InfluxDB Enum Utility scanner/http/infovista_enum normal InfoVista VistaPortal Application Bruteforce Login Utility scanner/http/ipboard_login normal IP Board Login Auxiliary Module scanner/http/jboss_status normal JBoss Status Servlet Information Gathering scanner/http/jboss_vulnscan normal JBoss Vulnerability Scanner scanner/http/jenkins_command normal Jenkins-CI Unauthenticated Script-Console Scanner scanner/http/jenkins_enum normal Jenkins-CI Enumeration scanner/http/jenkins_login normal Jenkins-CI Login Utility scanner/http/joomla_bruteforce_login normal Joomla Bruteforce Login Utility scanner/http/joomla_ecommercewd_sqli_scanner 2015-03-20 normal Web-Dorado ECommerce WD for Joomla! search_category_id SQL Injection Scanner scanner/http/joomla_gallerywd_sqli_scanner 2015-03-30 normal Gallery WD for Joomla! Unauthenticated SQL Injection Scanner scanner/http/joomla_pages normal Joomla Page Scanner scanner/http/joomla_plugins normal Joomla Plugins Scanner scanner/http/joomla_version normal Joomla Version Scanner scanner/http/linknat_vos_traversal normal Linknat Vos Manager Traversal scanner/http/linksys_e1500_traversal normal Linksys E1500 Directory Traversal Vulnerability scanner/http/litespeed_source_disclosure normal LiteSpeed Source Code Disclosure/Download scanner/http/lucky_punch normal HTTP Microsoft SQL Injection Table XSS Infection scanner/http/majordomo2_directory_traversal 2011-03-08 normal Majordomo2 _list_file_get() Directory Traversal scanner/http/manageengine_desktop_central_login normal ManageEngine Desktop Central Login Utility scanner/http/manageengine_deviceexpert_traversal 2012-03-18 normal ManageEngine DeviceExpert 5.6 ScheduleResultViewer FileName Traversal scanner/http/manageengine_deviceexpert_user_creds 2014-08-28 normal ManageEngine DeviceExpert User Credentials scanner/http/manageengine_securitymanager_traversal 2012-10-19 normal ManageEngine SecurityManager Plus 5.5 Directory Traversal scanner/http/mediawiki_svg_fileaccess normal MediaWiki SVG XML Entity Expansion Remote File Access scanner/http/mod_negotiation_brute normal Apache HTTPD mod_negotiation Filename Bruter scanner/http/mod_negotiation_scanner normal Apache HTTPD mod_negotiation Scanner scanner/http/ms09_020_webdav_unicode_bypass normal MS09-020 IIS6 WebDAV Unicode Authentication Bypass scanner/http/ms15_034_http_sys_memory_dump normal MS15-034 HTTP Protocol Stack Request Handling HTTP.SYS Memory Information Disclosure scanner/http/mybook_live_login normal Western Digital MyBook Live Login Utility scanner/http/netdecision_traversal 2012-03-07 normal NetDecision NOCVision Server Directory Traversal scanner/http/netgear_sph200d_traversal normal Netgear SPH200D Directory Traversal Vulnerability scanner/http/nginx_source_disclosure normal Nginx Source Code Disclosure/Download scanner/http/novell_file_reporter_fsfui_fileaccess 2012-11-16 normal NFR Agent FSFUI Record Arbitrary Remote File Access scanner/http/novell_file_reporter_srs_fileaccess 2012-11-16 normal NFR Agent SRS Record Arbitrary Remote File Access scanner/http/novell_mdm_creds normal Novell Zenworks Mobile Device Managment Admin Credentials scanner/http/ntlm_info_enumeration normal Host Information Enumeration via NTLM Authentication scanner/http/octopusdeploy_login normal Octopus Deploy Login Utility scanner/http/open_proxy normal HTTP Open Proxy Detection scanner/http/openmind_messageos_login normal OpenMind Message-OS Portal Login Brute Force Utility scanner/http/options normal HTTP Options Detection scanner/http/oracle_demantra_database_credentials_leak 2014-02-28 normal Oracle Demantra Database Credentials Leak scanner/http/oracle_demantra_file_retrieval 2014-02-28 normal Oracle Demantra Arbitrary File Retrieval with Authentication Bypass scanner/http/oracle_ilom_login normal Oracle ILO Manager Login Brute Force Utility scanner/http/owa_ews_login normal OWA Exchange Web Services (EWS) Login Scanner scanner/http/owa_iis_internal_ip 2012-12-17 normal Outlook Web App (OWA) / Client Access Server (CAS) IIS HTTP Internal IP Disclosure scanner/http/owa_login normal Outlook Web App (OWA) Brute Force Utility scanner/http/pocketpad_login normal PocketPAD Login Bruteforce Force Utility scanner/http/prev_dir_same_name_file normal HTTP Previous Directory File Scanner scanner/http/radware_appdirector_enum normal Radware AppDirector Bruteforce Login Utility scanner/http/rails_json_yaml_scanner normal Ruby on Rails JSON Processor YAML Deserialization Scanner scanner/http/rails_mass_assignment normal Ruby On Rails Attributes Mass Assignment Scanner scanner/http/rails_xml_yaml_scanner normal Ruby on Rails XML Processor YAML Deserialization Scanner scanner/http/replace_ext normal HTTP File Extension Scanner scanner/http/rewrite_proxy_bypass normal Apache Reverse Proxy Bypass Vulnerability Scanner scanner/http/rfcode_reader_enum normal RFCode Reader Web Interface Login / Bruteforce Utility scanner/http/rips_traversal normal RIPS Scanner Directory Traversal scanner/http/robots_txt normal HTTP Robots.txt Content Scanner scanner/http/s40_traversal 2011-04-07 normal S40 0.4.2 CMS Directory Traversal Vulnerability scanner/http/sap_businessobjects_user_brute normal SAP BusinessObjects User Bruteforcer scanner/http/sap_businessobjects_user_brute_web normal SAP BusinessObjects Web User Bruteforcer scanner/http/sap_businessobjects_user_enum normal SAP BusinessObjects User Enumeration scanner/http/sap_businessobjects_version_enum normal SAP BusinessObjects Version Detection scanner/http/scraper normal HTTP Page Scraper scanner/http/sentry_cdu_enum normal Sentry Switched CDU Bruteforce Login Utility scanner/http/servicedesk_plus_traversal 2015-10-03 normal ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus Path Traversal scanner/http/sevone_enum 2013-06-07 normal SevOne Network Performance Management Application Brute Force Login Utility scanner/http/simple_webserver_traversal 2013-01-03 normal Simple Web Server 2.3-RC1 Directory Traversal scanner/http/smt_ipmi_49152_exposure 2014-06-19 normal Supermicro Onboard IPMI Port 49152 Sensitive File Exposure scanner/http/smt_ipmi_cgi_scanner 2013-11-06 normal Supermicro Onboard IPMI CGI Vulnerability Scanner scanner/http/smt_ipmi_static_cert_scanner 2013-11-06 normal Supermicro Onboard IPMI Static SSL Certificate Scanner scanner/http/smt_ipmi_url_redirect_traversal 2013-11-06 normal Supermicro Onboard IPMI url_redirect.cgi Authenticated Directory Traversal scanner/http/soap_xml normal HTTP SOAP Verb/Noun Brute Force Scanner scanner/http/sockso_traversal 2012-03-14 normal Sockso Music Host Server 1.5 Directory Traversal scanner/http/splunk_web_login normal Splunk Web Interface Login Utility scanner/http/squid_pivot_scanning normal Squid Proxy Port Scanner scanner/http/squiz_matrix_user_enum 2011-11-08 normal Squiz Matrix User Enumeration Scanner scanner/http/ssl normal HTTP SSL Certificate Information scanner/http/ssl_version 2014-10-14 normal HTTP SSL/TLS Version Detection (POODLE scanner) scanner/http/support_center_plus_directory_traversal 2014-01-28 normal ManageEngine Support Center Plus Directory Traversal scanner/http/svn_scanner normal HTTP Subversion Scanner scanner/http/svn_wcdb_scanner normal SVN wc.db Scanner scanner/http/sybase_easerver_traversal 2011-05-25 normal Sybase Easerver 6.3 Directory Traversal scanner/http/symantec_brightmail_ldapcreds 2015-12-17 normal Symantec Messaging Gateway 10 Exposure of Stored AD Password Vulnerability scanner/http/symantec_brightmail_logfile 2012-11-30 normal Symantec Messaging Gateway 9.5 Log File Download Vulnerability scanner/http/symantec_web_gateway_login normal Symantec Web Gateway Login Utility scanner/http/titan_ftp_admin_pwd normal Titan FTP Administrative Password Disclosure scanner/http/title normal HTTP HTML Title Tag Content Grabber scanner/http/tomcat_enum normal Apache Tomcat User Enumeration scanner/http/tomcat_mgr_login normal Tomcat Application Manager Login Utility scanner/http/tplink_traversal_noauth normal TP-Link Wireless Lite N Access Point Directory Traversal Vulnerability scanner/http/trace normal HTTP Cross-Site Tracing Detection scanner/http/trace_axd normal HTTP trace.axd Content Scanner scanner/http/typo3_bruteforce normal Typo3 Login Bruteforcer scanner/http/vcms_login normal V-CMS Login Utility scanner/http/verb_auth_bypass normal HTTP Verb Authentication Bypass Scanner scanner/http/vhost_scanner normal HTTP Virtual Host Brute Force Scanner scanner/http/wangkongbao_traversal normal WANGKONGBAO CNS-1000 and 1100 UTM Directory Traversal scanner/http/web_vulndb normal HTTP Vuln Scanner scanner/http/webdav_internal_ip normal HTTP WebDAV Internal IP Scanner scanner/http/webdav_scanner normal HTTP WebDAV Scanner scanner/http/webdav_website_content normal HTTP WebDAV Website Content Scanner scanner/http/webpagetest_traversal 2012-07-13 normal WebPageTest Directory Traversal scanner/http/wildfly_traversal 2014-10-22 normal WildFly Directory Traversal scanner/http/wordpress_cp_calendar_sqli 2015-03-03 normal WordPress CP Multi-View Calendar Unauthenticated SQL Injection Scanner scanner/http/wordpress_ghost_scanner normal WordPress XMLRPC GHOST Vulnerability Scanner scanner/http/wordpress_login_enum normal WordPress Brute Force and User Enumeration Utility scanner/http/wordpress_multicall_creds normal Wordpress XML-RPC system.multicall Credential Collector scanner/http/wordpress_pingback_access normal Wordpress Pingback Locator scanner/http/wordpress_scanner normal Wordpress Scanner scanner/http/wordpress_xmlrpc_login normal Wordpress XML-RPC Username/Password Login Scanner scanner/http/wp_contus_video_gallery_sqli 2015-02-24 normal WordPress Contus Video Gallery Unauthenticated SQL Injection Scanner scanner/http/wp_dukapress_file_read normal WordPress DukaPress Plugin File Read Vulnerability scanner/http/wp_gimedia_library_file_read normal WordPress GI-Media Library Plugin Directory Traversal Vulnerability scanner/http/wp_mobile_pack_info_disclosure normal WordPress Mobile Pack Information Disclosure Vulnerability scanner/http/wp_mobileedition_file_read normal WordPress Mobile Edition File Read Vulnerability scanner/http/wp_nextgen_galley_file_read normal WordPress NextGEN Gallery Directory Read Vulnerability scanner/http/wp_simple_backup_file_read normal WordPress Simple Backup File Read Vulnerability scanner/http/wp_subscribe_comments_file_read normal WordPress Subscribe Comments File Read Vulnerability scanner/http/xpath normal HTTP Blind XPATH 1.0 Injector scanner/http/yaws_traversal 2011-11-25 normal Yaws Web Server Directory Traversal scanner/http/zabbix_login normal Zabbix Server Brute Force Utility scanner/http/zenworks_assetmanagement_fileaccess normal Novell ZENworks Asset Management 7.5 Remote File Access scanner/http/zenworks_assetmanagement_getconfig normal Novell ZENworks Asset Management 7.5 Configuration Access scanner/ike/cisco_ike_benigncertain 2016-09-29 normal Cisco IKE Information Disclosure scanner/imap/imap_version normal IMAP4 Banner Grabber scanner/ip/ipidseq normal IPID Sequence Scanner scanner/ipmi/ipmi_cipher_zero 2013-06-20 normal IPMI 2.0 Cipher Zero Authentication Bypass Scanner scanner/ipmi/ipmi_dumphashes 2013-06-20 normal IPMI 2.0 RAKP Remote SHA1 Password Hash Retreival scanner/ipmi/ipmi_version normal IPMI Information Discovery scanner/jenkins/jenkins_udp_broadcast_enum normal Jenkins Server Broadcast Enumeration scanner/kademlia/server_info normal Gather Kademlia Server Information scanner/llmnr/query normal LLMNR Query scanner/lotus/lotus_domino_hashes normal Lotus Domino Password Hash Collector scanner/lotus/lotus_domino_login normal Lotus Domino Brute Force Utility scanner/lotus/lotus_domino_version normal Lotus Domino Version scanner/mdns/query normal mDNS Query scanner/misc/cctv_dvr_login normal CCTV DVR Login Scanning Utility scanner/misc/clamav_control 2016-06-08 normal ClamAV Remote Command Transmitter scanner/misc/dahua_dvr_auth_bypass normal Dahua DVR Auth Bypass Scanner scanner/misc/dvr_config_disclosure normal Multiple DVR Manufacturers Configuration Disclosure scanner/misc/easycafe_server_fileaccess normal EasyCafe Server Remote File Access scanner/misc/ib_service_mgr_info normal Borland InterBase Services Manager Information scanner/misc/java_rmi_server 2011-10-15 normal Java RMI Server Insecure Endpoint Code Execution Scanner scanner/misc/oki_scanner normal OKI Printer Default Login Credential Scanner scanner/misc/poisonivy_control_scanner normal Poison Ivy Command and Control Scanner scanner/misc/raysharp_dvr_passwords normal Ray Sharp DVR Password Retriever scanner/misc/rosewill_rxs3211_passwords normal Rosewill RXS-3211 IP Camera Password Retriever scanner/misc/sercomm_backdoor_scanner 2013-12-31 normal SerComm Network Device Backdoor Detection scanner/misc/sunrpc_portmapper normal SunRPC Portmap Program Enumerator scanner/misc/zenworks_preboot_fileaccess normal Novell ZENworks Configuration Management Preboot Service Remote File Access scanner/mongodb/mongodb_login normal MongoDB Login Utility scanner/motorola/timbuktu_udp 2009-09-25 normal Motorola Timbuktu Service Detection scanner/msf/msf_rpc_login normal Metasploit RPC Interface Login Utility scanner/msf/msf_web_login normal Metasploit Web Interface Login Utility scanner/mssql/mssql_hashdump normal MSSQL Password Hashdump scanner/mssql/mssql_login normal MSSQL Login Utility scanner/mssql/mssql_ping normal MSSQL Ping Utility scanner/mssql/mssql_schemadump normal MSSQL Schema Dump scanner/mysql/mysql_authbypass_hashdump 2012-06-09 normal MySQL Authentication Bypass Password Dump scanner/mysql/mysql_file_enum normal MYSQL File/Directory Enumerator scanner/mysql/mysql_hashdump normal MYSQL Password Hashdump scanner/mysql/mysql_login normal MySQL Login Utility scanner/mysql/mysql_schemadump normal MYSQL Schema Dump scanner/mysql/mysql_version normal MySQL Server Version Enumeration scanner/mysql/mysql_writable_dirs normal MYSQL Directory Write Test scanner/natpmp/natpmp_portscan normal NAT-PMP External Port Scanner scanner/nessus/nessus_ntp_login normal Nessus NTP Login Utility scanner/nessus/nessus_rest_login normal Nessus RPC Interface Login Utility scanner/nessus/nessus_xmlrpc_login normal Nessus XMLRPC Interface Login Utility scanner/nessus/nessus_xmlrpc_ping normal Nessus XMLRPC Interface Ping Utility scanner/netbios/nbname normal NetBIOS Information Discovery scanner/nexpose/nexpose_api_login normal NeXpose API Interface Login Utility scanner/nfs/nfsmount normal NFS Mount Scanner scanner/ntp/ntp_monlist normal NTP Monitor List Scanner scanner/ntp/ntp_nak_to_the_future normal NTP "NAK to the Future" scanner/ntp/ntp_peer_list_dos 2014-08-25 normal NTP Mode 7 PEER_LIST DoS Scanner scanner/ntp/ntp_peer_list_sum_dos 2014-08-25 normal NTP Mode 7 PEER_LIST_SUM DoS Scanner scanner/ntp/ntp_readvar normal NTP Clock Variables Disclosure scanner/ntp/ntp_req_nonce_dos 2014-08-25 normal NTP Mode 6 REQ_NONCE DRDoS Scanner scanner/ntp/ntp_reslist_dos 2014-08-25 normal NTP Mode 7 GET_RESTRICT DRDoS Scanner scanner/ntp/ntp_unsettrap_dos 2014-08-25 normal NTP Mode 6 UNSETTRAP DRDoS Scanner scanner/openvas/openvas_gsad_login normal OpenVAS gsad Web Interface Login Utility scanner/openvas/openvas_omp_login normal OpenVAS OMP Login Utility scanner/openvas/openvas_otp_login normal OpenVAS OTP Login Utility scanner/oracle/emc_sid normal Oracle Enterprise Manager Control SID Discovery scanner/oracle/isqlplus_login normal Oracle iSQL*Plus Login Utility scanner/oracle/isqlplus_sidbrute normal Oracle iSQLPlus SID Check scanner/oracle/oracle_hashdump normal Oracle Password Hashdump scanner/oracle/oracle_login normal Oracle RDBMS Login Utility scanner/oracle/sid_brute normal Oracle TNS Listener SID Bruteforce scanner/oracle/sid_enum 2009-01-07 normal Oracle TNS Listener SID Enumeration scanner/oracle/spy_sid normal Oracle Application Server Spy Servlet SID Enumeration scanner/oracle/tnslsnr_version 2009-01-07 normal Oracle TNS Listener Service Version Query scanner/oracle/tnspoison_checker 2012-04-18 normal Oracle TNS Listener Checker scanner/oracle/xdb_sid normal Oracle XML DB SID Discovery scanner/oracle/xdb_sid_brute normal Oracle XML DB SID Discovery via Brute Force scanner/pcanywhere/pcanywhere_login normal PcAnywhere Login Scanner scanner/pcanywhere/pcanywhere_tcp normal PcAnywhere TCP Service Discovery scanner/pcanywhere/pcanywhere_udp normal PcAnywhere UDP Service Discovery scanner/pop3/pop3_login normal POP3 Login Utility scanner/pop3/pop3_version normal POP3 Banner Grabber scanner/portmap/portmap_amp normal Portmapper Amplification Scanner scanner/portscan/ack normal TCP ACK Firewall Scanner scanner/portscan/ftpbounce normal FTP Bounce Port Scanner scanner/portscan/syn normal TCP SYN Port Scanner scanner/portscan/tcp normal TCP Port Scanner scanner/portscan/xmas normal TCP "XMas" Port Scanner scanner/postgres/postgres_dbname_flag_injection normal PostgreSQL Database Name Command Line Flag Injection scanner/postgres/postgres_hashdump normal Postgres Password Hashdump scanner/postgres/postgres_login normal PostgreSQL Login Utility scanner/postgres/postgres_schemadump normal Postgres Schema Dump scanner/postgres/postgres_version normal PostgreSQL Version Probe scanner/printer/canon_iradv_pwd_extract normal Canon IR-Adv Password Extractor scanner/printer/printer_delete_file normal Printer File Deletion Scanner scanner/printer/printer_download_file normal Printer File Download Scanner scanner/printer/printer_env_vars normal Printer Environment Variables Scanner scanner/printer/printer_list_dir normal Printer Directory Listing Scanner scanner/printer/printer_list_volumes normal Printer Volume Listing Scanner scanner/printer/printer_ready_message normal Printer Ready Message Scanner scanner/printer/printer_upload_file normal Printer File Upload Scanner scanner/printer/printer_version_info normal Printer Version Information Scanner scanner/quake/server_info normal Gather Quake Server Information scanner/rdp/ms12_020_check normal MS12-020 Microsoft Remote Desktop Checker scanner/redis/file_upload 2015-11-11 normal Redis File Upload scanner/redis/redis_login normal Redis Login Utility scanner/redis/redis_server normal Redis Command Execute Scanner scanner/rogue/rogue_recv normal Rogue Gateway Detection: Receiver scanner/rogue/rogue_send normal Rogue Gateway Detection: Sender scanner/rservices/rexec_login normal rexec Authentication Scanner scanner/rservices/rlogin_login normal rlogin Authentication Scanner scanner/rservices/rsh_login normal rsh Authentication Scanner scanner/rsync/modules_list normal List Rsync Modules scanner/sap/sap_ctc_verb_tampering_user_mgmt normal SAP CTC Service Verb Tampering User Management scanner/sap/sap_hostctrl_getcomputersystem normal SAP Host Agent Information Disclosure scanner/sap/sap_icf_public_info normal SAP ICF /sap/public/info Service Sensitive Information Gathering scanner/sap/sap_icm_urlscan normal SAP URL Scanner scanner/sap/sap_mgmt_con_abaplog normal SAP Management Console ABAP Syslog Disclosure scanner/sap/sap_mgmt_con_brute_login normal SAP Management Console Brute Force scanner/sap/sap_mgmt_con_extractusers normal SAP Management Console Extract Users scanner/sap/sap_mgmt_con_getaccesspoints normal SAP Management Console Get Access Points scanner/sap/sap_mgmt_con_getenv normal SAP Management Console getEnvironment scanner/sap/sap_mgmt_con_getlogfiles normal SAP Management Console Get Logfile scanner/sap/sap_mgmt_con_getprocesslist normal SAP Management Console GetProcessList scanner/sap/sap_mgmt_con_getprocessparameter normal SAP Management Console Get Process Parameters scanner/sap/sap_mgmt_con_instanceproperties normal SAP Management Console Instance Properties scanner/sap/sap_mgmt_con_listlogfiles normal SAP Management Console List Logfiles scanner/sap/sap_mgmt_con_startprofile normal SAP Management Console getStartProfile scanner/sap/sap_mgmt_con_version normal SAP Management Console Version Detection scanner/sap/sap_router_info_request normal SAPRouter Admin Request scanner/sap/sap_router_portscanner normal SAPRouter Port Scanner scanner/sap/sap_service_discovery normal SAP Service Discovery scanner/sap/sap_smb_relay normal SAP SMB Relay Abuse scanner/sap/sap_soap_bapi_user_create1 normal SAP /sap/bc/soap/rfc SOAP Service BAPI_USER_CREATE1 Function User Creation scanner/sap/sap_soap_rfc_brute_login normal SAP SOAP Service RFC_PING Login Brute Forcer scanner/sap/sap_soap_rfc_dbmcli_sxpg_call_system_command_exec normal SAP /sap/bc/soap/rfc SOAP Service SXPG_CALL_SYSTEM Function Command Injection scanner/sap/sap_soap_rfc_dbmcli_sxpg_command_exec normal SAP /sap/bc/soap/rfc SOAP Service SXPG_COMMAND_EXEC Function Command Injection scanner/sap/sap_soap_rfc_eps_get_directory_listing normal SAP SOAP RFC EPS_GET_DIRECTORY_LISTING Directories Information Disclosure scanner/sap/sap_soap_rfc_pfl_check_os_file_existence normal SAP SOAP RFC PFL_CHECK_OS_FILE_EXISTENCE File Existence Check scanner/sap/sap_soap_rfc_ping normal SAP /sap/bc/soap/rfc SOAP Service RFC_PING Function Service Discovery scanner/sap/sap_soap_rfc_read_table normal SAP /sap/bc/soap/rfc SOAP Service RFC_READ_TABLE Function Dump Data scanner/sap/sap_soap_rfc_rzl_read_dir normal SAP SOAP RFC RZL_READ_DIR_LOCAL Directory Contents Listing scanner/sap/sap_soap_rfc_susr_rfc_user_interface normal SAP /sap/bc/soap/rfc SOAP Service SUSR_RFC_USER_INTERFACE Function User Creation scanner/sap/sap_soap_rfc_sxpg_call_system_exec normal SAP /sap/bc/soap/rfc SOAP Service SXPG_CALL_SYSTEM Function Command Execution scanner/sap/sap_soap_rfc_sxpg_command_exec normal SAP SOAP RFC SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE scanner/sap/sap_soap_rfc_system_info normal SAP /sap/bc/soap/rfc SOAP Service RFC_SYSTEM_INFO Function Sensitive Information Gathering scanner/sap/sap_soap_th_saprel_disclosure normal SAP /sap/bc/soap/rfc SOAP Service TH_SAPREL Function Information Disclosure scanner/sap/sap_web_gui_brute_login normal SAP Web GUI Login Brute Forcer scanner/scada/digi_addp_reboot normal Digi ADDP Remote Reboot Initiator scanner/scada/digi_addp_version normal Digi ADDP Information Discovery scanner/scada/digi_realport_serialport_scan normal Digi RealPort Serial Server Port Scanner scanner/scada/digi_realport_version normal Digi RealPort Serial Server Version scanner/scada/indusoft_ntwebserver_fileaccess normal Indusoft WebStudio NTWebServer Remote File Access scanner/scada/koyo_login 2012-01-19 normal Koyo DirectLogic PLC Password Brute Force Utility scanner/scada/modbus_findunitid 2012-10-28 normal Modbus Unit ID and Station ID Enumerator scanner/scada/modbusclient normal Modbus Client Utility scanner/scada/modbusdetect 2011-11-01 normal Modbus Version Scanner scanner/scada/profinet_siemens normal Siemens Profinet Scanner scanner/scada/sielco_winlog_fileaccess normal Sielco Sistemi Winlog Remote File Access scanner/sip/enumerator normal SIP Username Enumerator (UDP) scanner/sip/enumerator_tcp normal SIP Username Enumerator (TCP) scanner/sip/options normal SIP Endpoint Scanner (UDP) scanner/sip/options_tcp normal SIP Endpoint Scanner (TCP) scanner/sip/sipdroid_ext_enum normal SIPDroid Extension Grabber scanner/smb/pipe_auditor normal SMB Session Pipe Auditor scanner/smb/pipe_dcerpc_auditor normal SMB Session Pipe DCERPC Auditor scanner/smb/psexec_loggedin_users normal Microsoft Windows Authenticated Logged In Users Enumeration scanner/smb/smb2 normal SMB 2.0 Protocol Detection scanner/smb/smb_enum_gpp normal SMB Group Policy Preference Saved Passwords Enumeration scanner/smb/smb_enumshares normal SMB Share Enumeration scanner/smb/smb_enumusers normal SMB User Enumeration (SAM EnumUsers) scanner/smb/smb_enumusers_domain normal SMB Domain User Enumeration scanner/smb/smb_login normal SMB Login Check Scanner scanner/smb/smb_lookupsid normal SMB SID User Enumeration (LookupSid) scanner/smb/smb_uninit_cred normal Samba _netr_ServerPasswordSet Uninitialized Credential State scanner/smb/smb_version normal SMB Version Detection scanner/smtp/smtp_enum normal SMTP User Enumeration Utility scanner/smtp/smtp_ntlm_domain normal SMTP NTLM Domain Extraction scanner/smtp/smtp_relay normal SMTP Open Relay Detection scanner/smtp/smtp_version normal SMTP Banner Grabber scanner/snmp/aix_version normal AIX SNMP Scanner Auxiliary Module scanner/snmp/arris_dg950 normal Arris DG950A Cable Modem Wifi Enumeration scanner/snmp/brocade_enumhash normal Brocade Password Hash Enumeration scanner/snmp/cisco_config_tftp normal Cisco IOS SNMP Configuration Grabber (TFTP) scanner/snmp/cisco_upload_file normal Cisco IOS SNMP File Upload (TFTP) scanner/snmp/netopia_enum normal Netopia 3347 Cable Modem Wifi Enumeration scanner/snmp/sbg6580_enum normal ARRIS / Motorola SBG6580 Cable Modem SNMP Enumeration Module scanner/snmp/snmp_enum normal SNMP Enumeration Module scanner/snmp/snmp_enum_hp_laserjet normal HP LaserJet Printer SNMP Enumeration scanner/snmp/snmp_enumshares normal SNMP Windows SMB Share Enumeration scanner/snmp/snmp_enumusers normal SNMP Windows Username Enumeration scanner/snmp/snmp_login normal SNMP Community Login Scanner scanner/snmp/snmp_set normal SNMP Set Module scanner/snmp/ubee_ddw3611 normal Ubee DDW3611b Cable Modem Wifi Enumeration scanner/snmp/xerox_workcentre_enumusers normal Xerox WorkCentre User Enumeration (SNMP) scanner/ssh/apache_karaf_command_execution 2016-02-09 normal Apache Karaf Default Credentials Command Execution scanner/ssh/cerberus_sftp_enumusers 2014-05-27 normal Cerberus FTP Server SFTP Username Enumeration scanner/ssh/detect_kippo normal Kippo SSH Honeypot Detector scanner/ssh/fortinet_backdoor 2016-01-09 normal Fortinet SSH Backdoor Scanner scanner/ssh/juniper_backdoor 2015-12-20 normal Juniper SSH Backdoor Scanner scanner/ssh/karaf_login normal Apache Karaf Login Utility scanner/ssh/ssh_enumusers normal SSH Username Enumeration scanner/ssh/ssh_identify_pubkeys normal SSH Public Key Acceptance Scanner scanner/ssh/ssh_login normal SSH Login Check Scanner scanner/ssh/ssh_login_pubkey normal SSH Public Key Login Scanner scanner/ssh/ssh_version normal SSH Version Scanner scanner/ssl/openssl_ccs 2014-06-05 normal OpenSSL Server-Side ChangeCipherSpec Injection Scanner scanner/ssl/openssl_heartbleed 2014-04-07 normal OpenSSL Heartbeat (Heartbleed) Information Leak scanner/steam/server_info normal Gather Steam Server Information scanner/telephony/wardial normal Wardialer scanner/telnet/brocade_enable_login normal Brocade Enable Login Check Scanner scanner/telnet/lantronix_telnet_password normal Lantronix Telnet Password Recovery scanner/telnet/lantronix_telnet_version normal Lantronix Telnet Service Banner Detection scanner/telnet/telnet_encrypt_overflow normal Telnet Service Encryption Key ID Overflow Detection scanner/telnet/telnet_login normal Telnet Login Check Scanner scanner/telnet/telnet_ruggedcom normal RuggedCom Telnet Password Generator scanner/telnet/telnet_version normal Telnet Service Banner Detection scanner/tftp/ipswitch_whatsupgold_tftp 2011-12-12 normal IpSwitch WhatsUp Gold TFTP Directory Traversal scanner/tftp/netdecision_tftp 2009-05-16 normal NetDecision 4.2 TFTP Directory Traversal scanner/tftp/tftpbrute normal TFTP Brute Forcer scanner/udp/udp_amplification normal UDP Amplification Scanner scanner/udp_scanner_template 2014-03-15 normal UDP Scanner Example scanner/upnp/ssdp_amp normal SSDP ssdp:all M-SEARCH Amplification Scanner scanner/upnp/ssdp_msearch normal UPnP SSDP M-SEARCH Information Discovery scanner/vmware/esx_fingerprint normal VMWare ESX/ESXi Fingerprint Scanner scanner/vmware/vmauthd_login normal VMWare Authentication Daemon Login Scanner scanner/vmware/vmauthd_version normal VMWare Authentication Daemon Version Scanner scanner/vmware/vmware_enum_permissions normal VMWare Enumerate Permissions scanner/vmware/vmware_enum_sessions normal VMWare Enumerate Active Sessions scanner/vmware/vmware_enum_users normal VMWare Enumerate User Accounts scanner/vmware/vmware_enum_vms normal VMWare Enumerate Virtual Machines scanner/vmware/vmware_host_details normal VMWare Enumerate Host Details scanner/vmware/vmware_http_login normal VMWare Web Login Scanner scanner/vmware/vmware_screenshot_stealer normal VMWare Screenshot Stealer scanner/vmware/vmware_server_dir_trav normal VMware Server Directory Traversal Vulnerability scanner/vmware/vmware_update_manager_traversal 2011-11-21 normal VMWare Update Manager 4 Directory Traversal scanner/vnc/vnc_login normal VNC Authentication Scanner scanner/vnc/vnc_none_auth normal VNC Authentication None Detection scanner/voice/recorder normal Telephone Line Voice Scanner scanner/vxworks/wdbrpc_bootline normal VxWorks WDB Agent Boot Parameter Scanner scanner/vxworks/wdbrpc_version normal VxWorks WDB Agent Version Scanner scanner/winrm/winrm_auth_methods normal WinRM Authentication Method Detection scanner/winrm/winrm_cmd normal WinRM Command Runner scanner/winrm/winrm_login normal WinRM Login Utility scanner/winrm/winrm_wql normal WinRM WQL Query Runner scanner/x11/open_x11 normal X11 No-Auth Scanner server/android_browsable_msf_launch normal Android Meterpreter Browsable Launcher server/android_mercury_parseuri normal Android Mercury Browser Intent URI Scheme and Directory Traversal Vulnerability server/browser_autopwn normal HTTP Client Automatic Exploiter server/browser_autopwn2 2015-07-05 normal HTTP Client Automatic Exploiter 2 (Browser Autopwn) server/capture/drda normal Authentication Capture: DRDA (DB2, Informix, Derby) server/capture/ftp normal Authentication Capture: FTP server/capture/http normal Authentication Capture: HTTP server/capture/http_basic normal HTTP Client Basic Authentication Credential Collector server/capture/http_javascript_keylogger normal Capture: HTTP JavaScript Keylogger server/capture/http_ntlm normal HTTP Client MS Credential Catcher server/capture/imap normal Authentication Capture: IMAP server/capture/mssql normal Authentication Capture: MSSQL server/capture/mysql normal Authentication Capture: MySQL server/capture/pop3 normal Authentication Capture: POP3 server/capture/postgresql normal Authentication Capture: PostgreSQL server/capture/printjob_capture normal Printjob Capture Service server/capture/sip normal Authentication Capture: SIP server/capture/smb normal Authentication Capture: SMB server/capture/smtp normal Authentication Capture: SMTP server/capture/telnet normal Authentication Capture: Telnet server/capture/vnc normal Authentication Capture: VNC server/dhclient_bash_env 2014-09-24 normal DHCP Client Bash Environment Variable Code Injection (Shellshock) server/dhcp normal DHCP Server server/dns/spoofhelper normal DNS Spoofing Helper Service server/fakedns normal Fake DNS Service server/ftp normal FTP File Server server/http_ntlmrelay normal HTTP Client MS Credential Relayer server/icmp_exfil normal ICMP Exfiltration Service server/jsse_skiptls_mitm_proxy 2015-01-20 normal Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) SKIP-TLS MITM Proxy server/ms15_134_mcl_leak 2015-12-08 normal MS15-134 Microsoft Windows Media Center MCL Information Disclosure server/netbios_spoof_nat 2016-06-14 normal NetBIOS Response "BadTunnel" Brute Force Spoof (NAT Tunnel) server/openssl_altchainsforgery_mitm_proxy 2015-07-09 normal OpenSSL Alternative Chains Certificate Forgery MITM Proxy server/openssl_heartbeat_client_memory 2014-04-07 normal OpenSSL Heartbeat (Heartbleed) Client Memory Exposure server/pxeexploit normal PXE Boot Exploit Server server/regsvr32_command_delivery_server normal Regsvr32.exe (.sct) Command Delivery Server server/socks4a normal Socks4a Proxy Server server/socks_unc normal SOCKS Proxy UNC Path Redirection server/tftp normal TFTP File Server server/tnftp_savefile 2014-10-28 normal tnftp "savefile" Arbitrary Command Execution server/webkit_xslt_dropper normal Cross Platform Webkit File Dropper server/wget_symlink_file_write 2014-10-27 normal GNU Wget FTP Symlink Arbitrary Filesystem Access server/wpad normal WPAD.dat File Server sniffer/psnuffle normal pSnuffle Packet Sniffer spoof/arp/arp_poisoning 1999-12-22 normal ARP Spoof spoof/cisco/cdp normal Send Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) Packets spoof/cisco/dtp normal Forge Cisco DTP Packets spoof/dns/bailiwicked_domain 2008-07-21 normal DNS BailiWicked Domain Attack spoof/dns/bailiwicked_host 2008-07-21 normal DNS BailiWicked Host Attack spoof/dns/compare_results 2008-07-21 normal DNS Lookup Result Comparison spoof/llmnr/llmnr_response normal LLMNR Spoofer spoof/nbns/nbns_response normal NetBIOS Name Service Spoofer spoof/replay/pcap_replay normal Pcap Replay Utility sqli/oracle/dbms_cdc_ipublish 2008-10-22 normal Oracle DB SQL Injection via SYS.DBMS_CDC_IPUBLISH.ALTER_HOTLOG_INTERNAL_CSOURCE sqli/oracle/dbms_cdc_publish 2008-10-22 normal Oracle DB SQL Injection via SYS.DBMS_CDC_PUBLISH.ALTER_AUTOLOG_CHANGE_SOURCE sqli/oracle/dbms_cdc_publish2 2010-04-26 normal Oracle DB SQL Injection via SYS.DBMS_CDC_PUBLISH.DROP_CHANGE_SOURCE sqli/oracle/dbms_cdc_publish3 2010-10-13 normal Oracle DB SQL Injection via SYS.DBMS_CDC_PUBLISH.CREATE_CHANGE_SET sqli/oracle/dbms_cdc_subscribe_activate_subscription 2005-04-18 normal Oracle DB SQL Injection via SYS.DBMS_CDC_SUBSCRIBE.ACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION sqli/oracle/dbms_export_extension 2006-04-26 normal Oracle DB SQL Injection via DBMS_EXPORT_EXTENSION sqli/oracle/dbms_metadata_get_granted_xml 2008-01-05 normal Oracle DB SQL Injection via SYS.DBMS_METADATA.GET_GRANTED_XML sqli/oracle/dbms_metadata_get_xml 2008-01-05 normal Oracle DB SQL Injection via SYS.DBMS_METADATA.GET_XML sqli/oracle/dbms_metadata_open 2008-01-05 normal Oracle DB SQL Injection via SYS.DBMS_METADATA.OPEN sqli/oracle/droptable_trigger 2009-01-13 normal Oracle DB SQL Injection in MDSYS.SDO_TOPO_DROP_FTBL Trigger sqli/oracle/jvm_os_code_10g 2010-02-01 normal Oracle DB 10gR2, 11gR1/R2 DBMS_JVM_EXP_PERMS OS Command Execution sqli/oracle/jvm_os_code_11g 2010-02-01 normal Oracle DB 11g R1/R2 DBMS_JVM_EXP_PERMS OS Code Execution sqli/oracle/lt_compressworkspace 2008-10-13 normal Oracle DB SQL Injection via SYS.LT.COMPRESSWORKSPACE sqli/oracle/lt_findricset_cursor 2007-10-17 normal Oracle DB SQL Injection via SYS.LT.FINDRICSET Evil Cursor Method sqli/oracle/lt_mergeworkspace 2008-10-22 normal Oracle DB SQL Injection via SYS.LT.MERGEWORKSPACE sqli/oracle/lt_removeworkspace 2008-10-13 normal Oracle DB SQL Injection via SYS.LT.REMOVEWORKSPACE sqli/oracle/lt_rollbackworkspace 2009-05-04 normal Oracle DB SQL Injection via SYS.LT.ROLLBACKWORKSPACE voip/asterisk_login normal Asterisk Manager Login Utility voip/cisco_cucdm_call_forward normal Viproy CUCDM IP Phone XML Services - Call Forwarding Tool voip/cisco_cucdm_speed_dials normal Viproy CUCDM IP Phone XML Services - Speed Dial Attack Tool voip/sip_deregister normal SIP Deregister Extension voip/sip_invite_spoof normal SIP Invite Spoof voip/telisca_ips_lock_control 2015-12-17 normal Telisca IPS Lock Cisco IP Phone Control vsploit/malware/dns/dns_mariposa normal VSploit Mariposa DNS Query Module vsploit/malware/dns/dns_query normal VSploit DNS Beaconing Emulation vsploit/malware/dns/dns_zeus normal VSploit Zeus DNS Query Module vsploit/pii/email_pii normal VSploit Email PII vsploit/pii/web_pii normal VSploit Web PII msf >
例如: scanner/discovery/arp_sweep
查看auxiliary下的某个模块的详细信息 : info 模块名
info scanner/discovery/arp_sweep
msf > info scanner/discovery/arp_sweep Name: ARP Sweep Local Network Discovery Module: auxiliary/scanner/discovery/arp_sweep License: Metasploit Framework License (BSD) Rank: Normal Provided by: belch Basic options: Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- INTERFACE no The name of the interface RHOSTS yes The target address range or CIDR identifier SHOST no Source IP Address SMAC no Source MAC Address THREADS 1 yes The number of concurrent threads TIMEOUT 5 yes The number of seconds to wait for new data Description: Enumerate alive Hosts in local network using ARP requests. msf >
root@kali:~# msfconsole
msf > use auxiliary/scanner/discovery/arp_sweep msf auxiliary(arp_sweep) > show options Module options (auxiliary/scanner/discovery/arp_sweep): Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- INTERFACE no The name of the interface RHOSTS yes The target address range or CIDR identifier SHOST no Source IP Address SMAC no Source MAC Address THREADS 1 yes The number of concurrent threads TIMEOUT 5 yes The number of seconds to wait for new data msf auxiliary(arp_sweep) >
msf auxiliary(arp_sweep) > set RHOSTS RHOSTS => msf auxiliary(arp_sweep) > set THREADS 50 THREADS => 50 msf auxiliary(arp_sweep) > run [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (ASUSTek COMPUTER INC.). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (ELITEGROUP COMPUTER SYSTEMS CO., LTD.). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (COMPAL INFORMATION(KUNSHAN)CO.,LTD). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (TP-LINK TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (D-Link International). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (COMPAL INFORMATION (KUNSHAN) CO., LTD). [*] appears to be up (ELITEGROUP COMPUTER SYSTEMS CO., LTD.). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (Armorlink shanghai Co. Ltd). [*] appears to be up (QUANTA COMPUTER INC.). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (Advantech Technology (CHINA) Co., Ltd.). [*] appears to be up (FUJIAN STAR-NET COMMUNICATION CO.,LTD). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (Jetway Information Co., Ltd.). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (Tenda Technology Co., Ltd.). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (Dell Inc). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (FUJIAN STAR-NET COMMUNICATION CO.,LTD). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (Universal Global Scientific Industrial Co., Ltd.). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (ELITEGROUP COMPUTER SYSTEMS CO., LTD.). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] appears to be up (G-PRO COMPUTER). [*] appears to be up (UNKNOWN). [*] Scanned 256 of 256 hosts (100% complete) [*] Auxiliary module execution completed msf auxiliary(arp_sweep) >