Fundamentals of Electrostatic Discharge-1

The electronics industry is continually shifting. Device circuitry density and technology are more complex, and electronics manufacturing is more heavily reliant on out-sourcing. As ESDS items are becoming more sensitive, ESD Control Programs have mushroomed. The early history belief of “smoke and mirrors,” “magic,” and lofty claims of performance is rapidly being relegated to the past. Today, more than ever, meeting the complex challenge of reducing ESD losses requires more than reliance on faith alone. Users require a way to legitimately evaluate and compare competing brands and types of products and ESD protection strategies. They need objective confirmation that their ESD Control Program provides effective solutions to their unique ESD problems. Contract manufacturers and OEM’s require mutually agreed-upon ESD Control Programs that reduce duplication of process controls. That is where standards come into play. They provide information in developing programs that effectively address ESD process control. They help define the sensitivity of the products manufactured and used. They help define the performance requirements for various ESD control materials, instruments, and tools. Standards are playing an everincreasing role in reducing marketplace confusion in the manufacture, evaluation, and selection of ESD control products and programs.
