
USAGE: /etc/init.d/ethercat {


fgs@fgs:~/ecat/etherlab-stable1.5$ ethercat
Please specify a command!


Commands (can be abbreviated):
  alias      Write alias addresses.
  config     Show slave configurations.
  crc        CRC error register diagnosis.
  cstruct    Generate slave PDO information in C language.
  data       Output binary domain process data.
  debug      Set the master's debug level.
  domains    Show configured domains.
  download   Write an SDO entry to a slave.
  eoe        Display Ethernet over EtherCAT statictics.
  foe_read   Read a file from a slave via FoE.
  foe_write  Store a file on a slave via FoE.
  graph      Output the bus topology as a graph.
  master     Show master and Ethernet device information.
  pdos       List Sync managers, PDO assignment and mapping.
  reg_read   Output a slave's register contents.
  reg_write  Write data to a slave's registers.
  rescan     Rescan the bus.
  sdos       List SDO dictionaries.
  sii_read   Output a slave's SII contents.
  sii_write  Write SII contents to a slave.
  slaves     Display slaves on the bus.
  soe_read   Read an SoE IDN from a slave.
  soe_write  Write an SoE IDN to a slave.
  states     Request application-layer states.
  upload     Read an SDO entry from a slave.
  version    Show version information.
  xml        Generate slave information XM
