


Blinn-Phong光照模型,又称为Blinn-phong反射模型(Blinn–Phong reflection model)或者 phong 修正模型(modified Phong reflection model),是由 Jim Blinn于 1977 年在文章中对传统 phong 光照模型基础上进行修改提出的。它是一个经验模型,并不完全符合真实世界中的光照现象,但由于实现起来简单方便,并且计算速度和得到的效果都还不错,因此在早期被广泛的使用。

  • 环境光:是光线经过周围环境表面多次反射后形成的,利用它可以描述一块区域的亮度,在光照模型中,通常用一个常量来表示;
  • 漫反射:当光线照射到一个点时,该光线会被均匀的反射到各个方向,这种反射称为漫反射。也就是说,在漫反射中,视角的位置是不重要的,因为反射是完全随机的,因此可以认为漫反射光在任何反射方向上的分布都是一样的,一般可使用Lambert余弦定律计算。
  • 高光反射(Specular): 也称镜面光,若物体表面很光滑,当平行入射的光线射到这个物体表面时,仍会平行地向一个方向反射出来。



h = l + v ∣ l ∣ + ∣ v ∣ h=\frac{l+v}{\left | l \right | + \left | v \right | } h=l+vl+v
L s = k s I ∗ m a x ( 0 , c o s ( α ) ) p = k s I ∗ m a x ( 0 , n ⋅ h ) p L_{s}=k_{s}I*max(0, cos(\alpha))^{p}=k_{s}I*max(0, n\cdot h)^{p} Ls=ksImax(0,cos(α))p=ksImax(0,nh)p
k s k_{s} ks—— 高光反射系数


* BlinnPhong模型,只计算漫反射与高光
* p_LightColor: 光强
* p_LightDir:光源方向
* p_Luminosity:衰减系数
vec3 BlinnPhong(vec3 p_LightDir, vec3 p_LightColor, float p_Luminosity)
    // 半程向量
    const vec3  halfwayDir          = normalize(p_LightDir + g_ViewDir); // 计算半程向量
    const float diffuseCoefficient  = max(dot(g_Normal, p_LightDir), 0.0); // Lambert余弦
    const float specularCoefficient = pow(max(dot(g_Normal, halfwayDir), 0.0), u_Shininess * 2.0);

    // 片元颜色:光强 * 漫反射系数 * cos(theta) * 衰减因子 + 光强 * 高光反射系数 * 高光指数 * 衰减因子
    return p_LightColor * g_DiffuseTexel.rgb * diffuseCoefficient * p_Luminosity + ((p_Luminosity > 0.0) ? (p_LightColor * g_SpecularTexel.rgb * specularCoefficient * p_Luminosity) : vec3(0.0));





OvMaths::FMatrix4 OvRendering::Entities::Light::GenerateMatrix() const
	OvMaths::FMatrix4 result;

    // 存放光源位置(对应平行光存放的是方向)
	auto position = m_transform.GetWorldPosition();
	result.data[0] = position.x;
	result.data[1] = position.y;
	result.data[2] = position.z;

    // 光源朝向
	auto forward = m_transform.GetWorldForward();
	result.data[4] = forward.x;
	result.data[5] = forward.y;
	result.data[6] = forward.z;

    // 光源颜色
	result.data[8] = static_cast(Pack(color));

    // 聚光灯参数
	result.data[12] = type;
	result.data[13] = cutoff;
	result.data[14] = outerCutoff;

    // 光源的衰减参数
	result.data[3] = constant;
	result.data[7] = linear;
	result.data[11] = quadratic;
    // 光源强度
	result.data[15] = intensity;

	return result;




Vertex Shader

其Vertext shader代码如下:

#shader vertex
#version 430 core

layout (location = 0) in vec3 geo_Pos; // 顶点坐标
layout (location = 1) in vec2 geo_TexCoords; // 顶点纹理坐标
layout (location = 2) in vec3 geo_Normal; // 顶点法线
layout (location = 3) in vec3 geo_Tangent; // 顶点的切线
layout (location = 4) in vec3 geo_Bitangent; // 顶点切线与法线的叉乘,三者组成一个本地坐标系

/* Global information sent by the engine */
layout (std140) uniform EngineUBO
    mat4    ubo_Model; // 模型矩阵
    mat4    ubo_View;  // 视图矩阵
    mat4    ubo_Projection; // 投影矩阵
    vec3    ubo_ViewPos; // 摄像机位置
    float   ubo_Time;

/* Information passed to the fragment shader */
out VS_OUT
    vec3        FragPos; // 顶点的全局坐标
    vec3        Normal; // 顶点法线
    vec2        TexCoords; // 纹理坐标
    mat3        TBN;
    flat vec3   TangentViewPos;
    vec3        TangentFragPos;
} vs_out;

void main()
    vs_out.TBN = mat3    // 全局坐标系到本地坐标系的旋转矩阵
        normalize(vec3(ubo_Model * vec4(geo_Tangent,   0.0))),
        normalize(vec3(ubo_Model * vec4(geo_Bitangent, 0.0))),
        normalize(vec3(ubo_Model * vec4(geo_Normal,    0.0)))

    mat3 TBNi = transpose(vs_out.TBN); // 为什么要转置?

    vs_out.FragPos          = vec3(ubo_Model * vec4(geo_Pos, 1.0)); // 全局坐标系的下的坐标
    vs_out.Normal           = normalize(mat3(transpose(inverse(ubo_Model))) * geo_Normal); // 全局坐标系下的法线
    vs_out.TexCoords        = geo_TexCoords; // 纹理坐标,不用变
    vs_out.TangentViewPos   = TBNi * ubo_ViewPos;
    vs_out.TangentFragPos   = TBNi * vs_out.FragPos;

    gl_Position = ubo_Projection * ubo_View * vec4(vs_out.FragPos, 1.0);

看其main函数,计算顶点全局坐标、法线、NDC坐标。注意,法线是用模型矩阵 ( M − 1 ) T (M^{-1})^{T} (M1)T转换得到。VS_OUT中的输出量会插值,最后输给片元着色器。



#shader fragment
#version 430 core

/* Global information sent by the engine */
layout (std140) uniform EngineUBO
    mat4    ubo_Model;
    mat4    ubo_View;
    mat4    ubo_Projection;
    vec3    ubo_ViewPos;
    float   ubo_Time;

/* Information passed from the fragment shader */
    vec3        FragPos;
    vec3        Normal;
    vec2        TexCoords;
    mat3        TBN;
    flat vec3   TangentViewPos;
    vec3        TangentFragPos;
} fs_in;

/* Light information sent by the engine */
layout(std430, binding = 0) buffer LightSSBO
    mat4 ssbo_Lights[];

/* Uniforms (Tweakable from the material editor) */
uniform vec2        u_TextureTiling           = vec2(1.0, 1.0);
uniform vec2        u_TextureOffset           = vec2(0.0, 0.0);
uniform vec4        u_Diffuse                 = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
uniform vec3        u_Specular                = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
uniform float       u_Shininess               = 100.0;
uniform float       u_HeightScale             = 0.0;
uniform bool        u_EnableNormalMapping     = false;
uniform sampler2D   u_DiffuseMap;
uniform sampler2D   u_SpecularMap;
uniform sampler2D   u_NormalMap;
uniform sampler2D   u_HeightMap;
uniform sampler2D   u_MaskMap;

/* Global variables */
vec3 g_Normal;
vec2 g_TexCoords;
vec3 g_ViewDir;
vec4 g_DiffuseTexel;
vec4 g_SpecularTexel;
vec4 g_HeightTexel;
vec4 g_NormalTexel;


vec3 UnPack(float p_Target)
    return vec3
        float((uint(p_Target) >> 24) & 0xff)    * 0.003921568627451,
        float((uint(p_Target) >> 16) & 0xff)    * 0.003921568627451,
        float((uint(p_Target) >> 8) & 0xff)     * 0.003921568627451

bool PointInAABB(vec3 p_Point, vec3 p_AabbCenter, vec3 p_AabbHalfSize)
        p_Point.x > p_AabbCenter.x - p_AabbHalfSize.x && p_Point.x < p_AabbCenter.x + p_AabbHalfSize.x &&
        p_Point.y > p_AabbCenter.y - p_AabbHalfSize.y && p_Point.y < p_AabbCenter.y + p_AabbHalfSize.y &&
        p_Point.z > p_AabbCenter.z - p_AabbHalfSize.z && p_Point.z < p_AabbCenter.z + p_AabbHalfSize.z

vec2 ParallaxMapping(vec3 p_ViewDir)
    const vec2 parallax = p_ViewDir.xy * u_HeightScale * texture(u_HeightMap, g_TexCoords).r;
    return g_TexCoords - vec2(parallax.x, 1.0 - parallax.y);

* BlinnPhong模型,只计算漫反射与高光
* p_LightColor: 光强
* p_LightDir:光源方向
* p_Luminosity:衰减系数
vec3 BlinnPhong(vec3 p_LightDir, vec3 p_LightColor, float p_Luminosity)
    // 半程向量
    const vec3  halfwayDir          = normalize(p_LightDir + g_ViewDir);
    const float diffuseCoefficient  = max(dot(g_Normal, p_LightDir), 0.0); // Lambert余弦
    const float specularCoefficient = pow(max(dot(g_Normal, halfwayDir), 0.0), u_Shininess * 2.0);

    // 片元颜色:光强 * 漫反射系数 * cos(theta) * 衰减因子 + 光强 * 高光反射系数 * 高光指数 * 衰减因子
    return p_LightColor * g_DiffuseTexel.rgb * diffuseCoefficient * p_Luminosity + ((p_Luminosity > 0.0) ? (p_LightColor * g_SpecularTexel.rgb * specularCoefficient * p_Luminosity) : vec3(0.0));

// 计算衰减因子,跟LearnOpenGL中的公式一致
float LuminosityFromAttenuation(mat4 p_Light)
    const vec3  lightPosition   = p_Light[0].rgb;
    const float constant        = p_Light[0][3];
    const float linear          = p_Light[1][3];
    const float quadratic       = p_Light[2][3];

    const float distanceToLight = length(lightPosition - fs_in.FragPos);
    const float attenuation     = (constant + linear * distanceToLight + quadratic * (distanceToLight * distanceToLight));
    return 1.0 / attenuation;

vec3 CalcPointLight(mat4 p_Light)
    /* Extract light information from light mat4 */
    const vec3 lightPosition  = p_Light[0].rgb;  // 光源位置
    const vec3 lightColor     = UnPack(p_Light[2][0]); // 光源颜色
    const float intensity     = p_Light[3][3]; // 光强

    const vec3  lightDirection  = normalize(lightPosition - fs_in.FragPos); // 光源方向
    const float luminosity      = LuminosityFromAttenuation(p_Light); // 衰减因子

    return BlinnPhong(lightDirection, lightColor, intensity * luminosity);

vec3 CalcDirectionalLight(mat4 light)
    return BlinnPhong(-light[1].rgb, UnPack(light[2][0]), light[3][3]);

vec3 CalcSpotLight(mat4 p_Light)
    /* Extract light information from light mat4 */
    const vec3  lightPosition   = p_Light[0].rgb;   // 聚光灯位置
    const vec3  lightForward    = p_Light[1].rgb;   // 聚光灯朝向
    const vec3  lightColor      = UnPack(p_Light[2][0]); // 光源颜色
    const float intensity       = p_Light[3][3];  // 光强
    const float cutOff          = cos(radians(p_Light[3][1])); // 内圆锥角 
    const float outerCutOff     = cos(radians(p_Light[3][1] + p_Light[3][2])); // 内圆锥角 + 外圆锥角 

    const vec3  lightDirection  = normalize(lightPosition - fs_in.FragPos); // 光方向
    const float luminosity      = LuminosityFromAttenuation(p_Light);  // 衰减因子

    /* Calculate the spot intensity */
    const float theta           = dot(lightDirection, normalize(-lightForward)); // cos(theta)
    const float epsilon         = cutOff - outerCutOff;    // 内部圆锥角与外部圆锥角之差
    const float spotIntensity   = clamp((theta - outerCutOff) / epsilon, 0.0, 1.0); // 边缘软化
    return BlinnPhong(lightDirection, lightColor, intensity * spotIntensity * luminosity);

vec3 CalcAmbientBoxLight(mat4 p_Light)
    const vec3  lightPosition   = p_Light[0].rgb;
    const vec3  lightColor      = UnPack(p_Light[2][0]);
    const float intensity       = p_Light[3][3];
    const vec3  size            = vec3(p_Light[0][3], p_Light[1][3], p_Light[2][3]);

    return PointInAABB(fs_in.FragPos, lightPosition, size) ? g_DiffuseTexel.rgb * lightColor * intensity : vec3(0.0);

vec3 CalcAmbientSphereLight(mat4 p_Light)
    const vec3  lightPosition   = p_Light[0].rgb;
    const vec3  lightColor      = UnPack(p_Light[2][0]);
    const float intensity       = p_Light[3][3];
    const float radius          = p_Light[0][3];

    return distance(lightPosition, fs_in.FragPos) <= radius ? g_DiffuseTexel.rgb * lightColor * intensity : vec3(0.0);

void main()
    g_TexCoords = u_TextureOffset + vec2(mod(fs_in.TexCoords.x * u_TextureTiling.x, 1), mod(fs_in.TexCoords.y * u_TextureTiling.y, 1));  // 计算纹理贴图坐标

    /* Apply parallax mapping */
    if (u_HeightScale > 0)  // 使用高度贴图
        g_TexCoords = ParallaxMapping(normalize(fs_in.TangentViewPos - fs_in.TangentFragPos));

    /* Apply color mask */
    if (texture(u_MaskMap, g_TexCoords).r != 0.0) // 可以通过u_MaskMap屏蔽部分区域
        g_ViewDir           = normalize(ubo_ViewPos - fs_in.FragPos); // 视线方向(视点坐标-片元坐标)
        g_DiffuseTexel      = texture(u_DiffuseMap,  g_TexCoords) * u_Diffuse; // 漫反射颜色
        g_SpecularTexel     = texture(u_SpecularMap, g_TexCoords) * vec4(u_Specular, 1.0); // 高光项的颜色

        if (u_EnableNormalMapping) // 使用法线贴图
            g_Normal = texture(u_NormalMap, g_TexCoords).rgb;
            g_Normal = normalize(g_Normal * 2.0 - 1.0);   
            g_Normal = normalize(fs_in.TBN * g_Normal);
            g_Normal = normalize(fs_in.Normal);

        vec3 lightSum = vec3(0.0);

        // 对灯光进行循环,计算每盏灯的贡献
        for (int i = 0; i < ssbo_Lights.length(); ++i)
                case 0: lightSum += CalcPointLight(ssbo_Lights[i]);         break; // 计算点光源
                case 1: lightSum += CalcDirectionalLight(ssbo_Lights[i]);   break; // 计算
                case 2: lightSum += CalcSpotLight(ssbo_Lights[i]);          break; // 计算聚光灯
                case 3: lightSum += CalcAmbientBoxLight(ssbo_Lights[i]);    break;
                case 4: lightSum += CalcAmbientSphereLight(ssbo_Lights[i]); break;

        FRAGMENT_COLOR = vec4(lightSum, g_DiffuseTexel.a);
        FRAGMENT_COLOR = vec4(0.0);

Fragment Sahder代码看着很多,拆解一下就是分别计算各个灯光的贡献,进行累加。计算每种灯光时,最终都是使用Blinn-Phonge模型计算的。每种类型的灯光基本与LearnOpenGL中的描述一致。UnPack函数可以学习一下,看看如何float如何变成RGB。
