使用Java语言进行2D游戏编程基础 Fundamental 2D Game Programming with Java 全书笔记(未完结)


01. 源码下载地址




02. 确定Java环境是否正确:

java version "1.8.0_111"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_111-b14)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.111-b14, mixed mode)

vim ~/.bashrc 

增加java javac的路径到全局变量PATH中

#export JAVA_HOME=/home/wang/Downloads/jdk1.7.0_79
#export JAVA_HOME=/home/wang/Downloads/jdk1.6.0_45
export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${JAVA_HOME}/jre/bin:$PATH

source ~/.bashrc 使配置生效

03. 运行代码



javac javagames/render/DisplayModeExample.java

记得目录不要多也不要少,因为文件中有import 到package目录,如果目录不正确javac就会找不到相应的类。


java javagames.render.DisplayModeExample


再次强调这不是一本教Java语法的书,如果需要学习Java语法,请参考Core Java上下册,或者其它书籍。




Part I The Foundations

Chapter 1 Hello World

1.1 Using the FrameRate Class

1.2 Creating the Hello World Application

1.3 Creating a Custom Rendering Thread

1.4  Creating an Active Rendered Window

1.5 Changing the Display Mode

1.6 Active Rendering in Full-Screen Display Mode

Resources and Further Reading

Chapter 2  Input

2.1 Handing Keyboard Input

2.2 Keyboard Improvement

2.3 Handing Mouse Input

2.4 Relative Mouse Movement

Resources and Further Reading

Chapter 3 Transformations

3.1 Using the Vector2f Class

3.2 Using Polar Coordinates

3.3 Understanding Points and Vectors

3.4 Using Matrix Transformations

3.5 Row-Major vs. Column-Major Matrices

3.6 Understanding the Matrix3x3f Class

3.7 Affine Transformation

Resources and Further Reading

Chapter 4 Time and Space

4.1 Calculating Time Delta

4.2 Screen Mapping

4.3 Adjusting the Viewport Ratio

4.4 Cannon Physics

Resources and Further Reading

Chapter 5 Simple Game Framework

5.1 Screen-to-World Conversion

5.2 Understanding the Simple Framework

5.3 Using the Simple Framework Template

Resources and Further Reading

Chapter 6 Vector2f Updates

Chapter 7 Intersection Testing

7.1 Point in Polygon Testing

7.2 Using an Axis Aligned Bounding Box for Intersection Testing

7.3 Using Circles for Intersections

7.4 Using the Separating Axis Method

7.5 Using the Line-Line Overlap Method

7.6 Using the Rectangle-Rectangle Overlap Method

7.7 Optimizing Your Tests

Resources and Further Reading

Chapter 8 Game Prototype

8.1 Creating a Polygon Wrapper Classes

8.2 Making a Prototype Asteroid

8.3 Creating a Prototype Editor

8.4 Making Rocks with a Prototype Asteroid Factory

8.5 Prototype Bullet Class

8.6 Prototype Ship Class

8.7 Coding the Prototype Game

Resources and Further Reading

PART II The Polish

Chapter 9 Files and Resources

9.1 Understanding How Java Handles Files and Directories

9.2 Understanding Input/Output Streams

9.3 Creating the Resources.jar File for Testing

9.4 Putting Resources on the Classpath

9.5 Making a Resource Loader Utility

9.6 Exploring Java Properties

9.7 An Overview of XML Files

Resources and Further Reading

Chapter 10 Images

10.1 Learning About Colors in Java

10.2 Exploring Different Image Types

10.3 Performing Color Interpolation

10.4 Using Volatile Images for Speed

10.5 Creating Transparent Images

10.6 Using the Alpha Composite Rules

10.7 Drawing Sprites

10.8 Exploring Different Scaling Algorithms

Resources and Further Reading

Chapter 11 Text

11.1 Understanding Java Fonts

11.2 Making a Draw String Utility

11.3 Using Text Metrics for Layout

11.4 Enabling Thread-Safe Keyboard Input

Resources and Further Reading

Chapter 12 Threads

12.1 Using the Callback Task with Threads

12.2 Using Threads to Load Files

12.3 Using the FakeHardware Class for Testing

12.4 Using the Wait/Notify Methods

12.5 Using Threads in the Game Loop

12.6 Using a State Machine

12.7 The OneShotEvent Class

12.8 The LoopEvent Class

12.9 The RestartEvent Class

12.10 The Multi-Thread Event Example

Resources and Further Reading

Chapter 13 Sound

13.1 Working with Sound Files

13.2 Problems with the Sound Library

13.3 Developing Blocking Audio Classes

13.4 Using the Blocking Clip Class

13.5 Using the AudioDataLine Class

13.6 Creating the BlockingDataLine Class

13.7 Creating a SoundEvent Class

13.8 Using the LoopEvent Class

13.9 Using the RestartEvent Class

13.10 Adding Sound Controls

Resources and Further Reading

Chapter 14 Deployment with ANT

14.1 Installing the ANT Software

14.2 Understanding the Format of a Build Script

14.3 Learning Common ANT Tasks

14.4 Building an Extendable Build Script

Resources and Further Reading

Chapter 15 Collision Detection

15.1 Bouncing Balls with Collision Detection

15.2 Using the Parametric Line Equation

15.3 Finding a Line-Rectangle Intersection

15.4 Finding a Line-Line Intersection

15.5 Calculating a Reflection Vector

15.6 Calculating a Point Inside a Polygon

15.7 Bouncing a Point Inside a Polygon

Resources and Further Reading

Part III The Complete Game

Chapter 16 Tools

16.1 Creating a Game Framework

16.2 Updating the Polygon Editor

16.3 Drawing a Sprite

16.4 Creating a Simple Particle Engine

Resources and Further Reading

Chapter 17 Space Rocks


Chapter 18 Conclusion

