
1、When the old society with underdeveloped technology is used, the girl will judge the sex of the fetus according to the folks after pregnancy, but is the saying that the male and female are born correctly? Although there are uncontrollable boys and girls, many people want to know whether they are pregnant with boys or girls after pregnancy. Because there are clear regulations in China that cannot identify the sex of the fetus, many mothers will pin the identification of the sex of the fetus in the private sector. Legend, but what kind of statement? Which statement is correct? Let's look at the following introduction.


2、 1, morning vomiting, will give birth to boys


3、 Many pregnant mothers will have this pregnancy, but this statement is wrong. Contrary to this, pregnant women with severe pregnancy reactions are more likely to have girls. In 1999, researchers in Sweden analyzed 8,186 pregnant women hospitalized for pregnancy reactions and found that only 44.3% of them gave birth to a baby boy. Danish expert Henrik also found that pregnant women with severe pregnancy reactions only had 46. 5% of male babies are born, while the proportion of other pregnant women is 51%. He also said that marital status can also affect the ratio of men and women. Relatively speaking, single mothers are more likely to have daughters.


4、 2, pregnant mother's appetite is good to have a boy


5、 This statement is also wrong, there is no scientific basis. Although studies by Boston Hospital in the United States show that pregnant women's appetite is generally better than that of girls, the difference is not large enough to accurately predict the sex of the fetus. Xiao Yalan, head nurse of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Beijing Jishuitan Hospital, also said that after pregnancy, the changes in the taste of pregnant women are related to the individual differences of pregnant women, as well as the gestational age, pregnancy environment, mood, etc., but not related to the child's gender.


6、 3, the saying of sour and spicy women: love to eat sour son, love to eat spicy daughter.


7、 The same answer: This statement is wrong. The truth is: "Sour and Spicy Woman" is a folk saying. Fan Qingbo, deputy director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, pointed out that this can only be regarded as a summary of the people's feelings about production experience. From a medical point of view, if the appetite of a pregnant woman declines, it is indeed sensitive to acid or spicy things, and the normal pregnancy reaction that is individualized is not compatible with the gender of the fetus.


8、 4. Can the gender be predicted from the fetal heart rate?


9、 This statement is based on some scientific evidence. In some places, there is a saying that the fetal heart rate is more than 140 times per minute for girls, and less than 140 times per minute for boys. But in fact, as the fetus grows, its heart rate is gradually decreasing. At 8-10 weeks, the fetal heart rate is 170-200 beats per minute, and in the middle of pregnancy it is reduced to 120-160 beats per minute. The researchers used ultrasound to measure the heart rate of a baby less than 14 weeks old and found that the girl's heart rate was 151.7 per minute and the boy's was 154 per minute. 9 times, the difference is not big. But at the time of delivery, it is true that the heart rate of a baby girl is faster than that of a baby boy.


10、 5, abdomen male, round belly female


11、 This statement is no scientific basis, it is also wrong. The head nurse Xiao Yalan said that the belly shape of the pregnant woman is related to the position, weight of the fetus and the amount of amniotic fluid. For example, some sports pregnant women, the belly will be tight when pregnant; do not love sports, sitting all day, the belly is loose, the people may therefore summarize the difference in belly shape.

这种说法没有科学依据,也是错误的。护士长萧雅兰说,孕妇的腹部形状与胎位,体重和羊水量有关。例如,一些运动孕妇,怀孕时肚子会紧; 不喜欢运动,整天坐着,腹部松弛,因此人们可以总结出腹部形状的差异。

12、 6, mother's intuition is very accurate

6,妈妈' 直觉很准确

13、 According to the mother's intuition, it is still relatively accurate. Because "female intuition" is powerful in many ways, including predicting the sex of the fetus. In 1998, researchers at Tucson University in Arizona, USA, surveyed 108 pregnant women who claimed to have an intuition about the sex of the fetus, and 60% of the intuition was correct. However, this study has not been published, and the details are not known, so it cannot be used as a basis.


14、 Through the introduction of the above various questions, the mothers have a certain understanding of whether the arguments of the male and female students are correct. For pregnancy, it should be based on science, and cannot believe in some folk legends. Not to be convinced of some legendary remedies that can be reborn, otherwise you will not only have the fetus you want, but even an unhealthy baby, so mothers must believe in science.



