AVL Fire M 2023R1 Linux

我们为车辆开发过程中所面临的流动问题提供量身定做的CFD解决方案:快速简便的使用过程,用户自定义功能扩展,方便地集成于用户自己的CAx工作流程和环境中。AVL FIRE所集成的准确的物理化学模型以及其对复杂结构的详细模拟能够对与流动相关的所有工程问题提供精确的仿真结果并为优化设计提供分析基础。
FIRE 为用户提供了一款计算流体力学的有力工具:其针对动力总成相关的各种流动现象,燃烧,喷雾,尾气净化,曲轴箱通风等等都提供了准确的仿真模型。另外方便实用的前后处理模块也便于用户建立规范实用的仿真流程和方法。
AVL List GmbH, specializes in engine and powertrain development, presents the release of AVL Fire 2014.0, is a powerful multi-purpose thermo-fluid dynamics software with a particular focus on handling fluid flow applications related to internal combustion.

We provide CFD software tailored to meet the requirements of automotive research and development teams: fast and easy to use with adjustable modeling depth, user extendable, ready for integration in your CAx environment - specialized in accurate prediction of the most demanding flow problems in respect to geometric complexity and chemical and physical modeling.

FIRE offers a comprehensive computational fluid dynamics solution: apowerful set of modules, features and capabilities, pre-and post-processing integrated in a common environment and workflows and methods effectively supporting the use of the software to solve any problem accurately.


AVL is the world’s largest privately owned and independent company for the development of powertrain systems with internal combustion engines, instrumentation and test systems as well as mathematical simulation software. AVL is a high-tech company that employs 4100 engineers and specialists around the globe. Close contact with the client is guaranteed through 45 affiliate and representative offices located in major countries worldwide.

