The Morning after Halloween
Time Limit: 8000MS Memory Limit: 65536K
You are working for an amusement park as an operator of an obakeyashiki, or a haunted house, in which guests walk through narrow and dark corridors. The house is proud of their lively ghosts, which are actually robots remotely controlled by the operator, hiding here and there in the corridors. One morning, you found that the ghosts are not in the positions where they are supposed to be. Ah, yesterday was Halloween. Believe or not, paranormal spirits have moved them around the corridors in the night. You have to move them into their right positions before guests come. Your manager is eager to know how long it takes to restore the ghosts.
In this problem, you are asked to write a program that, given a floor map of a house, finds the smallest number of steps to move all ghosts to the positions where they are supposed to be.
A floor consists of a matrix of square cells. A cell is either a wall cell where ghosts cannot move into or a corridor cell where they can.
At each step, you can move any number of ghosts simultaneously. Every ghost can either stay in the current cell, or move to one of the corridor cells in its 4-neighborhood (i.e. immediately left, right, up or down), if the ghosts satisfy the following conditions:
No more than one ghost occupies one position at the end of the step.
No pair of ghosts exchange their positions one another in the step.没有一对鬼魂在台阶上互相交换位置。
For example, suppose ghosts are located as shown in the following (partial) map, where a sharp sign (‘#’) represents a wall cell and ‘a’, ‘b’, and ‘c’ ghosts.
The input consists of at most 10 datasets, each of which represents a floor map of a house. The format of a dataset is as follows.
w h n
c11 c12 ⋯ c1w
c21 c22 ⋯ c2w
⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮
ch1 ch2 ⋯ chw
w, h and n in the first line are integers, separated by a space. w and h are the floor width and height of the house, respectively. n is the number of ghosts. They satisfy the following constraints.
4 ≤ w ≤ 16, 4 ≤ h ≤ 16, 1 ≤ n ≤ 3
Subsequent h lines of w characters are the floor map. Each of cij is either:
a ‘#’ representing a wall cell,
a lowercase letter representing a corridor cell which is the initial position of a ghost,
an uppercase letter representing a corridor cell which is the position where the ghost corresponding to its lowercase letter is supposed to be, or
a space representing a corridor cell that is none of the above.
In each map, each of the first n letters from a and the first n letters from A appears once and only once. Outermost cells of a map are walls; i.e. all characters of the first and last lines are sharps; and the first and last characters on each line are also sharps. All corridor cells in a map are connected; i.e. given a corridor cell, you can reach any other corridor cell by following corridor cells in the 4-neighborhoods. Similarly, all wall cells are connected. Any 2 × 2 area on any map has at least one sharp. You can assume that every map has a sequence of moves of ghosts that restores all ghosts to the positions where they are supposed to be.
The last dataset is followed by a line containing three zeros separated by a space.
数据以0 0 0为结尾
For each dataset in the input, one line containing the smallest number of steps to restore ghosts into the positions where they are supposed to be should be output. An output line should not contain extra characters such as spaces.
Sample Input
5 5 2
# #
16 4 3
## ########## ##
# ABCcba #
16 16 3
### ## # ##
## # ## # c#
# ## ########b#
# ## # # # #
# # ## # # ##
## a# # # # #
### ## #### ## #
## # # # #
# ##### # ## ##
#### #B# # #
## C# # ###
# # # ####### #
# ###### A## #
# # ##
0 0 0
Sample Output
那么这里我们可以使用 双向bfs
简单,我们将所有鬼魂可以移动的位置(包含鬼魂所在的位置)找出来,对于点(a, b)我们给他一个序号c, 建立数组x,y,x[i]表示c的x坐标,y[i]是y坐标,建立id数组,对于id[a][b]表示这个点的序号c。
#define convert(a, b, c) ((a<<16)|(b<<8)|c)
Question2: 有了状态表示方法,我们又怎么移动鬼魂,推导出新的状态?
cnt=0, flag=0, ans=0;
for (int i=0; i='a' && a[i][j]<='z') start[a[i][j]-'a'] = cnt;
else if (a[i][j]>='A' && a[i][j]<='Z') ends[a[i][j]-'A'] = cnt;
for (int i=1; i<=cnt; ++i){//处理每个可以移动的位置的策略
mov[i][0] = 0;
for (int j=0; j<4; ++j){
int nx=x[i]+v[j][0], ny=y[i]+v[j][1];
if (nx<0 || nx>=h || ny<0 || ny>=w || a[nx][ny]=='#') continue ;
mov[i][++mov[i][0]] = id[nx][ny];
mov[i][++mov[i][0]] = i;//不动
if (n<=2){
mov[++cnt][1]=cnt, mov[cnt][0]=1;
ends[2]=cnt, start[2]=cnt;
if (n<=1){
mov[++cnt][1]=cnt, mov[cnt][0]=1;
ends[1]=cnt, start[1]=cnt;
当f[a1][b1][c1]为-1时,f[a1][b1][c1] = f[a][b][c]+1,如果不是-1,说明已经走过了,continue
细节是,我们每调用一次bfs只是将上一次拓展到的位置再拓展一遍,新拓展的位置先不管,选取元素少的那个队列进行bfs,也正是所谓的 双向 bfs
memset(f1, -1, sizeof(f1));
memset(f2, -1, sizeof(f2));
f1[start[0]][start[1]][start[2]] = f2[ends[0]][ends[1]][ends[2]] = 0;
s = convert(start[0], start[1], start[2]);
e = convert(ends[0], ends[1], ends[2]);
q1=queue(), q2=queue();
q1.push(s), q2.push(e);//状态压缩及初始化
while (!q1.empty() && !q2.empty()){
if (q1.size()<=q2.size()){//元素少的先bfs一遍
ans = bfs(q1, f1, f2);
else ans = bfs(q2, f2, f1);
if (flag) return ;
int bfs(queue &q, int (&f1)[C][C][C], int (&f2)[C][C][C])
{ //q表示我们当前进行bfs的队列,f1为q对应的f数组,f2位另一个队列对应的f数组
int t=q.size();
while (t--){//取出上一轮bfs中拓展到的的所有状态
int tmp=q.front(), a, b, c;
a=(tmp>>16)&255, b=(tmp>>8)&255, c=tmp&255;//转化
for (int i=1; i<=mov[a][0]; ++i){//枚举移动策略
int na=mov[a][i], nb, nc;
for (int j=1; j<=mov[b][0]; ++j){
nb = mov[b][j];
if (check(na, nb, a, b)) continue ;
for (int k=1; k<=mov[c][0]; ++k){
nc = mov[c][k];
if (check(na, nc, a, c) || check(nb, nc, b, c)) continue;
if (f1[na][nb][nc]!=-1) continue;
if (f2[na][nb][nc]!=-1){//遇到了对面bfs过的位置
flag = 1;
return f1[a][b][c]+f2[na][nb][nc]+1;
f1[na][nb][nc] = f1[a][b][c]+1;
q.push(convert(na, nb, nc)); //继续bfs
return -1;
using namespace std;
#define convert(a, b, c) ((a<<16)|(b<<8)|c)
#define check(aa, bb, a, b) (aa==bb||(aa==b&&bb==a))
const int G = 4;
const int N = 20;
const int C = 14*14;
int w, h, n, cnt, ans, s, e;
int start[G], ends[G], v[4][2]={{-1,0},{0,1},{1,0},{0,-1}};
int f1[C][C][C], f2[C][C][C], mov[C][6], x[C], y[C], id[N][N];
char a[N][N];
bool flag;
queue q1, q2;
int bfs(queue &q, int (&f1)[C][C][C], int (&f2)[C][C][C])
{ //q表示我们当前进行bfs的队列,f1为q对应的f数组,f2位另一个队列对应的f数组
int t=q.size();
while (t--){//取出上一轮bfs中拓展到的的所有状态
int tmp=q.front(), a, b, c;
a=(tmp>>16)&255, b=(tmp>>8)&255, c=tmp&255;//转化
for (int i=1; i<=mov[a][0]; ++i){//枚举移动策略
int na=mov[a][i], nb, nc;
for (int j=1; j<=mov[b][0]; ++j){
nb = mov[b][j];
if (check(na, nb, a, b)) continue ;
for (int k=1; k<=mov[c][0]; ++k){
nc = mov[c][k];
if (check(na, nc, a, c) || check(nb, nc, b, c)) continue;
if (f1[na][nb][nc]!=-1) continue;
if (f2[na][nb][nc]!=-1){//遇到了对面bfs过的位置
flag = 1;
return f1[a][b][c]+f2[na][nb][nc]+1;
f1[na][nb][nc] = f1[a][b][c]+1;
q.push(convert(na, nb, nc)); //继续bfs
return -1;
void solve()
cnt=0, flag=0, ans=0;
for (int i=0; i='a' && a[i][j]<='z') start[a[i][j]-'a'] = cnt;
else if (a[i][j]>='A' && a[i][j]<='Z') ends[a[i][j]-'A'] = cnt;
for (int i=1; i<=cnt; ++i){//处理每个可以移动的位置的策略
mov[i][0] = 0;
for (int j=0; j<4; ++j){
int nx=x[i]+v[j][0], ny=y[i]+v[j][1];
if (nx<0 || nx>=h || ny<0 || ny>=w || a[nx][ny]=='#') continue ;
mov[i][++mov[i][0]] = id[nx][ny];
mov[i][++mov[i][0]] = i;//不动
if (n<=2){
mov[++cnt][1]=cnt, mov[cnt][0]=1;
ends[2]=cnt, start[2]=cnt;
if (n<=1){
mov[++cnt][1]=cnt, mov[cnt][0]=1;
ends[1]=cnt, start[1]=cnt;
memset(f1, -1, sizeof(f1));
memset(f2, -1, sizeof(f2));
f1[start[0]][start[1]][start[2]] = f2[ends[0]][ends[1]][ends[2]] = 0;
s = convert(start[0], start[1], start[2]);
e = convert(ends[0], ends[1], ends[2]);
q1=queue(), q2=queue();
q1.push(s), q2.push(e);//状态压缩及初始化
while (!q1.empty() && !q2.empty()){
if (q1.size()<=q2.size()){//元素少的先bfs一遍
ans = bfs(q1, f1, f2);
else ans = bfs(q2, f2, f1);
if (flag) return ;
int main()
while (scanf("%d%d%d", &w, &h, &n)!=EOF && w && h && n){
for (int i=0; i