

#define PROVIDER_NAME           L"MyEventProvider"
#define RESOURCE_DLL            L"\\Provider.dll"
#define MAX_TIMESTAMP_LEN       23 + 1   // mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.mmm
#define MAX_RECORD_BUFFER_SIZE  0x10000  // 64K

HANDLE GetMessageResources();
DWORD DumpRecordsInBuffer(PBYTE pBuffer, DWORD dwBytesRead);
DWORD GetEventTypeName(DWORD EventType);
LPWSTR GetMessageString(DWORD Id, DWORD argc, LPWSTR args);
void GetTimestamp(const DWORD Time, WCHAR DisplayString[]);
DWORD ApplyParameterStringsToMessage(CONST LPCWSTR pMessage, LPWSTR & pFinalMessage);

CONST LPWSTR pEventTypeNames[] = {L"Error", L"Warning", L"Informational", L"Audit Success", L"Audit Failure"};

HANDLE g_hResources = NULL;

void wmain(void)
    HANDLE hEventLog = NULL;
    DWORD dwBytesToRead = 0;
    DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
    DWORD dwMinimumBytesToRead = 0;
    PBYTE pBuffer = NULL;
    PBYTE pTemp = NULL;

    // The source name (provider) must exist as a subkey of Application.
    hEventLog = OpenEventLog(NULL, PROVIDER_NAME);
    if (NULL == hEventLog)
        wprintf(L"OpenEventLog failed with 0x%x.\n", GetLastError());
        goto cleanup;

    // Get the DLL that contains the string resources for the provider.
    g_hResources = GetMessageResources();
    if (NULL == g_hResources)
        wprintf(L"GetMessageResources failed.\n");
        goto cleanup;

    // Allocate an initial block of memory used to read event records. The number 
    // of records read into the buffer will vary depending on the size of each event.
    // The size of each event will vary based on the size of the user-defined
    // data included with each event, the number and length of insertion 
    // strings, and other data appended to the end of the event record.
    pBuffer = (PBYTE)malloc(dwBytesToRead);
    if (NULL == pBuffer)
        wprintf(L"Failed to allocate the initial memory for the record buffer.\n");
        goto cleanup;

    // Read blocks of records until you reach the end of the log or an 
    // error occurs. The records are read from newest to oldest. If the buffer
    // is not big enough to hold a complete event record, reallocate the buffer.
    while (ERROR_SUCCESS == status)
        if (!ReadEventLog(hEventLog, 
            status = GetLastError();
            if (ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER == status)
                status = ERROR_SUCCESS;

                pTemp = (PBYTE)realloc(pBuffer, dwMinimumBytesToRead);
                if (NULL == pTemp)
                    wprintf(L"Failed to reallocate the memory for the record buffer (%d bytes).\n", dwMinimumBytesToRead);
                    goto cleanup;

                pBuffer = pTemp;
                dwBytesToRead = dwMinimumBytesToRead;
                if (ERROR_HANDLE_EOF != status)
