(el-Table)操作(不使用 ts):Element-plus 中 Table 多选框的样式等的调整

Ⅰ、Element-plus 提供的 Table 表格组件与想要目标情况的对比:

1、Element-plus 提供 Table 组件情况:

其一、Element-ui 自提供的 Table 代码情况为(示例的代码):

(el-Table)操作(不使用 ts):Element-plus 中 Table 多选框的样式等的调整_第1张图片

// Element-plus 自提供的代码:
// 此时是使用了 ts 语言环境,但是我在实际项目中并没有使用 ts 语言和环境;

    style="width: 100%"
    <el-table-column type="selection" width="55" />
    <el-table-column label="Date" width="120">
      <template #default="scope">{{ scope.row.date }}</template>
    <el-table-column property="name" label="Name" width="120" />
    <el-table-column property="address" label="Address" show-overflow-tooltip />
  <div style="margin-top: 20px">
    <el-button @click="toggleSelection([tableData[1], tableData[2]])"
      >Toggle selection status of second and third rows</el-button
    <el-button @click="toggleSelection()">Clear selection</el-button>

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { ElTable } from 'element-plus'

interface User {
  date: string
  name: string
  address: string

const multipleTableRef = ref<InstanceType<typeof ElTable>>()
const multipleSelection = ref<User[]>([])
const toggleSelection = (rows?: User[]) => {
  if (rows) {
    rows.forEach((row) => {
      // TODO: improvement typing when refactor table
      // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
      // @ts-expect-error
      multipleTableRef.value!.toggleRowSelection(row, undefined)
  } else {
const handleSelectionChange = (val: User[]) => {
  multipleSelection.value = val

const tableData: User[] = [
    date: '2016-05-03',
    name: 'Tom',
    address: 'No. 189, Grove St, Los Angeles',
    date: '2016-05-02',
    name: 'Tom',
    address: 'No. 189, Grove St, Los Angeles',
    date: '2016-05-04',
    name: 'Tom',
    address: 'No. 189, Grove St, Los Angeles',
    date: '2016-05-01',
    name: 'Tom',
    address: 'No. 189, Grove St, Los Angeles',
    date: '2016-05-08',
    name: 'Tom',
    address: 'No. 189, Grove St, Los Angeles',
    date: '2016-05-06',
    name: 'Tom',
    address: 'No. 189, Grove St, Los Angeles',
    date: '2016-05-07',
    name: 'Tom',
    address: 'No. 189, Grove St, Los Angeles',

代码地址(直接点击下面 url 跳转):https://element-plus.gitee.io/zh-CN/component/table.html#多选

(el-Table)操作(不使用 ts):Element-plus 中 Table 多选框的样式等的调整_第2张图片


(el-Table)操作(不使用 ts):Element-plus 中 Table 多选框的样式等的调整_第3张图片

Ⅱ、实现 Table 表格组件达到目标效果变化的过程:

1、 Table 表格组件成功引入 vue3 项目的过程(去除了 ts 的语法):


    style="width: 100%"
    <el-table-column type="selection" width="55" />
    <el-table-column label="Date" width="120">
      <template #default="scope">{{ scope.row.date }}</template>
    <el-table-column property="name" label="Name" width="120" />
    <el-table-column property="address" label="Address" show-overflow-tooltip />

<script setup>

import { ref } from 'vue'

const tableData =ref([
    date: '2016-05-03',
    name: 'Tom',
    address: 'No. 189, Grove St, Los Angeles',
    date: '2016-05-02',
    name: 'Tom',
    address: 'No. 189, Grove St, Los Angeles',
    date: '2016-05-04',
    name: 'Tom',
    address: 'No. 189, Grove St, Los Angeles',
    date: '2016-05-01',
    name: 'Tom',
    address: 'No. 189, Grove St, Los Angeles',
    date: '2016-05-08',
    name: 'Tom',
    address: 'No. 189, Grove St, Los Angeles',
    date: '2016-05-06',
    name: 'Tom',
    address: 'No. 189, Grove St, Los Angeles',
    date: '2016-05-07',
    name: 'Tom',
    address: 'No. 189, Grove St, Los Angeles',

<style lang="scss" scoped>



(el-Table)操作(不使用 ts):Element-plus 中 Table 多选框的样式等的调整_第4张图片

2、 调整 Table 多选框的样式及整体 table 表格样式的代码为:


  <div class="my_project">
    <div class="project">
        style="width: 1000px"
        <el-table-column type="selection" width="55" />
        <el-table-column label="Date" width="120">
          <template #default="scope">{{ scope.row.date }}</template>
        <el-table-column property="name" label="Name" width="120" />
        <el-table-column property="address" label="Address" show-overflow-tooltip />

<script setup>

import { ref } from 'vue'

const multipleTable = ref('')

const tableData =ref([
    date: '2016-05-03',
    name: 'Tom',
    address: 'No. 189, Grove St, Los Angeles',
    date: '2016-05-02',
    name: 'Tom',
    address: 'No. 189, Grove St, Los Angeles',
    date: '2016-05-04',
    name: 'Tom',
    address: 'No. 189, Grove St, Los Angeles',
    date: '2016-05-01',
    name: 'Tom',
    address: 'No. 189, Grove St, Los Angeles',
    date: '2016-05-08',
    name: 'Tom',
    address: 'No. 189, Grove St, Los Angeles',
    date: '2016-05-06',
    name: 'Tom',
    address: 'No. 189, Grove St, Los Angeles',
    date: '2016-05-07',
    name: 'Tom',
    address: 'No. 189, Grove St, Los Angeles',

// 设置 table 表格中不同行的背景颜色;
const tableRowClassName = (val) => {
  if(val.rowIndex %2 === 0){
    return 'double-row'
  } else {
    return 'single-row'


<style lang="scss" scoped>
.my_project {
  margin: 30px auto;
  background-color: #c7cacf;  // 设置整体的背景色(即:表格外的背景颜色);
  box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15) 0px 0px 40px 0px;
  // 设置表格表头的背景色;
  ::v-deep(.el-table th) {
    background-color: rgb(154, 201, 207);
  // 表格表头的下边框;
  ::v-deep(.el-table th.is-leaf) {
    border-bottom: 1px solid #557A95;
    font-weight: 700;
    font-size: 16px;
    color: black;
  // 取消多选第一列的展示;
  // ::v-deep(.el-table th.el-table__cell:nth-child(1) .cell) {
  //   visibility: hidden;
  // }
  // 将表格的每一行悬停的背景色都设置为:transparent(即:没有其他展示),或其它颜色(如:yellowgreen) ;
  ::v-deep(.el-table--enable-row-hover .el-table__body tr:hover > td) {
    background-color: #8fd4d9;
  // 设置表格内双行的背景色(如:0,2,4........)
  ::v-deep(.el-table .double-row) {
    background-color: #e6f1f9;
  // 设置表格内单行的背景色(如:1,3,5.......)
  ::v-deep(.el-table .single-row) {
    background-color: #d6e6f5;
  .project {
    margin: 20px;

// 修改多选框的样式;
.el-table {
    // 此时是:设置多选框的长度和宽度,以及背景色;
    --el-checkbox-input-height: 21px !important;
    --el-checkbox-input-width: 20px !important;
    background-color: #ccc;
    // 此时是:调整选中得对勾得位置;
    &:after {
      top: 5px;
      left: 7px;

(el-Table)操作(不使用 ts):Element-plus 中 Table 多选框的样式等的调整_第5张图片


其二、若有转发或引用本文章内容,请注明本博客地址(直接点击下面 url 跳转) https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_43405300,创作不易,且行且珍惜!
其三、有兴趣的话,可以多多关注这个专栏(Vue(Vue2+Vue3)面试必备专栏)(直接点击下面 url 跳转):https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_43405300/category_11525646.html?spm=1001.2014.3001.5482
