

英文 中文
Previously... 前情回顾...
We were in Scotland on our second honeymoon. 当时我们在苏格兰第二次度蜜月
I wanted it to be a dream, but I knew it wasn't. 我希望这是一场梦但我知道不是
I'd seemed to have fallen through time. 我好像穿越了
Seems that the feral cat we picked up on the road 看来我们在路上捡的流浪猫
is trying to pull in her claws. 也开始不挠人了啊
Colum's taking credit for bringing you on 卡伦因为任命你为麦肯齐家族的治疗者
as healer to the Mackenzies. 而饱受赞誉
I doubt he'll want to see you leave any time soon. 他肯定最近都不想让你走
I sent Jamie to the stables to help old Alec with the horses. 我派杰米去马厩帮老亚力克喂马了
Best place for him under the circumstances. 他现在只适合去那里
Dinna want him inside the walls. 不想留他在城里
Jamie needs a woman, not a lassie. 杰米需要个女人而不是个小姑娘
And Laoghaire will be a lassie until she's 50. 里奥加尔到了五十岁都是小姑娘
Mistress Beauchamp was just about to tell me 比彻姆女士正打算告诉我
of her unusual upbringing. 她非同寻常的成长经历
I'm sure it's a good story. 那肯定是个不错的故事
She came back through the stones. 她通过石头穿越的吗
Aye, she did. They always do. 是啊总是如此

I must escape castle Leoch on my own 我必须靠自己逃离里奥克城堡
and get back to the stones as soon as possible, 尽快回到巨石旁边
or die trying. 或者因此而死
Gah! Tonight we feast! 哈哈今晚我们要举办宴会
And eat like kings! 要像国王一样大快朵颐
You won't make a meal of me yet! 你们抓不到我的
The beast is getting away! 野兽要逃跑了
Something catch your eye there, lassie? 有什么引起你的注意吗姑娘
Yes, something I 'm not likely to forget in a hurry. 是啊我不会轻易忘掉的东西
Mistress Claire. You've lost your fichu. 克莱尔女士你的披肩丢了
And ye lost yer hair ribbon yesterday. 昨天你把发带也丢了
So I have. 是啊
I was so concentrated on escaping you, 我光顾着跑了
I didn't even notice. 都没注意
Are you done with yer game, lass? 你玩够了吗姑娘
Soon. 快了
The Mackenzie dinna say 麦肯齐没说
ye could waste the whole day out here. 你可以一整天在外面无所事事
Well, who says we're done yet? 谁说我们玩够了
There's still lots more to explore. 还有很多东西等待我们探索呢
You were right, mistress. 你说得对女士
This part of the woods is much better than the courtyard 这片树林比院子还有城堡另一边
or the other side of the castle. 都好玩多了
Can I be the boar this time? 这次我能当野猪吗
I don't see why not. 有何不可
All right. To the hunt! 好打猎去啦
Mistress Beauchamp! 比彻姆女士
We're missing the festivities. 再玩就要错过欢宴了
It's nae since I was a bairn we've had a gathering at Leoch. 从我小时候起里奥克就没举行过集会了
All right. 好吧
Shall we let these men get to their festivities? 我们就让他们参加欢宴去吧
- Come on. - We can play again tomorrow. -来-我们可以明天再玩
Of course. 当然了
All right. Shall we? 好了走吧
The hunting game was more than a pleasant diversion. 狩猎游戏不仅可以成功转移他们的注意力
It allowed me to reconnoiter 还可以让我在
the terrain around the castle without suspicion. 不被怀疑的情况下勘察城堡附近的地形
So far I had found at least two possible escape routes, 目前为止我发现了至少两条可行逃跑路线
and left breadcrumbs to mark my way to freedom. 并且在通向自由的路上留下了面包屑做记号
Doubt ye've ever seen anything 你以前在你们那里

as braw as this where yer from, eh? 没见过这么盛大的场面吧
No. 是啊
The victory day celebrations in London and Paris 就规模而言伦敦和巴黎的胜利日庆祝
far exceeded the gathering of the Mackenzie clan in terms of sheer size, 远比麦肯齐家族的集会盛大得多
but this was something different... 但是这种集会不一样
simple joy, 这里充满了单纯的欢乐
unencumbered by the trauma of war 没有因战争的创伤或战后的
or the exhaustion of its end. 精疲力竭而受到丝毫阻碍
The Mackenzies were simply glad to see one another. 麦肯齐家族的人只是单纯的因见到彼此而高兴
Despite my eagerness to leave, 虽然我急于离开
my heart lifted whenever I walked through the encampment 但每次走过宿营区的时候我都很开心
and a small part of me regretted my imminent escape. 所以我有点后悔自己即将离开
I had the entire route mapped out in my head. 整个计划我都想好了
At night, both windows would be lighted by torch, 晚上两边窗户都会有火把照亮
beacons to guide me to the breaches in the sentry posts. 火光可以指引我溜过岗哨
But I still needed to find distractions 但我身后一直跟着两个盯梢
for my ever-present shadows. 我还需要分散他们的注意力
Gentlemen, please do not look, 先生们千万不要看
but that woman stirring the bowl over there 那边正在搅动大钵的那个女人
seems to fancy one of you. 好像对你们中的谁有兴趣
I said don't look. 我说了不要看
Oh, aye. 是啊
- She's a pie-eater, that one. - Mm-hmm. -她很是丰腴啊-嗯
Well, I 'll just be settling my cock to roost in that tonight. 我今晚一定要跟她好好共度春宵
Not so fast. 先别急
We said everra man for himself during the gathering. 我们说好集会期间大家都可以寻欢作乐
Aye, we did. 是说过
But ye ken how much I fancy a hen with a bit of meat. 但是你知道我有多喜欢有点肉的女人
Who doesn't? 谁不喜欢
I may be of some assistance. 我或许能帮上忙
I realize I 'm a captive audience of sorts. 我虽然是你们这出戏的忠实观众
But I'd rather not be subjected 但是我可不想被扯进
to another one of your inane debates. 你们另一场愚蠢的争论
So if you please, pull sticks? 所以要不你们抽签吧
- Either one? - Aye. -抽吗-好
Right. Choose. 好了选吧
Ach. 该死
'Tis all yer wanking gives ye that much speed of hand. 你就是撸多了手才那么快的
I'll save some pie for ye, hmm? 我给你留点怎么样
I now needed to tend to the other elements of my plan. 现在我需要周全下我计划里的其他要素
I'll need to pick a horse for the hunt tomorrow. 我要为明天的狩猎挑一匹马
The lad wants a healer to go along just in case. 猎手们需要个医生跟去以防万一
Ah. Come along. 一起去吧
Uncle Lamb had taught me to ride 我们还住在爱尔兰的那些年
during the years we lived in Ireland. 莱姆叔叔教过我骑马
But that was a long time ago, 但那是很久之前的事儿了
and I needed to pick a gentle, easy horse. 所以我需要挑一匹温顺的马
Mistress. There's no one in need of healing here. 女士这里没人需要治疗
I was told I would be needed for the hunt tomorrow. 他们让我明天也跟着去狩猎
She'll be wanting a horse, then. 那么你就需要一匹马
I suppose, yes, if I mean to keep up. 如果我不想掉队的话我想是的
Most of the horses have been spoken for. 大多数马都有人认领了
I don't want to be of any trouble. 我不想麻烦你
Perhaps Mr. Mactavish can help me. 也许麦克塔维什先生能帮助我
Lad's no here. 他不在这儿
Best to leave Jamie to his own thoughts today, Lass. 姑娘今天你还是不要是打扰他的好
I didn't know I was a bother to him. 原来对他来说我是个麻烦
I dinna ken if yer a bother or no. 我不知道你是不是麻烦
That's for the lad to judge. 要评价也该由他来评价
I'm just saying it's best for all concerned 我要说的是集会举办期间
if young Jamie is left to his self while the gathering's on. 对所有人来说小杰米独自待着才最好
'Tis Brimstone. 这是悍妇
I'm sure she'll be all right for yer needs. 我想它能满足你的需求
Brimstone. 悍妇
- Sounds ominous. - Nah. -听起来很凶的样子-不
'Tis like calling a tall man "Wee." 就像我们管一个高个子叫"小家伙"一样
She's no fast, but she's sweet and can go for days. 它速度不怎么样但胜在温顺耐力好
Only thing is if yer not minding her every moment, 唯一要注意的是如果你不盯紧它
she'll turn for home first chance she gets. 只要一有机会它就会跑回家
I'll leave you two to get acquainted. 你们俩好好熟络下吧
There would be no turning for home, 只要我还有一口气
not if I had anything say about it. 我就不会让它自己跑回家
Brought the port ye asked for. 你要的波尔图酒我给你带来了
Christ, Geillis. 吓我一跳格列斯
Mrs. Fitz told me I might find you down here. 菲茨太太告诉我可能能在这儿找到你
Hope I 'm not disturbing ye. 希望没打扰到你
No, of course not. I-I was elsewhere. 不当然没有刚才出去了趟
Thank you. 谢谢
I hope it wasn't too much trouble. 希望没有给你造成太多麻烦
No trouble. We have plenty collecting dust. 不麻烦反正放那在也是招灰尘的
Something in port makes my husband fart like an ox. 我丈夫喝了波尔图酒后就会像牛一样放屁
Claire. 克莱尔
Are you with bairn, then? 你怀孕了吗
Pardon me? 什么
Ye've quite a stock of food here. 你这里存了好多食物
Are ye eating for two? 一人吃俩人补吗
Do you think that's simply because I have a store here 你以为我存这些食物只是不想
rather than trudging back and forth to the kitchen? 来来回回地去厨房里折腾吗
Perhaps that's why you're desperate to get to France? 也许正因如此你才不顾一切的要去法国
An illegitimate pregnancy? 非法怀孕
I can assure you I've never been unfaithful to my husband. 我可以肯定的告诉你我从没有对我丈夫不忠
It's not unfaithful if he's dead. 如果他死了就没有不忠这一说了
Is he? 是吗
He's not alive. 他不在了
So he's... 那么他...
dead, then. 就是死了咯
He's dead. 他是死了
And the two of you never conceived? 你就没有怀上过吗
No. We never had children. 不我们没孩子
We tried. 我们也努力过了
Maybe you're barren. 也许是你不孕
Well, it doesn't matter now. 现在这些都不重要了
See ye have trouble sleeping as well. 看起来你也有睡眠上的问题
Valerian root. 缬草根
I have trouble sleeping too. 我也有睡眠问题
But I don't mash my valerian like that. 但我不会像那样把缬草根捣碎
I boil it whole first. 我会先把整根煮一下
I was wondering about the proper dosage. 我不知道吃多少才合适
How much do you take? 你通常都吃多少
It's not for me. 不是给我吃的
Put it in Arthur's evening tea. Then I sleep like a newborn. 只要我放到亚瑟的晚茶里我就能睡得很好
Careful, though. 不过你要小心点
Ye have enough there to put a whole army to sleep 你手上的剂量足以让整个军队
till the next moon. 睡上一个月
Thank you. 谢谢你
I'll boil it in the future. 下次我会用煮的
When I first came to Cranesmuir, 我第一次到克兰斯缪尔的时候
all I had was my wits, ye ken? 我能依靠的只有我的智慧
I had a fairish knowledge of the plants 我对植物以及它们的用处
and their good uses. 还算了解
I found a man with a respectable position. 我认识了一个有些地位的男人

