翻译The Comprehensive Guide to NFTs
Are there any areas of controversy within crypto, blockchain, and NFTs?
Blockchain technology has seen its fair share of skepticism and criticism. At this point, I suppose we should be used to it!
Since the dawn of time, new inventions and innovations have given rise to confusion regarding the unfamiliar new product. In some unfortunate cases, this has set the stage for consumers making purchases in which they did not fully understand what they were buying—or even for outright fraud.
The good news is that blockchain-backed technology is becoming more familiar to everyone, including people who may not be on the leading edge of tech (or tech savvy at all). The essentials of what blockchain is and how it works are getting out there. Everyone has heard of Bitcoin—which is a start— even if they don’t know how it works or how to buy it. While there is still the potential for miscommunication, an increasingly educated consumer base means that in general there is less confusion around blockchain technology.
The even better news is that, when it comes to NFTs, their unique technology is providing a strong counter to much of the criticism that their predecessors experienced.
Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, for example, have long been criticized for their energy consumption and carbon footprint. How can a digital coin—that you can’t even hold or touch—have a carbon footprint in the “real world”? The answer is: because Bitcoin maintains its blockchain by mining, the miners will always need electricity to power the computers doing the mining. As Bitcoin has grown—and more and more of the coins have been mined—the cost of mining has accelerated ever upward. A study by the University of Cambridge published in early 2021 reported that, globally, Bitcoin mining now uses approximately as much electricity each year as the country of Argentina. All of this power use raises the specter of carbon emissions and elevates the carbon footprint of Bitcoin. And alas, most of the energy powering Bitcoin mining does not yet come from renewable sources (even though Bitcoin enthusiasts are promising that this is soon going to change). The good news is that contemporary NFTs can be produced in ways that have only the smallest fraction of the environmental impact of something like a Bitcoin (again, more on this later.) If they are rolled out the right way, NFTs won’t have to create the energy drain that Bitcoins do.
Other criticisms of blockchain products have come from enabling “pump and dump” schemes, or schemes in which a cryptocurrency with no value has been launched to intentionally dupe newcomers. For example, as the value of Bitcoin slowly but steadily began to increase in the early 2010s, the cryptocurrency market became flooded with new “coins” launched every week. Many of the creators of these new coins were just out to make a quick buck. To make this fast money, they might launch a crypto in connection to a meaningless gimmick—“The new alt-coin for parakeet lovers, which everyone with a parakeet will want to use!”—and then a billion coins would be released. Half would be put up for sale on a crypto exchange, but half would be retained by the creators of the coin. If the value of that new coin reached just one cent, for example, the creators of the coin could sell their half a billion ParakeetCoin, clear $20M out of thin air, and walk away. Coinholders (and parakeet lovers everywhere) would feel duped and taken advantage of.
But NFTs tied to works of art, iconic images, and other unique and meaningful content present an entirely new arrangement, and eliminate the possibility of a creator seeking to quickly and anonymously “cash out.” It’s an entirely different proposition. The ownership chain is clear. Those selling the NFT do so in an environment of transparency. Potential buyers can research who sellers are, and can work to genuinely understand the product being offered. The value, the integrity, and the uniqueness of the item being purchased as an NFT is assured.
Other areas of controversy have also arisen from copyright violation. This is a problem in just about every visual media. While copyright violation appears to be rare in the world of NFT art, there have been a few documented cases. For example, in early 2021, both CNN and VICE reported on artists claiming that someone had copied one of their original digital artworks and sold it as an NFT without permission. When this happens, the original artist is forced to pursue a copyright claim. With the number of NFTs for sale expanding exponentially, this type of violation will probably keep occurring.
However, the good news is that because the technology is digital, it will be much easier to 1) report the offense, 2) locate the bad actor, and 3) ensure that the problematic NFT is dealt with appropriately. When an artist alleges their work has been copied and sold without permission in the physical world, there can be a great deal of (slow and tedious) work to determine exactly who was involved and where all the inappropriate copies are. In the digital world, this kind of problem—once users become aware of it—can be remedied much more quickly, and the location of any illicit work is never in question. In the meantime, security for visual artists will continue to evolve so that inappropriate use is prevented. (For example, when displaying their work on their own websites, many visual artists now use a “floating banner” that always obscures a small portion of their work. This prevents it from being digitally captured.)
然而,好消息是由于数字化技术,如下事情会变得容易 1)上报侵权 2)定位问题 3)确保这个NFT争议被合理地解决。当一位艺术家声称他的作品被抄袭了,而且未经他的允许在现实世界售卖,可以通过大量的工作来确定抄袭者是谁以及在哪。在数字世界里,只要及时发现,这类问题是可以被迅速补救的,定位问题也从不是难事。同时,与此同时,视觉艺术家会持续进化,进而会减少不恰当的呈现方式(例如,当他们在个人网站上展出自己的作品时,很多艺术家会采用浮动Banner,并对一部分模糊处理,这样做会减少被数字化抓取的可能)。
To conclude, blockchain technology is not new to criticism. However, the earliest critics of technologies like cryptocurrency have gradually had over a decade to be proved wrong. The criticisms being leveled at NFTs now are few, are much less daunting than what cryptos faced, and there is every reason to feel confident that evolving technology will allow us to solve any problems that might arise as we move forward.