komodo 中文_使用Komodo提高生产力:可扩展的多语言IDE

komodo 中文

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本文由Komodo IDE赞助。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的赞助商!

It’s undeniable that most of a developer’s time is spent inside an editor, writing code. Add to that the time you spend identifying and trying to fix code issues, and it can be more than 40 hours a week.

不可否认,开发人员的大部分时间都花在编辑器内部,用于编写代码。 此外,您花费在识别和尝试解决代码问题上的时间可能每周超过40个小时。

With this in mind, it’s important to have the ability to customize your coding tools to suit your visual preferences and work style. It’s even more important to find ways to do things efficiently and maximize your productivity. To get to that point, you’ll want to consider a reliable, well-established Integrated Development Environment (IDE) rather than just a code editor.

考虑到这一点,重要的是要能够自定义编码工具以适合您的视觉喜好和工作风格。 寻找有效地做事并最大程度提高生产力的方法就显得尤为重要。 为了达到这一点,您将要考虑一个可靠,完善的集成开发环境(IDE),而不仅仅是代码编辑器。

IDEs are much more than just code editors. They provide a whole development toolset. From code debuggers, integrated version control — supporting the most popular software such as Git, SVN, Mercurial — to unit testing environments, where you can have a framework automatically set up. Bonus points go to any IDE that can really let you make yourself at home, by allowing you to customize the environment to conform to the way you work best.

IDE不仅仅是代码编辑器。 它们提供了一个完整的开发工具集。 从代码调试器,集成版本控制(支持最流行的软件,如Git,SVN,Mercurial)到单元测试环境,您可以在其中自动设置框架。 通过使您可以自定义环境以符合最佳工作方式,可以真正使您自己在家的任何IDE都有加分。

While most powerful IDEs boast some or all of these features, they’re often restricted to a specific platform or programming language. You’ll typically need to buy a license for each operating system or language you choose to develop in. A costly proposition, but fortunately not one that applies to all IDEs.

尽管大多数功能强大的IDE都拥有其中的部分或全部功能,但它们通常仅限于特定的平台或编程语言。 通常,您需要为选择使用的每种操作系统或语言购买许可证。这是一项成本很高的提议,但幸运的是,并不是一个适用于所有IDE的提议。

Komodo IDE stands out by offering a single license that can be used across all platforms — Windows, OS X and Linux — to develop a wide variety of languages. You don’t need to waste money buying a separate license key for each one, and you don’t need to worry about compatibility or being forced to put up with the particular quirks of one platform. Komodo also offers plenty of customization and extensibility, as well as top-notch version control and debugging services.

Komodo IDE通过提供可在所有平台(Windows,OS X和Linux)上使用的单一许可证来开发多种语言而脱颖而出。 您无需浪费金钱为每个密钥购买单独的许可证密钥,也不必担心兼容性或被迫忍受一个平台的特殊问题。 Komodo还提供大量的自定义和可扩展性,以及一流的版本控制和调试服务。

komodo 中文_使用Komodo提高生产力:可扩展的多语言IDE_第1张图片

In this article I’ll review Komodo IDE version 8, outline its features and advantages, and you’ll learn how this software can help you in writing better code and to become a more productive developer.

在本文中,我将回顾Komodo IDE版本8,概述其功能和优点,并且您将学习该软件如何帮助您编写更好的代码并成为更有生产力的开发人员。

For the screenshots displayed below, I used Komodo’s “Abyss” skin after having customized Komodo to my liking.

对于下面显示的屏幕截图,在根据自己的喜好定制了Komodo之后,我使用了Komodo的“ Abyss”皮肤

Komodo IDE如何为您提供帮助 (How Komodo IDE can help you)

Komodo IDE is a cross-platform IDE that supports most of the major programming languages in use today, such as PHP, Ruby, Node.js, and Python. The IDE also crosses the boundary into front-end, with support for HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Komodo IDE是一个跨平台的IDE,它支持当今使用的大多数主要编程语言,例如PHP,Ruby,Node.js和Python。 IDE还跨边界进入前端,并支持HTML,CSS和JavaScript。

Its “cross-platform” nature means you can run the software on all major operating systems, OS X, Windows and Linux. This is nice if you work in a team and team members use different operating systems.

其“跨平台”性质意味着您可以在所有主要操作系统(OS X,Windows和Linux)上运行该软件。 如果您在团队中工作并且团队成员使用不同的操作系统,那就太好了。

These cross-platform capabilities stem from Komodo’s implementation of the Mozilla engine, the same framework that powers equally-cross-platform browser Firefox.


More and more companies are making their software free for the open-source world and for educational institutions and ActiveState, the team behind Komodo IDE, is no different, with a range of licensing options available for individuals/freelancers, companies, and open source projects. Head over to the website and download a free trial.

越来越多的公司向开源世界和教育机构免费提供软件,而Komodo IDE背后的团队ActiveState也不例外,为个人/自由职业者,公司和开源项目提供了一系列许可选项。 。 访问该网站并下载免费试用版 。

ActiveState, the company behind Komodo IDE, also offers a free and open-source version of the software, cutting out all the advanced features, leaving you with a powerful, stripped-back code editor.

ActiveState是Komodo IDE背后的公司,它还提供了该软件的免费开放源代码版本 ,该版本取消了所有高级功能,从而为您提供了功能强大的精简代码编辑器。

Komodo IDE的主要功能 (Key features of Komodo IDE)

Komodo IDE has a balanced selection of features, with everything you’d expect from an IDE without becoming bloated.

Komodo IDE具有平衡的功能选择,可以满足您对IDE的所有期望而不会becoming肿。

Besides the editor, the IDE has a debugger, unit testing, a flexible “toolbox”, version control system integration, team collaboration, and powerful code intelligence with autocomplete and intelligent code refactoring.


调试器 (Debugger)
