




最后,为达到高精度的控制效果,以DSP(Digital Signal Processing,数字信号处理器)为控制核心设计了开关电源控制电路,具体包括控制电路总体方案研究、硬件电路设计、软件设计等。硬件电路包括DSP芯片电路设计、采样电路设计、驱动电路设计、保护电路设计和检测电路设计。设计了上位机与下位机程序,实现了上位机通过串口与DSP间的通信,获取实时工作参数,实现对上位机功能模块的分析。下位机DSP芯片具备初始化功能,实现了各程序的正常运行,使DSP能快速协调配置各个工作模块。并利用Matlab软件进行了仿真分析,比较并选择合适的工作模式,为系统硬件设计奠定理论基础。的仿真验证与电路联调。



Energy saving and emission reduction has become the theme of today's social development. High voltage electrostatic precipitator is widely used in dust recovery and treatment with its unique advantages. With the development of the industry, the environment problem increasingly prominent, the state formulates a series of laws and regulations to limit the industrial emissions of dust concentration in flue gas, the common dust removal methods include water film dust, bag dust collection and electrostatic dust removal, electrostatic dust removal device with high purification efficiency, small pressure loss, high temperature resistant, etc, are widely used in thermal power plants. The performance of power supply in electrostatic dust removal device is very important, and the reliability of power supply is the basis for the normal operation of electrostatic dust removal device in corona discharge, gas ionization, and dust movement after being charged. With the continuous improvement of power electronic devices and related technologies, using high frequency and high voltage switching power supply becomes a new development direction of electrostatic precipitator power supply. In view of this problem, the main research contents of this paper are as follows:

Mastered the first, the research related literature at home and abroad, analysis the main characteristics of electrostatic dusting power supply, summarizes the research hotspot and trend both at home and abroad, analyzes the basic principle of electrostatic precipitation technology and its working process, this paper expounds the main steps of dust removal, thoroughly discusses all kinds of electrostatic dusting power supply, respectively for each power supply was analyzed, and the working principle and structure, It lays the foundation for the design of electrostatic dust removal switching power supply.

Secondly, the main circuit of switch power supply of ELECTROSTATIC precipitator is designed. The main circuit design adopts high frequency and high voltage switching power supply technology, and compares and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the full bridge and half bridge of the isolated dual DC-DC converter circuit. The rectifier filter circuit design, inverter circuit design, buffer circuit design and high frequency transformer design are completed.

Finally, in order to achieve high precision control effect, to DSP (Digital Signal Processing, Digital Signal processor) as the control core design of switching power supply control circuit, including the overall control circuit design, hardware circuit design, software design, etc. The hardware circuit includes DSP chip circuit design, sampling circuit design, drive circuit design, protection circuit design and detection circuit design. The program of the upper computer and the lower computer is designed to realize the communication between the upper computer and DSP through serial port, obtain the real-time working parameters, and realize the analysis of the function module of the upper computer. The DSP chip of the lower computer has the initialization function, which realizes the normal operation of each program and enables THE DSP to coordinate and configure each working module quickly. And using Matlab software simulation analysis, comparison and selection of appropriate working mode, for the system hardware design to lay a theoretical basis. Simulation verification and circuit tuning.

Key words: Electrostatic dust removal, HIGH frequency and high voltage, power supply, MATLAB;


摘要............................................................................................................................ 1

第1 绪论............................................................................................................. 5

1.1 背景和意义.............................................................................................. 5

1.2 静电除尘高频高压供电电源技术的现状............................................ 7

1.3 选题的意义.............................................................................................. 8

1.4 仿真工具MATLAB/Simulink简介....................................................... 9

1.5 课题的研究内容及章节安排............................................................... 11

第2 静电除尘................................................................................................... 12

2.1常见工业除尘方法................................................................................. 12

2.2静电除尘基本原理................................................................................. 12

2.3影响静电除尘器性能的电特性因素................................................... 13

2.4静电放电程度......................................................................................... 16

第三章 静电除尘的高频高压供电电源............................................................. 17

3.1静电除尘的高频高压供电电源的现状............................................... 17

3.2静电除尘的高频高压供电电源的工作原理....................................... 17

3.3静电除尘的高频高压供电电源的变压器设计................................... 18



