、 Qml
、 Time
、 时间
、 系统
欢迎来到我们的 QML & C++ 项目!这个项目结合了 QML(Qt Meta-Object Language)和 C++ 的强大功能,旨在开发出色的用户界面和高性能的后端逻辑。
在项目中,我们利用 QML 的声明式语法和可视化设计能力创建出现代化的用户界面。通过直观的编码和可重用的组件,我们能够迅速开发出丰富多样的界面效果和动画效果。同时,我们利用 QML 强大的集成能力,轻松将 C++ 的底层逻辑和数据模型集成到前端界面中。
在后端方面,我们使用 C++ 编写高性能的算法、数据处理和计算逻辑。C++ 是一种强大的编程语言,能够提供卓越的性能和可扩展性。我们的团队致力于优化代码,减少资源消耗,以确保我们的项目在各种平台和设备上都能够高效运行。
无论您是对 QML 和 C++ 开发感兴趣,还是需要我们为您构建复杂的用户界面和后端逻辑,我们都随时准备为您提供支持。请随时联系我们,让我们一同打造现代化、高性能的 QML & C++ 项目!
这里要给大家推荐一下Qt Desing Studio
,不是说这个有多香,反正我是不喜欢用,qml 我都是纯手撸代码,如果我们不知道一个东西Qt 到底有没有给我们实现的时候,可以用它看看。
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
Rectangle {
id: rootRec
color: "transparent"
property int min: -1
property int max: -1
property int current: -1
property int zero: 0
function getResult(){
return (myPathView.currentIndex + root.min)
anchors.fill: parent
Item {
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.margins: 10
id: myPathView
anchors.fill: parent
currentIndex: (-1 === rootRec.current) ? 0 : (rootRec.current - rootRec.min)
onCurrentIndexChanged: { rootRec.current = currentIndex + rootRec.min; }
model: (rootRec.max - rootRec.min + 1)
delegate: Item{//
scale: PathView.iconScale!==undefined?PathView.iconScale:1
opacity: PathView.iconOpacity!==undefined?PathView.iconOpacity:1
transform: Rotation {
origin.x: width/2
origin.y: height/2
axis.x: 1
axis.y: 0
axis.z: 0
angle: PathView.iconAngle!==undefined?PathView.iconAngle:0
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: String(Number(modelData) + rootRec.min).padStart(rootRec.zero, '0')
color: PathView.isCurrentItem ? "#0099ff" : Qt.lighter("#FFFFFF")
font.pixelSize: 20
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
pathItemCount: 5
preferredHighlightBegin: 0.5
preferredHighlightEnd: 0.5
highlightRangeMode: PathView.StrictlyEnforceRange
interactive: true
path :pathVertical
property int height: myPathView.height
startX: myPathView.width/2
PathLine { id:line1; x: pathVertical.startX; y: pathVertical.startY; }
PathAttribute { name: "iconZ"; value: 1 }
PathAttribute { name: "iconScale"; value: 0.6 }
PathAttribute { name: "iconOpacity"; value: 0.3 }
PathAttribute { name: "iconAngle"; value: 80 }
PathPercent { value: 0 }
// start scaling up
PathLine { id:line2; x: line1.x; y: line1.y + pathVertical.height; }
PathAttribute { name: "iconZ"; value: 2 }
PathAttribute { name: "iconScale"; value: 0.8 }
PathAttribute { name: "iconOpacity"; value: 0.4 }
PathAttribute { name: "iconAngle"; value: 50 }
PathPercent { value: 1/4 }
// middle point
PathLine { x: line2.x; y: line2.y; }
PathAttribute { name: "iconZ"; value: 5 }
PathAttribute { name: "iconScale"; value: 1.0 }
PathAttribute { name: "iconOpacity"; value:1.0 }
PathAttribute { name: "iconAngle"; value: 0 }
PathPercent { value: 2/4}
// start scaling down
PathLine { x: line2.x; y: line2.y; }
PathAttribute { name: "iconZ"; value: 2 }
PathAttribute { name: "iconScale"; value: 0.8}
PathAttribute { name: "iconOpacity"; value: 0.4 }
PathAttribute { name: "iconAngle"; value: -50 }
PathPercent { value: 3/4 }
// last point
PathLine { x: line2.x; y: line2.y; }
PathAttribute { name: "iconZ"; value: 1 }
PathAttribute { name: "iconScale"; value: 0.6 }
PathAttribute { name: "iconOpacity"; value:0.3 }
PathAttribute { name: "iconAngle"; value: -80 }
PathPercent { value: 1}
通过帮助文档,咱们可以看到有两个版本的 Tumbler,如下图所示
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
Rectangle {
width: frame.implicitWidth + 10
height: frame.implicitHeight + 10
function formatText(count, modelData) {
var data = count === 12 ? modelData + 1 : modelData;
return data.toString().length < 2 ? "0" + data : data;
FontMetrics {
id: fontMetrics
Component {
id: delegateComponent
Label {
text: formatText(Tumbler.tumbler.count, modelData)
opacity: 1.0 - Math.abs(Tumbler.displacement) / (Tumbler.tumbler.visibleItemCount / 2)
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
font.pixelSize: fontMetrics.font.pixelSize * 1.25
Frame {
id: frame
padding: 0
anchors.centerIn: parent
Row {
id: row
Tumbler {
id: hoursTumbler
model: 12
delegate: delegateComponent
Tumbler {
id: minutesTumbler
model: 60
delegate: delegateComponent
Tumbler {
id: amPmTumbler
model: ["AM", "PM"]
delegate: delegateComponent
当然,我们也可以自定义 Tumbler,官方示例如下:
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
Tumbler {
id: control
model: 15
background: Item {
Rectangle {
opacity: control.enabled ? 0.2 : 0.1
border.color: "#000000"
width: parent.width
height: 1
anchors.top: parent.top
Rectangle {
opacity: control.enabled ? 0.2 : 0.1
border.color: "#000000"
width: parent.width
height: 1
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
delegate: Text {
text: qsTr("Item %1").arg(modelData + 1)
font: control.font
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
opacity: 1.0 - Math.abs(Tumbler.displacement) / (control.visibleItemCount / 2)
Rectangle {
anchors.horizontalCenter: control.horizontalCenter
y: control.height * 0.4
width: 40
height: 1
color: "#21be2b"
Rectangle {
anchors.horizontalCenter: control.horizontalCenter
y: control.height * 0.6
width: 40
height: 1
color: "#21be2b"
If you want to define your own contentItem, use either a ListView or PathView as the root item. For a wrapping Tumbler, use PathView:
Tumbler { id: tumbler contentItem: PathView { id: pathView model: tumbler.model delegate: tumbler.delegate clip: true pathItemCount: tumbler.visibleItemCount + 1 preferredHighlightBegin: 0.5 preferredHighlightEnd: 0.5 dragMargin: width / 2 path: Path { startX: pathView.width / 2 startY: -pathView.delegateHeight / 2 PathLine { x: pathView.width / 2 y: pathView.pathItemCount * pathView.delegateHeight - pathView.delegateHeight / 2 } } property real delegateHeight: tumbler.availableHeight / tumbler.visibleItemCount } }
For a non-wrapping Tumbler, use ListView:
Tumbler { id: tumbler contentItem: ListView { model: tumbler.model delegate: tumbler.delegate snapMode: ListView.SnapToItem highlightRangeMode: ListView.StrictlyEnforceRange preferredHighlightBegin: height / 2 - (height / tumbler.visibleItemCount / 2) preferredHighlightEnd: height / 2 + (height / tumbler.visibleItemCount / 2) clip: true } }
The Tumbler control is used with one or more TumblerColumn items, which define the content of each column:
Tumbler {
TumblerColumn {
model: 5
TumblerColumn {
model: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
TumblerColumn {
model: ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]
You can also use a traditional model with roles:
Rectangle {
width: 220
height: 350
color: "#494d53"
ListModel {
id: listModel
ListElement {
foo: "A"
bar: "B"
baz: "C"
ListElement {
foo: "A"
bar: "B"
baz: "C"
ListElement {
foo: "A"
bar: "B"
baz: "C"
Tumbler {
anchors.centerIn: parent
TumblerColumn {
model: listModel
role: "foo"
TumblerColumn {
model: listModel
role: "bar"
TumblerColumn {
model: listModel
role: "baz"
* @brief XXXX::updateTime
* @param strTime
* @return
* 更新时间
int XXXX::updateTime(QString strTime)
QString strDate = strTime.split(" ").at(0);
QString strTimer = strTime.split(" ").at(1);
QString year = strDate.split("-").at(0); //年
QString month = strDate.split("-").at(1); //月
QString day = strDate.split("-").at(2); //日
QString hour = strTimer.split(":").at(0); //时
QString min = strTimer.split(":").at(1); //分
QString second = strTimer.split(":").at(2); //秒
QString a = "date -s" + year + "/" + month + "/" + day;
QString b = "date -s" + hour + ":" + min + ":" + second;
char *ch;
QByteArray ba = a.toLatin1();
ch = ba.data();
char *ch_2;
QByteArray ba_2 = b.toLatin1();
ch_2 = ba_2.data();
system("hwclock -w");
return 1;