matlab static 函数,如何获取MATLAB类中的静态成员变量?

Is there a way to define static member variables in MATLAB classes?

This doesn't work:

classdef A

properties ( Static )

m = 0;



It suggests to use keyword "Constant" instead of "Static", the constant properties cannot be modified. I want a variable common to all objects of class A and I want to be able to modify that variable in methods of class A.

So what I need is a private static member variable. Is there a way to obtain it in MATLAB?

Found out that a workaround can be done using persistent variables in static member functions.

In this case you should inherit all your classes from a base class like the following.

classdef object < handle

properties ( GetAccess = 'public', SetAccess = 'private' )



methods ( Access = 'protected' )

function obj = object() = object.increment();



methods ( Static, Access = 'private' )

function result = increment()

persistent stamp;

if isempty( stamp )

stamp = 0;


stamp = stamp + uint32(1);

result = stamp;





You can not, it is by design. You should use a persistent variable (technique from the MATLAB as 1980 applied in year 2011)!

For completeness I should mention that actually there is as of 2010b an undocumented and probably not longer supported static property modifier.

For background see here the answer of Dave Foti, MATLAB OO group manager:

In MATLAB, classes can define Constant

properties, but not "static"

properties in the sense of other

languages like C++. There were beta

releases that experimented with

"Static" properties and the

undocumented attribute remains from

then. However, the Static attribute is

undocumented, should not be used, and

will likely be removed in a future

MATLAB release. R2008a implements it

as a synonym for Constant and provides

no additional functionality beyond

the documented behavior of Constant


Constant properties may not be changed

from the initial value specified in

the property declaration. There are a

couple of reasons why MATLAB works

the way it does. First, MATLAB has

longstanding rules that variables

always take precedent over the names

of functions and classes and that

assignment statements introduce a

variable if one doesn't already exist.

Thus, any expression of the form "A.B

= C" will introduce a new variable A that is a struct array containing a

field B whose value is C. If "A.B = C"

could refer to a static property of

class A, then class A would take

precedent over variable A and this

would be a very significant

incompatibility with prior releases

of MATLAB. It would mean that an

m-file containing the assignment

statement "A.B = C" could have its

meaning changed by the introduction

of a class named A somewhere on the

MATLAB path. MATLAB programmers have

always been able to rely on assignment

statements introducing variables that

shadow any other use of the same name.

Second, we have observed that static

data is rarely used in other classes

except as private data within the

class or as public constants. For

example, a survey of several Java

class libraries found that all public

static fields were also final. In

MATLAB, Constant properties can be

used like "public final static"

fields in Java. For data internal to a

class, MATLAB already has persistent

variables that can be created inside

of private or protected methods or

local functions privately used by a

class. There are also good reasons to

avoid static data in MATLAB where

possible. If a class has static data,

it can be difficult to use the same

class in multiple applications

because the static data can be a

source of conflicts among

applications. In some other languages,

this is less of an issue because

different applications are separately

compiled into executables running in

different processes with different

copies of class static data. In

MATLAB, frequently many different

applications may be running in the

same process and environment with a

single copy of each class.
