解析excel数据,前端或后端都可实现,考虑到当前需求为 导入并且预览表格数据,用户可对数据进行修改,最终提交的为用户修改后的数据,所以采用前端解析的方式更为合理。
2、react + ag-grid
npm install xlsx
function | explanation |
XLSX.read(data, read_opts) | attempts to parse data |
XLSX.readFile(filename, read_opts) | attempts to read filename and parse. |
const { result } = event.target;
// the entire excel spreadsheet object is read as a binary stream
const workbook = XLSX.read(result, { type: 'binary', cellDates: true });
Option Name | Default | Description |
type | Input data encoding,见第7步 | |
cellDates | fasle | Store dates as type d (default is n ) |
sheets | If specified, only parse specified sheets |
function | explanation |
XLSX.utils.sheet_to_csv(sheet, config) | generates CSV |
XLSX.utils.sheet_to_txt(sheet, config) | generates UTF16 Formatted Text |
XLSX.utils.sheet_to_html(sheet, config) | generates HTML |
XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(sheet, config) | generates an array of objects |
XLSX.utils.sheet_to_formulae(sheet, config) | generates a list of formulae |
使用 XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json将每一个sheet解析成对象,然后使用数据展示成表格或做其他处理
const { Sheets: sheets } = workbook;
let parseData = Object.keys(sheets).reduce((finalData, sheetName) => {
let sheetData = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(sheets[sheetName]);
finalData.push({ sheetName, sheetData })
return finalData;
}, []);
主要备注sheet_to_json的config(其他配置见github Utility Functions):
Option Name | Default | Description |
raw | true | Use raw values (true) or formatted strings (false) |
range(范围内取值) | from WS | Override Range (see table below) |
header(范围内取值) | Control output format (see table below) | |
dateNF | FMT 14 | Use specified date format in string output |
defval | Use specified value in place of null or undefined | |
blankrows | ** | Include blank lines in the output ** |
is expected to be one of:
header |
Description |
1 |
Generate an array of arrays (“2D Array”) |
"A" |
Row object keys are literal column labels |
array of strings | Use specified strings as keys in row objects |
(default) | Read and disambiguate first row as keys |
When header
is not specified, the conversion will automatically disambiguate header entries by affixing _
and a count starting at 1
. For example, if three columns have header foo
the output fields are foo
, foo_1
, foo_2
> XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws);
[ { S: 1, h: 2, e: 3, e_1: 4, t: 5, J: 6, S_1: 7 },
{ S: 2, h: 3, e: 4, e_1: 5, t: 6, J: 7, S_1: 8 } ]
> XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws, {header:"A"});
[ { A: 'S', B: 'h', C: 'e', D: 'e', E: 't', F: 'J', G: 'S' },
{ A: '1', B: '2', C: '3', D: '4', E: '5', F: '6', G: '7' },
{ A: '2', B: '3', C: '4', D: '5', E: '6', F: '7', G: '8' } ]
> XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws, {header:["A","E","I","O","U","6","9"]});
[ { '6': 'J', '9': 'S', A: 'S', E: 'h', I: 'e', O: 'e', U: 't' },
{ '6': '6', '9': '7', A: '1', E: '2', I: '3', O: '4', U: '5' },
{ '6': '7', '9': '8', A: '2', E: '3', I: '4', O: '5', U: '6' } ]
> XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws, {header:1});
[ [ 'S', 'h', 'e', 'e', 't', 'J', 'S' ],
[ '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7' ],
[ '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8' ] ]
function | explanation |
XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet(data, config) | converts an array of arrays of JS data to a worksheet. |
XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(data, config) | converts an array of JS objects to a worksheet. |
XLSX.utils.table_to_sheet(data, config) | converts a DOM TABLE element to a worksheet. |
XLSX.utils.sheet_add_aoa(data, config) | adds an array of arrays of JS data to an existing worksheet. |
XLSX.utils.sheet_add_json(data, config) | adds an array of JS objects to an existing worksheet. |
主要备注json_to_sheet的config配置(其他配置见github Utility Functions):
Option Name | Default | Description |
header | Use specified column order (default Object.keys ) |
dateNF | FMT 14 | Use specified date format in string output |
cellDates | false | Store dates as type d (default is n ) |
skipHeader | false | If true, do not include header row in output |
ar ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet([
{ A:"S", B:"h", C:"e", D:"e", E:"t", F:"J", G:"S" },
{ A: 1, B: 2, C: 3, D: 4, E: 5, F: 6, G: 7 },
{ A: 2, B: 3, C: 4, D: 5, E: 6, F: 7, G: 8 }
], {header:["A","B","C","D","E","F","G"], skipHeader:true});
function | explanation |
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, ws_name) | Add the worksheet to an existing workbook |
XLSX.utils.book_new() | Creating a new workbook from scratch |
function | explanation |
XLSX.write(wb, write_opts) | attempts to write the workbook wb |
XLSX.writeFile(wb, filename, write_opts) | attempts to write wb to filename . In browser-based environments, it will attempt to force a client-side download |
XLSX.writeFileAsync(filename, wb, o, cb) | attempts to write wb to filename . If o is omitted, the writer will use the third argument as the callback. |
writing Options(常用config):
Option Name | Default | Description |
type | Output data encoding,见第7步 | |
cellDates | fasle | Store dates as type d (default is n ) |
sheets | Name of Worksheet for single-sheet formats |
read 和 write时type-读取类型:
type |
expected input |
"base64" |
string: Base64 encoding of the file |
"binary" |
string: binary string (byte n is data.charCodeAt(n) ) |
"string" |
string: JS string (characters interpreted as UTF8) |
"buffer" |
nodejs Buffer |
"array" |
array: array of 8-bit unsigned int (byte n is data[n] ) |
"file" |
string: path of file that will be read (nodejs only) |
单元格 原始值存在value中,类型存在type中,所以使解析或者写入时,可以设置类型:
Type | Description |
b |
Boolean: value interpreted as JS boolean |
e |
Error: value is a numeric code and w property stores common name ** |
n |
Number: value is a JS number ** |
d |
Date: value is a JS Date object or string to be parsed as Date ** |
s |
Text: value interpreted as JS string and written as text ** |
z |
Stub: blank stub cell that is ignored by data processing utilities ** |
解决办法:读取文件时,添加cellDates: true,使日期类cell读取后是date格式,在输出前,将所有date格式的cell统一加一天转为string
// excel中设置了日期格式的列,统一加1天,并格式化为'YYYY-MM-DD'字符串,便于统一处理
row[item] = moment(row[item]).add(1, 'days').format('YYYY-MM-DD');
日期、下拉框类cell编辑,ag表格配置valueParser属性无效,所以使用valueGetter + valueSetter
headerName: '日期格式',
field: 'date',
type: ['date', 'dateEditor'],
valueGetter: function (params) {
return params.data.date;
valueSetter: (params) => {
const { newValue, oldValue } = params;
let valueChanged = oldValue !== newValue;
if (valueChanged) {
params.data.date = convertToDateString(newValue);
return valueChanged;
wb.Workbook.Sheets[index].Hidden // Hidden为0代表未隐藏,Hidden为1代表隐藏