Shepherd Novel Member Service Agreement

Welcome to use Shepherd Novel VIP membership service! The "Shepherd Novel VIP Membership Service Agreement" (hereinafter also referred to as the "Agreement") is concluded by you (hereinafter also referred to as "member" or "VIP member") and Shepherd Novel, and has the same legal effect on both parties. Shepherd Novel recommends that you read the entire content of this agreement carefully, especially the terms shown in bold, which have a significant relationship with your rights and interests (including relevant agreements on Shepherd Novel’s responsibilities, your rights, dispute resolution methods, and Jurisdiction and other terms), please pay attention to the key reading. If you believe that the bold terms in this agreement may cause damage to some or all of your rights or interests, please read it carefully again, and continue to use Shepherd Novel on the premise that you have understood and accepted the bold terms VIP membership service.

If you do not agree to any or all of the terms and conditions of this agreement, please do not use the form of confirmation (including but not limited to payment behavior/acceptance of gifts, or completion of all the procedures for becoming a member without submitting to Shepherd Novel in the process). Any objections to the agreement) proceed to the next step or use the Shepherd Novel VIP membership service. When you proceed to the next step or use the Shepherd Novel VIP membership service in the form of confirmation, it means that you and Shepherd Novel have reached an agreement relationship, and you voluntarily accept this agreement and abide by all the agreements under this agreement.

Shepherd Novel has the right to change the content of this agreement. Once the content of this agreement changes, Shepherd Novel will notify it on the corresponding page, site letter or other reasonable means. Please read it carefully. If you do not agree with the changed content, you can choose to stop using the VIP membership service. If you continue to use the VIP membership service, it is deemed that you have agreed to all changes. The updated agreement shall take effect from the date of the first update of the article.

If you are a minor, please read and decide whether to agree to this agreement under the supervision and guidance of your guardian.

1. Service description

1. [Shepherd Novel VIP Member]

refers to a natural person who has completed all the procedures for becoming a member, and under the premise of abiding by this agreement, enjoys the VIP membership service provided by Shepherd Novel within the validity period of the membership.

Second, use the service

1. Service acquisition

1.1 The Shepherd Novel VIP membership service is a fee-based service. You can purchase it by paying the corresponding service fee. At the same time, you can also obtain services through Shepherd Novel approved channels such as marketing activities, accepting gift cards, and accepting friends to open membership services.

1.2 When you obtain Shepherd Novel VIP membership services, you shall abide by laws and regulations and the provisions of this agreement, and shall not infringe the legal rights and interests of third parties or Shepherd Novel. You may not obtain VIP membership services by yourself (or assist others) through the following methods:

(1) For commercial or other non-personal use purposes;

(2) Through any automatic programs, scripts, software, etc., such as robot software, spider software, crawler software, etc.;

(3) Ways of borrowing, renting, selling, sharing, and transferring VIP member services without Shepherd Novel's permission;

(4) Through improper means or methods that violate the principle of good faith (such as exploiting loopholes in rules, exploiting system loopholes, abuse of membership status, black industry, speculation, etc.);

(5) By using or destroying Shepherd NovelVIP membership service rules. Shepherd Novel hereby declares: Any sale of Shepherd Novel VIP membership without the express authorization of Shepherd Novel is illegal sales, and Shepherd Novel has the right to pursue its legal responsibility.

Shepherd Novel hereby declares: Any sale of Shepherd Novel VIP membership without the express authorization of Shepherd Novel is illegal sales, and Shepherd Novel has the right to pursue its legal responsibility.

2. Basic principles of service use

2.1 When you use the Shepherd Novel VIP membership service, you should abide by laws, regulations and other normative documents, abide by public order, respect social ethics, must not endanger network security, and must not use the network to endanger national security, honor and interests, or incite Subvert state power, overthrow the socialist system, instigate splitting the country, undermine national unity, promote terrorism and extremism, promote ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, spread violence, obscene and pornographic information, fabricate and spread false information to disrupt economic and social order, As well as activities that infringe on the reputation, privacy, intellectual property rights and other legitimate rights and interests of others. If you have the above behavior, Shepherd Novel has the right to terminate the provision of Shepherd Novel VIP membership services to you.

2.2 Unless otherwise agreed by both parties, Shepherd Novel grants you a personal, non-exclusive, non-commercial, revocable, and time-limited use license for Shepherd Novel VIP membership services. That is: you can only use VIP membership services for personal and non-commercial purposes.

3. Third-party service content

3.1 If the content you display in the video search results on the Shepherd Novel platform is not from Shepherd Novel, after you click play, you will be redirected to the third-party video page to provide you with services.

3. Your account

1. Account acquisition

During the validity period of your VIP membership service, your Shepherd Novel account with VIP membership rights is your Shepherd Novel VIP membership account (ie: the Shepherd Novel account bound to your VIP membership service, hereinafter also referred to as "VIP account" "Or "Member Account").

At the same time, Shepherd Novel hereby kindly reminds you that you should use your member account under the premise of complying with the Shepherd Novel account usage rules.

2. Log in

Except for those who purchase the Shepherd Novel VIP membership service in the guest mode (see Article 7 of Section 3 for details), the Shepherd Novel VIP membership service requires you to log in to your Shepherd Novel VIP membership account to use it.

3. Account management and security

3.1 You shall be responsible for and properly and correctly keep, use, and maintain your VIP member account and password, and take necessary and effective confidentiality measures for your account and password. Any loss, leakage, tampering, theft and other losses caused by improper storage, use, and maintenance caused by non-Shepherd Novel's legal fault shall be borne by you.

3.2 If you find that someone has used your account without authorization or there are other abnormalities in your account that make it impossible to log in and use normally, you need to retrieve your account in accordance with the account retrieval process officially announced by Shepherd Novel. During the retrieval process, Shepherd Novel may ask you to provide corresponding information and/or supporting materials. Please ensure that the content you provide is true and valid, otherwise, it may not be verified by Shepherd Novel and the retrieval will fail.

3.3 In order to protect account security and prevent account theft, Shepherd Novel may use one or more methods to verify the user identity of account users from time to time or regularly (such as SMS verification, email verification, etc.), if they fail to pass As verified, Shepherd Novel has reasonable grounds to suspect that the account has been stolen and other insecurity, and depending on the serious circumstances, decides whether to suspend the continued provision of membership services to the account and/or take further measures.

3.4 Please pay special attention to the fact that the behavior under your VIP member account is regarded as your own behavior, and you are responsible for the activities that occur under your VIP account or through the account.

Four, other

1. The laws of the People's Republic of China apply to the entry into force, performance, interpretation and dispute resolution of this agreement.

2. In the event of any dispute concerning the signing and performance of this agreement, the two parties shall try their best to resolve it through friendly negotiation; if the negotiation fails, either party may bring a lawsuit to the people's court where the defendant has jurisdiction.

3. If this agreement is partially invalid due to conflict with the current laws of the People's Republic of China, it will not affect the validity of the other parts of the agreement.

4. The title of this agreement is for convenience and reading only, and does not affect the meaning or interpretation of any clause in the main text.

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