12.1 怎样解压或读取wic文件内容

1 什么是wic
2 启动wic命令
3 使用wic命令
3.1 显示wic镜像内容
3.2 取出wic镜像内容




  • The name “Wic” is derived from OpenEmbedded Image Creator (oeic). The “oe” diphthong in “oeic” was promoted to the letter “w”, because “oeic” is both difficult to remember and to pronounce.
  • Wic is loosely based on the Meego Image Creator (mic) framework. The Wic implementation has been heavily modified to make direct use of OpenEmbedded build artifacts instead of package installation and configuration, which are already incorporated within the OpenEmbedded artifacts.
  • Wic is a completely independent standalone utility that initially provides easier-to-use and more flexible replacements for an existing functionality in OE-Core’s
