
今年年初,国产科幻大片《流浪地球》在院线上映。这部根据中国作家刘慈欣同名小说改编的电影,让中国观众看到了国产科幻的实力。不仅如此,电影《流浪地球》还走出国门,受到了广大外国观众的喜爱。从 2015 年刘慈欣的长篇科幻小说《三体》获得“雨果奖”,到今年的电影《流浪地球》在海外引发强烈反响,中国科幻这几年在国际上的影响力可以说是越来越大。那么,中国科幻在外国人看来有什么独有的特点?中国科幻是如何一步步走向世界的?

# China’s grand sci-fi is going global

In the future, when the Sun runs out of fuel and begins to expand, Earthlings dig thousands of mountain-sized rockets into their planet’s surface and use them to propel their home away from certain destruction.


This is the plot of “The Wandering Earth”, a Chinese film adapted from a short story of the same name by Liu Cixin, China’s leading writer of science fiction. After taking over $700m in cinemas, mostly in China, it launched on Netflix in May, making it the first Chinese sci-fi movie to go global.

这是电影《流浪地球》中的情节,这部中国电影改编自中国科幻小说领军人物刘慈欣的同名短篇小说。在收获了超过 7 亿美元的票房(绝大多数来自中国)后,这部电影 5 月在网飞上线,成为了走向世界的第一部中国科幻电影。

As China’s economy has grown over the past 30 years, its sci-fi writers’ vision has expanded, too. Their stories tend to focus on Earth itself — eschewing galaxies far far away and long ago — while being conceived on a stupendous scale. One recurring wide-angle shot in “The Wandering Earth”, for example, shows the planet gliding through space on a pincushion of blue flame, its atmosphere trailing off into a vacuum.

在过去的 30 年里,随着中国经济的增长,中国科幻作家的视野也扩大了。他们创作的故事倾向于避开那些遥远而古老的星系,聚焦地球本身,尽管如此,这些故事的架构却非常宏大。例如,在电影《流浪地球》中一个反复出现的广角镜头里,地球划过太空,尾部喷射出蓝色的火焰,像针垫上的一根根针,大气层逐渐稀薄,直至变成真空。

Chinese sci-fi took its first step towards the global stage in 2014 with the English publication of “The Three-Body Problem”, the first book in a trilogy by Mr Liu. A crop of younger writers are now emerging. The writers of Chinese science fiction anticipated their genre’s rising profile. In 2010 Fei Dao, another author, described its devotees as a “lonely hidden army”. Chinese sci-fi, he said, might “unexpectedly rush out and change heaven and Earth”. That has not quite happened yet. But in the future, anything is possible.

2014 年,刘慈欣《地球往事》三部曲中的第一部《三体》出版发行英文版,这标志着中国科幻开始登上世界舞台。一批年轻作家涌现了出来,他们预见到了科幻题材会越来越受欢迎。2010 年,另外一名科幻作家飞氘把中国的科幻小说作者比作“一支寂寞的伏兵”。他表示,中国科幻可能“异军突起,带来翻天覆地的变化”。这个情况还没有完全发生,不过在将来,一切皆有可能。
