
6. Awaken the Giant Within: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny, by Anthony Robbins

Anthony Robbins who is probably the most well-known motivational speaker today. In this book, Tony shares tips and strategies to gain control of your emotions, body, relationships, finances and life.作者是当今最知名的励志演说家。在这本书中分享了控制情绪、身体、关系、财务和生活的技巧和策略。

7. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff and Its All Small Stuff, by Richard Carlson

This therapeutic and motivational book is all about seeing the bigger picture, and learning to let go of those things that don’t really matter. Cherish your loved ones and take time to stop and smell the roses.


8. Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard, by Chip Heath and Dan Heath

The authors of this fun and motivational book examine change. Their theory is that there are two brain systems – a rational system and an emotional system. When these systems work together, making changes is simple. The opposite is true when these systems work against each other – making changes becomes very difficult. Using inspirational anecdotes, this book illustrates how to make change happen.



当这些系统协同工作时,进行更改非常简单。当这些系统相互对立时,情况正好相反 , 做出改变变得非常困难。这本书运用了鼓舞人心的趣事,说明了如何实现变革。

9. The Magic of Thinking Big, by David J. Schwartz

Think small and you will have small success. Think big and you will have big success. These are the core concepts espoused by this motivational book. The author provides practical advice to overcome fear, have confidence and above all, aim high.

想小一点,你就会有小小的成功。想大点,你就会大有作为。这些是这本激励性书籍所倡导的核心概念。 作者为克服恐惧、有信心、目标高提供了切实可行的建议。

10. Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

Walter Isaacson provides an in-depth account of the professional and personal life of Steve Jobs, drawing upon interviews with Jobs himself, as well as family members, friends, competitors and colleagues. This book is incredibly inspiring, as it shares the tale of a driven perfectionist, admittedly difficult to deal with, that was the greatest innovator of his generation.

沃尔特·艾萨克森根据对乔布斯本人以及家人、朋友、竞争对手和同事的采访,对史蒂夫·乔布斯的职业和个人生活进行了深入的介绍。 这本书是令人难以置信的鼓舞人心,因为它分享了一个驱动完美主义者的故事,承认很难处理,这是他这一代最伟大的创新者。
