


Most of us dream of meeting that special someone. For lack of a better phrase, that Prince or Princess Charming who will sweep us off our feet. But to quote the old adage from Shakespeare, “The course of true love never did run smooth.” Sometimes our dream partner may have an unfortunate surprise to share with us - they may not live in the same town, city, country, or even on the same continent as you.

phrase 短语,措辞n.

sweep 扫v.

quote 引用v.

adage 格言,谚语n.

course 过程,道路n.

partner 搭档n.

continent 大陆,洲n.


And so some crazy lovebirds decide to enter into a long-distance relationship. We live in a time when the internet facilitates easier interaction with your cherished and treasured potential life partner. However, according to the many people who have been in long-distance relationships, there are certain pitfalls that you need to be aware of to enjoy a committed and monogamous relationship over the wires of the net.

lovebirds 爱情鸟,比翼鸟n.

facilitate 促进v.

interaction 互动n.

cherished 珍爱的adj.

treasured 珍藏的,心爱的adj.

potential 潜在的adj.

pitfall 陷阱,圈套n.

committed 坚定的adj.

monogamous 一夫一妻制的adj.

wire 电线,金属丝n.


Many people are put off by the very idea of it. A lack of intimacy and companionship can act as a deterrent for some, but for those who embrace a digital distance relationship, they must accept that at times they may feel lonely. Many of us dream of that inseparable bond, often named as soulmates, and here are three tips to help you navigate this potentially tricky form of dating.

intimacy 亲昵n.

companionship 陪伴n.

deterrent 威慑,妨碍物n.

embrace 拥抱v.

digital 数字的adj.

inseparable 不能分开的adj.

bond 结合,纽带n.

soulmate 灵魂伴侣n.

tip 小建议n.


Firstly, there needs to be trust. Being faithful is a prerequisite in most relationships, but you also need to be able to trust yourself not to stray. Part of the challenge is dealing with loneliness. Also, maintaining a level of self-sufficiency and setting goals is another way to help you cope. Not only does it mean you keep your independence, but also gives you more to talk about with your partner. Lastly, you need a plan – dates when you will see each other again, or where the relationship will lead to: perhaps even marriage.

faithful 信仰的,充满信任的adj.

maintain 维持v.

cope 处理,对付v.

date 确定日期v.

perhaps 或许adv.


So, long-distance relationships are potentially a difficult situation, but if you do meet Mr or Mrs Right, and they live far away, there are some steps you can take to make life a little easier.

Mr Right 真命天子n.

Mrs Right 真命天女n.




When I started out as a reporter, I had to learn to really listen, which didn’t come easily to me.


I’m from a family that loves to debate and argue, and I’m naturally opinionated.

Opinionated 固执己见的adj.


Early in my career, I found myself frequently interrupting my subjects, but when I played back the tapes of my interviews, I realized that not only were many of my interjections totally unnecessary, but they were also preventing my subjects from revealing information that might have been newsworthy or profound.

Frequently 频繁地adv.

interrupt 打断v.

tape 磁带n.

interview 采访n.

interjection 突然的发声n.

reveal 显示,揭露v.


I gradually learned to just be quiet. What I most want from a conversation with others, whether they share my politics or loathe them, is understanding. It doesn’t mean you hide what you think or refrain from pressing someone who’s being unclear or evasive.

politics 政治n.

loathe 厌恶v.

refrain 避免,克制v.

press 按,压,逼迫v.

evasive 逃避的,推脱的adj.


But it does mean the purpose of the exchange is to tease out what a person truly believes rather than to win an argument, convert them, or show them up.

purpose 目的n.

tease 梳理v.

convert 使转变,使……改变信仰v.




Time magazine’s latest cover will mark an approaching milestone in the coronavirus pandemic -- 200,000 related deaths in the US -- with the headline “An American Failure” and an illustration within a black border for only the second time in its history.

mark 标志v.

approach 接近v.

milestone 里程碑n.

Cornavirus 冠状病毒n.

pandemic 流行病,瘟疫n.

headline 大标题,头条新闻n.

illustration 插图n.

border 边界n.


Below that number are the words “An American failure” printed in bold red.

bold 粗体的adj.


“A failure of leadership at many levels and across parties; a distrust of scientists, the media and expertise in general; and deeply ingrained cultural attitudes about individuality and how we value human lives have all combined to result in a horrifically inadequate pandemic response,” the Time cover story reads. “COVID-19 has weakened the US and exposed the systemic fractures in the country, and the gulf between what this nation promises its citizens and what it actually delivers.”

party 政党,党派n.

expertise 专门知识n.

ingrained 根深蒂固的adj.

individuality 个性,个人n.

horrifically 极其可怕地adv.

inadequate 不足的adj.

response 回应n.

expose 暴露v.

fracture 破裂n.

gulf 深渊n.

citizen 公民n.

deliver 传达,实现,履行v.


“Absent adequate leadership, it's been up to everyday Americans to band together in the fight against COVID-19. To some extent, that’s been happening -- doctors, nurses, bus drivers and other essential workers have been rightfully celebrated as heroes, and many have paid a price for their bravery. But at least some Americans still refuse to take such a simple step as wearing a mask,” it added.

absent 缺席的,缺少的adj.

band 用带绑扎v.

extent 程度,范围n.

essential 基本的,必要的adj.

price 代价n.

bravery 勇敢n.

mask 口罩n.


Time also tackles the race for the first coronavirus vaccine, which it argues could help bring the US back to “normality”.

tackle 应付,处理v.

race 赛跑n.

vaccine 疫苗n.

normality 常态n.


“Even if the COVID-19 vaccines don’t provide 100% protection against infection, they could provide a huge boost toward that return to normality,” it said. But how quickly that happens will depend as much on the science behind them as on the humanity that determines where those vaccines go.

even if 即使

infection 感染n.

boost 促进n.

humanity 人类,人道n.


“What's being tested is more than the new technologies and the latest virus -- fighting strategies encased in each injection. It's also our willingness to be blind to the physical as well as social and economic borders that divide us to combat a virus that holds no such biases.”

encased     被包住的,包装的adj.

combat 战斗,搏斗,与……战斗v.

biases 偏见n.





Alone holding an oil-paper umbrella,


I wander along a long


Solitary lane in the rain,


solitary 孤独的adj.

lane 小巷n.

Hoping to encounter


encounter 遭遇,偶然遇见v.

A girl like a bouquet of lilacs


bouquet 花束n.

lilac 紫丁香花n.

Gnawed by anxiety and resentment.


gnaw 咬,侵蚀v.

resentment 愤恨,怨恨n.

A girl


The color of lilacs,


The fragrance of lilacs,


fragrance 香味,芬芳n.

The worries of lilacs,


Feeling melancholy in the rain,


melancholy 忧郁,悲哀n.

Plaintive and hesitating.


plaintive 悲伤的n.

hesitate 犹豫v.

Silently she comes closer,


Closer, giving me


A glance like a sigh;


glance 一瞥n.

sigh 叹气n.

Then she floats past


float 浮动,漂流v.

Like a dream,


Dreary and blank like a dream.


dreary 沉闷的,枯燥的adj.

Like a lilac


Floating past in a dream,


the girl floats past me;


Silently she goes further and further,


To the crumbling wall,


crumbling 破碎的adj.

Out of the lane in the rain.


In the mournful melody of the rain,


mournful 悲哀的,令人惋惜的adj.

melody 旋律,歌曲n.

Her color has faded,


Her fragrance has disappeared,


fragrance 香味,芬芳n.

Vanished into the void;


vanish 消失,突然不见v.

Even her glance like a sigh,


Melancholy like lilacs.


melancholy 忧郁,哀伤n.

Alone holding an oil-paper umbrella,


I wander along a long


Solitary lane in the rain,


Hoping to pass


A girl like a bouquet of lilacs


Gnawed by anxiety and resentment.




A letter to the my readers.

May be you don’t even know, but you are truly in a memorable time, that’s for sure.

Although I know nothing about you, here is something I am gonna tell you.

Struggle all the time.

Hey, bro. If you are a high school student, you may have heard something like ---- if you study hard in the middle school, you will be free at the college or university.

Wait a minute. Please think about it carefully. What do they mean? Not only the teachers, my mom also have said something similar. She said ---- you don’t need to work that hard in your university life.

My friends, you have to recognize that some words always around us are wrong, despite that the speakers maybe your closet parents, friends, classmates or even your lovers.

When you are going to make your first PPT to show your ideas, when you are going to write your first article and share it on the internet, or when you are working very very hard to make a difference, there is always someone saying “You don’t have to do that good. ”.


To be honest, the guy who says “You don’t have to do that good.” probably isn’t going to hurt you on purpose. That’s just their thinking patterns. They are just accustomed to be normal, to be mediocre. And that doesn’t mean that you have to follow them.

Open your eyes, man.

Now, anyway, I am in a university. Some of my roommates aren’t going to university to be a better person or they are not diligent enough to earn a real university life. It’s like they are here just to have some fun. Play video games all day or something like that, for example. (I am not saying we shouldn’t enjoy ourselves.)

Could you ask yourself that if I study day after day in my middle school to go to a nice college, then  just to find some meaningless things to have a laugh?

It’s like no, man.

Remember, never should you stop your steps! Like Schwarzenegger once said, “No matter what, keep your dreams.” God gives us life to make a difference, not to waste. Maybe your classmates won’t be on your side, your family won’t be on your side, or even your beloved one won’t be on your side. That’s would all be okay. You should be on your side yourself. And I am in your side in my heart.

Moving forward is hard, always, but difficulty is never a reason to stop at all.

My mom perhaps won’t understand why her son work until a.m. 2.00 for no money in the summer vacation after the college entrance examination. That’s fine.

Have a dream, and do it, and be struggled all the time.

Treat yourself like someone you love.

My friend, you may find your parents love you more than themselves, you love your pets more than yourself sometimes, and those who have fallen in love are willing to die for their beloved.

Can you tell me why those people treat other people better than themselves?

You might say because they are so kind or because they love the people around them deeply.

Of course these are right.

But, it’s still strange. And now many of us couldn’t take good care of ourselves. How it comes?

Let’s take an example.

You hate a people, because he is very stingy, and he has no manners……You know some bad things he has done, but, you know all the bad things you have done. You know you have evil ingredients in your soul. You know your imperfection in your subconscious. You know you always make various mistakes. So no one has more reason to blame yourself than you. When you refuse to do something which is beneficial for you, it’s like you are punishing yourself for all your evils in your soul. By contrast, a harmless, innocent and self-conscious dog is clearly more deserving of kindness than you.

Aha, you are so bad. But don’t worry, everyone is just as terrible as you, even Elon Musk also included.

So, what’s the solution?

To treat yourself as if you were someone you are responsible for helping is, instead, to consider what would be truly good for you. This is not “what you want.” It is also not “what would make you happy.” You should look to the future and think about what your life will be like if you take care of yourself. What career should I choose to become a valuable and socially useful person?

Here, I want to tell you that everyone should have a goal ---- to become a better person, and at the same time please be friendly and nice to other people.


You have to know who you are, clearly! Don’t underestimate the power of vision and direction. They can transform seemingly insurmountable obstacles into broad, unobstructed paths.

Know what you are going to do, and put them into practice.

Hope you could remember the saying from Nietzsche ---- he who has a why (to live) could bear almost any  “how” .

Strengthen the individual. Start with yourself. Take care with yourself. Define who you are. Refine your personality. Choose your destination and articulate your being.

Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street

Sometimes, life could be really hard. It will be miserable, which you can’t deny. Maybe you will get AIDS, or cancer or something even worse. Life is gonna be this way. We are both limited and vulnerable. But you should know clearly that it is your limitations and your vulnerabilities that make you a human being. And when you love someone in the future, you are actually loving his limitations and vulnerabilities. Remember this sentence.

And there are two ways here to solve it.

1: Focus instead of thinking

You can be focused to forget the pain.

2: Find beauty, balance pain

Life is not always about pain. Happiness is with us all the time.

When you are facing some inevitable disasters, hope you will find some flowers along the way to your home, and they are so beautiful.

And when you encounter a cat, pet her.

最后,我想对大家说,不要因为太过于匆忙于生活,就忘记了身边的美好,生活很美好,你邂逅的人很有意思,珍惜你们的relationship ,每一天都有着一个个奇迹在上演。

