2020-07-13odoo13 记录解决 wkhtmltopdf 生成的PDF 格式不正确的问题


在 odoo  doc/howtos/backend.rst 文件中,看到提示

If it appears that your PDF report is missing the styles (i.e. the text

    appears but the style/layout is different from the html version), probably

    your wkhtmltopdf_ process cannot reach your web server to download them.

    If you check your server logs and see that the CSS styles are not being

    downloaded when generating a PDF report, most surely this is the problem.

    The wkhtmltopdf_ process will use the ``web.base.url`` system parameter as

    the *root path* to all linked files, but this parameter is automatically

    updated each time the Administrator is logged in. If your server resides

    behind some kind of proxy, that could not be reachable. You can fix this by

    adding one of these system parameters:

    - ``report.url``, pointing to an URL reachable from your server

      (probably ``http://localhost:8069`` or something similar). It will be

      used for this particular purpose only.

    - ``web.base.url.freeze``, when set to ``True``, will stop the

      automatic updates to ``web.base.url``.






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