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This is my journey of scaling my first app, Avocation, from 0 to 100,000 downloads in less than six months with neither paid ads nor experience in app marketing.


为什么要关心营销? (Why Should You Care About Marketing?)

First, a bit about me and how I ended up learning as much as I could about marketing apps nowadays.


I am a software engineer, working full-time as a front-end developer at Meister. In the past, I worked on multiple side projects as a way to learn new things fast.

我是一名软件工程师,在Meister从事前端开发人员的全职工作。 过去,我从事多个副项目,以快速学习新事物。

In June 2019, after reading Atomic Habits by James Clear, my girlfriend and I had an idea of how to make habit development more fun. We started sketching out first ideas and reworking the design over and over again before I started coding the app.

2019年6月,在阅读James Clear的《原子习惯》之后,我和我的女友有了一个如何使习惯养成更加有趣的想法。 在开始编写应用程序代码之前,我们开始草拟第一个想法,并一遍又一遍地重新设计。

Image provided by the author 图片由作者提供

Four months later we had a working version and started inviting people to test the app, which was a great way to collect feedback and iterate on our product. Two months later in December 2019, we released Avocation in Google Play and the App Store. It happened just a few days before Christmas which was the biggest milestone we had been looking forward to. Little did we know that the work had just started.

四个月后,我们有了一个工作版本,并开始邀请人们测试该应用程序,这是一种收集反馈并迭代我们的产品的好方法。 两个月后的2019年12月,我们在Google Play和App Store中发布了Avocation。 发生在圣诞节前几天,这是我们一直期待的最大里程碑。 我们几乎不知道这项工作才刚刚开始。

During the first few days, we received a decent number of downloads from our families, friends, friends’ friends, etc. Obviously, at some point, we hit the limit of those. After reaching 80 downloads in the first week we watched the numbers drop to 37 in the following week. As for the daily active users, there were far less of them later on, since only a small number of our friends actually used the app after installing it.

在最初的几天里,我们从家人,朋友,朋友的朋友等处获得了可观的下载量。显然,在某些时候,我们达到了下载量的极限。 在第一周下载量达到80后,我们看到第二周下载量下降到37。 至于日常的活跃用户,以后的用户就少得多,因为只有少数几个朋友在安装后实际使用了该应用程序。

We got tons of amazing feedback, people loved the app, however, the rates of downloads and active users continued to decline.


No matter how perfect your product is, if people can’t find it you will not grow.


Sure, you have heard that countless times already, but as a developer, you tend to focus on perfecting the product instead of getting out of your comfort zone and learning new skills that are absolutely crucial to your app’s success.


This is how I started to dig through countless articles, tutorials, and videos in a desire to learn marketing. The following points are my main takeaways after managing to scale our app to 100,000 downloads.

这就是我开始学习无数文章,教程和视频以学习营销的方式。 在将我们的应用程序扩展到100,000次下载之后,以下几点是我的主要收获。

从头开始磨砺自己的方式 (Grind Your Way Through the Start)

The beginning turned out to be the hardest part of it all.


Finally. You launch your product, polished to perfection during countless late hours. That’s when it hits you quite fast and you realise: your creation is not the next viral app that everyone goes crazy about.

最后。 您推出您的产品,并在无数的深夜里将它们完美抛光。 到那时,它很快就会给您带来冲击,并且您意识到:您的创作并不是每个人都为之疯狂的下一个病毒应用程序。

The most important rule, in the beginning, is not to give up even if it seems hopeless.


If you give up without even trying, you will never know how much potential your product actually has. And yes, I thought many times about moving on to a new shiny product, working on things I am good at instead of putting hard work into spreading the word about our finished product.

如果您没有尝试就放弃,您将永远不会知道您的产品实际上有多少潜力。 是的,我想过很多次要转向一种新的闪亮产品,从事我擅长的事情,而不是花大力气传播有关成品的信息。

Alright, you decided not to give up too early. Congratulations, so what are we doing next?

好吧,您决定不要太早放弃。 恭喜,接下来我们要做什么?

My suggestion is quite straight-forward: let people know about your product. Duh. Well, let me share how I let people know about our product.

我的建议很简单:让人们知道您的产品。 咄。 好吧,让我分享一下如何让人们知道我们的产品。

The first target group comes naturally: tell your family, friends, work colleagues, etc… Use your social media accounts to reach as many people as possible.


Important: don’t forget to ask everyone you know for reviews. This increases your chances of getting ranked higher in Google Play or the App Store.For maximum efficiency get them to write one while you are standing behind their backs and watch them type.

重要提示:不要忘了问您认识的每个人都发表评论。 这样可以增加您在Google Play或App Store中排名更高的机会。要获得最大的效率,请让他们站在他们的背后,看着他们打字,以便他们写作。

Downside: at some point, you will inevitably run out of people and that’s when it starts getting tricky.


Upside: since we live in times where people spend countless hours on social media, we have a perfect opportunity to easily connect with people we don’t know. Most importantly, it’s for free.

好处:由于我们生活在人们在社交媒体上花费无数时间的时代,因此我们有绝佳的机会轻松地与不认识的人联系。 最重要的是,它是免费的。

You can do social media marketing without paying for it.


Don’t get me wrong, there is no need for creating an account on each platform and spamming users with unrelated content. Instead, think about your target audience and which social media they actually use. Focus on one (or maximum two) platforms and provide some meaningful information to your target audience. Explain to them why your product will help them solve some of their problems.

别误会,没有必要在每个平台上创建帐户并向用户发送不相关内容的垃圾邮件。 相反,请考虑您的目标受众以及他们实际使用的社交媒体。 关注一个(或最多两个)平台,并向目标受众提供一些有意义的信息。 向他们解释为什么您的产品将帮助他们解决一些问题。

I kicked off with Twitter and researched a bunch of hashtags to reach people who could be interested in Avocation, a habit-tracking app.


Screenshot: author 截图:作者

To sum up, I looked for tweets of either people explicitly asking for suggestions of cool apps to track their habits or people who shared their progress or current tracking solution (like paper journals, etc.).


Another point to mention is that I didn’t simply copy and paste the same message over and over again. I checked the tweet, put some thought into how Avocation can help this user, and formulated an individual message for every tweet. Honestly, this is a lot of work, most of the messages will not pay off, but some will and that’s all you need to get started.

要提到的另一点是,我并没有简单地一遍又一遍地复制和粘贴相同的消息。 我检查了该推文,对Avocation如何帮助该用户进行了思考,并为每条推文编写了一条单独的消息。 老实说,这是一项艰巨的工作,大多数消息不会奏效,但有些消息就是您开始所需的全部。

分享你的故事 (Share Your Story)

Then I started to look for ways to reach more people faster.


I already received a bunch of downloads and reviews from my previous efforts, so I had a small foundation to build trust with bigger online communities.


During the development of Avocation, I have been active on IndieHackers, a lovely community of people trying to build a profitable side business. I highly recommend IndieHackers, since a great deal of what I know today is based on the stories of the community members.

在开发Avocation期间,我一直活跃在IndieHackers上,IndieHackers是一个可爱的社区,致力于建立可盈利的副业。 我强烈推荐IndieHackers ,因为我今天所了解的很多事情都是基于社区成员的故事。

Inspired, I started sharing milestones of our project on IndieHackers, taking a chance to also tell the story behind our product.


What I quickly realised was that people love stories behind products.


People loved the fact that I built this app with my girlfriend to solve our own issue: while chasing goals and resolutions we kept failing over and over again. Apart from a common mindset, we have perfectly matching skillsets — my girlfriend with her extraordinary design and illustration experience, and me, with a lot of experience in coding, make a great team. We built something that was more than “just a habit-tracker.” It’s something that looks good and is easy and fun to use.

人们喜欢我与女朋友共同开发此应用程序以解决我们自己的问题的事实:在追求目标和解决方案时,我们不断失败。 除了共同的心态外,我们还有完全匹配的技能组-我的女友拥有非凡的设计和插图经验,而我在编码方面拥有很多经验,因此成为了一个出色的团队。 我们构建的不仅仅是“习惯追踪器”。 它看起来不错,易于使用且有趣。

How I shared our story on social media 我如何在社交媒体上分享我们的故事

Unfortunately, we couldn’t reach our target audience on IndieHackers but I learned something very important there: the importance of the story behind your product.


Next, I moved to Reddit which turned out to be our first big success.


With our story, I searched for subreddits that are relevant to us and created a list of them. Since I wasn’t much of an active Reddit user before, I had to learn a bit about the platform first. That way I discovered that each subreddit has its own rules, with most of them being strictly enforced. For this reason, make sure to always look through those before you create any posts.

通过我们的故事,我搜索了与我们相关的子目录,并创建了一个列表。 由于以前我不是Reddit的活跃用户,因此我必须先学习一些有关该平台的知识。 这样,我发现每个subreddit都有其自己的规则,其中大多数都是严格执行的。 因此,在创建任何帖子之前,请务必始终仔细阅读这些内容。

The huge opportunity in Reddit is that you can reach your perfect target audience. Some subreddits have thousands of daily active users which can be all you need to get your product off the ground.

Reddit中的巨大机会是您可以吸引理想的目标受众。 有些subreddit每天都有成千上万的活跃用户,这可能是您启动产品所需的全部。

If you want to look at some of the posts I made, the one that took off the most and reached the perfect audience was a post in r/NonZeroDay. Also, I had some success in r/reactnative and r/androidapps.

如果您想看一下我发表的一些帖子,那么在r / NonZeroDay中获得最多收获并吸引了理想受众的那篇文章 。 另外,我在r / reactnative和r / androidapps中也取得了一些成功。

However, remember to share relevant information. I always made sure to make my post useful for the subreddit’s audience and it worked very well.

但是,请记住共享相关信息。 我总是确保使我的帖子对subreddit的读者有用,并且效果很好。

Of course, there were also subreddits where I didn’t get any engagements at all but I just kept trying to get more downloads and reviews.


加强游戏 (Step Up Your Game)

With this great foundation, I started thinking more about my target audience and also got started learning about ASO (App Store Optimisation).


This was ultimately the key to success combined with all my previous steps.


After I optimised our App Store page with relevant keywords in the app-title, sub-title, and description, we immediately got ranked for highly competitive keywords in this category of apps. Moreover, all of this happened despite countless habit tracker apps already available in the market, some of which were created by companies with large advertisement budgets (we outperformed them all).

当我在App Store页面上使用相关的关键字(包括应用程序标题,副标题和说明)进行优化后,我们立即在该类应用程序中获得竞争激烈的关键字排名。 而且,尽管市场上已经有无数的习惯跟踪器应用程序发生了所有事情,但其中一些是由广告预算较大的公司创建的(我们的性能优于所有应用程序)。

Avocation ranked third for the keyword “habit tracker” Avocation在关键字“习惯追踪器”中排名第三

Why? Because we have a truly great and unique product. Because all the marketing I did before has paid off. At that point, we already had a lot of positive reviews and a good number of downloads, so it was merely a matter of picking the right keywords that our target audience searched for. That’s when the app took off.

为什么? 因为我们有一个真正伟大而独特的产品。 因为我之前做过的所有营销都已获得回报。 到那时,我们已经获得了很多积极的评论和大量的下载,因此,仅仅是选择目标受众搜索的正确关键字即可。 那是该应用起飞的时候。

Over around six weeks of tweaking the keywords again and again we managed to find a good combination which increased our downloads from 200 per week to 2,000 per week. This was already a huge success for us, I would have never dreamed of those numbers when thinking just a few weeks back.

经过大约六周的反复调整,我们设法找到了一个很好的组合,使我们的下载量从每周200个增加到每周2,000个。 对于我们而言,这已经是巨大的成功,而仅仅几周前,我就从来没有梦想过这些数字。

规模,规模,规模 (Scale, Scale, Scale)

Getting thousands of downloads every week was great, however, it seems natural to get more ambitious once you hit a milestone. That’s what happened to me when I started thinking about how we could take Avocation to the next level.

每周获得数千次下载是很棒的,但是,一旦您达到了一个里程碑,变得雄心勃勃似乎就自然了。 这就是我开始思考如何将Avocation提升到一个新水平时发生的事情。

I found the solution while looking at some old tasks we had in our Roadmap from way back in the beginning. There was one task that caught my attention — translating our app into more languages.

我从一开始就回顾了路线图中的一些旧任务,找到了解决方案。 有一项任务引起了我的注意-将我们的应用程序翻译成更多的语言。

It took me maybe two to three days to implement a system that allows translations and a couple more days to translate the app to German. In total it took us one to two weeks to get the first translation out.

我大概花了两到三天的时间来实现一个允许翻译的系统,又花了几天的时间将应用程序翻译成德语。 总共花了我们一到两周的时间才能完成第一份翻译。

What we saw in our statistics was amazing: Germany and Austria immediately picked up. We got ranked even higher than in the English-speaking market since the German market is way less competitive due to the lower supply of products in the local language.

我们在统计数据中看到的结果令人惊讶:德国和奥地利立即崛起。 我们的排名甚至比英语市场还要高,因为德国市场由于本地语言产品供应减少而竞争力下降。

This doubled our downloads.After repeating this with Russian, we doubled this number again.


Our growth from 1 January to 1 June on Google Play Google Play从1月1日到6月1日的增长

Long story short, that’s how we hit 100,000 downloads. After all the steps being done, we are getting around 2,500 downloads per day. Just a reminder: it took us around ten weeks to reach the number that we are now making every single day.

长话短说,这就是我们达到100,000次下载的方式。 完成所有步骤后,我们每天可获得约​​2500次下载。 提醒一下:我们花了大约十周的时间才能达到现在每天的数量。

未来 (The Future)

Of course, I am again at a point where I am looking for ways to scale further. We are currently translating the app in Spanish, Ukrainian, Chinese, Japanese, while more languages are likely to come soon. To sum up, it turned out to be a huge opportunity for growth once we succeeded to climb up the App Store charts.

当然,我又在寻找可以进一步扩展的方式。 我们目前正在以西班牙语,乌克兰语,中文,日语翻译该应用程序,而不久之后可能还会有更多的语言版本。 综上所述,一旦我们成功攀升了App Store的排行榜,这将是一个巨大的增长机会。

It’s crazy to look back and see how I managed to learn something completely new in just half a year. There are still lots of marketing opportunities to explore, and I can’t wait to check them out!

回头看看半年后,我如何学会了全新的东西,这真是疯狂。 仍然有很多营销机会可以探索,我等不及要检查了!

翻译自: https://medium.com/better-marketing/how-i-scaled-our-app-from-0-to-100000-downloads-7b88e5bce354

