
C#String.IsNullOrEmpty()方法 (C# String.IsNullOrEmpty() Method)

String.IsNullOrEmpty() method is a built-in method of String class and it is used to check whether a string is Null or Empty? If string object is not initialized with a correct value it will be considered as "null string", if string object is initialized but contains nothing i.e. it is assigned the value ("") it will be considered as "empty string".

String.IsNullOrEmpty()方法是String类的内置方法,用于检查字符串是Null还是Empty ? 如果未使用正确的值初始化字符串对象,则将其视为“空字符串” ;如果已初始化字符串对象但不包含任何值,即为该字符串对象分配了值( “” ),则将其视为“空字符串”

