
CCOpt Properties
Configuration of CCOpt-CTS and CCOpt is performed using a combination of the clock tree specification and CCOpt properties.
To set a property:
set_ccopt_property [-object_type ]
To get a property:
get_ccopt_property [- ]
To obtain help on a property, or to find properties matching a wildcard pattern:
get_ccopt_property –help
To obtain a list of all available properties use this command:
get_ccopt_property –help *
The help for each property indicates which object type(s) the property applies to. Many properties are global properties for which an object type is not specified, but there are also properties that are applicable to specific object types including pins, skew groups,clock trees, and types of nets.
For example:
get_ccopt_property –help target_max_trans

Optional applicable arguments: “-delay_corner name”, “-clock_tree name”, “-net_type name”, “-early” and “-late”.

CCOpt Property System
This section details the way the CCOpt property system operates behind the set_ccopt_property and get_ccopt_property commands. Note that some properties are read only and so many more properties are accessible to get_ccopt_property than set_ccopt_property.

Setting Properties
Properties have a name and are assigned a value. Properties can be global, or per
