
scupper vt.使泡汤; 使成泡影
【例句:Are you also of the view that it was simply a ruse to scupper the nationalist fringe of his own domestic party?
manor n.庄园宅第; 庄园; 庄园领地
steady v.使稳; 使平稳
【例句:The rain has now steadied somewhat, but it is still sufficiently hard as to discourage one from going out and wandering around the village.
make of 理解; 看待
【例句:"And what did you make of the citizens of Moscombe? Not such a bad bunch, are they?"
in a muddle na.杂乱无章;糊糊涂涂
ignition n.点火装置; 点火开关; 着火; 点火; 点燃
【例句:Any fears I had that some deeper trouble was afflicting the Ford were laid to rest when I tried the ignition and heard the engine come to life with a healthy murmur.
hole in the wall 小商店;小餐馆;狭小的房子
keep your head down/low 避免麻烦,保持低调
constable n.(英国等国家中最低级别的)警察; 警员; (美国城镇中参与维持秩序、级别低于县治安官的)巡官
pinch your nostrils together 捏住鼻孔
in stitches 笑不可支;忍不住大笑;笑得前仰后合
【例句:l must say, I've become quite expert in recreating them. I only have to do a few lines to have the pair of us in stitches.
tip-off n.举报; 密告
Weymouth un.威茅斯(美国马萨诸塞州东部一市镇)
while v.消磨; 轻松地度过
【例句:I had been whiling away some time after finishing my lunch - I was, I believe, simply staring at the rain from the window by my table.
invalid n.病弱者; 久病衰弱者
top trending items 热搜
Dmitri Shostakovich 德米特里·肖斯塔科维奇,俄国作曲家、钢琴家
searing 猛烈批评的;尖刻的
gremolata 调味料;羊腿配意大利调料;蒜蓉
shiso 紫苏叶
peppercorn n.胡椒粒; 干胡椒籽
sparkly-skinned 表面闪光的
be no stranger to sth. 对…并不陌生;经历状况等;习惯于某种感情
terrine n.(罐装)肉糜
bone-marrow 骨髓
loamy adj. 肥土似的;肥沃的
morchella n.真菌羊肚菌属;羊肚菌
off limits 禁止进入; 被禁止
pescatarian 鱼素;不禁忌鱼的素食;鱼素食者
pheasant n.野鸡; 雉; 野鸡肉
varietal n. 用葡萄名字命名的葡萄酒 adj.变种的;多种的;构成变种的;特定品种的;(用单一特定品种酿制的)品种葡萄酒
tassel n.(靠垫、窗帘、衣服等的)流苏,穗,缨
garlic-chive flowers 韭花
unlikely adj.未必可能的;不一定有希望的
ganache n. 甜味奶油巧克力混合物
Andean 安第斯山脉之人民;南美安第斯山脉(居民)的
razor clam 蛏子;竹蛏;剃刀贝
undercurrent n.暗流; 潜在的情绪(尤指负面的)
expediter 原料供给人;装货人;促进者;联络人;快干者,促进派;(企业和国家急要工程的)督办员,计划督办专员
