CocoaPods问题: CocoaPods was not able to update the `master` repo.if it is a unexpected issue and

问题:cocoapods was not able to update the 'master' repo.if it is a unexpected issue and persists you can inspect it running 'pod repo update --verbose'


尝试1、根据提示,跑一下 pod repo update --verbose

尝试2、如果还是出现原来问题,升级 gem update cocoapods(如果CocoaPods还不是最新版本)

尝试3、如果升级还是出现原来的问题,那么重装CocoaPods 。

首先查看本地装了关于cocoapods的哪些东西,在终端输入 gem list --local | grep cocoapods

CocoaPods问题: CocoaPods was not able to update the `master` repo.if it is a unexpected issue and_第1张图片

接着全部卸掉上面的,在终端输入gem uninstall cocoapods

再安装,在终端输入gem install cocoapods

尝试4、如果问题依旧,那么请清除缓存再pod setup

清除命令sudo rm -fr ~/.cocoapods/repos/master

pod setup

CocoaPods问题: CocoaPods was not able to update the `master` repo.if it is a unexpected issue and_第2张图片


